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Following his ground-bre aking work [I] on black hole evaporatio n, Hawking
EFI-91-67 [2] argued that the process of formation and subsequen t evaporatio n of a black
PUPT-129 4 hole is not governed by the usual laws of quantum mechanics: rather, pure
Ct- HEPTH-9111056 states evolve into mixed states [3]. This conjecture is hard to check in detail

-~' Evane scent Black Holes

-, ___ _...,..
because of the many degrees of freedom and inherent complexity of the process
in four spacetime dimensions . It would be useful to have a toy model in which
greater analytic control is possible.
In this paper we investigate such a modeL It is a consistent, renormaliz able
theory of quantum gravity in two spacetime dimensions coupled to conformal
matter. It contains black hole solutions as well as Hawking radiation, and
is exactly soluble at the classical level. lAs we shall see, the theory is just
complicate d enough to enable one to ask the interesting questions concerning
black hole evaporatio n, yet simple enough to obtain some answers.
We begin with the action in two spacetime dimension s


s = 2_
j d xv=9 [e-'"(R +
4(\7 q\) 2 + 4A 2 ) - 4C'v !)'] (I)

where g, ¢ and I are the metric, dilaton, and matter fields, respectively, and
Abstract A2 is a cosmological constant. This action arises as the effective action de-
A renormaliz able theory of quantum gravity coupled to a dilaton and con- scribing the radial modes of extremal dilatonic black holes in four or higher
formal matter in two space-time dimensions is analyzed. The theory is shown dimensions[4,5,6Jl; it is also closely related to the spacetime action for c = 1
to be exactly solvable classically. Included among the exact classical solutions noncritical strings. However, these connections need not concern us here; the
are configurations describing the formation of a black hole by collapsing matter. theory defined by the action ( 1) is of interest in its own right as a renormaliz able
The problem of Hawking radiation and backreactio n of the metric is analyzed to theory of two dimension al "dilaton gravity" coupled to matter.
leading order in a 1/N expansion, where N is the number of matter fields. The The quantizatio n of related theories of 2D gravity has been considered in
results suggest that the collapsing matter radiates away all of its energy before [7]. Gravitatio nal collapse in related theories has been studied in [8]. The black
an event horizon has a chance to form, and black holes thereby disappear from hole solution of (I) in the absence of matter has appeared previously [9] as a
the quantum mechanica l spectrum. It is argued that the matter asymptoti- low-energy approxima tion to an exact solution of string theory.
cally approaches a zero-energy "bound staten which can carry global quantum The classical theory described by (I) is most easily analyzed in conformal
numbers and that a unitary S-matrix including such states should exist. gauge
9+- = -4e2P
9-- = 9++ = 0
'"Department of Physics, Princeton Uni\.'ersity, Princeton, NJ 08544
Internet: c9c@pupph y.princeton .edu where x± = (x 0 ± x 1 ). The metric equations of motion then reduce to
t Departmen t of Physics, University of California, Santa Barbara, CA 93106
t Internet: giddings@denali. physics. ucsb. edu T++ = e-'4> (4/i+p(}+ql- 2/J!<P) + 4ii+f/i+f = 0
b Bitnet: andy@vaodoo T __ = e-'4> (4/i_p/i_q ,- 2/J'_ql) + ~/i-f/i_f = 0 (3)
#Enrico Fermi Institute, University of Chicago, 5640 Ellis Avenue,
Chicago, IL 60637 Internet: harvey@curie. uclticago. edu T+- = e- 2 4> (2/J+/J-if>- 4/J+¢J/i_ql- A2 e 2 P) = 0.
I In the context of superstring s I does not have the usual
dilaton coupling
11/91 because it arises from a Ramond-R amond field.


