Future Trends in Electrical Engineering Education

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Future Trends in Electrical Engineering

c ucation*

Summary-Maxwell started the electrical field on the mathe- fullxy amenable to mathematical statement and solu-
matical analysis path, and the field will continue to successfully ex- tion.
ploit the mathematical method. It can be expected that engineering
will more completely take over the teaching of its own basic prin- Following the lead of Maxwell, similar mathemati-
ciples, as engineering becomes more accurately described as applied cally-trained investigators unearthed and applied the
science. Future progress in electrical education will be built about methods of Heaviside, LaPlace, Fourier, Cauchy and
mathematics, and especially employ systems analysis and materials others to develop further electrical theory. The mathe-
science. Without further advance in his science base, the engineer matical method has continued in use, and has provided
may be in danger of becoming an order-taking technician. Such
progress in fundamental will require the elimination of many the profession with a medium of communication and a
present-day barriers between areas of specialization. method of analysis, not only useful in electrical dis-
covery but also suited to the solution of problems in re-
S OME may say it started with Thales and his lated fields. Thus it should have been no surprise for the
3 batteries.
amber, or Galvani and his frogs, or Volta and his
But the path of modern electrical edu-
electrical engineer to aid and abet the development of
the electronic computer in logic as well as in circuitry, or
cation was really established by Maxwell, with his 1864 for him to apply mathematical logic to the switchinig
statement of the basic laws of electrical science in problem, or quantitative methods to information
mathematical form precise, rigorous, and so far, all transfer or communication in general.
inclusive. From this mathematical research also came There is no reason to believe that this continued usage
the statement that light was electromagnetic in char- of and profiting from the methods of mathematical anal-
acter, and the additional prediction of electromagnetic ysis will cease. Therefore it seems possible to predict
radiation of energy at other and nonvisible wavelengths. with reasonable surety that future progress in electrical
Thus was the future pattern of electrical research and science will be coincident with progress in application of
education set- that knowledge of electrical science mathematics to that science. In fact this writer has pre-
should come from logical reasoning and be expressed in viously proposed' as a theorem: "That a field of engi-
mathematical language. neering can advance only as fast as the nmathematical
By its nature invisible, electricity made its presence abilities of its members advance." Electrical science, a
known only by indirect phenomena, variously described term here used as inclusive of all applied science coni-
by the early experimenters in terms of imperfect con- cerned with electrical phenomena, seems ani area pro-
cepts of flow, flux, or force, borrowed from the field of viding adequate proof of this theorem. The recent rapid
mechanics. With this quasi-qualitative background, no advances of other fields of applied science and enginieer-
matter how right the quantitative results, electricity ing, as they have begun to utilize higher mathematical
could have remained much longer an area of metaphys- methods, seems to provide further confirmation.
ics and legerdemain, had not Maxwell's basic statements If this prediction of the mechanism by which we will
channeled research into the mathematical realm. further advance in electrical science and engineering is
To be honest, one must also admit that electrical correct, then the converse of the theorem is important.
phenomena, in their usual forms of exhibition, obeyed If we are to advance, better and additional nmathemat-
linear differential equations to which mathematical ical education must be provided to future mnembers of
solutions were already available. Thus answers to many our professiotn. As far as can be foreseen, these programs
problems in physical situations were provided to the will be well suited to students in all of the enginieering or
early investigators. In this, electrical science differed science-engineering disciplines, since advanice in all
from some other early engineering fields which were ad- fields is to be hoped for, if our science-based civilization
vanced by the experimentalist or the practioner who is to continue forward.
made things work, without much use of the mathema- Engineering college mathematics will conitinue to be-
tical or analytical process. On their side, it must be re- gin with the calculus, giving to the high school or pre-
corded for fairness that maniy of the early problems in- paratory school the responsibility for layinig the founda-
volved turbulence, boundary layers, microscopic ma- tion in prior forms of mathematics. This will call for
terial phenomena, or nonlinear processes not even yet further changes in ain already-changing high school pat-
tern to provide more work in trigoniometric idenitities,
Received by the IRE, July 14, 1961.
t Dean of Engineering, Michigan State University, East Lansing, I Poles and Zeros, "D-day in enginieering educationi, " I'Roc. IRE,
Mich. vol. 46, p. 1571; September, 1958.

