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• Spiritual Reality- A journey within

• Spiritual Reality takes you through a unique journey

• A journey which will change your life
• A journey which will enrich you
• and make you knowledgeable,and blisfull
• Spiritual reality is a program, on meditation and meditational experiences
• While you watch this program, be totally relaxed
• just witness it
• just flow with it
• don't try to analyse it
• totally be with it
• if any thought comes, let the thought
• take a deep breath
• and just be with it
• it is just for you
• In this whole creation, we are just a small speck
• each one of us is in search of good health
• peace, knowledge, prosperity
• harmony, and overall, a happy and blissful life
• at all given times and situations
• each and every person tries hard to achive this state
• but can this realy be achieved?
• Yes, this can be achieved
• All this is posible only by understanding cosmic energy and Self knowledge
• Now, let us know about COSMIC ENERGY
• The Cosmic energy exists everywhere in the cosmos
• it is the bond between the galaxies, the planets humans and molecules
• it is the space between each and everything
• it is the bond which keeps the whole cosmos in order
• Cosmic energy is the life force
• this cosmic energy is esential to mantain the order of our life
• and to expand our consciousness
• Cosmic energy is the base for all our actions
• and functions
• We receive some amount of cosmic energy
• in deep sleep
• and in total silence
• we are using this energy for our day-to-day activities
• of our mind: like seeing
• speaking, hearing, thinking and all actions of our body
• this limited energy gained through sleep
• is not sufficient for these activities
• that is why we feel exhausted
• tired, and tensed
• this leads to mental and physical stress
• and all kinds of illnesses
• The ony way to overcome this
• is to get more and more cosmic energy
• Cosmic Energy is essential to maintain the order of our life
• to lead a healthy and happy life
• to totally involve in all situations we are in
• to obtain knowledge
• and finally for expansion of our consciousness
• Abundant Cosmic Energy is obtained only through MEDITATION
• Sleep is unconscious meditation
• Meditation is conscious sleep
• in sleep, we get limited energy
• in meditation, we get abundant energy
• this energy, enhances the power of our body
• mind, and intelect
• it opens the door for our sixth sense
• and beyond
• With this boosted energy through meditation
• we will be relaxed, healthy, and happy
• it also help to reach greater heights
• in the physical realm
• Meditation is nothing but a journey of our consciousness
• towards the self
• In meditation, we consciously travel from body to mind
• mind, to intellect
• intellect, to self, and... beyond
• To do meditation, first we have to stop all the functions of our body
• and mind.
• that is: body movements, seeing, speaking and thinking
• Now, let us know how to do meditation
• For meditation, the first thing is: the posture
• You may sit in any posture
• the posture must be very comfortable
• and stable.
• we can meditate, either on the floor
• or, on a chair
• we can meditate, in any place
• wherever we feel comfortable
• sit comfortably, cross your legs, clasp yor fingers,
• Now, close your eyes
• stop inner or outer chatter
• don't chant any mantra
• just relax
• totally relax
• just relax
• When we cross our legs and clasp our fingers
• energy circuit is formed, and gives more stability
• eyes are doors of the mind
• so eyes, should be closed
• mantra chanting or any chattering, inner or outer, are activities of the mind
• so it should be stopped.
