M.H.R.M. MCQs T.Y. B. COM. Sem V With Answers

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Marketing & Human Resource Development

T.Y. B. Com.

MCQ Tests: SEM V


Module 1
1. Marketing is a systematic process of identifying ______ needs and
wants. (customer/competitor/creditor/supplier)
2. Process of marketing is ______to business and non-business
organisations. (not applicable/applicable/none of these/all of these)
3. _____ marketing intends to maintain and enhance customers’ and
society welfare.( Traditional/Modern/Exchange/None of these)
4. When product performance matches with customer expectation the
customer are _____ .( dissatisfied/delighted/astonished/satisfied)
5. When product performance is below customer expectation the customer
are _____ (dissatisfied/delighted/astonished/satisfied)
6. When product performance exceeds customer expectation the
customer are _____(dissatisfied/delighted/astonished/satisfied)
7. When product performance exceeds very much more than customer
expectation the customer are _____
( dissatisfied/delighted/satisfied/astonished)
8. Professional marketers are _____ in decision
making.(lazy/proactive/reactive/none of these)
9. High efficiency in the organization helps the firm to get higher returns at
______. (Higher costs/Lower costs/Moderate Costs/Zero costs)
10. ______ is the oldest concept of marketing.
11. _____ is a process of extracting useful data from a larger set of raw
(Marketing Research/MIS/Data Mining/Data Warehousing)
12. Age is a _______ factor which influences consumer behavior.
(Marketing, Psychological/Personal/ Social )

13. Physical surroundings is _______ factor which influences consumer
behavior. (Situational/ Psychological/Personal/ Social )
14. Family is a _______ factor which influences consumer behavior.
(Marketing/Psychological/Personal/ Social )
15. In ______________ segmentation market is divided on the basis of
16. When a company selects single market segment and offers several
products to satisfy that segment,it is a _____ type of target marketing.
(Selective specialization/ market specialization/product
specialization/single segment specialization)
17. To get feedback from the customers_____ method of data collection is
used. (experimentation/survey/observation/ none of these)
18. _____ is a list of questions to be asked for collection of information from
the customer. (Sample/Questionnaire/News/ Research Report)
19. ___ is a systematic process of collecting and analyzing of data to solve
specific marketing problems. ( MIS/Marketing Research/Market
Segmentation/Consumer Behaviour)
20. ______ makes use of latest techniques to collect, store and process
meaningful information for future decision making process.(
MIS/Marketing Research/Market Segmentation/Consumer Behaviour)
21. When a company selects several market segments and offers several
products to each of the segment, it is a _____ pattern of target
marketing. (Selective specialization/ market specialization/product
specialization/single segment specialization)
22. When a company selects only specific single market segment and offers
a single product to that segment, it is a _____ pattern of target
marketing. (Selective specialization/ market specialization/product
specialization/single segment specialization)
23. When a company selects several segments and offers aspecific single
product to such segments, it is a _____ pattern of target marketing.
(Selective specialization/ market specialization/product
specialization/single segment specialization)

24. When a company selects all the segmentsof the markets and offers
several products to them, it is a _____ pattern of target marketing.
(Selective specialization/ market specialization/full market
coverage/single segment specialization)
25. Consumer behavior is _____ in nature because it is influenced by a
number of factors.( simple/ complex/all of these/none of these)
26. Perception is _______ factor which influences consumer behavior.
(Situational/Psychological/Personal/ Social )
27. Promotion is _______ factor which influences consumer behavior.
(Marketing/ Psychological/Personal/ Social )
28. In ______________ segmentation market is divided on the basis of
culture. (sociographic/ demographic/geographic/behavioural)
29. In ______________ segmentation market is divided on the basis of Life
style. (psychographic/ demographic/geographic/behavioural)
30. In ______________ segmentation market is divided on the basis of user
rate. (sociographic/ demographic/geographic/behavioural)
31. In ______________ segmentation market is divided on the basis of
education. (demographic/ sociographic/geographic/behavioural)
32. ____ is a set of statistical tools that assist marketing managers to make
improved marketing decisions. (Internal Records, Marketing
Intelligence, Marketing Research, Marketing Decision Support
33. _______ is a companywide electronic database of detailed customer
information. (Data warehouse/Marketing Research/Market
Segmentation/Consumer Behaviour)
34. ______ are the actions and decision processes of people who purchase
goods and services for personal consumption.( Data
warehouse/Marketing Research/Market Segmentation/Consumer
35. CRM stands for _____. (Customer Relationship Management/Customer
Resistance Management/ Competitor Relationship Management)
36. In _____ technique of CRM, firms treat the customers as partners.
(Loyalty Programmes/One-to-One Marketing/Satisfaction
Surveys/After Sales Service)

