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Unsatisfactory Needs Improvement Satisfactory Outstanding

Content and Content is incomplete; Content is accurate and Content is comprehensive,

Development major points are not Content is not comprehensive persuasive; major points accurate and persuasive; Major
(60%) clear; specific examples and/or persuasive; Major are stated; Responses are points are stated clearly and are
are not used points are addressed, but not adequate and address the well supported; Responses are
well supported; Responses topic; specific examples excellent, timely and address the
are inadequate or do not are used topic; Content is clear; Specific and
address the topic or question; appropriate examples are used
examples used do not
support the topic
Organization and Organization and  Structure of the paper is not Structure is mostly clear Structure of the paper is clear and
Structure (20%) structure detract from easy to follow; Transitions and easy to follow; easy to follow; Transitions are
the message; Writing is need improvement; Transitions are present; logical and maintain the flow of
disjointed and lacks Conclusion is missing, or if Conclusion is logical. thought throughout the paper;
transition of thoughts provided, does not flow from Conclusion is logical and flows from
the body of the paper. the body of the paper
Punctuation, and Paper contains Paper contains few Rules of grammar, usage, Rules of grammar, usage, and
Spelling (20%) numerous grammatical, punctuation and punctuation are punctuation are followed; spelling
grammatical, and spelling errors. followed with minor is correct.
punctuation, and errors.
spelling errors. Spelling is correct.

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