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Cee Jay R.

Bihasa April 08,2021


R.C2. Motor Shop

R.C2. Motor Shop deals with all motorcycle spare parts and selling of new and old
motorbikes. The business idea is to form an entrepreneurship that will identify the gaps in the
immediate environment and society, and brings together resources in an innovative way. The
objectives of R.C2. motor shop is, to provide all kinds of motorbike spare parts needed by the
customers, to bring quality motorbikes, to create job opportunities to many unemployed youths
through employing them, to help people not to travel very far to look for these products, and to
enhance economic development in our country that can achieve to become the most innovative in
terms of products and services.

R.C2. motor shop provides the following products, High quality tires, High quality
motorbikes, Tubes, Brake shoes, Brake pedals, Engine oil, Shock absorbers, Cylinder heads,
Wheel bearings, Mudguards, Sprocket, Gear selectors, Shock boots, Helmets, Reflectors,
Regulators, Ignition and many others. It also provides the following services like buying of old
motorbikes and servicing them, later selling them at an affordable price, advising my customers
on better product in the market, ensuring the business is opened early in order to be able to serve
them properly without delays, giving them after sale service by providing them with empty cartons
for putting on walls of their houses, giving correct answers asked by the customers and ensuring
the promised products are delivered on time to reduce inconveniences to my customers.

There is a wide market of motorbikes and spare parts which has not fully been utilized. On
the other hand, Aurora, a province in Philippines is too far away from the other City that is much
more developed than this province. Many of my target market are citizens of this province. All
these people cannot be able to travel to and from other Cities just to buy one product. Therefore,
as this business also benefit by providing products and services that they require.
The uniqueness of this business is we are able to work for a long period, which is, opening
my business early enough before others open and closing business at a time when our customers
are fully served. In addition to this, we give room for our customers to give feedback on the product
we selling, this helps in improving the quality of products and services given, on the other hand
we do advice our customers especially the young people the benefit of saving and many have
heeded to our advice making our business unique thus attracting more and more customers.

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