37. Effective after sales services are made to _______ customer
relationship. ( decrease/ enhance/destroy/none of these)
38. Satisfaction Surveys are useful to find out the level of _____
satisfaction. (competitor/customer/dealer/supplier)
39. In ____ technique of CRM, suggestions from customers are invited in
respect of product, price, positioning etc.((Loyalty
Programmes/Suggestion Schemes/Satisfaction Surveys/After Sales
40. _________ marketing refers to marketing to small segment of the
market. ( Small/ Niche/Large/ Special)
41. Marketing decision support system is an important component of _____.
( Data warehouse/Marketing Research/Market Segmentation/Market
Information System)
42. Consumer behavior is ____ for different products.
(same/different/both/none of these)
43. The consumer behavior is ____ across states, regions and countries.
(same/different/both/none of these)
44. ____ is the inner drive that motivates a person to act or behave in a
certain manner.( Attitude/ Motive/Learning/Perception)
45. _____ is the impression which one forms about a certain situation or
object.( Attitude/ Motive/Learning/Perception)
46. In psychological factors of consumer behaviour______takes place
through information and experience. ( Attitude/
47. In psychological factors of consumer behaviour______is a tendency to
respond in a given manner to a particular situation or object or idea.
(Attitude/ Motive/Learning/Perception)
48. In ____ concept of evolution of marketing, more emplasis is given on
aggressive promotion to increase the sales.
49. In ____ concept of evolution of marketing, firm strikes to maintain a
balance of society’s welfare, customer satisfaction, and company’s
profits. (Selling/Marketing/Exchange/Societal)

50. In ____ concept of evolution of marketing, firms focus on building long
term customer relationships. (Selling/Relationship
51. In ____ concept of evolution of marketing, firms shift from marketing of
low cost products to marketing of high quality products.
52. ____ concept of evolution of marketing, came into existence after the
industrial evolution in England.
53. _____ is a process of launching a product in a very limited marketing
area in order to find out the acceptance of the product by the customers.
(MIS Management/ Test Marketing/CRM/After sale service)
54. _______ is paid form of non-personal promotion of ideas, goods and
services by an identified sponsor
(Branding/Advertising/CRM/After sale service)
55. ____ is the perception of the brand in the minds of customers. ( Brand
Image/Attitude/Learning/Brand Loyalty)
56. ______ is the incremental value of a brand over and above its physical
assets. ( Brand Image/Attitude/Learning/Brand Equity)
57. Internal Marketing is related to _________________ of the
organization. ( Customers/Employees/Competitors/None of These)
58. ________ marketing firms place lot of emphasis on Research &
Development to improve quality and to develop new products.
(Traditional/Strategic/ Internal/ Micro)
59. ________ marketing managers consider long term time frame.
(Traditional/Strategic/ Internal/ Micro)
60. Consumer behavior is a systematic process relating to ______ decision
process. (investment/health/insurance/buying)

Module II
1. The ___ stage of Product Life Cycle, begins when a new product is
launched for the first time in the market.
( Introduction/Growth/Maturity/Decline)

