Authority SEO Domination

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Table of Contents:


Niche Selection………………………………………………………………….……8

Keyword Research……………………………………………………………….…9

Domain Selection …………………………………………………………..……12

Site Structure Planning …………………………………………………….…13

Implementing the Ideal Site Structure for Authority….………15

Content Creation (Writing The Content Yourself)………….……17

Optimizing Your Content ………………………………….…………………21

Proper Interlinking Of Your Content …………….…….………………23

Content Creation (Outsourcing)………………….………………………24

Recommended Anchor Text Variations.………………………………25

Backlinking Weekly Plan……………………………………………………..25

-Week 1 Backlinking Plan of Action .………………………………….25
-Week 2 Backlinking Plan of Action……………….…………………..29
-Week 3 Backlinking Plan of Action……………….…………………..32
-Week 4 Backlinking Plan of Action ……………….………………….36

Google Dance………………………………………………………..…………….42




Hey Hey!

Joshua and Luke here! First off we wanted to say a HUGE THANK YOU!
for purchasing our course and we look forward to helping you get
started with building Authority Niche sites that Google LOVES.

We have poured our heart and soul into this course and wanted to
really stack the value high so you can walk away knowing EXACTLY
what you need to do to get started with building an authority site.

A few things we do want to mention before you dive in is:

1. This is NOT a get rich quick scheme. Making money online no

matter what strategy you decide upon will take hard work and
dedication on your part to become successful.

If you bought this program expecting us to have the Holly Grail of

Loopholes that will make you Millions by next Thursday then please
send us an email and ask for a refund because you are going to be
highly disappointed.

But on the other hand if you are looking to build a long term business
online and are willing to take the time to not only LEARN the business
but TAKE ACTION by following a proven systematic approach to
building authority websites then Congratulations we are going to take
you on the ride of your LIFE!

Our goal by the end of this report is for you to not only better
understand the power of SEO and how it works but to also know
EXACTLY where to start to gain the results you are looking for.

You see the great thing about building Authority sites is that once you
know and have a system you can follow, the sky is the limit on the
amount of income you can generate.

To see just how powerful building niche sites can be we challenge you
to do focus on nothing else for the next 3-6months and just simple
focus on implementing and following what we outline in the report and
see just how well it works.

You see one problem too many people trying to make money online

have is jumping from one strategy to the next without sticking to one
long enough to actually make money with it. So will you be one of the
few who actually takes this report and runs with it? Or will you be the
person who by next week is on to the next shinny object?

2. We have left NOTHING out in this report. You can take all the
information contained herein and take the Google world by storm. That
being said we have included all of our resources that we personally use
in our business. Some free and some paid. The free ones are free of
course and the paid one’s may have a small one time fee or a small
monthly fee that we may get a commission from if you purchase using
our link. This is 100% your choice and if you rather go to the website
directly and not use our link then you are free to do that.

Also just because we mention a paid resource in the course we do not

want you to feel as if you will not be able to make this work if you
can’t afford that particular service.

When I first got started I literally had 0 dollars to invest in paid

services. I built ALL my links by hand until my sites started generating
enough income to where I can start purchasing tools to make my life

I also did my best to provide you with alternative FREE ways of getting
the same results if you are one of those people who cannot invest in
any services starting out.

Enough about that let’s jump right into this bad boy!

Let’s Begin:
All right guys so over the next few pages we are going to get into
some of the most effective and powerful information to help you better
understand SEO and how to get your websites ranked in Google -

When it comes to SEO it really comes down to 4 major things:

1. Niche Selection: Selecting a niche is probably going to be the

toughest thing for many of you because EVERYONE wants to know the
answer to the golden question: What is the BEST niche to go after?

2. Good keyword research: This is probably the most important step to

the whole SEO process because the last thing you want to do is build a
whole SEO campaign, spend months after months working your ass off
to rank for a keyword that at the end of the day will not produce any

3. On Page SEO: Once you have your keywords picked out it's time to
optimize the content on your website so that Google knows exactly
what your website is about. We wil be covering exactly how to
structure your content properly for maximum results.

4. Off Page SEO: Once you have your website properly optimized it is
time to get the buzz going about your site. Off Page SEO is basically
getting links from high authority relevant places to let Google know
your site is relevant for the terms you are trying to rank for. Here we
are going to be covering many different back linking strategies like
social signals, press releases (the free and cheap way), guest blogging
(the easy way), web 2.0's, bookmarking, member blogs, but not only
where to get these links but how to set it up for maximum results.

So let's not waste anymore time and get started.

Niche Selection:
So what is the best niche to get started in? The right answer is the
famous "It Depends." It depends on what you know a lot about, what
you know very little about, your budget, etc. If you will be writing the

content yourself, outsourcing the content etc.

But over the next few sentences I hope to give you a guideline to
helping you find the right niche for you.

There are a couple things you want to make sure you are looking for
when deciding whether a niche is a good niche to enter.

A. Is it an evergreen niche? I personally love building sites in an

evergreen niche because there will always be content for you to
publish and you can expect to make money from that site today and
for years to come.

B. Is it a buyers niche? Are people willing to spend money in the niche

you are considering? One of the best ways to find out if people are
spending money in your possible niche is to do a quick Google search
and see how many advertisements shows up on the page.

If there are loads of advertising then that's a good sign people are
spending money in that niche because companies are paying for that

If there are little to no ads showing up then it's a possible sign that not
many people are spending money in that niche.

The reason you want to know if it's a buyers niche is because we want
people who are going to be clicking on links and banners on your site
which is how we get paid.

Regardless if the ads you are showing on your site are adsense,
Amazon, Clickbank etc you will not make any money if you are not in a
buyers niche.

C. Get Targeted in Your Niche: One of the biggest problems many

people make is being WAYY to broad in their niche selection.

It is no secret that going after the weight loss niche is a HUGE niche
and perfect for making money online. BUT you have to be able to
break it down and get really specific as to what sub niche within the
weight loss niche you want to target.

Do you want to go after women?

Do you want to go after men?

Women who just had a baby?
Women over 40?

Men looking to get shredded abs?

Men looking to get bigger biceps?

Do you want to target Vegans?


You see all of these are big niches under the big health/weight loss
umbrella and you can build an authority site in these kind of sub

One last thing to keep in mind about niche selection is if you can
identify a problem and put up a site that gives people valuable
information along with a solution to that problem then you can make
boat loads of cash with authority sites.

So those are just a few things to keep in mind on deciding what niche
to enter.

It also helps to know a little about the subject of the first site you
decide to put up.

Take me for example the first niche site I ever put up was about how
to play Chess. My father taught me at a very early age how to play
chess and it's a game that I still play to this day. So I truly enjoyed
putting together that site.

