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Faculty of Engineering, Environment and Computing

Developing the Modern Web

CW Assignment Brief 2020/21 (RAB)

Module Title Ind/Group Cohort Module Code

Developing the Modern Web Individual SEM3 205CDE

Coursework Title Hand Out Date

Dynamic Website 01/05/21

Lecturer Due Date:

Mark J Tyers 25/06/21 18:00

Estimated Time Coursework Type Module Credits

30 hours Codio, GitHub, Screencast 20

Submission Arrangement Online via Aula

File Types: Codio Project with screencast. Repository on GitHub.
Mark and Feedback Date: 07/07/21
Mark and Feedback Method: Rubric comments and marks.

Module Learning Outcomes Assessed

On completion of Developing the Modern Web a student should be able to:
ILO 1 Install, configure and secure a web server ready for non-static content. Understand issues
when setting-up web servers.
ILO 2 Identify from a variety of technologies to produce a range of standards based websites,
incorporating multimedia contents.
ILO 3 Understand advantages of dynamic websites; Design and build data-driven dynamic websites
that utilise both server-side and client-side scripting language technologies.

Task Overview
You are tasked with designing and building a modern dynamic website based on the topic you
have been assigned, this will be a different topic from the one you were assigned in semester 2.
Note that you will only need to address the requirements for features 1-4. You do not have to
implement the sensor requirements either.
The website must store all its data in a relational database and must be usable on both a laptop
and a smartphone screen through the use of responsive and adaptive design.

Working on the Assignment
The assignment must be completed in the Codio box called SEM3. The work must be done
inside the Codio box at all times as the box contains special tools to identify plagiarism and
collusion and can identify work that has been pasted from other sources. There is a tool to
detect if the work was done outside the Codio environment and then copied over. If this is
indicated or if you attempt to disable the tracking tool, you will be required to attend a Viva
session to verify the work is your own.
You are being assessed on your understanding of core modern web technologies such as
HTML5, CSS3 and ECMA6 JavaScript. For this reason you are not permitted to make use of any
back or frontend framework and your project must use Deno and be based on the supplied
template code.

Setting Up the Codio Box

You can find the box for your assignment in the Assessment section in Codio, it's called SEM3.
Open the Codio box, locate the terminal and run the following command.
$ curl -sL | bash

Before submitting your assignment you need to create a number of testing accounts to allow the
assessor to test the functionality of your software which will be run from your Codio box. If this
can't be run you will get an overall grade of zero. If you read the topic descriptor carefully you
will see that these are listed under the Testing heading. Before submitting please ensure that
there are accounts registered on your system for each of these. Set the password in all cases to
You are required to submit a short screencast in MP4 format, using the Google Chrome
Screencastify plugin or alternative.

This screencast should have the name demonstration.mp4, be under 5 minutes long and should
use the Chrome Browser to demonstrate the functionality of your dynamic website.
As you access each screen, use the Device Toolbar Button in the Chrome Developer Tools to
toggle between the standard browser view and the iPhone 5/SE to demonstrate your use of
responsive/adaptive web page design.
This screencast should demonstrate the functionality as defined in the topic descriptor. At the
start of the recording you should state clearly what functionality you achieved (for example “I
completed phase 1 parts 1 and 2), this will ensure the marker knows what to look for.
This will be marked using the Functionality and UI Design parts of the rubric.

Codio Box
You will be developing your website using a template provided in a Codio box and you should
ensure that this code is up to date and working as it will be used as part of the assessment.

GitHub Repository
Finally, you are expected to create a repository in the
organisation. The name of the repository must be xxx-sem3, where xxx is your university

You are assigned a topic based on the last two digits of your 7 or 8 digit student ID number. For example
if your ID number were 1234567. You use the number 67 to determine your topic which, in this
example, would be Mortgage Application.

01-04 Frequently-Asked Questions

05-08 Gallery

09-12 Game Reviews

13-16 Gift List

17-20 Local Community

21-24 Local News

25-28 Pledge

29-32 Restaurant Ordering

33-36 Restaurant Reviews

37-40 Stock Inventory

41-44 Student CVs

45-48 Survey

49-52 Theatre

53-56 Collection Tracker

57-60 Expenses Tracker

61-64 Library Loans

65-68 Mortgage Applications

69-72 Sandwich Ordering Service

73-76 Auction

77-80 Domestic Repairs

81-84 Bookshop

85-88 E-Learning

89-92 File Sharing

93-00 Forum

Marking Process
This page explains the marking process. Make sure you read it carefully.

The assessor will watch your uploaded screencast and will expect to see the stage 1
functionality fully demonstrated followed by the stage 2 functionality. There should be a clear
voiceover explaining how each feature links to the task requirements. This screencast should be
no longer than 3 minutes however if you are demonstrating both stage 1 and 2 this can be up to
5 min long and 8 min if all three stages completed.

UI Design
To pass (40%) there needs to be a simple, consistent appearance across the entire UI. For a
grade of 60% we are looking for clever use of navigation and controls to improve the user
experience. If you use the Device Toolbar button to demonstrate that every page is usable on
both a desktop and a smartphone (layout not broken and text not too small) the work will be
graded at 80%. For 100% the app needs to look and behave like a smartphone app when
viewed on a smartphone but like a desktop app/website when viewed on a larger screen.

Page Markup, Page Style and Code Quality

The assessor will study the code in the Codio box and check to see:
1. whether the page markup is consistently using modern semantic html5.
2. The quality of the css used in the website.
3. The quality and consistency of the JavaScript code.

It is very important that you read and fully understand the restrictions listed below. If you ignore
any of these your submission will be considered invalid:
1. Your work must be your own, do not share your work with any other students or copy
work from someone else.
2. The dynamic website must be developed inside the supplied Codio box located under the
assignment section. This code should be available on the University GitHub server as a
private repository inside the 205CDE-2021 organisation using the repository name of
xxx-sem3 where xxx is your university username.
You should refer to the CW Rubric and ensure that your submission meets its requirements
remembering that the grading rubric is cumulative, you need to meet the lower grade
descriptors even when attempting the higher grades.

1. Please notify your registry course support team and module leader for disability support.
2. Any student requiring an extension or deferral should follow the university process. As part of
the University's No Detriment policy any request for a 2 week extension will receive automatic
approval however you must complete the online application.
3. The University cannot take responsibility for any coursework lost or corrupted on disks, laptops
or personal computers. Students should therefore regularly back-up any work and are advised
to save it on the University system.
4. If there are technical or performance issues that prevent students submitting coursework
through the online coursework submission system on the day of a coursework deadline, an
appropriate extension to the coursework submission deadline will be agreed. This extension will
normally be 24 hours or the next working day if the deadline falls on a Friday or over the
weekend period. This will be communicated via email and as a CUMoodle announcement.
5. Assignments must be uploaded in the file format specified in the assignment brief. Submissions
that are not in this format will receive a zero mark.
6. You are warned to check your work and the filename before uploading to the link. You have only
one chance to submit which will be checked by Turnitin on your Moodle Web.
7. Collusion between students (where sections of your work are similar to the work submitted by
other students in this or previous module cohorts) is taken extremely seriously and will be
reported to the Academic Conduct Office. This applies to both courseworks and exam answers.
8. You must not submit work for assessment that you have already submitted (partially or in full),
either for your current course or for another qualification of this university, unless this is
specifically provided for in your assignment brief or specific course or module information.
Where earlier work by you is citable, ie. it has already been published/submitted, you must
reference it clearly. Identical pieces of work submitted concurrently will also be considered to
be self- plagiarism.

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