The dilaton and matter equations are of [9], with M the black hole mass. It is not immediately apparent that the :::J
parameter M corresponds to the black hole mass. This can be verified by a _,_·
-4o+o-</J + 4o+<jJ[)_<jJ + 20+0-P + .\ e P
2 2
=0 (4) calculation of the ADM mass for this configuration as described in [9] or by a ;.
calculation of the Bondi mass as is done later in this paper. For M = 0 one ~·~-'

0+0-/=0. (5) can introduce coordinates in which the metric is flat and the dilaton field t:P is *'

linear in the spatial coordinate. This 'llinear dilaton" vacuum has appeared in
The general solution of the dilaton, matter, and T+- equations ('vhich do •
previous studies of lower-dimensional string theories and also corresponds to .··-~

not involve f) may be expressed in terms of two free fields extremal higher-dimensional black holes.
From the above we may expect that any matter perturbation of the linear~ -.~ ~
w = w+(x+) + w_(x-)
(6) dilaton vacuum will result in the formation of a black hole. To see that this is ' ~
u = u+(x+) + u_(x-) indeed the case consider the example of an f shock-wave traveling in the x-
direction with magnitude a described by the stress tensor
e- 2 ¢= u- h+h- =
~o+fo+f a6(x+ - xcil . (12)
(7) =
One then finds in the gauge w 0 that
e-'' = e-w(u- h+h-) e-Zp = e-2¢ =-a(x+- xt)e(x+- xci)- .\ 2x+x-. (13)

For x+ < xci, this is simply the linear dilaton vacuum while for x+ > xci
2 The
it is identical to a black hole of mass axt .\ after shifting x- by af .\
h±(x±) =.\Jew± (8) t\vo solutions are are joined along the f-wave. The Penrose diagram for this
spacetime is depicted in Figure 1.
The matter equation of course implies The fact that any /-wave, no matter how weak, produces a black hole of
course implies that weak field perturbation theory breaks down. The reason for
= f+(x+) + f-(x-).
f (9) this is simple. From (1) it is evident that the weak field expansion parameter is
proportional toe<. Equation (13) shows that this parameter becomes arbitrarily
The remaining constraint equations T++ = T __ = 0 may then be solved for u large close tozt or to the singularity and that the weak field expansion diverges
in terms off± and W±. The general solution is in this region.
This has a higher dimensional interpretation as follows [5]. When ( 1) is
U± = 2M.\ - 12 J ew± J e-w±[)±fO±f. (10) taken as an effective field theory for higher-dimensio nal dilatonic black holes,
the 2D linear dilaton vacuum corresponds to the infinite throat in the extremal
black hole solutions. The center of the black hole is at x+x- = 0. An arbitrarily
where M is an integration constant.
small infalling matter wave then produces a non-extremal black hole with an
\Ve now consider solutions with f = 0, which implies that one can set
event horizon and a singularity.
u =
M / .\. Conformal gauge leaves unhed the conformal subgroup of diffeo-
So far the discussion has been purely classical. As a first step towards
morphisms. This gauge freedom can be fixed (on-shell) by setting w 0. The
including quantum effects, we now compute the Hawking radiation in the fixed
general f = 0 solution is then
background geometry (11). This can be computed exactly for the collapsing
/-wave because of the elegant relation [10] between Hawking radiation and the
-2¢ _ M _ .\ 2 x+ x-
e - .\ (11) trace anomaly for 2D conformal matter coupled to gravity.
= e-2p The calculation and its physical interpretation is clearest in coordinates
where the metric is asymptotically constant on I~. We thus set
up to constant translations of x. It is readily seen [6] that for M oft 0, this eAa+ =Ax+
corresponds to the r - t plane of the of the higher dimensional black holes =-Ax
- ":\.
e -Ao-
of [4,5] near the extremal limit, or to the two dimensional black hole solution

3 4
coordinat es, just the laplacian of p. The result is 2

(TJ+- ) = --8+8- P {16)
L I+ One can then integrate the equations of conservation ofT! to infer the following
R one-loop contribut ions toT~+ and T!_:
~/ (T~+) = -
(8+p8+p - 8!p + t+(u+))
/ 1 (17)
Linear / (TL) =- 12
(8 .. p8.. pt-8:.p +L(u-) )
0 / (]) The functions of integration t± must be fixed by boundary conditions. For the
collapsin g /-wave, Tf should vanish identicall y in the linear dilaton region, and
/ Dilaton
/ there should be no incoming radiation along IR except for the classical /-wave
/ at uci. Using the formula for p, this implies
- a/>.Z xo
Vacuum t+ = 0, L = --.l.'
-[1- (I+ ae'"- j.\)-
]. (18)

r rR The stress tensor is now complete ly determin ed, and one can read off its values
L on Ij; by taking the limit u+ ~ oo:
X+ (T~+) ~ 0 (T~_) ~ 0

