Ozone: How Is Ozone Different From Oxygen?

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Ozone is formed by photochemical reaction between oxygen

molecule and oxygen atom in the atmosphere.
oxygen atom + oxygen —e ozone

When ozone is formed at Low altitudes, it can cause severe

pollution problems. However. in the stratosphere, ozone
becomes very important to us. How is this SO?

There is actually a thin layer of ozone in the stratosphere, about

20— 50 km above the Earth. Here. the ozone acts as a kind of
shield. or a giant sunscreen, filtering out some of the harmful
ultraviolet radiation from the sun. If this radiation reaches the
surface of the Earth, there could be a drastic increase in the
number 01 cases of skin cancer. genetic mutations and eye
damage (e.g., cataracts being formed). Ultraviolet radiation
may also be harmful to marine life.
How is ozone different from oxygen?
Ozone is an allotrope of oxygen. Unlike oxygen, which has two
atoms in each molecule, ozone has three atoms of oxygen per
molecule. Therefore, its molecular formula is 03. Ozone is a
pale blue, almost colorless gas with a characteristic odor. In
small concentrations. it is non-toxic, but in concentrations above
100 ppm (parts per million), it is toxic. Breathing in air that
contains high concentrations of ozone can be dangerous,
especially for people with asthma.
What is causing the depletion or ozone in the stratosphere?
Scientists have discovered that the depletion of the ozone layer is
caused by chlorofluorocarbons. Chlorofluorocarbons, commonly
called CFCs, are compounds containing the elements carbon.
fluorine and chlorine. CFCs were widely used as propellants for
aerosols and as coolants in refrigerators and air conditioners.
'They were also used in the manufacture of packing foam.

Is there a solution to the problem or ozone depletion?

Many countries have now agreed to ban the use of CFCs. In 1992. an
international agreement was reached for a complete ban on the
release Of CFCs by 1996. Until now, most of the countries in the
world have completely banned the use of CFCs. However. even if the
use of CFCs is totally stopped at once, the depletion of the ozone
layer will continue for many years due to the CFCs already
present in the atmosphere.

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