*Important Note
If you were born under a rock and don’t have a talent or know a lot
about a particular subject then it doesn't really matter because we are
going to talk about how you can either pay someone to write for you
or how to properly research information to put together a high quality
article yourself.

Keyword Research:
Keyword Research is really a skill all on it's own. If you get this wrong
then you are going to be extremely frustrated when you spend months
ranking for a keyword that ends up being a dud.

I am going to cover a few tips when it comes to keywords research

here but I think what is going to be most beneficial for you is to watch
the training video's I put together where you are going to see me pick
out a great keyword to target live on camera and see how I go about
the research and competition analysis.

No matter what niche you are in you are going to approach keyword
research the same. Regardless whether your site is an authority niche
site, e-commerce site, or a site promoting your own products/services.

It really does not matter what you are promoting the keyword
research is always going to be the same.

You are going to find buyer keywords that get decent search volume
and have acceptable levels of competition that will allow you to rank
within 30 days - 3 months.

The key point here is BUYER keywords just as I mentioned before

when talking about selecting a buyer's niche you want to keep that
same mentality when finding keywords. Why do you want to target
buyer keywords? It's simple, we are in this business to make money
and we make the most money when people are in a buying mood.

A few examples of good buyer keywords are:

1. Review keywords: These are my favorite kind of keywords to target

because the likelihood of someone making a purchase comes down to
how well your review is put together and how well you guide them to
make their final buying decision. Many times it's as easy as just
validating why they SHOULD buy the product and where to get the
best deal. (by clicking on your affiliate link of course)

2. Specific Product Model's: This goes hand in hand with the review
keywords. If someone is searching for information on a particular
model of a product then you can be rest assured they know what they
want and are working their way down the buying cycle.

3. A few other types of Keywords that are good to target are keywords
that identify a problem and you are able to provide them a solution on
your website.

A lot of these keywords will start with words like:

How To
How To Stop

How To Prevent
How To Cure

So for example if someone is searching for "How To get rid of acne"

you can provide a complete article outlining the different options on
the market for treating acne.

I personally don't like to target keywords that get under 1,000 exact
searches per month. The reason for that is because a position #1 in
Google will get you about 40-50% of the traffic for any particular
keyword. (again the training videos go into detail about my process)

So if you are ranked #1 for a term that gets 1,000 exact searches per
month you can anticipate getting 300-500 visitors per month for that

Now the way that I like to build out my sites I tend to target 15-30
keywords all who get about 1,000 searches per month so you can see
how easily the monthly visitors start to add up.

I also sometimes bundle up variations of the same keyword to equal

up to 1,000 searches per month. So let's say I find 2 keywords like
"xyz product reviews" and "xyz product review" both who get 500
searches per month, I would then optimize one article on my site to
rank for both keyword terms.

That way I still get the 1,000 exact searches but broken up into 2
keywords. And YES you can rank the same blog post on your blog for
multiple keywords.

I've even gone as far as targeting one blog post for 3 different
keywords. If one keyword gets 390 exact searches per month, the
second gets 300 and the third gets 350 but they're all the variation of
the same keyword then I would optimize one blog post for all 3

I do want to be mention really quick that you do NOT have to just go

after 1,000 searches per month. This is just my preference and how I
choose to build my sites. You can do extremely well by targeting long
tail keywords per blog post that each get 300-500 searches per
month. You can publish 5-10 articles targeting long tail keywords and
still get some good traffic. I don't want you to get discouraged if you
are having trouble finding those 1,000 searches keywords.

Be sure to watch the videos I put together on Keyword Research here
which will break it down even further.

Now that we have keyword research out of the way it is time to get
our website properly optimized.

On Page Optimization:
Domain Selection:

Now before you even think about doing the on page optimization on
your website you need to first have a domain name. Now I won't go
into how to buy a domain as that is very self explanatory and whether
you decide to go with Namecheap or Godaddy is up to you. (I
personally recommend Namecheap since there is no upsells at all)

Since we are going to be building an Authority domain I suggest you

pick something with some brand value.

Think, two of the biggest review sites when it

comes to electronics and neither of them have an exact match domain
for any particular keyword but yet are HUGE authorities.

Those are the kinds of sites you should be thinking about building from
here on out. The way I look at it is as follows, you can either put up
100 small niche sites, each targeting a different keyword/product
which means:

- You will need to buy 100 different domains

- Install Wordpress 100 times
- Install Your Preferred Plugins 100 Times
- etc etc 100 times.

OR you can:

- Buy 1 General Brandable Domain

- Install Wordpress Once
- Configure Your Preferred Plugins just once
- Publish 20,30,40,100 Articles under that same domain each targeting
a different keyword

The later of the two will position you as the authority in your niche

giving you more trust in Google's eyes while small niche sites leave
you more open to penalty updates etc.

You will also start to see that your pages start ranking a lot faster just
from gaining the trust of Google and continuing to grow your site.

Don't over think the selection of your brand able domain either. Just
think about some of the biggest brands out there like the word Google,
who would've ever thought something like the word Google could grow
into the brand that it is today. Or take Amazon for instance, there is
nothing in that word that tells you they are one of the largest e-
commerce sites online. In both those examples they had to develop
their brand into what it is today.

So once you have your domain selected it's time to start your site
structure planning.

Site Structure Planning:

The point of building an authority site is to be able to publish content
in various types of sub categories within your major niche.

There are a few things you want to keep in mind when building an
authority site:

1. Each new post that you will be publishing will be properly

researched for keywords to target. Both short tail and long tail
keywords. Essentially you are going to want to get traffic from every
single post on your blog. I really don't see the point of publishing
articles for keywords no one is actually searching for.

2. Each new post will be properly optimized for the target keywords
identified in step 1. The great thing about building an authority site is
that not only will you begin to see traffic coming in to your site from
your exact keyword you will also start to see traffic from "broad" and
"phrase" match variations of your target keywords also known as "long
tail keywords"

You can also easily optimize each post for multiple keywords as I
mentioned previously. This can easily be done by mixing up the header
tags for the different keywords, varying up the anchor text from your
internal links from other posts, sprinkling the different terms in the
article (wherever possible - if it does not read well do not insert your

keyword) and also switching up the Alt text of the images used in your
article assuming you are using more then on image.

3. Every post will also undergo their own back linking campaign as well
as proper internal linking. With an authority site you will be able to
create a nice internal link structure allowing Google to properly crawl
every post on your site as well as crawl your site more often then the
old school 3-5 post small niche sites.