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more algebraic manipulation, and a thorough under- today's electrical engineers-froin costs and studies of
standing of analytic geometry. The more advanced high new communications systems to development of erotic
schools will provide introductory work in the calcujlus it- methods of space-ship propulsion, from abstract logic to
self, but such opportunities in the average high school gallium arsenide diodes, from transfer functions to in-
may be beyond the time scale of this paper, unless formation channel capacity, from sales to research-it
greater encouragement is made available to attract is not easy to determine the trends. An extrapolation of
more capable people into high-school teaching, and present movement allows the prediction that the elec-
more rigorous mathematics courses are required for trical engineer will become an electrical scientist-
their training. engineer, a man interested in the discovery of new knowl-
College departments of mathematics may have to be edge which he hopes to apply in useful new devices and
reoriented and in some cases, reorganized to insure in- systems.
terested teaching of the kinds of mathematics desired To become such he will require a thorough knowledge
and needed by engineers and other workers in applied of electrical and allied science as his background, a
science. Assuming such reorientation, then the college rigorous coverage of mathematics as his language, and
teachers of calctulus must recognize that the engineer of methods of analysis and synthesis in engineering appli-
tomorrow (and tomorrow is nearly here) will work al- cation as his tools. He will not lack for scientific fun-
most always with a computer, of at least reasonable damental nor for ability in engineering analysis and syn-
capability, figuratively in the next room. The treatment thesis; his interest will be in the application of scientific
of a Table of Integrals as something approaching the phenomena for human benefit. Where scientific funda-
level of a clandestine crib must cease, and the Table mental may still be lacking, he will have an engineer's
recognized as a place of first resort upon meeting an ability to design around the lack.
integral sign. The classroom development of the solu- In tomorrow's starkly competitive scientific world
tions to the integrals of a great many functions can be such an education will be required of all who will
eliminated, and the time formerly so utilized given to originate, innovate, face the challenging problems,
insuring that the student has a thorough understanding make the broad decisions, and reap the large rewards;
of the significance and limitations of the process of any education less than this will fit the recipient only to
integration. This work should include a much expanded take and carry out orders. Which do we select for the
discussion of change of variable, limits, integrability, engineer of tomorrow? Can the engineer afford to be
existence, and other areas of mathematical rigor now second best?
treated much too lightly. Given a thorough understand- To provide the training for leaders in electrical and
ing of the process and limitations of integration, the applied science a college must attract the best students,
end point of any integration will then most usually be must excite and challenge their abilities from the
the Table of Integrals, or an application of Simpson's moment of entrance, and this cannot be done leisurely.
rule. The latter will lead directly to a piece of tape or a Included must be basic work in physical phenomena
program in the computer library, and a short time on on a broad front; at least the areas of solid and fluid
the local computer. mechanics, heat, and atomic and nuclear structure,
It will then be apparent to the teachers that the taught at a level which recognizes the parallel advance-
treatment of differential equations in a separate and dis- ment in the mathematical ability of the student. En-
tinct course is undesirable. Just as the teaching of meth- gineering schools in this near time scale will have
ods of solving a wide variety of integral forms is un- overcome the traditionalism which today keeps the
necessary, so also is it unneccessary to teach methods of teaching of classical chemistry and physics in those
solution to a variety of differential equation forms. The science departments.2 Subject matter in the classical
computer will provide the answers; student abilities in physical science areas is now the basis on which engi-
setup of the original equations, and manipulation into neering is built, and, as engineering becomes more a
computer-suited forms can become the emphasized field of applied science, it will no longer be logical that
topics. Solution of a differential equation can be pre- engineering should turn over the basic preparation of
sented as a problem in simultaneous integration, and at their students to others. A basic mechanics or heat
this point the methods and analysis employed in setting course, taught by a theoretically-inclined engineer will
up an analog computer will justify the presence of such not differ from a course taught by a physicist, and will
a computer in the mathematics classroom. be much better than one taught by a graduate assistant.
It is realized that appropriate textbooks and course Engineers today teach such classical material at the
syllabi do not yet exist in most schools. However, if graduate level; can we long tolerate the duplication of
new material is appropriate to a course or curriculum it effort at lower levels? While we have here named
should be introduced and taught with whatever aids are chemistry and physics, many of the same points need
available. The textbook will surely follow. to be discussed on the teaching of mathematics, as well.
So much is prologue-a part of the preparation for the
2 J. G. Brainerd, "Cooperation among electrical engineers, physi-
professional education in electrical science to follow. In cists and mathematicians in engineering education," Proc. Syracuse
view of the diversity and breadth of the field served by University Sagamore Conference, p. 78; 1960.