• when body relaxes, consciousness travels to the next zone
• mind, and intellect
• Mind is nothing but a bundle of thoughts
• there are numerous thoughts
• always coming to the surface of the mind
• whenever there are thoughts in the mind
• we may get many questions
• known, or unknown
• to transcend the mind, and intellect
• one has to observe the breath
• Observation, is the nature of the self
• so, one should just witness the breath
• Don't do conscious breathing
• don't inhale or exhale consciously
• let inhalation or exhalation happen on its own
• just observe the normal breathing
• this is the main key
• this is the way
• Don't go behind the thoughts
• don't cling to queries, questions, or thoughts
• Let the thought, come back to the breath
• observe normal breathing
• be with your breath
• then, the density of the thoughts reduces
• slowly, breath becomes thinner
• and shorter
• Finally, breath become the smallest
• and settles like a flash in between the eyebrows
• in this state, one will have no breath
• and no thoughts
• He will be totally thoughtless
• This state is called "Nirmal Stati"
• or, "No thought state"
• This is the meditative state
• In this state, we will be under the shower of Cosmic Energy
• The more meditation one does
• the more will be the cosmic energy one receives
• The energy body formes with more then 72000 "nadis" or energy tubes
• which runs all across the body
• all these energy tubes
• start from the top of the head region
• this region is called "brahmarandra"
• This nadis spread throughout the body
• like roots and shoots of a plant
• the energy body is the main base for the design of our life
• this energy body is the main source of all our actions and even for our existence
• our energy body receives cosmic energy during the deep sleep
• and meditation
• We are using this energy for our body and mind activities
• like speaking, seeing, hearing, thinking and all physical actions
• All this functions are totally based on the incoming Cosmic Energy
• The in-flu of cosmic energy
• Is purely based on our thoughts
• When we have thoughts, the in-flu of cosmic energy is obstructed
• In other words, our thoughts are the stumbling blocks for the in flu of cosmic energy
• When the in flu of cosmic energy is less
• the energy in energy tubes decreas
• this deflation causes etheric patches in the etheric body
• these etheric patches gradually lead to diseases in the psysical body
• In other words, root cause for all diseases
• is the lack of energy in the etheric body
• In meditation, we get abundant cosmic energy
• it flows through all our energy tubes of the energy body
• When cosmic energy is passing through energy tubes
• because of its heavy flow, it cleanses all etheric patches
• When etheric patches are cleansed
• We come out of all our illnesses
• when energy starts flowing through the "brahmarandra"
• we feel heaviness in the head region
• or heaviness of the whole body
• when energy is cleansing the energy tubes in a particular region
• we may get itching sensation, or pain, in that region
• sometimes, we may experience pain
• In various places in the physical body
• for these pains, we need not take any medicine
• all these pains will vanish by doing more meditation
• By intake of more and more Cosmic Energy through meditation
• we come out of all our physical and mental illness
• Now, let us go through once again, what we have understood so far
• Meditation is a journey towards the Self
• for this, we have to transcend the body and mind
• by assuming a comfortable posture, our body totally relaxes
• and this facilitate transcending the body consciousness
• By observing our normal breathing
• we transcend the mind
• When we transcend the body and mind
• then, the Cosmic Energy flows
• Cosmic Energy cleanses all illnesses of the body
• thereby, we will be healthy, without any medicine
• More and more Cosmic Energy releases all the tensions and stress of the mind
• As we practice more and more meditation
• mind becomes calm, and has more space
• this, leads to higher memory power
• More and more meditation
• leads to higher understanding capabilities
• Then, it leads to good interpersonal relationships
• Meditation enhances the happiness of family life
• Mind will be tranquil
• Meditation makes you healthy and blissful
• Meditation helps us to get all the answers to all our questions
• To achieve this, and more,
• meditation should be practiced every day
• Meditation can be done at any place
• Meditation can be done at any time
• even during a journey
• in one sitting, meditation should be done for a time equal to one's age
• for instance, a 32 year old man, should do meditation at least for 30 min in one sitting
• For meditation, you need not leave the family life
• Everyone should do meditation
• Children are best meditators
• they can start meditation at the age of 5
• For meditation, you need not go in search for any physical guru, master
• The guru, the master, is within
• Your breath is your guru
• Your breath is your master
• It is for everyone
• Meditation is the journey of our consciousness towards the Self
• To do meditation, we have to transcend the body and mind
• When we transcend the body and mind
• we reach the Self
• Then, we receive, abundant Cosmic Energy
• By more meditation, our Self-knowledge expands
• Now, let us try to understand what is KNOWLEDGE
• Meditation takes you to the realms of higher knowledge
• Knowledge, is nothing but experience
• Experience, is nothing but totally involving yourSelf
• By practicing more and more meditation
• we receive higher energy
• with this higher energy
• higher involvement is achieved in every aspect
• which leads to higher knowledge
• Through knowledge, we get higher understanding, and wisdom
• with this understanding
• we understand that we are not just the body and mind
• We understand that we are miraculous beings
• we understand all the situations we come across
• and come out of all our problems
• by higher understanding.