Also since each post will be targeting a different keyword and be

backlinked separately you can consider each new post as a new site on
it's own. This goes back to the point I mentioned earlier, you can
either create a new site every time you want to target a new keyword
or just publish a new article on your authority site and rank that article
for your desired keyword.

4. As your site gets bigger and bigger, you publish more and more
posts, backlink each post etc, the trust and authority of your site will
get stronger allowing all future posts and categories to gain trust
almost instantly by proper interlinking the new content from the older
posts which have already gained Google's trust.

This is how Cnet is able to easily rank a newly published article with
virtually no backlinks, just solely from authority.

5. You do want to make sure that you are going to be targeting a

niche and keywords where people are looking to spend money today
and 5-10 years from now. That's why I love building review sites
because there are ALWAYS things/products/services to review no
matter what niche you are in.

As I mentioned previously you want to go after buyer keywords so that

you are not only getting the hottest buyer traffic to your site, you can
continue to publish new articles.

6. Be Patient: Building an authority site does take more time then

cranking out 3-5 post niche sites in a 3-4 hour window. You have to
stay committed to the long-term success of your site and know that if
you foliow the steps outlined in this report Google will start to
recognize you as the authority in your niche.

Now that we got a few ground rules out of the way your site is going
to look is as follows:

- Category 1 (example: TV Reviews)
-- Article 1 (Toshiba XYZ Review)
-- Article 2 (Panasonic XYZ Review)
-- Article 3 (Sony XYZ Review)

- Category 2 (example: Game System Reviews)

-- Article 1 (PS3 Review)
-- Article 2 (Xbox 360 Review)
-- Article 3 (Wii Review)

- Category 3
-- Article 1
-- Article 2
-- Article 3

- Category 4
-- Article 1
-- Article 2
-- Article 3

Based on the example above you will notice how easy it is to be able
to cover several different categories/topics all under the same site.
Starting to build and structure your site in this manner will allow you
to build an authority site just like cnet, engadget etc.

Authority sites are the new SEO in the post panda/penguin era if you
want to be able to sleep at night and know that your site is update

I typically like to create 3-5 categories per authority site and have 5-
10 articles underneath each category.

So exactly how do you pick the categories for your authority site? The
good'ol Google Keyword Tool of course.

If you have not taken the time to watch the keyword research videos
that came along with this training be sure to do that as I cover
keyword research quite extensively in those videos.

But basically the way I like to use the Keyword tool to identify
categories is by casting out a wide net and filtering through the results
to find keywords that people are actually searching for.

So I would do something like do a Keyword search for the general
term "reviews." By doing that I am able to identify that the keyword
"television reviews" gets a good number of search volume.

This is a GREAT topic to start a website around because new TV's are
always being released and people are buying TV's daily.

Once you identify the keyword "television reviews" I would then run a
search for that term and see what comes up.

Running that search turns up A TON of great potential category

keywords that will help me to build out my site structure.

From that I can set up the structure like this

Television Reviews - Main Topic

Different Categories we can publish under would be:

- LG Television Reviews
- Plasma Television Reviews
- LED Television Reviews
- LCD Television Reviews
- 3D Television Reviews
- HD Television Reviews

From there I would continue chopping down and identify what are the
most popular TV's currently on the market for those particular types of
TV's. I would identify 3-5 different model type of TV's that get good
search volume that I can publish under each of those Categories.

One good place to check for these would be Just go

under their Electronics section and start to identify which TV's are the
best sellers and start there.

Another great thing about starting to think like an authority site

builder is that you can take this niche site even further and create
additional categories and start talking about home theater systems,
surround sound systems, movie screens etc.

So you can really grow the original topic of "Television Reviews" into a
Massive all around home entertainment monster site.

I hope this section really helps you to get into the mindset of why you

want to start building authority sites and why you should never put up
a 3-5 page small niche site ever again.

Now that we got keyword research and Proper site structure out of the
way let's get into Content Creation.

Content Creation:
When it comes to content creation there is really two options you
have. You can either write the content yourself or you can outsource
the content. It all depends on your budget. When I built my first niche
site I wrote ALL the content myself even the 1500 word front-page
article. I also put together the content for my second and third niche

Then once those sites started brining in some decent income the first
thing I outsourced was content creation and it was probably the best
decision I ever made. It really cleared up a lot of time so I can focus
on other things. Now of course if you are not in the position to
outsource right off the bat then I will cover how you can still write a
rocking article.

Writing an Article Yourself:

I always keep the same structure when writing my articles. Here is an
actual image of how it all looks when it's all polished up and optimized.

I will be going into optimizing the content once we have it written.

Regardless whether I am writing a review, a How-To article or just a

general article I always use that same structure. You have to keep in
mind humans are extremely visual beings, we love to look at pictures,
watch videos etc. So I like to include both in just about every article I
write. This way you will also be covering those who rather read and
those who rather watch a video.

So let's get into writing the article. There is a simple 3 step process
that you can follow to make sure you stay on track and don't include
unnecessary information in your article.

1. What Do You Have

Here you will just basically be introducing the reader to what the topic
of the article will be. You will also include the features, specs, etc of
the particular product you will be talking about. Or if you are writing a
How To you will cover the things the person will need to accomplish
what you are about to teach them.

2. What Can it Do For Them: In this section you will be breaking down
ALL the benefits that the person will get by following your advice,
buying your product or the product you are recommending, It is also
helpful to include the pros and cons of the product/service you are
discussing. You want to make this the most important part of the
article since people buy products and services based on what THEY will
get out of it. The famous "WIIFM" factor (what's in it for me). I would
also include some testimonials of past clients, customers etc.

3. What to do next: This is where your conclusion and your call to

action goes. What action do you want the person who just read your
article to take once they're done reading your article. Do you want
them to click a link? Sign up to your list? etc

How this would look in an article would be as follows.

- Introduction
- Features
-- Specs
- Benefits
-- Pros
-- Cons
- Conclusion

Now let's say you know nothing about the product you are going to be
writing about. This is where you investigative skills have to come into
play and just pretend as if you were writing a research paper for

The good thing is that a lot of the information you will need is already
out there on the web, it's your job to find it and write it in your own
words. Please by no means do I want you to interpret this as me
telling you to go out there and blatantly copy someone else's content.

Not only is that unethical but it will definitely not help with your SEO.
What we are going to be doing is taking bits and pieces of articles that
are already out there, saving them to a notepad file and then writing
our own article based on the information we have gathered.

One of the easiest ways to find such information is by doing a simple
Google search for your target keyword and having a look at the
information that is already out there. One of the BEST resources as
well is where you can find testimonials from real people who have
purchased the product.

There are several ways you can use these testimonials as well.