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1962 Ryder: Future Trends in Education 959

The teaching of the fundamental science material in ades ago. With such interconnection the transienit per-
courses supervised and taught by engineers of science formance was at the heart of the study; the steady state
bent will provide definite gains by coordination of treat- so avidly studied in an earlier day is now seeni as only anl
ment with later engineering courses. As an example, a occasional end-point of a transient. The popularization
new approach to mechanics will be required. It should of the LaPlace transform and the fundamental work oIn
not be necessary for the electrical engineer to analyze feedback by Black, Bode, Nyquist, and others lead to
trusses to learn about forces, and he should care little understanding. Thus were poles and zeros, complex
whether the forces are coplanar or noncoplanar. Work, plane analysis, Nyquist diagrams, and stability brought
energy, power will be introduced with greater breadth into electrical parlance.
and more mathematical and physical rigor than has Understanding, however, is not enough for the elec-
been past practice. It will be found that learning in this trical engineer. It remains to analyze the system in
field can be expedited by resort to some of the funida- terms of its interconnections and the characteristics of
nmentals common to all fields,3 but usually associated its component parts, and here again mathematics
with network theory, namely: forces to a point sum to supplies at least a partial answer in topology and linear
zero, displacements around a path sum to zero. There graph theory. Through such mathematical methods the
are other similar broad analogies covering many fields. analysis and synthesis of systems, regardless of operat-
Such unification of treatment cuts across traditional de- ing media or type of component, will become a major
partmental lines, and barriers between departments responsibility of the electrical engineer. This will require
must be removed to allow such free interchange of ideas, that he once more break down the barriers between to-
and free movement of teaching staff. day's disciplines; he will require basic knowledge of
Electrical studies may begin with field or continuum pneumatics, hydraulics, heat transfer, thermodynamics,
theory as one stem, network theory or lumped-element even chemical reaction. Given the proper breadth in his
treatment as the other. Field work will later expand into basic education, he will discover that his mathematical
fluids and other field processes, and into transmission training plus his network analytic methods can readily
and radiation of energy, all areas where the partial carrv his systems analysis and design into nonelectrical
differential equation rules. Such unity in the study of areas.
continua would also cut across the departmental bar- Materials science will receive great emphasis in the
riers of today-perhaps we are already hearing the future educational process of the electrical engiineer.
trumpets of Joshua before these walls of Jericho? Needing knowledge of the magnietic, thermal, and coni-
Network theory will be developed not only for its ductive processes in metals and alloys, in the past he all
answers to response of networks, or for design to stated too often received instruction in the mechanical proper-
conditions, but also to develop skill in the application of ties of steel and concrete, and so he chose to study nonie.
rigorous and systematic methods of solutioii for systeims Tomiiorrow he will study materials in the atomnic senise,
of equations. The voltages, currents, frequency re- since his devices will employ lattice arrangemnents to
sponse, or transient performance may still be needed in secuire their operative properties, anid his design of cir-
engineering application, but often these figures will be cuLit elements mav depend oni cr-ystal growth. Courses in
determined by the computer after the student has set this area are today far from usual; in fact, syllabi and
up and manipulated the basic system equations by texts must still be written. However, when a complete
matric techniques. Electronic study will be more sys- amplifier or subsystem can be designed inlto a wafer of
tematized than it is todav-being recognized as the germanium or silicon, or, when new operatinig properties
study of the active network. Generality will be the by- appear by reason of quantum tuninelinig of thin filnms,
word, and devices when discussed will be largely solid- there can be little reason to doubt the importanice of the
state in nature. area.
In the electrical area, as it was in mathematics, we Interest in broadening of the engineer in nontechnical
find that what has been already said is largely prologue. fields will continue. His path in these directions must
Major emphasis at higher levels will go to two areas- also be prepared by questioninig of tradition, and co-
systems analysis and synthesis, and solid-state phenom- ordination and integration of subject matter. Perhaps a
ena or materials theory. A third, but less important, few walls of Jericho may fall in the areas of the social
area will employ statistics or statistical mechanics in sciences as a result. We must keep constantly in mind
the study of noise, random phenomena, and the informa- that, if the engineer of the futture is to make the proper
tion capacity of communication systems. decisions for the major problems he will face, he must
The study of a system, as contrasted with the "iso- be able to live, to work, to communicate, and to lead in
lated machine" concept of an earlier day, probably be- a world of nontechnical but well-educated people.
gan as a formal discipline with the interconnection of While all engineering will tend toward further empha-
components or machines for control purposes three dec- sis on research, the electrical engineer will look upon
this as his major function-graduate preparation for this
I H. E. Koenig and W. A. Blackwell, 'Electromechanical Systetn and other areas of work will become commonplace for
Theory," McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc., New York, N. Y., 1961. all capable of carrying on with their education. Engi-

