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Part 1: Part 2: Part 3:

Read the following sentences aloud.
1. secret 1. /kliə/ 1. Let me read that email, please.
2. fruit 2. /steə/ 2. Do you like fast food?
3. aunt 3. /weit/ 3. The football match is starting in half an hour.
4. luck 4. /rait/ 4. We bought everything at the supermarket.
5. coffee 5. /kɔɪn/ 5. The boy’s wearing a pair of shorts and a dirty shirt.
6. floor 6. /drəʊv / 6. There’s a man with a beard sitting in the square.
7. again 7. /maʊθ/ 7. Do you know a good place to eat near here?
8. camera 8. /trip/ 8. A grey cat with green eyes walked into the garden.
9. birthday 9. /’twenti / 9. When you go out tonight, take the dog.
10. business 10. /’redi/ 10. The weather will be fine for the next three days.

Part 1: Part 2: Part 3:
Read Read the following sentences aloud.
1. museum 1. /hiə/ 1. Let’s stay at home and watch TV.
2. juice 2. /weə/ 2. Here’s a spoon for your soup.
3. laugh 3. /breik/ 3. I left my glasses in the bathroom.
4. study 4. /nait/ 4. We always walked home from school.
5. hospital 5. /pɔɪnt/ 5. There’s a man with beard standing near the door.
6. autumn 6. /kəʊld/ 6. Through the windows, you can see a church, with a
large car park outside.
7. cheque 7. /saʊnd/ 7. I think, I’m lost. Is this the right way to the beach?
8. factory 8. /di:p/ 8. I’m going to buy a new desk tomorrow.
9. circle 9. /wɔ:tə/ 9. Mark your answer with a tick.
10. busy 10. /’midl/ 10. There was no rain yesterday. It was a dry day.

Part 1: Part 2: Part 3:

Read the following sentences aloud.
1. people 1. /biə/ 1. Would you like tea or coffee?
2. spoon 2. /tʃeə/ 2. It’s Tuesday the second of June.
3.artist 3. /greit/ 3. We are laughing and dancing in the classroom.
4country 4. /wait/ 4. I catch the first bus in the morning.
5quality 5. /vɔɪs/ 5. The nurse is sitting on the chair next to the girl.
6daughter 6. /pəʊst/ 6. There’s a picture of a surfer, and a picture of a horse.
7.many 7. /laʊd/ 7. It’s best to drink white wine with fish.
8.jam 8. /tʃi:p/ 8. That man would like eggs for breakfast. 9. /betə/ 9. It’s only seven o’clock and it’s already dark.
10.miss 10. /ə’dres 10. We are going to the pub. It’s my brother’s birthday.


Part 1: Part 2: Part 3:

1. complete 1. /niə/ 1. It’s too warm in here – open the window.

2. boot 2. /skweə/ 2. Give me that big green book, please.
3. heart 3. /eit/ 3. We went to a large bar full of film stars.
4. money 4. /laik/ 4. We live in an apartment on the fourth floor.
5. chocolate 5. /in’ dʒɔɪ/ 5. My birthday’s on Thursday the thirty –first, and
hers is a week later.
6. horse 6. /kləʊs/ 6. There’s a ball on the floor and the dog’s asleep
in the corner next to the door.
7. correct 7. /kaʊnt/ 7. We’ve had a great time, thanks. Bye!
8. manager 8. /sli:p/ 8. Can I carry your bags?
9. earth 9. /tɒp/ 9. You don’t take milk in your tea, do you?
10. dinner 10. /lædə/ 10. There are four chairs under the stairs.
Part 1: Part 2: Part 3:
Read the following sentences aloud.
1. colour 1. /maʊs/ 1. I’m crazy about pop music.
2. member 2. /steə/ 2. Do you like fast food?
3. circle 3. /ˈbɔɪfrend/ 3. It’s a clear day
4. luck 4. /rait/ 4. How many stamps do you need?
5. coffee 5. /kɔɪn/ 5. The boy’s wearing a pair of shorts and a dirty shirt.
6. floor 6. /drəʊv / 6. There’s a man with a beard sitting in the square.
7. against 7. /maʊθ/ 7. I sit on the stair with my feet on the chair.
8. group 8. /’redi/ 8. A grey cat with green eyes walks into the garden.
9. London 9. /’twenti / 9. When you go out tonight, take the dog.
10. dictionary 10. /lʌv/ 10. I think it’s fun and exciting.