2. During ____ stage of Product Life Cycle, demand for the product
3. During ___ stage of Product Life Cycle, the sales remains more or
less stagnant and profit and market share may tend to decline.
4. In the _____ stage of Product Life Cycle, sales goes down due to
lower demand from
5. _____ is the set of marketing tools that the firm uses to pursue its
marketing objectives in the target market. (MIS/ Product Life Cycle/
Marketing Mix/ Service Positioning)
6. _____ is the exchange value at which the seller sells and the buyer
buys the product. ( Product/Price/Place/Promotion)
7. ____ refers to the speed at which marketing decisions and actions
are taken. ( Product/Pace/Place/Promotion)
8. _____ involves all the activities the company undertakes to
communicate and promote its products to the target market.
9. _____ includes the various activities the company undertakes to take
the product available to target audience.
( Product/Pace/Place/Promotion)
10. Product _______ aims at creating and maintaining a distinct image
of the brand in the minds of Target customers.
11. ____ is the process of creating new and improved products.
(Product Mix/Product Design/Product Labelling/ Product
12. Nowadays, _____ should be bio-degradable, recyclable, reusable.
(Product Mix/Product Design/Product Labelling/ Product
13. _____ indicate the instructions about the contents of the products on
product’s labels.

(Product Mix/Product Design/Product Labelling/ Product
14. ____ is a guarantee or assurance from the manufacturer that the
product will perform as stipulated.
(Product Warranty/Product Design/Product Labelling/ Product
15. _____ induces the target customers to purchase the products.
(Product Warranty/Product Design/Product Labelling/ Product
16. _____ needs to offer tangible and psychological benefits to the
( Promotion/Place/Brand/ Service)
17. Tourist place like Goa is associated with clean and beautiful beaches,
this shows _____ component of branding.
(Brand Personality/Brand Functions/Brand Benefits/ Brand
18. ___ is the perception of brand in the minds of customers.
(Brand Personality/Brand Image/Brand Benefits/ Brand
19. Brand packaging ____the quality of product.
(preserves/decreases/both/none of these)
20. _______ is the ability of potential buyer to recognise or recall that a
brand belongs to a certain product category.
(Brand Personality/Brand Name Awareness/Brand Benefits/
Brand Association)
21. _____ of the product gives exclusive marketing rights for certain
number of years.
(Brand Personality/Brand Name Awareness/Brand Benefits/ Brand
22. ____ is an effort aimed at creating and maintaining in the mind of
target customers the intended image for the brand, relative to other
( Product Positioning/Brand Name Awareness/Brand Benefits/
Brand Association)

23. A good ___ must match with the nature of the product.
(positioning/ package/patent/none of these)
24. ____ positioning is a process of creating a distinct identity of a service
in a competitive world.
(Service/Product/Brand/Corporate image)
25. _____ is the most important objective of pricing.
(Early Cash Recovery/Social Responsibility/Profit
26. ___ objective seeks to get as much profit as possible.
( Early Cash Recovery/Social Responsibility/Profit maximisation
/Competitive effect objectives)
27. In ____ pricing strategy marketers may charge the same price for all
the markets.
( Standard Pricing Strategy, Probe Pricing Strategy, Transfer
Pricing Strategy, Penetration Pricing Strategy)
28. In ____ pricing strategy marketers may fix a higher price in the
market during the early stages of product introduction

(Standard Pricing Strategy, Probe Pricing Strategy, Transfer

Pricing Strategy Penetration Pricing Strategy)
29. ____ pricing refers to the pricing of goods or services among
subsidiaries within a multinational corporation.

( Standard Pricing Strategy, Probe Pricing Strategy, Transfer

Pricing Strategy, Penetration Pricing Strategy)
30. ____ pricing strategy includes low price in the early stages of
product introduction.
( Standard Pricing Strategy, Probe Pricing Strategy, Transfer Pricing
Strategy, Penetration Pricing Strategy)
31.____ pricing strategy high premium price is charged when a product
is launched in the market.
(Standard Pricing Strategy, Probe Pricing Strategy, Transfer Pricing
Strategy, Skimming Pricing Strategy)
32.In____ pricing a firm may charge a lower price to induce customers
to buy the product especially at the introductory stage.