(TL) ~ ~~ [I- -(1-+-ae-~-.--j-.X"'")'] {19)

The limiting value ofT!_ is the flux of £-particle energy across I~. In the far

Figure 1. An incoming !-wave in classical dilaton gravity

past of I'Ji (a- --+ -oo) this flux vanishes exponent ially while, as the horizon
is approach ed, it approach es the constant value A2 /48. This is nothing but
produces a black hole metric (shaded region) with a
horizon and singularity. Hawking radiation . The surprisin g result that the Hawking radiation rate is
asymptot ically independ ent of mass has been found in other studies of two-
dimensio nal gravity.
This preserves the conforma l gauge (2) and gives for the new metric The total energy lost by the collapsin g /-wave at some value of retarded
time u- can be estimated by integratin g the outgoing flux along I~ up to u-.

-2g+- = e 2 ' = {[I++ xe'"-t''

[1 Ie>.(u--u ++ot)J-l
if u+ <
if a+> aci
uci; ( 15)
If the total radiated flux is computed by integratin g along all of I'Ji,
an infinite
answer is oLtained, because the outgoing flux approach es a steady state at late

It is assumed that the functiona l measure for the matter fields is defined
with .\x6 =
e>.u;i. By the standard one-loop anomaly argumen t, the trace T!_ with the metric g. One could imagine using instead the (flat) metric e- 2 4>g, in
of the stress tensor is proportio nal to the curvature scalar which is, in these
which case there would be no Hawking radiation .

retarded times. This is obviously nonsense - the black hole cannot lose more nonetheless small. As described above, it is precisely in this region where the
mass than it possesses. This nonsensical answer is, of course, a result of the fact essential backreaction physics will occur and a semiclassical treatment of the
that we have neglected the backreaction of the radiation on the collapsing f- proper action should give meaningful answers. To leading order in j,, and in
wave. As a first step toward analyzing the backreaction, it is useful to estimate, conformal gauge, the quantum effective action to be solved is
to leading order in the mass, the retarded time at which the integrated energy
of the Hawking radiation on 1~ equals the initial mass axt .\
of the incoming SN =~ j d2 <r [e- 20
( -28+8-P + 48+rfJ8_</J- .\ 2 e2 P)
f-wave. This is given by
e-.xo-: N N (23)
(20) -! "L.8+f,8_f; + 128+p8_,] .
By this time, Hawking radiation has backscattered all the energy of the incom-
ing /-wave into outgoing flux on Ifi. The last term is the Liouville term induced by the N matter fields and the
Unfortunately this picture cannot yet be taken seriously because the conformal gauge constraints (the T±± equations of (3)) are modified by its
turn-around point at which all the energy has backscattered has coordinates presence in a way which will shortly be made explicit . We have also tuned the
("rl•"rl + (log24)/.\). The value of the dilaton at this point is from {13) for coefficient of the possible Liouville cosmological constant (to be distinguished
small mass from the classical "dilatonic" cosmological constant.\) to zero. In a slight abuse
e-2< _ 1 (21) of terminology, we nevertheless refer to the dynamics governed by the last term
24 in (23) as Liouville gravity. Solving the quantum theory to leading order in -fv
independent of uci or a. As we have stated, e4> is the loop expansion parameter is equivalent to solving the classical theory described by SN.
for dilaton gravity. Since this parameter is not small at the turn-around point, Unlike So, it does not appear possible to solve SN exactly, though it may
our one-loop calculation of the Hawking flux breaks down before the /-wave be possible to solve the equations numerically. At present the best we can do is
fully backscatters. make the following educated guess about the evolution of an incoming /-wave.
The situation can be remedied by proliferating the number of matter fields. Consider a quantization of the system defined on null surfaces E( u-) of constant
This introduces a new small expansion parameter into the theory: 1/N, where u-. The light-cone Hamiltonian P_ evolves the system in the direction of
N is the (large) number of matter fields [11]. For N matter fields the Hawking increasing u-. The charges P± are not separately conserved because translation
flux is N times as great and one finds that the /-wave has completely backscat- invariance is spontaneously broken. The combination H = P+ + P_ generates
tered by (<rrl, <Trl +(log 24/ N)/ .\). For large N, the value of the dilaton at this an unbroken symmetry and is conserved for spacelike surfaces. In fact there
point is are in general two conserved quantities, given by boundary terms at the two
spatial infinities. For the null surfaces I:, the eigenvalue M(<r-) of His given
e-'•- N
(22) by a boundary term on 1~ (assuming the boundary term on I[. vanishes) and
is called the Bondi mass. The Bondi mass is not conserved because radiation
which indeed corresponds to weak coupling. This suggests that, for large N, energy can leak out onto I'Ji.
the essential physics of Hawking radiation backreaction takes place in a weak Now consider an initial state at u- =
-oo describing an incoming ft-wave
coupling regime and should be amenable to a semiclassical treatment. In what as in (12), with the other N- 1 f's set to zero. In addition it is useful to let
follows, we will present some proposals for the development of such a fully this wave be characterized by the non-anomalous, left-moving global conserved
consistent treatment of the scattering problem, along with some informed con- charge Q1L = J du+ 8+/t. Near u- :::: -oo, e- 2 4> is very large and the extra
jectures about the form of the solution. Liouville term may therefore be neglected in the description of the incoming
In a systematic expansion in k,one must include the one-loop matter- state on I:( -oo ), which is essentially described by (13). As ,.- increases away
induced contribution to the gravitational effective action at the same order as
the classical action (1). This incorporates both Hawking radiation and backre- 3
In a systematic quantum treatment of this action one will find, at sub-
action. Because of the way the dilaton varies with position, there is a region in
spacetime where the O(N) one-loop matter-induced gravitational action is of leading order in 1/N, that the N in (23) is shifted by the ghost and gravity
the same order as the strictly classical part and the loop coupling constant is measures in order to maintain a net central charge c:::: 26.