1. Look at the good ones and write down all the particulars that the
person mentions. Things that only someone who owns the product will
know. Like "The item exactly matches with original filter and it only
took 5 minutes to install" So If I were to grab that piece of information
and write something like this in my article "If you are looking to
replace your old filter with the new series then you have nothing to
worry about because it matches the old filter perfectly and it only
takes 5 minutes to swap it out"

2. Look at the 3-4 star reviews as this is where you can get the
information for your cons section. If someone gave the product a 3 or
4 star review then there is a good chance they are happy with their
purchase except for 1 or 2 small details. Like this review for example
"the filter seems to only last about two months before it clogs and the
water pressure works at about half of it's original pressure" So based
off of that statement I would write something like: "One downside to
this filter is that the life span may be under 90 days. Some users have
reported that their filter started to clog up and lose pressure after
about 2 months of use."

Don't be afraid to write something negative about a product as well. If

the product completely SUCKS then write a bad review about it. This
can turn out to be a positive for you as well because you can offer
people an alternative product that costs just the same that works way
better then XYZ product.

You can find great reviews on both Amazon and the actual product
owners website as well. You can also find great reviews on other retail
store websites like,, etc.

Some additional sources for you to find questions and concerns your
potential website visitors are facing is by looking at forums in that
specific niche. To find some of these forums you can just simply do a
Google search for "your keyword+ forum" From there you can start
flipping through the forum threads and see what questions or concerns
people are posting. You can also see what people are replying to those
questions and concerns and also get some great content for your

This works well if you are going to be writing a "How-To" article and
for just about any type of article for that matter. You can also find
some great feedback on certain products by seeing what people are
posting in the forums.

One last great resource for finding great content to write about is
"Yahoo Answers" This is like a goldmine for finding what problems
people are having in your niche PLUS the solution to that problem.

You can easily go to Yahoo answers and run a search for your
particular niche and see a TON of different questions people are asking
about in your niche. Not only that but a lot of times there are answers
on there by EXPERTS in that particular niche or actual owners of the
product or service.

This is the exact steps I take to write articles for subjects I know
nothing about.

Keep in mind that all the information you will EVER need to write
awesome content is already out there on the web. It's your job to find
it and re word it into your own. You see just how easy I did this with
the two examples above.

If you would like a KILLER resource on writing quality VIRAL content

that attracts natural social shares and back links, then you can pick up
my good friend Jimmy Wrex's "The 800lb Content Gorilla" report.

This report got Warrior Special offer of the Day on July 7th 2012 and
sold like HOT Cakes for 7 days straight. I was able to convince Jimmy
to let me throw it in as a free bonus just for customers of this report.

So Download it and Enjoy it! 

Following this outline you can easily crank out 500-1,000 articles in
about 1-2 hours. I personally do not like publishing articles less then
500 words on my authority sites and I recommend you follow the

Once the raw article is complete it's time to find a related Video to go
with your article as well as some images.

Finding a video is not very difficult. It's as simple as doing a quick

Youtube search and finding valuable information on the subject of your
article and embedding it.

If for some reason you can't find a video on your topic then you can
write up a quick summary and create a video yourself. You don't even
have to be on camera, you can use a screen recording software and
just talk about what you wrote about in your article. (You can see an
example of how I did this here

The other advantage of creating your own video like the one above is
that you can also rank your video in both Google and Youtube for
some additional traffic and affiliate sales.

However video marketing is a whole topic in itself so hopefully you

took advantage of the special video marketing training offer we put
together with this training.

That is how simple it can be to either find a related video on Youtube

or create one with a simple screen recording software. I personally use
ScreenCast-O-Matic for screen cast videos.

Finding related images is something that really requires no special skill

so I don't want to spend much time on it but you can easily find
images by doing a Google image search or looking on

Optimizing Your Content:

Now that we have our article written, have the video and images we
want to use, it's time to get our article queued up and optimized.

Before we get into optimizing our content it's important for you to
remember that you are writing content for the users who will be
reading your content and looking for helpful information so the last
thing you want to do is insert your target keyword into your article
where it does not read correctly just for the sake of keyword density.

If you want to win with Google you want to think like Google and what
is the main reason Google updates their algorithm? To Improve the
experience of their users and make sure they get the BEST information
in the shortest amount of time.

That's how you want to think, you have to remember that REAL people
will be reading your articles and if you want to be the authority in your
niche you have to be sure you have THE BEST information on the topic
you are discussing.

So the following "checklist" is a simple guide to follow on optimizing

your content but again if you can't insert your keyword into your
article and still keep the quality then just skip it.

1. Have the Keyword In Your Main Title

2. Have the Keyword in Bold in the first paragraph.

3. Have the Keyword as the "Alt" Text on one image (you do not
want to have EVERY image in your article have the alt text as
the keyword because you may open yourself up to over SEO'd

4. Have the Keyword In the Body of the article as a clickable link
linking to the article itself

5. Have the Keyword In the Last Paragraph in italics.

6. Have the Keyword in H1, H2, (I would include your keyword in

H1 and possibly H2 depending on the length of the article. If it is
a 1,000 word article then I will most likely have my keyword in
H2 but that's about it. I would have an H3 as well but just to
give my article some user friendly structure and most likely will
not have my keyword in it. You have to keep in mind that Google
is now targeting over optimized sites so having the keyword in
H1 sometimes is enough)

The ones that will give you the most trouble to make sure they read
correctly will be #2, #4 and #5 since you will be having to work it into
a sentence in your article.

The way that I work in #2 and #5 into my article is very simple. In my

introduction I usually say something like "First off I want to say thank
you for being here reading my "insert keyword here" article, I plan to
share with you the best information to help you understand whether
xyz is right for you or not."

For inserting my keyword in the last paragraph I do the very same

thing. I will usually write something like "I hope you found my "insert
keyword here" article helpful and you now have a better understanding
of how xyz works and are able to make a more informed decision…"

For inserting my keyword as a clickable link in the middle of my article

I would write something like "If you have read other "insert keyword
here" articles then you will notice that they too speak very highly of
xyz" Or something along those lines that works into what the
paragraph is about.

If you are brand new to SEO and are not really sure how to use the
editing functions in Wordpress to insert Heading tags, Alt text etc then
watch this quick video where I quickly show you how to do it.

That is pretty much it when it comes to optimizing your content. Keep

in mind that since you are building an authority site you are going to
follow the same On page optimization for each article.

Interlinking Content:
One last thing I want to talk about is properly interlinking your
content. This is going to not only help keep users on your site for
longer but it is going to help Google properly crawl all of your newly
published pages. You will also be sending "inner link juice" from one
page to another.