( Standard Pricing Strategy, Probe Pricing Strategy, Transfer Pricing
Strategy, Psychological Pricing Strategy)
33. ____ pricing is used to gain monopolistic position in the market.
(Probe Pricing Strategy/ Standard Pricing Strategy/Predatory
Pricing Strategy/Follow the leader pricing Strategy)
34. In ____ pricing a firm offers the same product to different customers
at different prices.
(Probe Pricing Strategy/ Standard Pricing Strategy/Flexible Pricing
Strategy/Follow the leader pricing Strategy)
35. In ____ pricing a marketer may fix his prices depending upon the
prices of the leading competitor. (Probe Pricing Strategy/ Standard
Pricing Strategy/Follow the leader pricing strategy/Follow the leader
pricing Strategy)
36. ______ pricing strategy plays on the psychology of the buyers.
(Probe Pricing Strategy/ Standard Pricing Strategy/Psychological
Pricing Strategy/Follow the leader pricing Strategy)
37. ______ aims of protection preservation and promotion of goods.(
38. Marketing mix is a ______ concept.( dynamic/static/both/none of
39. A company adopts ____ marketing mix for all products.
(Same/different/ both/none of these)
40. ______ refers to extension of extension of an existing brand name
to other brands.
( Brand width/Brand extension/Brand equity/Brand logo)
41. ____ refers to anything linked to a brand. .
( Brand width/Brand association/Brand equity/Brand logo)
42. ________ is the customer’s perception of the overall quality or
superiority of a product as compared to other competing brand. .
( Brand width/Perceived Quality of Brand/Brand equity/Brand logo)
43. A good package must be ____ with the product.
(differentiate/match/contradict/none of these)
44. Packages must be _____ identifiable by the customers.
(rigidly/easily/both/none of these)

45. The cost of the package must be _____.( expensive/reasonable/
fashionable/all of these)

Module – 3
1) ________ refers to the extra incentives that the channel intermediaries get
to stock and promote the products.

(Push commission, Pull incentives, Extra Credit Period, Performance

2) The main objective of advertising is to __________.

(Training, Create Awareness, Increase Sales, Increase Profits)

3) _________ involves preparing and placing attractive displays of a new

(Perception, Merchandising, Salesmanship, Sales Promotion).

4) ________ System takes place when two or more stages of a distribution
channel are combined and managed by one firm.

(Vertical Marketing, Horizontal Marketing, Participative, Third Party

5) ________ is a form of consumer-oriented promotion techniques.

(Higher, Participative, Exchange offers, trade discount, Dealer conferences).

6) ________ facilities detailed information to the prospective customers.

(Trade fairs, Advertising, Energy, sponsorships)

7) ________ helps in protection the goods from damage during transportation.

(General, Packaging, Tracking, Insurance)

8) ________ is an unpaid form of promotion-mix.

(General Satisfaction, Publicity, Advertising, Salesmanship)

9) _________ channel is also called as ‘zero-level’ marketing channel.

(Direct, Indirect, Autocratic, Multi-level)

10) _________ marketing system is an arrangement whereby two or more firms
at the same level join together for marketing purpose to capitalize on a new
opportunity. (Horizontal, Vertical, Sociocratic, Multi-Level)

11) Physical Distribution is a process of effectively _____ the product to the
customer in proper condition and on time. (Delivering, Sociocratic,
Neurocratic, Public)
12) Channels of distribution bring producers and buyers together by creating
place, time & ______ utilities. (Positive, Negative, General, Possession,)
13) Channels improve distribution efficiency due to which producer can
concentrate on ____ activity. (Physical, Natural, Physical, Production)
14) The middleman helps to introduce new products in the market by
recommending them to the ____ (How and Where, Why and Where, What
and How, Customer)
15) _____ involves preparing and placing attractive displays of a new products.
(Merchandising, Special, General, Informal)
16) The channel intermediaries provide finance to the _____ by giving advance
payment against the order. (Producers, Motivation, Intelligence,
17) In case of highly priced _____ items such as Rolls Royce cars, the company
may go exclusive distribution through one or two showrooms especially in
major metros. (Mentality, EQ, Ability, Luxury)
18) In case of ___ products, the company may adopt indirect channels as
buyers are large in buyers are large in number and buy in smaller quantities.
(FMCG, Market, Technical, Overseas)
19) ____ products require shorter channels to avoid re-handling and spoilage.
(Perishable, Motivation, Direction, Transfer)
20) If a firm has____, it may adopt indirect channels and vice-versa. (Limited
Sales Force, Customers, Public, Manpower,)
21) Firm has ____ in the market, it may distribute its product through selective
stores. (Distinct Image, Human resources planning, Placement of
employees, Promotion of employees)
22) Firm has _____ in terms of its own showrooms, fleet of distribution vehicles,
etc. it may adopt direct channel. (Strong Distribution Network,
Competitors, Government, Corporate)
23) In case of certain ____ such as heavy machinery and equipment, most of
the firms resort to direct channel. (Job, Role, Cost-benefit, Industrial