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neering will have become more fully recognized as a sense, through broadening and deepening of our com-
field of applied science, and the electrical engineer will mon science base. Engineering will also have achieved a
have become a scientist-engineer, interested in the better understanding of the relationships between, and
search for new knowledge and in the development of the differing objectives of, scientists, scientist-engineers,
new devices and services employing that knowledge. engineering operators, and engineering associates.
Engineering education in general will have blown down Thus will real unity be achieved through teams of
the walls of Jericho which isolated its many fields, and diverse function and training, all working to employ
will have achieved a closer understanding in a technical nature's phenomena for the benefit of man.

Graduate Study in Electrical Engineering*


Summary--Graduate study in electrical engineering developed whereas 124 engineering schools had an enrollment of
significantly after World War I when radio engineering came of age. over 64,000 undergraduate students! By 1933, however,
The many new scientific discoveries preceding World War II and interest in graduate study had become significant
exploited technologically during and following that war lent tre-
mendous impetus to the further growth of graduate study, particu- enough so that the U. S. Office of Education in coopera-
larly towards the doctor's degree. The keen competition for the out- tion with the Society for the Promotion of Engineering
standing students between industrial research laboratories and the Education initiated a survey2 which was published in
faculties of the leading institutions has retarded the growth of the 1936 and which could point to the fact that the 126
genuine full-time student body and has enormously accelerated the doctoral degrees in engineering awarded in 1934 gave it
part-time enrollment for graduate degrees with the result that the
numbers of degrees awarded have increased at a lesser rate. This second place in the science group, chemistry being first
has accentuated evaluative studies of graduate education and drawn with 590 degrees, and physics third with 121 degrees.
the attention to diational needs; namely, large-scale support of a suf- Engineering had thus leaped over more than 50 years of
ficient number of outstanding graduate study and research centers evolution and, of course, had created quite a host of
with adequate support for genuine full-time graduate students in
order to supply faculty needs as well as the needs of industry in this problems concerning standards, objectives, and admin-
highly technological society. istrative functions. The impetus to this first growth
came clearly from the general growth of population with
THE EVOLUTION OF GRADUATE STUDY the increasing emphasis upon college education, from
G^ RADUATE EDUCATION in the United States the general prosperity of the early twenties which in-
could be said to have become significant about duced tremendous industrial developments, and from
1876, when The Johns Hopkins University in the technological innovations that had transformed the
Baltimore, Md., established a graduate school organized transportation, communication, and manufacturing
pretty much along the German- pattern of the time, systems of the country, and had created the modern
which strongly emphasized research. In his rather ex- home with all its appurtenances.
haustive study, B. Berelson,' in fact, distinguishes the Alarmed by the seemingly boundless expansion, the
following periods concerning graduate study in the Committee on Graduate Study of the Society for the
United States: Prehistory (before 1876), University Promotion of Engineering Education prepared a Manual
Revolution (1876 to 1900), Consolidation and Stand- of Graduate Study in Engineering3 in 1945. which set
ardization (1900 to World War I), Growth and Diversi- down the philosophy and objectives and established
fication (World War I to World War II), and Revival guide lines for the organization, conduct, and admin-
and Reappraisal (since World War II). istration of graduate study in engineering, both towards
Engineering generally, and electrical engineering the Master's and the Doctor's degrees. Though in
particularly, had very little graduate study interest and, principle still valid, a revised edition was issued in 1952
therefore, facilities before 1900 were few. As a matter of
fact, the total graduate enrollment in engineering 2 W. C. John and H. P. Hammond, "Graduate Work in Engineer-
schools in 1921 was 368 students in 40 institutions, ing in Universities and Colleges in the United States," Office of Educ.,
Dept. of the Interior, Washington, D. C., Bull. No. 8: 1936. See also
"Graduate study, report of progress," J. Engrg. Educ., vol. 2b,
Received by the IRE, December 6, 1961. pp. 313-355; December, 1935.
t Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn, Brooklyn, N. Y. 3 "Manual of graduate study in engineering," J. Engrg. Educ.,
IB. Berelson, "Graduate Education in the United States," vol. 36, pp. 615-652, June, 1945; also issued as reprint, revised ed.,
McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc., New York, N. Y.; 1960. 1952.

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