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Whenever I think about what my future working experience would be when I

become a teacher and an employee as well, I always consider the working condition so
that I can perform well and grow not only as a teacher but also as an employee. How

much would I want to be paid for depending on the complexity of work, will the
government consider my location from work to home and vice versa, and what are other

financial benefits and professional development trainings can I get if will teach in a private
school versus public school. To be frank, little did I know that technically, I was pondering

on the topic of motivation and compensation in teacher education until I was able to read
the learning material.

Consequently, I was educated as to how significant it is for me to learn and consider

motivation, compensation, and working conditions of being a graduate of my

undergraduate course. Having a grasp of the different formal and social recognition of

work from various educational institutions will aid me to consider and choose what
specialization in education will I pursue and where can I apply it relative to my preference

both as a teacher and employee.

Hence, as it appears to me, an established teacher compensation system motivates

teachers to perform well thus, making the teaching and learning processes better.
Teachers will be dedicated to the profession while continuing professional development
for an even better and substantial education. Every compensation an institution gives
impacts an employee’s motivation and performance.

Bonador, Josette O.
BSEd 3- Social Studies

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