24) During recession, middleman may be unwilling to stock new products
unless they are provided with extra incentives such as ______ (improving,
Aptitude, Interest, Push Commission)
25) ____ Marketing Channel where the manufacture, sells to the final consumer
without the help of intermediaries. (Direct, Selection, Recruitment,
26) ____ Marketing Channel where the manufacturer, sells to the final
consumer with the help of intermediaries. (Stress, Sensitive, Formal,
27) The ______ of the distribution channel is disrupted because of conflicts
among channel members. (Structured, efficiency, Informal, Higher)
28) SCM is the management of supply chain activities to maximise customer
value and to achieve _____ (Innovation, Training, Promotion, Competitive
29) SCM refers to the management of the flow of goods and services from the
producer to the_____ (Superiors, Counselling, Creche facility, Customer)
30) Supply chain management is the management of a network of
interconnected activities involved in the provision of products required by
end _____ (Customers, Recruitment, Selection, Placement)
31) The ____ organizations may be including the firms with whom the
organization is working like suppliers, manufactures, wholesalers, retailers
& consumers. (multiple, single, functional, cross)
32) ____ is an efficient supply chain being an important component of SCM.
(Planning, Organizing, Directing, Controlling)
33) ______ chain managers schedule the activities necessary for production,
testing, packaging and preparation for delivery. (HR, Finance, R& D,
34) _____ is an important element of supply chain management. (Recruitment,
Effective, Placement, Logistics)
35) ____ is used for collecting, storage, analysis, and transmission of data.
(Absenteeism, Labor Turnover, Transfer, IT)
36) ____ helps for all components of logistics, order processing, inventory
management, transportation, warehousing and material handlings. (IT,
Leadership, Manager, Labor,)

37) _____ has set standard for delivery within 30 minutes of placing the
order. (Domino’s Pizza, Mc’d, Burger King, CCD)
38) The movement of goods can take place through ______ mode.
(Transportation, Absenteeism, Labor Turnover, Transfer)
39) _____ blocks working capital. (Under- inventory, Manager, Labor, Over
– inventory)
40) _____ affects delivery schedule. (Under- inventory, Manager, Labor,
Over – inventory)
41) function logistical packaging facilities the storage of the product.
(Protective, Good, Worst, Average)
42) ______ function logistical packaging facilitates the storage of the
product. (Storage, Transformational, Transactional, Autocratic)
43) ____ function the packages are marked in such a way that the products
in it are easily identified- by colour, pictures or labels. (Transformational,
Transactional Information, Democratic)
44) ______ function it facilitates the transportation of the products from one
place to another. (Punishment, Transportation, Aptitude, Interest)
45) _____ function it facilitates the loading and unloading of goods.
(Handling, Mentor, Manager, Counsellor)
46) Companies need to create a responsive network for receiving back the
defective and excess products from their_____. (Job Security, Job
Insecurity, Contract Job,Customers)
47) ______ is an important element of marketing mix. (Physiological,
Sociology, Promotion, Psychological)
48) Promotion mix is also called as _____ mix. (Positive, Negative,
Communication, Neutral)
49) Marketing mix that is used to inform, persuade and _____ the market
regarding the organisation and / or its products. (Neutral, Remind
Negative, Worst)
50) ______ is required to build or to reinforce attitudes in the minds of target
audience. (Moderate, Average, Poor Promotion)
51) Recommendation of the product to others by loyal_____. (Strong, Weak,
Customers, Challenge)