Interlinking is the simple task of linking one article to another from

relevant anchor text mentioned on another article.

So let's say you write an article about "The Best Paddle Boards
currently on the market" then a couple days later you write an article
about "The Best Places To Go Paddle Boarding" in the latter article you
talk about you're favorite brand of paddle boards, you can add a link
back to the article about the best paddle boards and vice versa.

As well as manually adding these inter links every time you publish
new articles there are a couple of Free Wordpress plugins that add
some additional inter linking juice to your posts.

My favorite of the two is the LinkWithin Plugin. This cool plugin pulls
the images and title of your articles and adds little thumbnails at the
end of your article which will increase reader engagement as well as
interlink your content. LinkWithin is free to use and it’s pretty self
explanatory on how to get a copy for your site by visiting their

The other free plugin is called "Another Related Posts Plugin" This
plugin does the same as LinkWithin but without the thumbnails
images. All it does is add a clickable link at the end of each article to
other related articles. You can find ARPP by running a search inside
your Wordpress dashboard under “plugins”

Of course I prefer LinkWithin because we are visual beings and we are

more drawn to picture then plain text.

Outsourcing Content:
Let's say you have a budget and don't want to spend the time writing
articles yourself and you want to streamline the article creation
process. I actually put together an article on my blog earlier this year

where I cover the two writing services in detail. I included the pros,
cons of each service as well as a video that walks you through both
services. You can read the article here

Ok so we have niche research, keyword research, proper site

structure, content creation, optimizing content, and proper inter
linking all covered.

We are now going to dive into the wonderful world of back linking. But
I don't want to be like every other report that gives you such little
back linking or WAY TOO much back linking information that you don't
know where to get started. What I want to do is give you a week by
week system for you to implement that will send your rankings
through the roof.

Before we jump into the step-by-step blueprint to build your links let's
cover Anchor Text Diversity.

Prior to Google's Zoo busting out of their cages and unleashing their
fury on all webmaster's it was common to keep your anchor text at
70-80 even 90% with great results. Nowadays you want to be more
careful with the anchor text percentage you are using on your site and
give it a more natural look.

Anchor Text Diversity:

The Anchor Text match we recommend now is as follows:

- 15% exact match anchor text

- 10% other variations of your keyword (Including phrase and broad
matches of your keyword i.e long tail keywords. For Example if your
main keyword is Weight loss you would include Lose Weight, how to
lose weight, lose weight fast, tips to lose weight etc)
- 25% random anchor text (click here, read more here, find out more

- 25% brand keywords (Your Website Name - this is assuming you
bought a brand able domain name as we mentioned at the beginning
of this report.)
- 25% raw URL back links ( - if you are linking
to a specific article then use the raw blog post URL)

Let's go ahead and jump into your back linking plan of action.

Backlinking Plan of Action:

Week 1
In the first week of your site being live you want to not only be
publishing a new article daily or every other day you want to keep the
links between 50-60. If you are outsourcing your articles and order a
bulk order of 10+ articles you can easily upload and schedule a new
article to be published daily in one days work - just simply use the
"schedule" feature in Wordpress.

As tempting as it might be to go to and order a huge blast

of 1,000 links to your newly created site PLEASE do NOT fall into the
microwave mentality. Remember we want to build a long-term
sustainable traffic source that is immune to any kind of Google update.

One thing I want to talk about is velocity over volume. When it comes
to a successful SEO campaign you want to develop a healthy link
velocity for your website so that it grows "naturally" over time. The
last thing you want to have is a scattered link velocity by building
1,000 links your first month then 100 the third month then 2,000 the
next etc. This will look very unnatural to Google and open you up to a

In the first week once you have already published at least 2-3 articles
we are going to send a few types of links. Please do keep in mind that
since we are building an authority site each of the articles on your blog
and each new one you publish in the future will go through this

Most of the links in the first week will be Social Bookmarks and Social
Media links. There are 3 resources that I use to send these types of

1. SocialMonkee: Social Monkee is a great automated Social

Bookmarking service that will allow you to send 25 social bookmarks
to all new articles you publish. It also drip feeds the bookmarks over a
minimum of a 9 day period or more so it all looks natural. They do
have several plans and their entry level plan is just $7 which is WAYY
inexpensive and you are allowed to send 25 social bookmarks to a new
URL every 14 days.

The sites that Social Monkee submits to are privately owned sites so it
is purely for link juice purposes unlike the next resource we will be

2. Social Adr is another great way to build social

bookmarks AND social media links as well. The difference between
Social Monkee and Social Adr is that Social Adr is a community of
people who bookmark each other's content on very popular sites like
stumble upon, digg, delicious etc. So you can expect to not only get
great quality links, you can get some great click through traffic from
these sources.

Below are just 2 examples of how powerful Social Adr can be to

sending Viral click through traffic to your site on complete autopilot.

The first image shows a spike of over 600 visitors in one day from and the second shows a spike of about 60 visitors from
StumbleUpon. This goes back to writing high quality content on your
site that you are proud to share on these popular networks.

Social Adr does have a free option but it's more labor intensive then
paying for one of their premium packages. If you use the free option
you will have to sign up to all the sites they use which can take 3-4
hours or you can buy ready-made Social Adr accounts on

Once you have the sites loaded up you will have to share to be shared,
meaning your content will only be shared when you gain enough
credits by sharing other peoples content. Again if you pay for a
premium package you can avoid having to add your social network
accounts and you won't have to login daily to share people content.

I personally use the $37 per month option with great success. It allows
me to have 30 active URL's that are being shared for me on autopilot.
You also don't have to worry about getting a boat load of links all at
once because every time one of your posts get's shared it's shared on
10-15 networks.

They have also recently integrated Facebook likes, G+'s, tweets, and
Pinterest shares but only for premium users. So you can also get some
nice social signals. (if you do not know how to install social buttons on
your blog be sure to register for the Wordpress Tutorials here)

3. SocialMaximizer: Now this is Social Bookmarking on steroids! Social
Maximizer is just link Social Monkee but on steroids. With Social
Maximizer you can choose the sites you want your content submitted
to based on the page rank of the bookmarking site.

So you can go in and pay to have your content bookmarked on strictly

sites that are PR1+, PR2+, PR3+, PR4+ etc. This is pay as you go
service so you can go in and pay for bookmarking as you need it. It is
a little more expensive but you are getting good quality high PR links.

What if I can't Pay For Any of The Services?

Let's say you are in a position where you are going to have to create
your social bookmarks manually (don't be ashamed or feel pressured
to have to pay for back linking services.

