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Aside from the given fractal examples, give two other examples of unique and interesting
fractals in nature where one is observed in your own surroundings. Name and describe the

Fractals are a form of infinitely complex mathematical shape that can be encountered in
so many different facets of life. Moreover, it may be seen in nature through a variety of things
such as flowers, plants, trees, animals, and even mountains and coastlines. One unique example
that can be found in nature is a Pineapple. Pineapples are unique and grow differently among
other fruits as it is a multiple fruit, it grows multiple flowers each with one ovary that produce
one fruit which later merges with its neighboring fruits to form one pineapple. The oval-shaped
spiny repeating spiral pattern of a pineapple makes it a good example of one of many fractals
found in nature.
On the other hand, another unique example can be seen through birds such as the feathers of a
peacock. However, it may not be seen at first. In fact, males of both white and standard peacock
varieties are stunning fractal instances in the animal domain. The peacock's prominent feature is
a "train" of long, green feathers. These feathers are embellished with brilliant blue and brown
eyelike motifs. Aside from the amazing design of the patterns, the beauty of peacock feathers
rests in the semi-circular fan that they produce. Actually, this stunning fan shape of feathers
forms a beautiful backdrop to the peacock's body when he shows his tail feathers. Furthermore,
because the T feathers have a profile that is the inverse of the form of the eye feathers, they have
complementary shapes.
To be precise, a major vein runs through the feather from which several barbs emerge. Barbules
extend from these barbs and small hooklets emerge from the barbules. The barbules and hence
the barbs, are held together by these hooklets , which gives the feather its shape. Apparently, the
peacock is a particularly delightful bird with feathers that are not just fractals but also generate
an attractive pattern when merged with the other feathers.

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