• Higher energy and higher knowledge
• expands the consciousness
• Expansion of the consciousness
• is the very purpose of the Self
• Higher knowledge is obtained only through higher senses
• The third eye is a very powerful tool of the soul
• To see, to feel and to hear
• the higher frequency realities
• These 3 functions of the soul
• are known as THIRD EYE
• By practicing more and more meditation
• more energy flows
• more energy activates
• The third eye
• It is a great experience for a meditator
• At the time of activation of the third eye
• we feel an itching sensation or pulling sensation on the forehead region
• we start seeing glimpses of various color rotating around us
• We hear murmuring sounds, sounds of walking
• we feel as if we are traveling in a pitch dark tunnel
• When the etheric body gets sufficient Cosmic Energy
• by more and more meditation
• our third eye gets perfect
• here we perceive crystal clear visions of this plane, and other planes
• In third eye perfection
• we see many things, clearer than the physical visions
• we see other frequency realities
• we see things that are not prezent in the realm of five senses
• we feel so many things which we cannot express with words
• we hear inner voices
• sounds, or sounds of instruments from other frequencies
• we see Masters who are not there physically with us
• we see Masters in a physical form as we know them
• After more meditation, we start seeing the Master like a bright light
• Even by seeing the bright light
• we feel the identity of the Master
• we can hear the messages from the Masters
• we feel like moving in a tunnel, and finally, merging with the light
• Through third eye experiences we know, we can get answers for all our problems
• through messages from the Masters or by seeing other frequency realities
• or, as a feeling
• by this, our actions will change
• our beliefs will change
• our understanding will change
• After this third eye experiences
• we find changes in our perception on this physical plane
• Now, let us know the other tool of the Self
• that is ASTRAL BODY
• ASTRAL BODY is a tool of the Self
• to perceive other frequency realities
• Astral body is one more form of our consciousness
• just like our physical body
• In normal conditions, our consciousness is spread throughout our physical body
• when we receive sufficient amount of energy
• and when we feel to perceive other frequency realities
• consciousness moves in the form of Astral Body
• we perceive Astral Body experiences unconsciously in our sleep,
• which we call dreams
• One can perceive Astral Body experiences consciously
• in Meditation
• Astral body travels beyond space and time
• After conscious astral experiences we start perceiving new dimensions
• In meditation, after receiving abundant Cosmic Energy
• the consciousness which is spread everywhere in the body
• starts moving towards a point
• while consciousness is moving, we experience jerks in the physical body
• we feel as if our body is floating
• we don't feel the hand and legs
• we feel lightness of the body
• like a feather.