When I got started I did ALL my back linking manually until I started
making enough $ to start outsourcing and paying for different services
that made my life easier) here is a great resource that lists a ton of
social bookmarking sites that have great PR where you can go in and
sign up to bookmark your content. You can even sort through the ones
with the highest PR.

The link below already has them sorted with the highest PR at the top.

The last task for week 1 will be to create accounts for your new site on
all the major social networks with links back to your site.

You will be creating a Facebook Fanpage, Twitter Profile, Youtube

Channel, and Pinterest. All of these sites have a place where you can
insert your website URL. For Pinterest you will be creating a Board for
your website and adding each of your new articles as well as
homepage to your board. In the Wordpress Tutorials you will also learn

how to add the "Follow Us" icons which link to your social media

So that is it for Week #1. Just a quick recap of what your homework

1. Publish and create 2-3 articles (don't forget to properly interlink

your content)
2. Sign up for Social Monkee and submit your new articles to 25
bookmarking sites
3. Sign up for SocialAdr and have your content shared on Popular
Social Bookmarking sites
4. Order high PR Social bookmarks from Social Maximizer or create
them on your own using the resource listed.
5. Create Your Social Media Accounts

After week 1 your domain should be indexed by Google and you might
already see your first few articles begin to show up in Google's index
but most ilkely not in the top 100 results but this is normal since the
site is brand new and still being developed.

Week 2:
During week 2 you are going to publish another 2-3 articles or if you
used the "schedule" features in Wordpress you already have multiple
articles scheduled to be published during this week. In terms of back
linking we are going to send about 60-70 links during week 2 in the
form of Press Releases, article marketing and blog networks.

We are going to kick things off in Week 2 with a nice shot of Press
Releases. Press Releases are not the most powerful form of back links
since Google knows that this is self promotion BUT it does help for
diversifying the link profile as well as IP diversity. So there are 2 ways
to do this. The free way and the paid way.

I am first going to cover how to have it done by a professional Press

Release distribution service. A nice and inexpensive company that I
use is Their starter package of
$24.95 is going to give you about 40-50 back links from various
different news sites including Google News, Bing News, and Yahoo.

You can also go to Green Light Articles and have a professional Press
Release written for about $10 depending on the amount of words

(400-500 words is fine) Keep in mind that in your Press release you
are allowed 2 links in the body of the article and a homepage link in
the resource section. So you will want to have your keyword as your
anchor text for those links.

If you do not have $30-$40 to spend on having a press release

distributed for you then I am now going to cover how you can use free
press release sites to submit your press release. It is a little more
labor intensive but still effective.

Here is a list of Free Press Release sites you can use to syndicate your
press release:

Now that you got your press release out of the way we are going to
send some blog network links to your blog post. I know that blog
networks have received some bad press over the last few months
since Google went on a massive deindexation of some of the major

But think about it for a second, the reason Google went after blog
networks is because THEY WORK.

Blog networks give you some of the best and strongest link juice you
can get because you are getting in context back links from high PR

Blog networks still work you just have to use them more cautiously to
adapt to the Penguin update. Make sure that you are submitting
relevant content to the networks and that your links are part of the
article and not just in random places that doesn’t flow with the
sentence the link is in.

Blog networks have also started adapting to the Penguin update by

providing you less links but from more relevant sites.

Also DO NOT abuse the networks. Don’t blast your site by syndicating
10 articles into a blog network in one day. Follow the blueprint we
have laid out in this report.

I personally use and recommend Unique Article Wizard as my blog

network of choice but it is not a cheap service. At $67 a month you
may want to consider paying someone on who has an
existing account to submit a few articles for you.

Or you can find 2 or 3 people that are interested in building authority

sites and split the cost of the membership.

The great thing about UAW is that they drip feed the links so you will
not be getting a ton of article links all in one day. You will probably
end up getting about 100 links per article submission spread out
across several weeks. I recommend 1-2 articles MAX to be submitted
into the network on week 2.

Another great network that is still very effective is Article Ranks. The
great thing about Article ranks is that you can actually get access to it
for free.

All you have to do is add a blog that has a PR1+ and you get points
every time they publish an article on your blog. Once you have more
then 2 points you can syndicate your first article. Each article you
publish into their network costs you 2 points.

For both of these networks I have just mentioned you will need to be
able to spin your articles so that every time one of your articles gets
published it's a unique version of that article.

I highly recommend using Spin Rewriter, it is a web based spinner so

you can use it on both Mac and PC and you can access your articles
from any computer since they get stored in your account. This is also

going to come in handy for week 3.

One last Blog network that I want to mention which I use is Backlinks
Kindgdom. Backlinks kingdom is not the best network out there since
all of there sites are PR-0 but it can add to the diversity of your links.

Although they have recently integrated the ability to post to web 2.0
sites as well but I have not taken the time to see how well it works. I
use mostly their private network of sites. If you are going to use them
to be sure to use their drip feature if not all the links will be sent within
2 days.

Backlinks Kingdom also integrates with Spin Rewriter so you can spin
articles within your members dashboard. I personally own their "King"
level which allows me to syndicate 5 articles per day with 3 links within
each article.

In week 2 you are also going to want to submit 3 Original 500 word
articles to some of the major article directories online. Again you can
either write these yourself or use some of the services covered
previously to have them write for you. Some of these include Ezine
Articles, GoArticles, ArticlesBase etc. Below is a list of about 10 article
directories you can submit to. In week 2 just pick 3 of the 10 we will
use the others later on


That is it for week #2. Just a quick recap of your homework:

1. Publish 2-3 articles on your blog (don't forget to properly interlink

your content)
2. Submit your new articles to your Social Monkee account to get
3. Add your new articles to your SocialAdr account.
4. Write or outsource a press release and either pay to have it
syndicated or manually syndicate with the list of free press release
sites provided.
5. Sign up for UAW or pay someone on to syndicate a
Maximum of 2 articles into the network. (or sign up for article ranks
and do the same)
6. Write 3 500 word articles and submit them to 3 of the 10 article
directories provided.

Week 3:
During week 3 you are going to publish another 2-3 articles and
remember you want to interlink your content as mentioned before.

During week 3 you are going to be building more blog network, web
2.0 links, member blog links as well as some guest blogging but don't
worry we have a more streamlined way of guest blogging then having
to track down web masters.

So remember the articles you created to syndicate into the blog

networks? We are going to use them again this week to create our
web 2.0 and member blog links. What you are going to do is set up
accounts on the following sites:

||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| (this one is a little tricky to find your blog but once
you create an account and login > click on dashboard at the top right
> then click on "Publish" in the top menu. This will take you to your
member blog)

All of the websites above let you have a free blog on their site where
you can publish articles and have links to your website. The cool thing
about Spin Rewriter, which I mentioned before, is that not only do
they store your articles in your dashboard but you can login at any
time and simply hit "Generate New Version" and it will spit out a brand
new unique version of your article ready to publish.

