English Grammar Conversations

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 When and where were you born, Mason?

 I was born in Detroit on the 15th of June in 2000
 And where do you live now?
 Now I live in Los Angeles, in California
 And what do you do?
 I am a student, I study business
 That is very nice. What do you like to do in your free time?
 I am pretty busy during the week, but I am usually free on weekends.
I sometimes go to a movie on the weekends.
in summer, usually in July, I go home to Detroit to visit my grandparents.
My family and I go to the beach and relax in the sun in the morning and in
the afternoon.
In the evening I often eat at a restaurant with my friends.
Have you ever been to California?
 Yes, I went to California a few months ago with some friends and visited
Disneyland. It was so great.
in the morning, we walked through the theme park to Sleeping Beauty's
castle. we walked to the lake and took a pirate boat ride across the water
to the island.
At lunch time, we took the train around the park and stopped at a
Then, we went on a boat ride in the theme park.
In the afternoon we watched a show at the theater, and it was really
At the end of the day, we went to the shops on Main Street and bought a
lot of souvenirs. It was such a great experience.
 I’ve got a new office now, Vivian!
 Really? that's cool
 I still don't know how to design it.
How many cabinets are there in your office?
 There are four cabinets in my office and three shelves on the wall
 What other furniture do you have besides the cabinets?
 I have a large desk and a comfortable chair, a sofa and an armchair.
 Where your desk and chair?
 they are in front of the window between the cabinets
 What about the armchair?
 It is opposite the sofa
 Are there any tables in your office?
 There is a coffee table in front of the sofa
 Are there any pictures on the walls?
 Yes, there are two pictures above the sofa
 Is there a computer in your office?
 Of course, there is a computer on my desk, next to the phone
 Are there any flowers or plants?
 Yes, there is a plant next to the sofa
 What about a printer?
 There is a printer on a small cabinet, near the desk
 Thanks a lot for your help, Vivian. This gives me a good idea of how to
arrange my office
 My pleasure, good luck with your decorating
 Oh my God. this room is such a mess! What happened here, Thomas?
 My nephew and niece came over last night and played with the dog.
They ran all over the house and made all this mess.
 I will help you clean things up before we go if you like really sure
 What should I do with all these mugs and glasses on the desk?
 Please take them to the kitchen and I will take these creams and lotions to
the bathroom
 Where should I put the vase under the desk?
 Put it on the table
 How about those gloves on the floor near the desk?
 Oh, those go in the closet on the top shelf next to the scarves
 And these clothes on the chair what should I do with them? Are they dirty?
 Yes, put them in the laundry basket and take them to the laundry room in
the basement
 Please, put those books and notebooks in the bookcase on the bottom shelf
and I am going to put these papers on the desk
 There is some money under the desk.
 Oh, please give it to me, I will put it in the wallet
 Do you need these paper balls?
 You can throw them away I do not need them anymore
 The trash is full
 All right then I will put it in a bag and take it outside
 Is this sneaker yours?
 Yes, it is mine. Can you put it on the shoe rack in the hallway?
 Yes, sure. What about these glasses on the printer?
 They are my dad's. I am so glad you found them. He had been looking for
them all over the house.
I think we are finished. Thanks a lot for your help.
Let’s go.
 Where do you get the best pizza in Greenwich?
 No doubt about it. It has to be planet pizza. No way, the pizzas in Colony
Grill, just around the corner, are so much tastier... and they have more
variety and the friendliest waiters.
 Yeah, I agree Louisa much better quality. It is not the cheapest though, but
they're more delicious.
 It is true. That Colony Grill is nearer than Planet Pizza. The cheese is not as
good though, and for me it's all in the cheese. They use the worst cheese.
apart from this, they also offer fewer types of pizza than planet pizza. I
think planet pizza has the most amazing pizza I have ever eaten with the
crispiest base ever, and it's less expensive than in other places. Their
cheese is the best it can be.
 Hey guys, have you heard that a new pizza place has opened up in town?
Would you like to check it out? I heard they are giving away free samples
 Yes, we would. let's go guys

 You both live in London. Do you ever go to the center of London to see
famous places like the Tower of London?
 Yes, sometimes. maybe three or four times a year, but I rarely go there in
the summer holidays. It's always too crowded because there are a lot of
 So, what do you do in the summer?
 I go to the skate park with my friends nearly every day. we love
 Do you ever go shopping?
 I almost never go shopping. I prefer to buy everything I need online.
 What about you lucy? What do you do in the summer?
 There's a nice swimming pool near my house and I go there pretty often
with my friends. it's great fun
 What other things do you do with your friends?
 Well, we love shopping, so we usually meet often to go in the shopping
 How often do you go there?
 We usually go to the shopping center once a week in the holidays
 And what other things do you do, apart from the shopping?
 Well, we often go for an ice cream when it's hot. There's a new ice cream
parlor near my house and they have Italian ice creams, they're delicious.
There's also a big park near our house. at weekends, I generally go there
with my parents and my sister, and we have a picnic and play games there.
Those are my favorite days out.

