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The Pallid Piper

A supplemental adventure for 4–5 PCs of 7th–9th level

U mamish are chatty

and manipulative

fungal parasites that slowly take

control of a host’s mind to spread to

fresh victims. You’ve eradicated this

infection before but someone has

taken it upon themselves to help the

mushrooms along— at every turn

you’ve run into fresh infestations and

news is spreading of a Pallid Piper

inflicting the fungi on the unwitting

then disappearing with a song.

WRITING Andrew Engelbrite

COLOR ART Indi Martin
MAPS Dyson Logos
EDITING Mike Myler
LAYOUT Frank Michienzi

The Pallid Piper  |  EN World EN5ider

Background Supplemental Adventure
The Pallid Piper is the creation of an abyssal demon This adventure is best played throughout an existing
lord: the Fungus Queen. While it resembles a human, campaign as a series of side quests, starting with the
its flesh is a purely a fungal construct. As of late PCs first encounter with the Pallid Piper in the Sporecap
many of the fungoid races have parted ways with A Cappella encounter at 7th level. This encounter is
the fiendish monarch and she intends to use the followed up while the PCs are at 8th level with the
piper to bring them back in line, and to make many Mycelium Harmonies encounter, and concludes at
more such pipers if the first proves successful. The 9th level with the Fungal Finale encounter. This is a
tune of the piper causes spores to quickly take root sequel to Fungal Bums and shares several themes,
and minor molds to overgrow into full blown infes- mechanics, and characters (including umamish infec-
tations, all while the unnerving joyful melody of the tion; see Fungal Bums). Each can be used separately or
Fungus Queen fills the hearts of victims even as fused together for one extended adventure to weave
their bodies moulder before their eyes. The Pallid into an existing campaign.
Piper is now loose, and if his song reaches a Alternatively, this adventure can be used as a
crescendo the world will joyfully fall to his evil self-contained quest by running the Sporecap A
master. Cappella and Mycelium Harmonies encounters while
the party are 9th level, progressing rapidly through
the encounters back-to-back rather than spacing
them throughout other adventures.

Sporecap A Cappella
The adventure starts in any small village or settle-
ment that the PCs are traveling towards — the
Pallid Piper has visited it and chaos has erupted in
his musical wake. Ideally, this should be a village
the party have visited before and had an opportu-
nity to experience before the piper’s visit. It’s also
ideal if the adventurers are returning to this town
after the completion of some quest.

This place is not as you remember it. A seemingly infi-

nite variety of fungi sprouts from every bit of wood in
sight, and slime molds coat the cobblestones, envelop
the carts, and cover wares seemingly dropped and scat-
Open Game Content | The game rule information in this tered everywhere in haste. Patches of brightly colored
article is designated Open Game Content. All other material mushrooms sprout out from odd angles, giving the
in this article, including maps and illustrations (including town a hauntingly festive appearance. You hear singing
illustrations in the public domain), in-character and out-of- up ahead from a chorus of voices each reciting a joyful
character narrative and descriptive text, character and place tune, though the words themselves are jarring and
names, trade dress, “EN Publishing,” “EN World,” “EN5ider,” unnerving—a trio of figures stalk the town square, each
EN Publishing product and article titles, and with a choir of umamish on their backs, and a fungal
EN World and EN Publishing logos, are designated mass sits at the center eagerly devouring bodies.
Product Identity.

