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College of Arts and Sciences

Social Sciences Department

Degree Programs

The Department of Social Sciences offers four undergraduate disciplines and one double major
program in:

*Political Science
*Public Administration
*Political Science – Public Administration

The Economics, Philosophy and Sociology major programs, however, have remained dormant
for many years due to lack of enrollees. While all disciplines have the common goal of
understanding human social behavior, they vary in their approach to that goal, with each one
requiring a unique complement of courses.

Minor programs are offered in:


A.B. History

The Department’s AB History major program is one of oldest in the department. Students
who desire to pursue a major in History must complete 45-units of major History courses
approved by the department chair and the faculty advisor assigned to the program.

A.B. Political Science

A major program in Political Science is presently offered. The program consists of 45 units of
major courses in Political Science approved by the department chair. The Department’s AB
Political Science program remains to be among the two most attractive degrees in the College
and continues to draw student enrollees from various schools in Iloilo.

Students of political science are given an opportunity to develop a critical understanding of the
political aspects of society and contemporary public affairs. They are provide with a forum to
enable them to explore analytical and conceptual tools necessary to understand political events,
institutions, behavior, and change processes. They are provided with a practical background for a
variety of legal, government, public and social service careers, and a preparation for graduate
studies in political science, as well as in related fields, such as law.
A.B. Psychology

A major program in Psychology consists of 45-units of major courses approved by the

department chair. The AB Psychology program has the largest number of enrollees in the
Department in the recent years. The program provides students with the opportunity to learn
human behavior beyond the classroom setting through the completion of a 300-hour practicum
course in selecting institutions and governmental offices.

A.B. Public Administration

The A.B. major in Public Administration program which was opened in AY 2002-2003 is the
Department’s response to the growing demands particularly in government service for
competent, trained and skilled graduates to work in the various branches of the government. The
A.B. in Public Administration program is a four-year course which provides students with
theoretical knowledge and practical skills in public management and instills the values of
accountability, service and integrity. The ABPA curricular program consists of 48-credit hours of
courses approved by the department chair or the faculty advisor assigned to the program.

A.B. Political Administration—Public Administration

The A.B. double major in Political Science -Public Administration program provides a unique
opportunity for students who want to have the best of both worlds: political science and public
administration. The program prepares students for careers in the public service, both in
government and non-government organizations. The ABPP curricular program, which was
implemented in June 2004 consists of 51-credit hours of courses approved by the department
chair or the faculty advisor assigned to the program. A 200-hour practicum in a governmental
office is required.

Central Philippine University’s Department of Social Sciences offers the best of all possible
educational worlds. As a student in the department, you’ll benefit from:

* relatively small class sizes in the major courses

* competent, respected and no-nonsense faculty
* personal attention and course scheduling sensitive
to your needs
* department opportunities for practical experience in your
major through internship and practicum courses
* emphasis on interdisciplinary scholarship integration of
traditional and nontraditional (e.g., Internet) teaching
* opportunity to travel and learn beyond the classroom
through educational tours and exposure trips.
ADMINISTRATION 1. To continue in the college, a student must
BACHELOR OF SCIENCE ENTREPRENEURIAL earned credits in at Least 70% of the total
MANAGEMENT units enrolled in
BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN ADVERTISING 2. A student who fails to meet Requirement B.1
A. Admission Requirement request for readmission in writing. His case
1. All freshmen students must take the English will be studied by the Committee on Admission
and Mathematics Placement Examinations. and Retention. Upon the recommendation of
Non-passers are required to enroll in this
Development Committee, and after having been given
English ( English A) and Mathematics (Math A). academic
counseling, such a student may be readmitted
2. Transfer credentials and
a. Form 138 placed on probation. His load will reduced by 3
b. Honorable Dismissal units for every 6 units failure/dropped/left or
c. NCSO Authenticated Birth Certificate lapsed (for incomplete).
3. A student on probation who fails to meet the
Note: The student should also submit two (2) retention requirements shall be dropped from
2x2 pictures. the
3. All transferees and shiftees are admitted on
probation. Among the professional courses 4. A maximum of eight failures will disqualify
including English and Mathematics taken from the
other schools, only those with a grade of 2.0 or student from continuing in the Business
better will be credited. Administration program.

4. Transferees should present a Certificate of C. Readmission Requirements

Moral Character from the school last attended. A student who was dropped from the college
maybe readmitted provided he/she meets
B. Retention Requirements requirements B1.

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