That is what we are going to do for each of the above sites. I

personally add both images and videos also to the articles I publish on
my web 2.0's and members blogs just to give it some styling but this
is 100% up to you. I also keep the links in each article to a maximum
of 3. 1 to the homepage and 2 to 2 other articles on my blog.

I also include one link to one of the other web 2.0 sites above. So I
would link my article to my Blogger article then
Blogger to LiveJournal then LiveJournal to TypePad etc.

You can see how this works in the image below:

If this image is hard to see you can see a bigger image here:


Let's now jump into Guest Blogging. But not the traditional way most
people think of Guest Blogging where you have to chase down web
masters and hope they get your message and allow you to publish
your article. I'm going to talk to you about a cool new free resource
where web masters are waiting for good articles to publish but where
you too can get some great articles to publish on your blog and save
yourself some article writing time.

I am talking about

Content Facilitator is 100% FREE to use for now. Depending on when

you are reading this article they may have already switched to a
paying membership style.

They have been sending out emails asking it’s members to give
feedback if they prefer to have a higher quality network with a paying
membership and it seems as if they are leaning towards making the
switch soon.

But even if it’s paid by the time you create an account they are going
to have a starting package of $17 which is still a bargain. With that
package you can submit 30 articles to the network per month.

Again you can always partner up with one other person, split the cost,
and you each have 15 articles to syndicate per month.

As of right now to get access to the network all you have to do is add
a blog where you can accept content (regardless of PR) and you will
begin to gain points by publishing other members articles and once
you get a certain amount of points you can add an article for you to
have published on someone else's blog.

The great thing about Content Facilitator is that they do NOT accept
any spun content or duplicate content. So unlike other blog networks
we spoke about before, that allow spun content, you can consider
Content Facilitator to be a Guest Blogging network.

Another thing that I like about Content Facilitator is that web masters
are constantly searching the article database to find great quality,
relevant content to publish on their blog. So not only are you
syndicating great quality UNIQUE content you too can search the
database to publish article onto your blog.

(Once they switch over to their paid platform they will still have a free
option available which will allow you to still publish articles to your

There are a few different limitations that you can set to your article
like how many times it can be published or if you want it to be
published on just 1 blog. Since they don't allow spun content you want
to keep this in mind and possibly put a limit of 3-4 blogs to be allowed
to publish your one article.

I recommend submitting 2-5 articles to Content Facilitator in Week 3,

depending on how quickly you are able to ramp up your posting
points. So be sure to add a blog to the network as quickly as possible
and start publishing content. Once you add an article to the network
and someone published it you will be notified via email.

In week 3 you will also be submitting 5 more spun articles to one of

the blog networks mentioned previously. Unique Article Wizard is the
primary one I use.

That is it for week 3 here is a quick recap of your homework:

1. Publish 2-3 articles on your blog (proper interlinking)

2. Submit your new articles to your Social Monkee Account

3. Submit your new articles to your SocialAdr account.
4. Create accounts at the web 2.0 sites mentioned and post articles
with link to your site.
5. Bookmark the Web 2.0 articles to your Social Monkee Account
6. Sign up for and add a blog so you can
publish articles and gain points.
7. Submit 2-5 Articles to Content Facilitator depending on how many
points you acquire.
8. Submit 5 articles to one of the blog networks mentioned preferably
Unique Article Wizard

Week 4
Depending how big of a site you are building by week 4 you should
have between 12-20 articles posed on to your site. In week 4 we are
going to be stepping things up a bit and creating 10 Web 2.0 and
member blog sites, posting 20 blog comment links, posting 5 articles
into UAW network, and post 3 more article to article directories.

Since you should now have a good amount of articles posted on your
blog we are going to be syndicating your RSS feeds to some RSS
aggregators for some extra back links as well.

All right so first off we are going to create 10 Web 2.0's/member blogs
from the list below:


Now the majority of the sites above are sites that allow you to have a
free blog while a few of them are membership sites where you are
allowed to have a member's blog. When you sign up to the
membership sites just look for where it says "blog" or "blogs" and you
will be able to start posting articles.

You can either write 3 new articles, spin them using Spin Rewriter and
rotate the articles between the 10 sites or use some of the previously
used articles that are stored in your SR account.

Remember that you are going to be doing the same as before where
you are going to link one Web 2.0 from one other Web 2.0 property.

Now let's go ahead and move on to building some blog commenting

links. Now I am sure you have heard about using blog comments for
back links a ton of times. The reason for that is THEY WORK.

They not only work for back links but they also work for getting click
through traffic to your blog if done correctly. Also it's one of the most
white hat techniques you can implement since you are just leaving a
comment on a blog you like with a link back to your site. (now of
course there are ways to exploit blog commenting with automated
tools but we are not going to do that) We are going for quality over

One thing I do want to mention before you start posting comments is

to use an actual name in the "name" field of the comment. Some
people try to use their anchor text as the "name" field but to me this
looks cheesy and makes it 100% obvious that you are commenting
purely to get a back link and may cause your comment to get rejected.

Also I'm sure I do not need to mention this but make sure you leave a
comment that actually adds some value to the article. What I do is
usually read the first paragraph a few sentences in the middle and the
last paragraph, by doing this I get a good idea of what the article was
about which allows me to leave a relevant comment.

The reason that I say 20 is because I want you to make it a habit to

make at least 4 blog comments per day on relevant blogs. This is a
task that can be done in about 10-15 minutes per day. However what

we are going to do is to make sure that the blogs to comment on come
to us instead of us going and tracking them down.

The way to do this is by setting up Google Alerts every time a certain

phrase is mentioned on a blog. The image below shows exactly how to
set this up.The good thing about Google Alert's is that it will send the
information directly to your email and you can set it to email you "as it
happens" or "once a day" either one of those two is fine. By using
Google Alerts you are also making sure that you are visiting blogs that
are actively posting articles so you have a higher chance of getting
your comments approved.

Another great way to approach blog commenting is to target sites that

have the "CommentLuv" plugin installed. This plugin allows you to
show the title of your latest blog post at the end of your comment.

Now it will be tough to find blogs with CommentLuv installed AND in

your niche every single time so it's ok to get a few links from sites not
in your niche while at the same time while using the Google Alerts to
get relevant ones.

Here are a couple of great resources that show a list of blogs with
CommentLuv installed:


That list along with setting up 3-5 Google alerts for different keywords
in your niche should give you a nice jumpstart to blog commenting.