 I’m starving, let's get something to eat.

 Okay, I’m hungry too. These chicken nuggets are really good, aren't they?
 Yes, they are. they taste so good.
 You enjoyed the movie, didn't you?
 I did but the book is superior to the movie. you do agree, don't you?
 I’ve read the book and I love it. It is so realistic and very well written, but I
enjoyed the movie too, both are good just in different ways. the actor's
performances are superb.
Hemsworth is really great, isn't he?
 Yes, he is.
 He can play all kinds of roles, can't he?
 I believe he can
 and he plays all of them marvelously, doesn't he?
 I guess so, you seem to admire him very much.
 Yes, I do sorry, I’m getting too enthusiastic, aren't I?
 Just a bit

 Who is the guy who helped you with your math homework?
 Oh, that was Jerry. He's the one that came to the party which our teachers
 Oh right. he was the guy who was wearing an orange cap
 Yeah, that's him. He's in love with my classmate, Grace whom he met last
He helped me with the homework that was due yesterday.
I’m taking the same math class that he took last semester.
 That's the class that Professor Martin teaches right?
 Yes, and she is the professor whose homework assignments are very
difficult. I was failing the class, so I had to get help from somebody who
understood it.
 Everybody has at least one subject, which is especially difficult.
Remember when I took that Physics class which I wanted to drop after just
two weeks. I had to find a tutor and I ended up doing well.
 Yeah, I remember that you took that class in the same building where my
mama worked at the time
 That's right.
 You aced that glass in the end, that's so funny.

 Jessica is very skilled at drawing; she is so talented.

 Yes, she is, and she can also paint very well.
 I can barely draw stick figures and I can't paint at all.
Can you?
 Well, I'm not too talented at drawing or painting either.
 I can sing very well though. I can also play the guitar.
Can you play any instrument or sing at all?
 No, I can't, but it’s very good at sports, I can run fast, jump high and play
tennis very well
 Yes, I know. You're already a tennis star. You are very talented at this sport.
Well, I think I have a natural talent, but I also have to work very hard.
 How many hours a day do you practice?
 I have to train two hours a day
 When did you start playing tennis?
 My father started giving me lessons when I was six years old. By the time I
was ten, I could beat him.
 Hello, may I help you?
 Hello, I am looking for a present for my wife, please
 May I ask what is the occasion?
 It is our 10th wedding anniversary
 Congratulations
 Thanks, this is a perfect moment to give her something very special.
Could you recommend something?
 How about a perfume? Do you think she would like that?
 Yes, definitely. She likes perfumes with sweet fruity smell.
 Perfect. may I recommend this one? It is a floral fruity fragrance for
women. top notes are Mango, Nectarine and Blood Orange. It might be
exactly what she needs
 Can I smell it? Hmm… I think this one is perfect. I will take it.
 Would you like me to wrap the perfume for you, sir?
 That would be fine, thanks
 Andrew, you need to clean up your room.
 I cannot do it now. I have to finish my homework.
 Okay then, do your homework first.
 Mom, can I go with Justin later?
 I do not think you should. He must be very busy studying for his exam.
 But I think we both need to go out and get some fresh air
 Okay you may go, but only after you clean up your room
 Okay I will do it, thanks mom.
 You must be home before 9 pm.

 I cannot believe your mother bought us tickets to the theater. that's so nice
of her.
 We really deserve this treat. We studied hard for the exams. She would not
have bought them for us if we had failed our exams.
 That is right, when you work hard you get rewarded.
 If you, please my mother. She always treats you well.
 Anyway, if I see her tomorrow at your house, I will thank her in person. She
is such an amazing person
 Yes, you can do so. I think she will be very happy. We will have so much fun
You know what? if I had more time, I would take drama classes. I just love
 I think you could find the time to take drama classes while continuing with
your formal education
 That is true, I would still go to our school in the morning. drama would be
for the afternoons or evenings.
 Yes, that could work.
 if I see the director of the theater group tomorrow, I will ask him what it
takes to be part of his group.
 Do you like to perform in front of many people?
 Yes, I do. If I saw you on stage, I would be extremely proud of you

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