The Pallid Piper  |  EN World EN5ider

The adventurers and their umamish are singing how the trio of outsiders charged the old man, and
in Abyssal, if any of the PCs can understand it how their backs suddenly sprouted fungus as he
they’ll hear various refrains about “hark the piper” simply disappeared.
and “decorating for the Fungus Queen”. If the party If any of the diseased NPCs are cured and survive,
makes a DC 15 Intelligence (Religion) check they’ll they pledge a life debt to the party. At the GMs
recognize the Fungus Queen as a demon lord, discretion, they can be asked to come along on a
though the piper should still remain mysterious. future quest and will obey the PCs orders to the best
The shambling mound that has arisen here is of their abilities (though they won’t harm innocents,
happily devouring corpses and fights until slain. each other, or do anything obviously suicidal).
The diseased NPCs are Kurt Roseheart (a NG
human knight), Elanda Leftfoot (a CG halfling
priest), and Yotul the Wise (a LG half-orc mage),
Mycelium Harmonies
all suffering from the effects of 4th stage umamish This encounter begins while the PCs are 8th level
infection (see Fungal Bums) and ultimately under and traveling through the wilderness.
the Pallid Piper’s control. These afflicted fight until
killed unless they are cured of their umamish A jaunty tune pipes up ahead, though what you spot
infection through excessive poison damage, at around the bend is far from jovial. An old man plays
which point they immediately join alongside the his flute a few paces across from a stout gnome fellow
PCs (though they refuse to kill their companions desperately crawling away while competing fungal
and prioritize curing them). growths surge around them. He reaches out and pleads
The piper’s song has also sprouted up numerous in a pained voice, “help me!”
clutches of extremely toxic mushrooms. Randomly
place 5 such mushroom clutches around the combat Adventurers that played through Fungal Bums
area, with each patch occupying a 5-foot square. instantly recognize the gnome as Pendlewine
Any creature that enters one of these squares must (NG gnome druid 15), the druid that previously
make a DC 18 Constitution saving throw or imme- cured their umamish infections. The Pallid Piper
diately take 25 poison damage. As the encounter is attempting to control him and Pendlewine is
begins any PC with a passive Intelligence (Nature) having to focus all of his effort into resisting the
of 12 or higher recognizes the toxic mushrooms. Fungus Queen’s insidious song.
Once the PCs defeat the monstrous plant and The Pallid Piper has already used Flourishing
either defeat or cure the diseased NPCs, the fungal Rot to conjure violet fungus and relies on them
presence seems to fade and many of the large fungi to distract the PCs while he works on controlling
start rotting away as the song ends. The townsfolk Pendlewine. If attacked the piper turns his atten-
slowly emerge from their buildings shortly after the tion to the party, combining fungal black tentacles
singing stops, celebrating the party’s victory and with pseudopod attacks. Pendlewine is incapaci-
treating them as conquering heroes. The adventurers tated throughout the combat.
are rewarded with free amenities such as lodging Once the piper is brought to 50 hit points or
and food, along with their choice of local wares. below, he cuts his losses and uses transport via plants
When questioned about the mushrooms, the to escape through a nearby mushroom. Should the
townsfolk speak of a strange old man that strode PCs be inclined to follow him, Pendlewine warns
through town playing a jaunty tune on a strange them off and uses his own powers to block the exit
flute — and the monstrous fungal mound that with thick fungi.
sprouted up around him as he played. They recount

The Pallid Piper  |  EN World EN5ider

After the piper departs Pendlewine thanks the Piper’s Tune. While he is conscious, the piper constantly
party and explains the creature’s true nature — and plays a magical prayer to the Fungus Queen causing
the imminent threat posed by the Fungus Queen. mushrooms and lichen to flourish around him. A fungal
He then takes his leave, begging the PCs to aid him plant creature or creature afflicted with umamish
once he can find a way to track the fiend down. infection that starts its turn within 30 feet of the piper
(including the piper) regains 5 (2d4) hit points. In addi-
PALLID PIPER tion, any creature afflicted with umamish infection that
MEDIUM PLANT, CHAOTIC EVIL starts its turn within 30 feet of the piper must make a
Armor Class 16 (natural armor) DC 14 Constitution saving throw or its umamish infec-
Hit Points 119 (14d8+56) tion progresses to the next stage.
Speed 30 ft. ACTIONS
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Multiattack. The piper makes two pseudopod attacks.
14 (+2) 18 (+4) 18 (+4) 12 (+1) 15 (+2) 19 (+4) Pseudopod. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 10 ft.,
Saving Throws Dex +8, Wis +6, Cha +8 one target. Hit: 7 (2d6) bludgeoning damage plus 13
Skills Perception +6, Performance +8 (2d8+4) poison damage.
Damage Immunities poison Flourishing Rot (1/Day). The piper magically grows
Damage Resistances cold, fire, lightning; bludgeoning, either a shambling mound or 3d4 violet fungus in
piercing, and slashing from nonmagical weapons unoccupied spaces that he can see within 50 feet.
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, Whatever is conjured acts on the piper’s initiative
frightened, poisoned starting at the beginning of his next turn, obeying his
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 16 spoken commands.
Languages Abyssal Fungus Queen’s Orders. The piper chooses a fungal
Challenge 11 (7,200 XP) plant creature or creature afflicted with umamish
Fungus Queen’s Herald. Any fungal plant creature or infection he can see within 30 feet. If the target can
creature afflicted with umamish infection (see Fungal hear the piper, it must succeed on a DC 16 Wisdom
Bums) that targets the piper with an attack or a harmful or be charmed by the piper. The charmed target
spell must first make a DC 16 Wisdom saving throw. regards the piper as a trusted friend to be heeded
On a failed save, the creature must choose a new and protected. Although the target isn’t under the
target or lose the attack or spell. This spell doesn’t piper’s control, it protects the piper to the best of its
protect the piper from area effects, such as the abilities. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the
explosion of a fireball. end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on
Innate Spellcasting. The piper’s spellcasting ability is a success.
Charisma (spell save DC 16, +8 to hit with spell attacks).
He can innately cast the following spells, requiring no
material components:
Fungal Finale
At will: chill touch, detect magic, locate animals This encounter kicks off as the 9th level PCs are
or plants in a relatively calm area. Pendlewine returns and
3/day each: black tentacles (fungal in appearance), announces that he’s located the Pallid Piper with the
dispel magic, entangle, plant growth (fungal help of some unlikely allies —a trio of commoners
plants only) he’s brought with him who are obviously suffering
1/day each: transport via plants (fungal plants only) from 4th stage umamish infection, though the
fungus is uncharacteristically subdued and unag-
gressive. The druid explains that the umamish are
wholly against the Fungus Queen’s takeover of

