Laboratory Exercise IT Infrastructure

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Laboratory Exercise IT Infrastructure

Network Design Observation

Company name: “EMMAN TECH”

 Emman Tech is a tech company that focuses on creating artificial intelligence like facial recognition
attendance system, innovative software integrated with AI, big data, Robotics and also providing cloud
storage to our different costumers.
Location: Philippines

 Manila
 Davao
 Cebu
 Cabanatuan
 Tarlac

Why did you come up with that kind of design?

I come up with this design because the business is handling a huge data. So, as you can see in my network design it is
compose of Local Area Network (LAN) and the Wide Area Network WAN. So, because those networks are sensitive in
handling many data. I also concern about the security of our business and customers information’s. And in the image the
main branch in manila have 3 very secured layers and it is guarded by many people before entering inside headquarter.
So, by doing that our customer will trust to our business and feel complacent to their data. And the business is handling
many data like different faces, codes, customer and employee’s information and they cloud data storage, so we need
also to expand our branches by 5 branches. And those branches will have a network design of LAN because the scope of
their place is within the building establishment only and we have also a WAN because our customers, employees are
relying on this large networks of servers. And all the data and information that they need when sending and receiving
information are in the main data center located in manila. Those 4 small branches will also have security because we are
very concern in any cyber-attacks that will happen.

How does it help a business?

It helps the business because the example of the business is focus on a wide area of many connected computers and
other devices within the networks. They have both advantages and disadvantages because like in WAN have a slower
transfer rate of data, but the LAN have more faster transfer of data since it is a local area of networks. So, I think many
of the big companies like Google, Facebook, and many more uses this kind of WAN and LAN network design. Because
they are big, and they also need to expand more on their networks.

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