Ashley May 1

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shley May L.


- Einstein

Similarities and Differences of Personal Needs and Social Needs

Social Needs
Activity 1 The social stage did not depend on
fundamental necessities however rather
Personal needs Similarities on mental or feelings.
gives an internal compass.

where need is a higher Access: the individuals should have the

priority than the movement option to get to the local area
Each need should be met
that we are taking part in

needs correspondence the individuals

in light of the requirement for
need to fulfill at least one should have the option to speak with
endurance and wellbeing
requirements to accomplish one another
another need

things that you were unable

to manage without in a crisis

Processing Question
1) maybe because they are different on there perspective aspects as because they are
concerned with different part of individuals
2) they are undeniably both needs of one person and a need with a sense of direction
3) Maybe for us po to be able to incorporate them and remember them as if we will
approach are needs in life

Activity 2
- Do our part responsibly
- Strive for the better
- Try to have a open communication
- Be a role model
- Act responsibly along with our obligations
- Study harder
- Never be afraid to step up / or be a leader
- Act towards humanity and goodness
- Be smart enough to realize timely issues

Processing Question
1) Im starting to change myself to be able to change our society and be a catalyst of
2) As we are the youngsters known more as the youth we are given the opportunity as we
are born in this generation to help improved our society as it will be for the great and good
3) I think it would start for all of us to study hard and graduate to be able to land in a
good job this is one example of such action to do , coz we as the youth are more than
capable to help and change our society as we are more than blessed with knowledge ,
power, capability and resources

Activity 3
Abilities Ways to enhance abilities for your Future Profession
chosen profession
Sense of style - Watch more tutorial
- Find ideas Fashion
Love for drawing - Continue to draw
- Will try to watch tutorials
passion for sewing - Will try to sew more
- Will seek for more knowledge
Dedication - Will always be determined
- Will be positive
Processing Question
1) the fact that dreaming comes with self engagement to that specific dream ( we need
to strive hard for it )
2) My passion , want , if its applicable and could be achieve
3) Truthfully I think yes , as we will be more enhanced in that ability we might come to
have thoughts towards our plans and change it to be more engaging / be more
connected to that specific ability

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