Part 1: Part 2: Part 3:
Read the following words Read Read the following sentences aloud.
1. June 1. /tiə/ 1. Let’s stay at home and listen to music.
2. juice 2. /weə/ 2. Here’s a spoon for your soup.
3. tomato 3. /meik/ 3. I love pop and rock .
4. study 4. /lait/ 4. We always walk home from school.
5. sentence 5. /tɔɪ/ 5. There’s a man with beard standing near the door.
6. autumn 6. /snəʊ/ 6. I’d like you to meet my friend, Linda.
7. traffic 7. /raʊnd/ 7. I think, I’m lost. Is this the right way to the beach?
8. jacket 8. /sli:p/ 8. I’m going to buy a new desk tomorrow.
9. circle 9. /wɔ:tə/ 9. Would you like milk with your tea?
10. cookery 10. /’midl/ 10. My sister is funny and friendly, like me.
Student’s full name: CARD 17
Part 1: Part 2: Part 3:
Read the following Read the following sentences aloud.
words aloud.
1. agree 1. /kliə/ 1. Would you try skydiving?
2. college 2. /tʃeə/ 2. My birthday is on the second of June.
3. artist 3. /pleit/ 3. We are laughing and dancing in the classroom.
4. country 4. /wait/ 4. I catch the first bus in the morning.
5. mall 5. /kɔɪn/ 5. We are going to the pub. It’s my brother’s birthday.
6. short 6. /pəʊstər/ 6. There’s a picture of a surfer, and a picture of a horse.
7. check 7. /kaʊnt/ 7. It’s best to drink wine with fish.
8. jam 8. /ʃi:p/ 8. My sister is a little quiet and serious.
9. university 9. /betə/ 9. It’s only seven o’clock and it’s already dark.
10. kiss 10/ˈlʌvli/ 10. The nurse is sitting on the chair next to the stair.

Part 1: Part 2: Part 3:
Read the following sentences aloud.
1. butter 1. /klaʊd/ 1. My best friend is patient, but shy.
2. peaceful 2. /beə/ 2. I like to wear nice shirts with jeans.
3. garden 3. /ˈbɔɪfrend/ 3. Please send me a cheque.
4. luck 4. /kait/ 4. How many stamps do you need?
5. July 5. /kəʊt/ 5. The boy’s wearing a pair of shorts and a dirty shirt.
6. floor 6. /’twenti / 6. There’s a man with a beard sitting in the square.
7. against 7. /trip/ 7. I sit on the stair with my feet on the chair.
8. jacket 8. /’redi/ 8. My friend lives in a flat over there.
9. London 9. /ˈtʃaɪnə/ 9. I don’t care what I wear.
10.Germany 10. /lʌvli/ 10. I think it’s fun and challenging.
Part 1: Part 2: Part 3:
Read the following sentences aloud.
1. cool 1. /biə/ 1. Let’s go for a walk along the beach.
2. juice 2. /sweə/ 2. Here’s a spoon for your soup.
3. number 3. /keik/ 3. I don’t like rock at all.
4. study 4. /lait/ 4. We always read books before going to bed.
5. certain 5. /tɔɪ/ 5. There’s a man with beard standing near the door.
6. autumn 6. /drəʊv/ 6. I’d like you to meet my friend, Linda.
7. traffic 7. /raʊnd/ 7. I think, I’m lost. Is this the right way to the post
8. jacket 8. /di:p/ 8. I’m going to buy a new desk tomorrow.
9. wrong 9. /ˈsiːkrət/ 9. Would you like milk with your tea?
10. cookery 10. /tɒp/ 10. My mother is friendly and confident.


Part 1: Part 2: Part 3:

Read the following sentences aloud.
1. week 1. /ˈnɪəli/ 1. The dog is asleep in the corner next to the door.
2. boot 2. /ləʊd/ 2. Let’s have pizza for dinner.
3. floor 3. /eit/ 3. We went to a large bar full of film stars.
4. money 4. /laik/ 4. We live in an apartment on the fourth floor.
5. chocolate 5. /in’ dʒɔɪ/ 5. My birthday is on Thursday the thirty –first.
6. stair 6. /keɪk/ 6. There is a ball on the floor next to the door.
7. correct 7. /kaʊnt/ 7. We had a great time, thanks. Bye!
8. corner 8. /sli:p/ 8. I think I’m friendly and confident.
9. police 9. /ˈeərəpleɪn/ 9. You don’t take milk in your tea, do you?
10. carry 10. /lædə/ 10.Would you like tea or coffee?

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