52) The marketer may counter the claims made by the major_____ (Yes,
Average, Competitors, No idea.)
53) Promotion may be undertaken to educate ____. (Proactive, Customers,
Creative, Lazy)
54) ______ is elements of Promotion Mix. (Advertising, Motivation,
Demotivation, Dependent)
55) _____ involves face to face communication between the firms
representative and the prospect. (Autonomy, Positive, Financial,
56) Participation in _____ and exhibitions is an important technique of
promoting products. (Task, Trade Fairs, Television, Travelling)
57) ______ also called as integrated promotion mix. (IMC, Mastery, HR,
58) Sales Management is a business discipline which is focused on the
practical application of sales techniques.
59) _____ is concerned with managing detailed information of individual
customers. (Morale, Vision, Mission, CRM)
60) The salesperson should always focus on the benefits for the ______
(Customer, Exit Interview, Promotion Interview, Transfer Interview)

Module – 4
1) The word ethics is derived from _______ word ‘Ethos’. (Greek, German,
Latin, Hindi)
2) Ethics is a branch of _____________ (Sociocratic, philosophy,
psychology, sociology)
3) Harmful products like cigarettes are promoted through _______ ads.
(economical, surrogate, advocacy, social)
4) __________ pricing helps to wipe out competition from the market.
(Luxury, Predatory, Differential, Premium)
5) _________ is a consumer organization in India. (CGSI, AAAI, ASI, HRP)
6) _________ organization assists the consumers in legal matters. (Dealer,
Consumer, Social, political)

7) ________ brand is marketed by Mondelez International. (Cadbury Dary
Milk, Mercedes, CCD, McDonald)
8) _______ defense strategy involves launching of an offence against the
competitor before the latter starts an offence. (Emotive, Pre-emptive,
Flanking, Position)
9) _______ attack is combination of frontal and flank attack. (Enragement,
Encirclement, Flank, Frontal)
10) Cloner Strategy is followed by market _________. (Friends, Follower,
leader, challenger).
11) Ethics is a branch of ____ which is concerned with human conduct.
(Sociocratic, Philosophy, psychology, sociology)
12) Customers have the ____ to get right quality of products, which are not
harmful for their health. (Rights, Skills, Performance Appraisal, Training)
13) Customers have the right to get products at the right _____ and not at
exorbitant prices. (Product, Promotion, Place, Price)
14) Customer have the right to get proper ____ of the product through
publicity, advertising, sales force, etc. (Information, Conflicts, Disputes,
15) Customers have the right to get goods through the right channels of ____
(Distribution, TV, Radio, Laptop)
16) Advertising creates materialistic values rather than _____ ones. (Goals,
Spiritual, Boring, Expertise)
17) Advertising and _____ targeted to children have an adverse effect on
their personality. (Development, Promotion, Training, Placement)
18) _____ pricing by large MNCs to wipe out the competition also rises
ethical issues in marketing. (Predatory, Strength, Weakness,
19) Drug companies charge ____ prices for medicines and induce doctors
with gifts and incentives to prescribe the same to patients. (Very Good,
Good, Poor, Exorbitant)
20) Trade mark and brand name violations are _____ throughout the
developing world. (Manufacturer, Dealers, Wholesaler, Ubiquitous)
21) Data piracy is major concern in several countries especially in _____
nations. (Developed, Developing, Underdeveloped, Less developing)

22) ______ marketers sell products which have crossed the expiry date by
repacking with a new expiry date. (Unethical, Founder, Vice President,
23) Unethical ____ Promotion techniques are adopted by several marketers.
(Organization, Sales, Departmental, Functional)
24) Celebrity endorsement is a major _____ issue in marketing. (Unethical,
Ethical, Coaching, Counselling)
25) The ____ endorsements emotionally blackmail the consumers.
(Celebrity, Villan, Director, Producer)
26) After sale service is quite poor in many ____ countries. (Developed,
Developing, Underdeveloped, Less developing)
27) Poor after sale service can be an ____ practice on the part of marketers.
(Ethical, Unethical, Coaching, Counselling)
28) Some marketing firms are criticized for ____ shortage and cartel
activities. (Decision Maker, Strategy Maker Artificial, Natural)
29) Some business firms adopt ___ competitive practices. (Unfair, Fair,
Appropriate, Unappropriate)
30) Right to ____ the products as per their requirements, preference and
purchasing power. (Choose, Safety, Informed, Heard)
31) Right to ____ a customer has a right to be protected against harmful
products. (Safety, Informed, Heard Choose)
32) Right to be _____ about the basic information about products in price,
quality, features. (Safety, Informed, Heard Choose)
33) Right to be ____ registering their complaints relating to the products.
(Safety, Informed, Heard Choose)
34) Right to ____ the consumer can seek redressal against unfair practices
by manufactures or sellers. (Redress, Safety, Informed, Choose)
35) Right to ____ consumers become well informed and conscious of their
rights. (Safety, Informed, Choose Education)
36) Right to protect against _____ trade practices adopted by businessmen.
(Choose, Unfair, Safety, Informed)
37) Right to ___ against spurious goods. (Choose, Protect, Safety,