7 8
from IJl, M ( u-) will decrease. From the point of view of the quantum effective
action SN, this is not due to Hawking radiation , but is simply a consequence of
the extra Liouville term. As Cl-----+ +oo, it is plausible that M(u-) decreases to
zero. However, the state on E( u-) can not revert to the linear dilaton vacuum
on zt because it carries the conserved charge QlL·
The picture can thus be summariz ed as follows. A state with non-zero
charge Q 1 L and Bondi energy is incoming from IR. As it evolves it •loses its
energy, but retains its charge. Asympto tically it approaches a zero-energy state
with charge QlL on It. This is illustrate d in Figure 2. I+
This picture can be corrobora ted by direct analysis of the Bondi energy L I+
associated with data on a null surface E correspon ding to a charged /-wave. R
Such data must satisfy the null constrain t equations :

o= T++ = ,- 2 •(4<h<P8+P- 28~<1>) + ~o+fo+f Liouville

- N ( 8+p8+p - o+p 2
+ t+(u +))
o = T+- = e- 20 (28+8-<P - 48+</Jo_q,- .\ 2 e 2 P) 0 m
- 8+8-P.
The extra function t+ appearing in T++ is in agreemen t with (17) and is a
consequence of the anomalou s transform ation law for T++. t+ is coordinat e Region Region
dependen t and must be fixed by boundary condition s, as in (18). The linear
dilaton configuration remains as the vacuum solution of the full leading N