The Pallid Piper  |  EN World EN5ider

Boggy Grotto



their kind and are happy to help cut off her influ-
1. Marshy Crag
ence by revealing a secret about their nature: all Once the PCs are ready Pendlewine uses transport
of them are grown from the same sporestalk, and via plants to take them directly outside the piper’s
can sense one another across the Material Plane. hidden grotto into a small cave beneath a hot and
Thanks to these umamish Pendlewine knows humid rainforest canopy. To the north a narrow
exactly where the piper is hiding and can take the crack in the stone leads further in and is framed by
PCs there whenever they’re ready. Unfortunately colorful mushrooms (#2).
he and the umamish can’t help once they arrive, as
their fungal nature makes them far too susceptible
to the piper’s control.

The Pallid Piper  |  EN World EN5ider

2. Fungal Gallery 6. The Audience Chamber
A central column is absolutely covered in shelf This cavern is decorated in bizarre and exotic fungi
fungus, and bizarre fungal growths mark the walls. arranged and flourishing like the most elegant of
A passage to the west curves into a spiraling slope gardens. Sizable patches on the western and eastern
downwards (#4), the ominous and oddly joyful walls are coated in a particularly noxious shelf
song of the piper spills from a further chamber fungus. A creature that enters a square with one of
to the north (#5), and a wide passage choked with these toxic patches (marked with the jagged lines)
humid fog opens to the east (#3). must make a DC 18 Constitution saving throw or
immediately take 25 poison damage. The southern
3. The Nursery wall is slicked with a slime mold that the Fungus
This chamber is hot with mulch and decay, drenched, Queen transmits her visage into to check upon the
and smells of death. A central mound of soft peat piper’s progress. An upward slope leads through a
was once half a dozen locals that unfortunately tunnel to the northwest (#5).
inspected the cave. Anyone who attempts digging As the PCs arrive the piper is reciting a new song
into the mound quickly discovers as much, but can of his master’s praise and their interruption puts a
recover numerous cultural artifacts and jewelry scowl on the Fungus Queen’s face. In Abyssal she
worth 400 gp to museums or researchers, or 800 gp says, “prove your worth or wither” then disappears
if returned to the relatives of those lost here. A wide from the slime mold. The furious Pallid Piper
passage choked with fog opens to the west (#2). fights until killed. If the explorers from Area 4
aren’t already killed or cured, they arrive to defend
4. The Piper’s Respite him in 1d4 rounds and spread umamish infection
This lower area houses the closest thing to a home as quickly as possible.
the piper has: a bed of loamy soil he rests in to
recuperate. It also contains 4 explorers (veterans)
suffering from 4th stage umamish infection being
Resolving the Adventure
used as servants, a remnant of a failed expedition While not treasure in the traditional sense, the
to this jungle. The location of each is marked on the fungus in these caves was genuinely and carefully
map in this area with a star. They fight until killed nurtured and is worth over 8,000 gp to the right
or cured of umamish infection, at which point botanists or poison makers. Pendlewine offers to
they aid the PCs to the best of their abilities in any safely harvest them for the PCs if he sees them
attempt to kill the piper. A tunnel curves upward hack away at the fungus like amateurs, and he’s
towards the southern end of this chamber (#2). also willing to transport the party wherever they’d
like to be dropped off once they’ve finished looting
5. The Doorman the area.
This broad chamber holds a beast once worshiped In addition, the remaining “allied” umamish
as a jungle god, now diminished to being the commoners have a somewhat disquieting offer to
piper’s guard dog. A giant ape suffering from 4th make: to infect any of the PCs on a more “symbiotic”
stage umamish infection sits in the spot marked level that attains sentience but never progresses
with a star, his umamish caps endlessly singing past 1st stage infection or attempts to take control.
Abyssal praises to the Fungus Queen. It attacks Any adventurer that accepts gains immunity to
any non-fungal intruder and fights until killed. A poison damage and non-magical diseases, as well
narrow passage draped with colorful mushrooms as some chatty stowaways — and whether or not
leads south (#2), and a downward slope heads into their offer is genuine or a trick is up to the GM.
a tunnel to the northwest (#6).

The Pallid Piper  |  EN World EN5ider

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