One last resource I want to mention where you can find blogs to
comment on is For those of you who are not familiar
with Blog Engage this is a HUGE community where bloggers hang out
and bookmark their content.

Not only that but the majority of the bloggers on Blog Engage will
have the CommentLuv plugin installed.

There is a one time fee of $30 to actually join BlogEngage and be able
to post your content BUT if you want to just use their site to find blogs
to comment on you can do so by just browsing the homepage and
going through all the bookmarks.

Ok here are 3 more resources that I want to share with you. I promise
these are the last 3.

The following 3 sites are just like BlogEngage but FREE to join and
publish content. So not only can you find blogs to comment on you can
bookmark your content on these sites for some backlink juice.

If you truly want to become an authority in your niche then hanging

around those sites will definitely help you out tremendously. Just
about every person who submits content into those 4 networks is
actively building their brand and blog.

In week 4 we are also going to syndicate 5 articles into the Unique

Article Wizard network. Keep in mind that with each article syndicated
you will be sending links to each article on your site. Since each article

allows 3 links that means that you can send links to a total of 15
URL's. Do NOT send the links of ALL 5 articles to the same 3 URL's.

You will also post 3 more articles to 3 of the 10 article directories

mentioned before which you have not previously posted to.

The last step you will be performing in week 4 is to submit the RSS
feed of your site to 3 major RSS feed services.

To find the RSS feed of your blog all you have to do is add /feed to the
end of your site for example

Once you have that URL you are going to go to:

IMT RSS Submitter (for this one you will have to create an account on
this forum to use their tool) Once you have your account created just
follow the link we provided to submit your RSS.

Bulk Ping Rss Submitter (this site does not require you to create an
account to use their service and it's pretty self explanatory to submit
the feed of your site.

950 RSS Submit (this site also does not require for you to create an

These 3 services do a great job in syndicating your RSS feed for some
additional back links.

That is it for Week #4. Here is a summary of your homework:

1. Publish the remaining articles on your blog (proper interlinking as

2. Submit your new articles to your Social Monkee account
3. Submit your new content to your Social Adr account
4. Create and post to the 10 Web 2.0 sites provided
5. Set up your Google Alerts and post 20 blog comments in total (4
per day on average)
6. Syndicate 5 articles into the UAW network
7. Post 3 articles into 3 of the articles directories not previously used.
8. Submit the RSS feed of your site to the 3 sites provided.

Now that we have reached the end of Week 4 you should start seeing
some results in terms of improved rankings. I predict that you should
be between page 1 and page 3 depending on the competition of your

keyword. With this system my sites are usually high page 2 low page 1
by week 4 if not sooner.

From here on out this is the basic outline that we will continue on a
steady and weekly basis for the next 90 days. You want to be sure you
use each of the back linking strategies we covered in this course on a
week-by-week basis to ensure you reach page 1 of Google.

Here is a list of some additional web 2.0 sites to get you started in
week 5:

Remember to always be creating the broken link wheel from one web
2.0 to the other.

If you did not pick up our special offer which will show you EXACTLY

how to supercharge your back links and make sure they get indexed
then you will want to grab it here. It makes no sense to build links if
they are not getting indexed. This special report with the included
plugins will show you exactly how to index your back links.

Keep in mind that with our special offer you are also getting my Tube
Takeover Formula, which will show you how to quickly get Youtube
videos ranked on the first page of Google for quick and easy affiliate
My video training combined with this SEO report will have you
completely DOMINATING the first page of Google.

The Google Dance:

One thing I want to cover before you freak out is that your website will
do A LOT of jumping around the SERP's during the first few months
since your website is brand new and Google is trying to determine if
you are worthy of being on page 1.

I have had a site shoot straight to position #2 in Google the first week
of having set up the site and it'll stay there for a few days and then
completely disappear.

I know this is completely normal so I just went on with my business

building back links and 90 days later BAM my site went from no where
to be found back to #2 overnight and has been there ever since. So
you just have to remember to stay patient and give Google enough
time to give you the authority you deserve and if you follow the
blueprint we laid out above then there is not reason they shouldn't.

All right you have finally made it! Congratulations on completing this
course. We truly hope you enjoyed it and are fired up to get out there
and take action. We feel we have laid out an easy to follow road map
to building authority websites that Google loves that are going to be
around in the long run.

It is now up to you to go out there and take action on the information

provided. One thing I want to mention one more time is to be patient.

Building Authority sites is not a get rich quick scheme where you can
expect to make hundreds of thousands of dollars by next week. This is

a long-term strategy that if you consistently implement over time can
start making you a substantial amount of money. You just have to be
committed to stick to it until you make it work.

My advice would be to focus your 100% time and energy on 1-3 sites
max during the first 3-6 months. You do not want to get crazy and
start trying to create 10 authority sites every month.

Remember with authority sites we are going for quality over quantity
and you can always expand and build upon an already existing site
instead of starting a whole new one.

That is it from us if there is anything we can do to help please feel free

to contact us.

Summary of Resources Mentioned:

1. Keyword Research Videos

2. Cheap resource to outsource content creation.

3. Another resource to outsource content creation.

4. The 800LB Content Gorilla: Awesome Report on writing quality content that
attracts a ton of social shares and natural backlinks.

5. Sample of Simple Screencast Video: An example of how easy it can be to

make a video.

6. LinkWithin Plugin: Cool plugin that allows for great interlinking with picture

7. Outsourcing Content Article: Here I talk about the pros and cons of using
Iwriter and GreenLightArticle so outsource content.

8. Social Monkee: Great resource for getting social bookmarking links.

9. Another great resource to get social bookmarking links but

also click through traffic.

10. Great Resource to get high PR social bookmarking


11. Free Social Bookmarks List: If you can’t afford the paid social bookmarking
services then you can find a huge list of free ones here.

12. Submit My Press Release: Paid Press Release distribution service.

13. Unique Article Wizard: My recommended blog network of choice.

14. Article Ranks: Another great blog network which you can get free access to
by adding a PR1+ domain to the network.

15. Spin Rewriter: Awesome web based article spinner. Spin, store, and
generate a new version of an article whenever you want.

16. A great guest blogging resource for getting high

quality links.

17. BlogEngage: Where a lot of great bloggers hangout and bookmark their

18. BlogInteract: Another site where bloggers hang out and bookmark their

19. BizSugar: Yet another great place where bloggers hangout and bookmark
their content.

20 IMT RSS Submitter: FREE Rss submissions service.

21. Bulk Ping RSS Submitter: FREE Rss Submission service.

22. 950 RSS Submit: FREE Rss submission service.

23. Special Offer For Video Training and Backlink Indexing Training


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