• Movements maybe experienced in different parts of the body
• or sometimes one may experience as if the whole body is rotating
• These are known as Astral movements
• By practicing more and more meditation
• we get more Cosmic Energy
• the consciousness takes the form like an Astral Body
• starts rotating very fast
• which causes heavy movements
• After the movements, Astral Body starts coming out of the physical body
• with a link called Silver Cord
• Silver Cord is nothing but a high vibrant consciousness
• which transfers the messages of the physical body to the Astral body and viceversa
• with this, we do astral travel
• Astral travel is a travel of our consciousness
• to known and unknown places and frequencies
• By doing Astral travel
• we get highest knowledge and understanding of Self
• In astral travel, our astral body can pass through every physical materials
• all elements, like earth,
• water
• fire
• wind
• and ether
• Astral Body can go to all other frequencies
• without any limitations
• After coming out of the body
• the meditator sees his own physical body
• By this, he gets a great understanding
• He understands that he is not just the body and mind
• but he stays in the body
• This, is a great understanding
• Everyone should experience Astral Travel
• By experiencing Astral Travel
• our limitedness will vanish
• and we will understand that we are unlimited
• By this experience
• we understand that WE are the Consciousness
• we understand that WE are unlimited
• we understand the new dimensions of life
• By practicing more and more meditation
• we will receive more Cosmic Energy
• Cosmic Energy improves our involvement in whatever we are in
• by more and more total involvement with body,mind, Self
• we understand in total about the situations
• This understanding is nothing but knowledge
• The common person will get only experience
• but fail to perceive the knowledge in that situation
• this is because, he experiences the situation with physical understanding alone
• But a meditator, will understand the situation in total
• It is so, because he knows that he is not just the body
• He knows that he just stays in the body
• He understands that the situations are for his evolution
• After experiencing all meditational experiences
• and implementing it in our practical life
• we will get great understanding
• This understanding, opens up several thousands doors
• which gives new dimension of perceptions in our life
• Our understanding, our perception and our knowledge
• expands a lot.
• This leads to the expansion of our consciousness
• which is nothing, but having Wisdom
• We experience this state of wisdom
• as a thousand petal golden lotus
• Each and every petal
• is a new dimension of understanding
• By perceiving more and more dimensions
• we understand more and more knowledge
• of other existences
• With this understanding, we come to know, that there is no death
• and we are eternal beings
• We understand what is birth
• and what is death.
• Life after Life
• We came to this earth plane
• as a speck of cosmic consciousness
• while coming from the Source, we come with etheric body
• as a structure of the Self
• We come to this Earth plane to have unique experiences
• for our experiences, we select the womb, we select the parents
• environment, and situations
• The whole design of life
• is known to the Self
• After selecting the mother,
• speck of consciousness enters the mother's womb
• After consciousness enters the mother's womb
• the fetus gets life
• the physical body takes the shape according to the Cosmic Energy
• in the etheric body and the Cause
• Consciousness will be traveling frequently to the source
• till it takes its first breath
• After coming out of the mother's womb
• it takes its first external breath
• This is known as birth.
• From day 1 to the age of 7
• we will have awareness of the source
• the mind starts taking its shape from the age of 7
• It's completely formed by the age of 14
• The intellect, starts its activation from the age of 14
• and is fully developed by the age of 21
• From the age of 21, to the age of 28,
• one experiences the combination of body, mind and intellect
• From the age of 28, life depends on Self knowledge
• If one does not have awareness of the Self
• His consciousness lies in between body and mind
• Because of this, misery starts
• He cannot understand the situations
• Things will become more critical for him,
• He molds himself into concealed rigidness
• Rigidness, blocks the cosmic flow
• Due to this, he suffers physical ilness
• stress, and tensions.
• He passes his days without awareness
• He cannot understand the very purpose of his life
• He passes from childhood days, to youth
• than to old age, and finally, passes away from this earth plane
• without completing the purpose of coming to the earth plane
• This is what we call death.
• Even after death,
• the layer of rigid mind with wrong understanding
• does not allow the consciousness to reach the Source
• Because of the wrong understanding
• he creates his own hell...and heaven
• and stays as a lower astral being
• If one starts one's life, being with the Self
• One will always be blissful in all given situations
• even after death, one won't be in the lower frequencies
• one will go back to the Source
• By obtaining higher knowledge through the Third Eye
• Astral travel, knowledge of birth and death,
• One will have perfect understanding
• of body,mind, intellect, Self,and Life Force
• One understands that the consciousness is a combination
• of Energy and Knowledge
• Consciousness comes to this plane to gain more Energy and Knowledge
• and to create.
• By living all the time with this understanding
• One starts getting a higher understanding about the existence of the whole Creation
• With this understanding
• one will become a miraculous creator
• Then,
• Whatever one speaks
• it manifests
• Whatever one thinks
• it manifests
• Whatever one does
• it becomes a Creation
• This is Enlightenment

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