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Misioneras Hijas de la Sagrada Familia de Nazaret

“Educamos el corazón y la inteligencia de las nuevas generaciones”.

Taller evaluativo segundo periodo

Name: Juan Sebastián Toro R._ 19/08/2021

Lea cuidadosamente y respondan. Los valores entre paréntesis en cada enunciado es el valor de cada punto
bueno de esa pregunta. Son 9 preguntas, he dividido 5.0 entre 9 que me da 0,55 (valor de cada pregunta). Ese
0,55 en cada pregunta lo he dividido por el número de puntos de la pregunta, dando como resultado el valor
entre paréntesis de cada punto. Entonces si el valor dice 0,043, eso es lo que vale cada punto que tenga bueno en
esa pregunta, hay puntos que valen más ya que la cantidad es menor, o puntos de muy poco valor ya que son

Primera parte; presente perfecto:

1) complete el cuadro siguiente según las estructuras del tiempo verbal. (0,0458)
I have studied here all my life. I haven´t studied here all my life Have I studied here all my life?

You have treated her the way you You haven’t treated her the Have you treated her the way you
should way should?
you should.
We have done all we could do We haven´t done all we could do Have we done all we could
I have climbed the highest I haven´t climbed the highest Have I climbed the highest
mountains. mountains mountains?
I have visited your beautiful city haven’t visited your beautiful Have I visited your beautiful city
You have seen such a beautiful night You have not seen such a beautiful Have you seen such a
night beautiful night?

2) marque con una equis o resalte únicamente las oraciones que están construidas en presente
perfecto (0,068). (lea las frases, comprenda lo que dicen y busque las palabras desconocidas, esto segundo no lo
ponga en el taller)

1 □ We have seen the light. 9 □ You are advised to stop what you are doing.

2 □ I have finished my work for 10 □ They have asked us to stop what we are

today. 3 □ She saw him and she liked doing. 11 □ They bought three loaves of bread.

him. 12 □ They had bought three loaves of bread.

4 □ We had a great time in Switzerland. 13 □ They have bought three loaves of bread.

5 □ They have given us their full support.

6 □ She had already eaten before she 14 □ All my friends have already seen that

arrived. 7 □ We have to achieve our targets. movie. 15 □ Many people have commented on

8 □ Since July, the company has lost my blog.


3) completar con HAVE o HAS (0,055). (lea la frase, comprenda lo que dice y busque las palabras
desconocidas, esto segundo no lo ponga en el taller)
1 I seen this movie before. 6 Iraq has had a lot of trouble.
2 She has just finished her exams. 7 Pete and Bob have formed a band.
3 We have asked for an extension. 8 Since July, Ahmad has made four
4 They have invited us for dinner. thousand dollars.
5 Sue has traveled around the world. 9 The dogs have escaped.
10 Someone has let the dogs loose.

4) las siguientes oraciones son incorrectas; corregirlas y cuando escriba la oración nuevamente
resaltar cuál era el error o qué le faltaba. (0,055)
1 Joe have finished his homework. Joe has finished his homework .
2 Have you finish reading that book? Have you finished reading that book? .
3 I have seen that movie last week. I have watched that movie last week
4 John and Mary has started a company. John and Mary have started a company .
5 Have you wrote that email yet? Have you written that email yet? .
6 The police have been caught the criminal. The police has been caught the criminal.
7 The food has prepared by a master chef. The food has prepared by a master chef.
8 I have never saw a ghost before. I have never seen a ghost before _.
9 Last summer, he has built a new shed. Last summer, he built a new shed _ .
10 Mary has already been fed the dogs. Mary has already fed the dogs .
5) Formular preguntas. Utilice lo brindado a continuación para realizar oraciones en forma
interrogativa del presente perfecto. Ordene según la estructura, use bien el auxiliar y el verbo en el
tiempo verbal. (0,0786)

1) (How many books / you / read this week)?

-How many books have you read this week?
2) (How much coffee / you / drink today)?
-How much coffee have you drunk today?
3) (He / meet / your family yet)?
-Has he met your family yet?
4) (How much food / you / buy)?
-How much food have you bought?
5) (You / go / to Australia)?
-Have you gone to Australia
6) (She / miss / the bus)?
-Has she missed the bus?
7) (I / meet / you before)?
-Have i met you before?