38) Consumer organisations are required to provide recommendations to the
___ to frame suitable regulations in the interest of the consumers.
(Dealers, Government, Businessmen, Manufacturers)
39) Consumer organisations put pressure on the _____ to solve the genuine
complaints of the customers. (Government, Dealers, Manufacturers,
40) Consumer organisations exert pressure on _____ and makes them more
sensitive to consumer needs. (Manufacturers, Dealers, Businessmen,
41) Consumer organisations publish ___ regarding consumers rights.
(Information, Innovative Ideas, Dull Ideas, Repeated Ideas)
42) A ____ leader enjoys the top position in the market. (Dealers, Producers,
Marketer, Salesman)
43) _____ strategy involves allocating maximum resources into the current
successful brands. (Flanking Defence, Position Defence, Counter
Offensive Defence, Mobile Defence)
44) _____ strategy guards the market position of leading brands. (Flanking
Defence, Pre-emptive Defence, Counter Offensive Defence, Mobile
45) ______ strategy involves the launching of an offence against the
competitors before the latter starts an offence. (Flanking Defence, Pre-
emptive Defence, Counter Offensive Defence, Mobile Defence)
46) _______ strategy identifies a weakness of an attacker and undertakes a
counter offence in the attacker’s territory. (Flanking Defence, Pre-
emptive Defence, Counter Offensive Defence, Mobile Defence)
47) _____ strategy involves the leader broadening and expanding its
territories to new market areas by diversifying. (Flanking Defence, Pre-
emptive Defence, Counter Offensive Defence, Mobile Defence)
48) _____ strategy involves retrenching into areas of strength and is often
used in latter stages of a product life cycle. (Flanking Defence, Pre-
emptive Defence, Counter Offensive Defence, Contraction Defence)
49) _____ is a direct attack, wherein the market challenger matches with the
competitor’s product, price, advertising and promotion activities.
(Frontal Attack, Flan Attack, Encirclement Attack, Bypass Attack)

50) _____ a marketer attacks a competitor on its weak points. (Frontal
Attack, Flan Attack, Encirclement Attack, Bypass Attack)
51) ________ is a combination of frontal and flank attack. (Frontal Attack,
Flan Attack, Encirclement Attack, Bypass Attack)
52) ______ is the indirect attack, wherein the market challenger does not
attack the leader directly. (Frontal Attack, Flan Attack, Encirclement
Attack, Bypass Attack)
53) ______ is the intermittent attacks imposed by the challenger to
demoralize the competitor by adopting both the conventional and
unconventional means of attack. (Frontal Attack, Guerrilla Warfare,
Encirclement Attack, Bypass Attack)
54) _____ where the nicher sells only in a certain locality or region.
(Geographic Specialist, Product Specialist, Service Specialist,
Channel Specialist)
55) _____ where the nicher produces only one product. (Geographic
Specialist, Product Specialist, Service Specialist, Channel Specialist)
56) _____ the firm that offers one or more services not available from other
firms. (Geographic Specialist, Product Specialist, Service Specialist,
Channel Specialist)
57) _____ the firm specialise in serving only one channel of distribution.
(Geographic Specialist, Product Specialist, Service Specialist, Channel
58) _____ where the nicher specialises in serving only one type of end use
customer. (Geographic Specialist, Product Specialist, End-User
Specialist, Channel Specialist)
59) ______ where the nicher produces the products as per the designs
ordered by the customers. (Geographic Specialist, Product Specialist,
Specific Customer Specialist, Channel Specialist)
60) _____ certain niche marketers may enter in niche events or services.
(Geographic Specialist, Product Specialist, Service Specialist, Event


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