/; = 0 (25)
q, = --(u+
- u- ).
The Bondi energy may then be defined for configurations which approach (25) -m v 0
on I~ (i.e. the configuration must not only be asymptot ically fiat, but presented
in an asymptot ically Minkowskian coordina te system). It is given by the surface
term which must be added to the integral ofT++ + T+- over E to obtain the Figure 2. An incoming f-wave in quantum dilaton gravity
generator of time translatio ns. This canonical procedure yields eventually propagates into the region dominated by
Liouville gravity, for which the curvature is constrained to
vanish and all excitations have zero energy.
M(u-) = 2eA(a+-a-)(,X6p + 8+6</>- 8_6¢)
N (26)
+ 12(8_6p - 8+6p) term was obtained in reference [9}. The term proportio nal toN, arising from
matter.qu antum effects, actually vanishes due to the boundary condition s (25).
where 6p and 6¢, are the asymptot ically vanishing deviation s of p and ¢ from
A modified formula is required in coordinat e systems (such as in (11)) for which
(25), and the right hand side is to be evaluated on I~. The first "dilaton"
the fields do not asymptot ically approach (25).
Let us first consider the energy, evaluated on a surface E, of a small ampli- Bondi energy. However, it eventually crosses into the Liouville region, where all
tude ft-wave packet localized in the 'dilaton region' where e- rP is very large, excitations have zero energy. By energy conservation , all of the initial energy
i.e. at very large u+- u-. Then the Liouville terms proportional toN may be of the wavepacket must have radiated away to Ih_. There is no indication of
neglected in solving the constraints. AJ will be given as before by the integrated an event horizon or singularity 5 : in the region where the singularity occurs in
value of !O+ft8+ft times the x+ coordinate of the center of the wave packet. the classical solution, the quantum dynamics are governed by Liouville gravity
Now, however, consider the case where the ft wave-packet is localized on (with no cosmological constant) in which the curvature is required to vanish.
E in the 'Liouville region' where e- rP is very small. The dilaton gravity term is
2 One expects, therefore, a unitary S-matrix evolving from z- to z+. One would
then very small, and the action governing p and f reduces to Liouville gravity hope to extract information about this S-matrix from a semiclassical treatment
coupled to conformal matter: of the Iarge-N action (23).
While we find this picture compelling, we emphasize that it must at present
be regarded as speculative. \Ve have not shown that an incoming /-wave does
SN(Iarge ¢) = ~ Jd cr ( ~iJ+piJ_p- 4~iJ+J;iJ_J;)
(21) not in fact produce a singularity, or even that the large N equations of mo-
tion give a well-defined evolution. One might try to substantiate our specula-
tions by doing weak field perturbation theory in the amplitude of the /-wave.
with constraints
However preliminary calculations indicate that weak field perturbation the-
N ory breaks down near the boundary of the dilaton and Liouville regions: the
0 = T++ = ~ L iJ+J;iJ+J; second-order perturbation is divergent. Thus in order to settle the question a
i=l non-perturba tive analysis of the large N theory (23) is probably needed .
(28) In conclusion we have analyzed the process of black hole formation and
- ~ (iJ+piJ+p- iJ~p + t+(o-+)) evaporation, including backreaction , in the 1/N expansion of a two-dimensi onal
N model. A set of equations describing the process were found, but have so far
0 = T+- = -12iJ+iJ_p. not been solved. A qualitative analysis suggests that in this model would-be
black holes in fact evaporate before an event horizon or singularity has a _chance
The T+- constraint implies that the spacetime is in fact flat. The Bondi energy to form. Thus there is no indication that pure states evolve into mixed states.
of (26) reduces to its Liouville piece The implications of our results for four-dimensi onal black holes remain to be
M(o--) = (iJ_ 6p- a+6P) (29)
Acknowled gements
Since there is no invariant one can associate to a flat metric one would expect We are grateful to S. Hawking, G. Horowitz, J. Preskill and R. Wald for
this expression to vanish. That it does can be seen from direct evaluation of (29): useful discussions. After completion of this work we learned that some aspects
if p approaches zero on I~ as required by the boundary conditions (25), the of this theory have been considered by E. and H. Verlinde.
derivatives of p and consequently M m~st also vanish. Thus all asymptotical ly This work was supported in part by DOE grant DE-AC02-84 -1553, DOE
flat states of Liouville gravity plus matter have zero energy. grant DE-AT03-76 ER70023, and NSF grant PHY90-0038 6. S.B.G. also ac-
We now have a plausible global picture of the scattering process. The knowledges the support of NSF PYI grant PHY-915746 3 and J.A.H. acknowl-
linear dilaton vacuum is divided into two regions characterized by e- ¢J large
or smaH compared to [';. This dividing line is timelike. For e- ¢ ::;}> [';, the 5
In two dimensions, unlike in higher dimensions, we know of no local notion
dynamics are essentially that of classical dilaton gravity coupled to matter. of an apparent horizon. Global event horizons exist as usual when the spacetime
For e- 2 ¢ < ~' one has Liouville gravity coupled to matter. An incoming f 1 is singular or otherwise incomplete.
wave-packet on 'IR begins in the dilaton gravity region where it has non-zero 6
Of course a singularity at large N does not imply a singularity of the full
The dynamics of rjJ are roughly governed by the free field 1/J = e-4>. However quantum theory since the 1/N expansion breaks down as soon as fields grow to
it is not dear what range should be taken for '¢. order N.

11 12
edges the support of NSF PYI grant PHY-9196117. References

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