Segunda parte; pasado perfecto:

6) Elija el verbo correcto de la lista a continuación para completar las siguientes oraciones. La
oración debe quedar en pasado perfecto según las estructuras correctas para el tiempo (0,039)
(use el auxiliar y participio pasado del verbo)

make start write leave forget fly escape close give ring eat change go see

a. When I got to the house, Mary wasn’t there. She had already gone.

b. I didn’t recognize my old classmate because she changed so much.

c. We were late for the show last night. By the time we got to the theater, the movie

Had already started.

d. Yesterday I went on my first plane trip. I was very nervous because I had never

Flown before.

e. I couldn’t eat much dinner last night because I had eaten such a big lunch.

f. I couldn’t buy any groceries last night because when I got to the supermarket, it

Had already closed .

g. Last week our teacher gave back the essays we had written the week before.

h. The house was quiet when Andrew got home. Everyone left to bed several
hours earlier.
i. They got to school late yesterday. The bell had already rung.

j. Sheila couldn’t come to my house last night because she had already

Made other plans.

k. We couldn’t find the house. It was clear that he had given us the wrong add
l. Annie didn’t want to come to the movie with us because she had seen it the week
m. By the time the police arrived at the bank, the robber had already


n. I couldn’t get into my apartment when I came home from work last night because I

Forgotten to take my key.

mucha atención al enunciado de este punto.

Video explicando por si no entiende leyendo

Yesterday was Valentine’s Day. Lorena’s boyfriend, Adrián, came for dinner at 5:00.
Ayer fue el día de San Valentín. El novio de Lorena, Adrián, vino a cenar a las 5:00.

Lorena’s Schedule Yesterday(horario)

Time Activity
7) Make sentences with the
10.00 Clean the house (example)
past perfect tense affirmative
12:30 Buy groceries and negative to tell what
2:00 Bake a cake Lorena had done when
3:00 Cook a roast Adrián arrived and what
4:00 Prepare the vegetables she hadn’t done yet.
4:30 Set the table (0,055)
5:30 Make a salad
Haga oraciones con el pasado
6:00 Choose some romantic music perfecto, afirmativo y
negativo, para contar lo que
Lorena había
6:30 Make a fire hecho cuando Adrián llegó y
7:00 Light the candles lo
que aún no había hecho.
7:15 Shave her moustache (example)
7:30 Serve the meal

Ejemplos. When Adrian arrived, Lorena had already cleaned the

house. Lorena had not (hadn’t) shaved her moustache when Adrian
Miren que el orden de las dos frases para hacer la oración puede ser cualquiera, pero cumpla
con la estructura del tiempo verbal, puede usar already, yet, just, etc.

1. When Adrián had not arrived, Lorena had already bought groceries.

2. When Adrián had not arrived, Lorena had not already baked the cake.

3. When Adrián had not arrived, Lorena had already cooked the roast.

4. When Adrián had not arrived, Lorena had yet prepared the vegetables.

5. When Adrián had not arrived, Lorena had just set the table

6. When Adrián arrived, Lorena had not made the salad.

7.When Adrián arrived, Lorena had not chosen some romantic music.

8. When Adrián arrived, Lorena had already made the fire.

9. When Adrián arrived, Lorena had not lit the candles.

10. When Adrián arrived, Lorena had already served the meal.

8) Match the first part of the sentence on the left with the correct ending on the right. No con lineas,
coloque la letra en el espacio. (0,055)

1. Betty’s plants died because….g a) she had lost her doll.

2. Bob couldn’t buy the new computer because…. e b) she had left her purse at home.
3. Sammy couldn’t fall asleep last night because… h c) he had already left the office.
4. The little girl was crying because…a d) he hadn’t studied at all.
5. I didn’t have to buy groceries because…i e) he had spent all his money.
6. Kevin failed his exam because... d f) she had forgotten to set the
7. Monty bought a new camera because…. j alarm.
8. Clara couldn’t pay for lunch because… b g) she hadn’t watered them.
h) he had watched a scary movie.
9. Susan slept late because… f i) I had gone shopping the day
10. I couldn’t speak to the boss because… c before.
j) he had lost his old one.

tercera parte; pasado y participio de los verbos:

9) Complete el cuadro con la forma correcta del verbo en cada casilla (0,0162)

Forma original pasado Participio

Know Knew Known

Meet Met Met

Fly Flew Flown

Write Wrote Written

Read Read Read

Live Lived Lived

Fall Fell Fallen

Feel Felt Felt

Take Took Taken

Drive Drove Driven

Teach Taught Taught

Study Studied Studied

Do Did Done
Go Went Gone

call Called Called

Give Gave Given

See Saw Seen

make Made Made

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