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 Four elements (carbon monoxide, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen) make up 96 percent of living

matter. Several other elements are present in small ortrace amounts: FALSE

 Anatomy is the study of structure. Observation is used to see the sizes, shapes, and relationships

of body parts: TRUE

 Inorganic compounds making up living matter do contain carbon (exceptions include CO2 and

CO). They include water, salts, and someacids and bases: FALSE

 Which one of the following is not associated with the production of perspiration: Arrector pili

 The human body has 50 to 100 million cells: FALSE

 Which structure is not associated with a nail: Nail follicle

 Adult cell types you might expect to have gap junctions include: heart muscle

 Which is not a component of sweat: Sebum

 Connective tissues are made up of many different types of cells plus varying amounts of a

nonliving substance found inside the cells, called the extracellular matrix: FALSE

 following would you expect to find in or on cells whose main function is absorption: Microvilli

 A cell stimulated to increase its steroid production will have abundant: smooth ER

 Filtration is the movement of substances through a membrane from an area of low hydrostatic

pressure to an area of higher fluid pressure. In the body, the driving force of filtration is blood

pressure: FALSE

 Produces the patterns for fingerprints: Papillary layer of the dermis

 A cell with abundant peroxisomes would most likely be involved in: detoxification activities

 The deepest cell layer of the epidermis: stratum basale

 ATP is not associated with: deoxyribose

 Proteins contain carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen in the general relationship of two hydro-gen

atoms to one oxygen atom and one carbon atom: FALSE

 What is this structure?- Rodlike, double-membrane structures;inner membrane folded into

projections called cristae: MITOCHONDRIA

 Simple cuboidal epithelium is a single layer of thin squamous cells resting on a basement

membrane: FALSE

 To sustain life, an organism must be able to maintain its boundaries, move, respond to stimuli,

digest nutrients and excrete wastes, carry on metabolism, reproduce itself, and grow: TRUE

 Alkaline substances include which of the following: Blood

 Select the one false statement about mucous and serous membranes: Serous membranes

always produce serous fluid, and mucous membranes always secrete mucus

 Proximal: closer to the point of attachment: TRUE

 Largest organelle. Surrounded by the nuclear envelope; contains fluid nucleoplasm, nucleoli,

and chromatin: NUCLEUS

 The process of dividing a nucleus into two daughter nuclei with exactly the same genes as the

“mother” nucleus: none of the above

 Which of the following is not a skin structure: Nerve fiber

 Transverse (cross) section: separates the body on a vertical plane into superior and inferior

parts: FALSE

 A molecule is the smallest unit resulting from the bonding of two or more atoms. If the atoms

are dif-ferent, a molecule of a compound is formed: TRUE

 The assisted diffusion of solutes through the plasma membrane (or any selectively permeable

membrane) is called simple diffusion: FALSE

 Body functions interact to maintain homeostasis, or a relatively unstable internal environment

within the body. Homeostasis is necessary for survival and good health; its loss results in illness:


 Nuclear acids include deoxyribonucleic acid(DNA) and ribonucleic acid (RNA): FALSE

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