4.2 Water Relation Parameters

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2 Water relation parameters

4.2.1 Relative water content (%):

Analysis of variance for relative water content gave positive (P<0.001) difference in table
(4.2.1). Relative water content highly significant in control condition as compared to heat stress
condition. The maximum value of relative water (30.1%) was observed in plants which are
normally grow while the minimum value of relative water content (19.82%) was noted in heat
stress condition.

Foliar application of Sulphur showed significant effect on relative water content (RWC). The
highest value of relative water content (30.9%) was noted in plants which was treated with foliar
spray of Sulphur and the lowest value of relative water content (22.1%) was observed in those
plants which are not treated with foliar spray of Sulphur. Canola genotypes also showed
significantly differences for relative water content. The maximum relative water content
(19.82%) was recorded in Pioneer genotype of canola and the lowest water content (17.59%)
observed in Hyola genotype (Table 4.2.2).

The interaction in heat stress, Sulphur levels and genotypes (T×S×G) were positively affected.
The maximum value for relative water content (36.8%) was observed in plants which are treated
with foliar application of Sulphur under control condition in Pioneer genotype. The minimum
value for relative water content (14.9%) was observed in plants which are not treated with foliar
spray of Sulphur under stress condition in Hyola genotype (Table 4.2.2).
Table 4.2.1 Analysis of variance for effect of foliar application of Sulphur on relative water
content of two canola varieties under heat stress.
Source Df SS MS F

Rep 2 2.71 1.356

Sul 1 25.52 25.523 11.13*

Temp 1 101.56 101.558 44.30**

Vari 1 280.65 280.645 122.41**

Sul*temp 1 0.17 0.168 0.07NS

Sul*vari 1 698.01 698.005 304.45**

Temp*vari 1 33.87 33.868 14.77*

Sul*temp*vari 1 93.81 93.813 40.92**

Error 14 32.10 2.293

Total 23 1268.39

Grand mean 24.020 CV 6.30

(P<0.05) Highly significant = ** Significant = * Non-significant = NS

4.2.2 Mean comparison of Sulphur*Temperature*Genotype (S*T*G) for relative water content.

No Heat stress Heat stress

No Sulphur Sulphur No Sulphur Sulphur

V1 17.59 D 30.1 B 14.89 E 19.82 CD


V2 19.82 CD 36.79 A 22.21 C 30.93 B

Fig4.2.1 Effect of foliar application of Sulphur on relative water content of two canola genotypes
under heat stress.
4.2.2 Water Potential of Leaf
According to statistical analysis significantly (P<0.01) relation was shown between both
genotypes of canola with foliar application of Sulphur in water potential of leaf. Maximum rate
of water potential of leaf (-1.05 MPa) was observed in those canola plants which are treated with
exogeneous application of Sulphur. The minimum value of water potential of leaf (-1.19MPa)
was noted in canola plants which are not treated with Sulphur application. Canola genotypes also
found to be significant. Hyola genotype of canola show maximum leaf water potential (-1.19
MPa) while Pioneer gave low water potential (-1.25 MPa) (Table 4.2.4).

The interaction between Sulphur and genotype (S×G) were significantly influenced. The
maximum value of water potential of leaf (-1.05 MPa) was recorded where Sulphur treatment
was applied in Hyola genotype of canola. The minimum value of water potential of leaf (-1.25
MPa) was observed in Hyola genotype where no Sulphur was applied (Table 4.2.4).
Table 4.2.3 Analysis of variance for effect of foliar application of Sulphur on leaf water potential
of canola genotypes under heat stress.
Source Df SS MS F

Rep 2 0.01481 0.00740

Sul 1 0.12184 0.12184 51.70**

Temp 1 0.53700 0.53700 227.88**

Vari 1 0.00004 0.00004 0.02NS

Sul*temp 1 0.00070 0.00070 0.30NS

Sul*vari 1 0.01760 0.01760 7.47*

Temp*vari 1 0.00150 0.00150 0.64NS

Sul*temp*vari 1 0.00400 0.00400 1.70NS

Error 14 0.03299 0.00236

Total 23 0.73050

Grand mean -1.1529 CV -4.21

(P<0.05) Highly Significant = ** Significant = * Non-Significant = NS

Tabale 4.2.4 Mean comparison of Sulphur*Genotype (S*G) for water potential of leaf

No Sulphur Sulphur

V1 -1.25B -1.05A

V2 -1.19 B -1.11 A
4.2.2 Effect of foliar application of Sulphur on water potential of leaf of two canola genotypes in
heat stress condition.
4.2.3 Leaf Osmotic Potential
Statistical analyzed data showed that there is a significant (P<0.01) affect in both canola
genotypes and foliar application of Sulphur for leaf osmotic potential (Table 4.2.5). Higher
osmotic potential of leaf (-1.22 MPa) was documented when plants were treated with exogenous
application of Sulphur while the lowest osmotic potential of leaf (-1.31 MPa) was observed
where no sulphur treatment was used. There is a significant affect in both canola genotypes.
Hyola genotype showed higher leaf osmotic potential -1.13MPa). Minimum osmotic potential of
leaf (-1.22 MPa) was noted in Pioneer genotype (Table 4.2.6).

Interaction among genotypes and Sulfur levels were significant. Highest osmotic potential of leaf
(-1.13 MPa) was recorded in Hyola genotype which were not treated with Sulphur application.
While the minimum value of osmotic potential (-1.39) was observed in Hyola genotype with
sulphur application (Table 4.2.6).
Table 4.2.5 Analysis of variance for effect of foliar application of Sulphur on leaf osmotic
potential of two canola genotypes under heat stress
Source Df SS MS F
Rep 2 0.02013 0.01007
Sul 1 0.17854 0.17854 39.97**
Temp 1 0.43470 0.43470 97.32**
Vari 1 2.042E-04 2.042E-04 0.05NS
Sul*temp 1 0.00150 0.00150 0.34NS
Sul*vari 1 0.04594 0.04594 10.28**
Temp*vari 1 4.167E-06 4.167E-06 0.00NS
Sul*temp*vari 1 0.00304 0.00304 0.68NS
Error 14 0.06253 0.00447
Total 23 0.74660
Grand mean -1.2646 CV -5.28

(P<0.05) Hihly Significant = ** Significant = * Non-Significant = NS

Table 4.2.6 Mean comparison of Sulphur*Genotype (S*G) for osmotic potential of leaf

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