Scientific Writing and Reporting (Inh01)

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Penulisan Laporan dan Karya Ilmiah

Scientific Writing and Reporting

Indriana Hidayah
Anugerah Galang P.
The course discusses proper scientific paper writing and works,
• Techniques for conducting research
• Paper writing using English

The learning outcomes (LOs):

• able to apply effective writing
• able to analyze scientific figures, tables, graphs
• able to paraphrase
• understand research ethics and avoid plagiarism
• able to make notes based on articles and, within a group,
prepare a literature review report
• able to deliver a report from literature review
• able to prepare and present result of literature study
The topics
1. Introduction to scientific writing and reporting
2. Effective Writing
3. Paraphrasing
4. Active, Passive, and Grammar
5. Punctuation
6. Table, Figure, and Graph
7. Mathematical equation and algorithm
8. Plagiarism
9. Research Ethics
10. Research Planning
11. Note Taking
12. Literature Review
13. Presenting Research
• Please access eLoK UGM and self-enroll to
PLKI_2019 (INH)
– Enrollment key: dteti2019ganjil
• Will be available in the site
– Slides
– Quizzes
– Assignments
– etc.
1. Scientific writing
• What is scientific writing?
– Writing a scientific subject or reporting a scientific research.
– It is different from other writings, such as news.

• Scientific writing  usually called as “scientific

paper” or “research paper” or just “paper”.

• What is a paper?
– Scientific report of an author to the community (relevant
• Example of a
paper 
• A glimpse on
What is good paper?
• It isn't artistic prose that we expect in a paper,
we expect clarity. The paper should be easy to
read and understand.
– The ideas are
• clearly expressed and
• well organized.

• How to achieve this?

– First, we’ll work on general writing skill.
Good writing
• What is good writing?
– Communicate an idea clearly and effectively
• Logical & clear thinking
Have something to say • Apply few simple & learnable
• Things you can do (outside this classroom) to
become a good writer:
– Read, pay attention, imitate.
– Talk about your research before writing it.
– Search and use right/specific words.
– Writing is hard  takes time, revisions, & good editor.
First rule towards effective writing:
Concise sentences
• Strip your sentences to just the words that tell.
– Remove words that serves no functions
– Replace long words by short words
– Cut, cut, cut:
• use simple tense (subject + verb + object)
• 1 sentence, 1 idea
• Example:
– “I would like to state that the author should be
considered to be a buffoon.”

– “The author is a buffoon.”
• Another example:
– The expected occurrence of mental retardation,
based on the assumption of a normal distribution
of intelligence in the population, is stated to be
theoretically about 2.5%.

– The expected occurrence of mental retardation, if
intelligence is normally distributed, is 2.5%.
Lets practice!
• Strip your sentences to just the words that tell.
– Remove words that serves no functions
– Replace long words by short words
– Cut, cut, cut:
• use simple tense (subject + verb + object)
• 1 sentence, 1 idea

1. The rapid development of information technology such as

social media facilitates the users of a particular product, say
a smartphone, to freely express and publish their opinion.

2. It is important for a company to know and monitor public

opinion on products that are offered by the company.

3. Sentiment analysis technique is required to automatically

determine sentiment contained within opinion, whether the
sentiment tends to be negative or positive.
Before you write, ask
• What I am trying to say?

Once you know what you’re trying to

• Pay attention to your words!

After you write, ask

• Have I said it?
Writing Skill
 The goal of this topic (writing skill) is
– to train students in writing clear, concise and
effective English.
 Syllabus Outline, this topic consists of four
1. Preparation stage
2. Tools Acquisition Stage
3. Summary writing stage
4. Composition stage
Writing Skill: 1) Preparation stage
 This is the stage for building up students'
confidence or reshaping their perceptions of
English writing.
 To start with, write a short essay on a topic you
are very familiar with
 Write an essay about your experience of studying
here, consists of at least 100 words (about 10 lines)
 Make a journal of your writing tasks for this course:
– To see your own progress
– This journal is to be submitted in the end of this
writing skill topic, i.e. the 7th meeting.

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