En5ider 340 - ET Plumed Panoply

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Plumed Panoply

G ersard turned as a gasp

rippled through the gala, just
as eager as everyone else to see what
would elicit such a response from
the cultured gathering. What he saw
turned out to be a disappointment.
Why would anyone wear that
cloak with those boots? And that
overly ornate monocle with such a
drab plume —wait. Cloak...boots...
quickly examined the rest of the man’s his companions and struggled to make
outfit. It couldn’t be! It was impos- small talk, all the time seething over
sible! Yet somehow it was true —that the fact that his Gorgon Garb was now
plebian fool Count le Matte had the second best outfit at the party...
managed to put together a complete
Plumed Panoply! WRITING James Abendroth
COLOR ART Phil Stone
Gersard’s sneer of disdain became EDITING Mike Myler
LAYOUT Frank Michienzi
a forced smile as he turned back to

Enchanted Trinkets: Plumed Panoply  |  EN World EN5ider

N one of the items included among these Plumed Panoply. While you are wearing and in
enchanted trinkets are of exceptional power, possession of every item in the plumed panoply,
but when sacrificed they unlock a greater power you are able to attune to every item (instead of
in exchange. While their longer term benefits are only three), although this uses all of your
largely innocuous, there is a certain amount of pres- attunement slots. In addition, you gain a +2 bonus
tige involved in wearing all of the plumed panoply. on Charisma checks despite the somewhat
The neophyte adventurer who originally gaudy appearance that results from donning the
commissioned these items (a fellow with the rather full set of items. This bonus stacks with that
ambitious self-given title of ‘the Crimson Falcon’) provided by wearing the parrot broach associated
had more gold than sense or skill, losing both these with the set.
enchanted trinkets and his life on his very unfor-
tunate first outing. Thus the plumed panoply passed
from the paws, claws, and tentacles of assorted Duck Call
monsters into the hands of adventurers and
Wondrous item, uncommon (cost 100 gp)
back again, the pieces slowly scattering or being
expended. Though rumors linger that at least one This wooden tube is approximately 6
more piece still exists, the last known article of the inches long and 3 inches in diameter, featuring
original set— the peacock quill — is the centerpiece carvings of feathers and aquatic birds both in
of a magic item collection owned by a somewhat flight and at rest on the water. A leather thong
eccentric high countess. It is considered an honor decorated with several colorful feathers is tied
to receive a letter from her written in the rainbow around it, making it easily worn as a necklace.
colors of the imbued pen. It functions as an animal call, its magic
Fortunately the original creator saw the potential allowing it to replicate sounds of any type
of the set of magic items, creating and selling several of animal rather than just waterfowl. You gain
more after the first. Other enchanters followed suit a +2 bonus on ability checks made to hunt wild
and now they are hardly as rare yet despite how game and forage for food in the wilds. In
common they’ve become, there is a certain prestige addition, you gain a +2 bonus on Charisma
related to having a complete plumed panoply and it is (Deception) checks made using the duck call to
considered a matter of skill to adventure with a full send coded messages within 1 mile.
set without sacrificing any pieces. In fact there are You can use an action to twist the two halves
people who have risked (and even lost) their lives of the call in opposite directions and sound a
rather than expend one of these fashionable items. thun-derous blast through it in a 15-foot cone.
Creatures in the area make a DC 13 Constitution
saving throw or take 2d8 thunder damage and
become stunned for 1 round. Sounding the blast
shatters the duck’s call, utterly destroying it.
Open Game Content | The game rule information in this
article is designated Open Game Content. All other material
in this article, including maps and illustrations (including
illustrations in the public domain), in-character and out-of-
character narrative and descriptive text, character and place
names, trade dress, “EN Publishing,” “EN World,” “EN5ider,”
EN Publishing product and article titles, and
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Enchanted Trinkets: Plumed Panoply  |  EN World EN5ider

Falcon Glove
Wondrous item, uncommon (cost 150 gp;
requires attunement)
This worn and obviously well-used leather
falconer’s glove features ornate stitching in a
feather-like pattern. Wearing the glove gives you
a supernatural affinity with avian creatures. You
gain a +2 bonus on Wisdom (Animal Handling)
checks made against birds, and you gain a +2 bonus
on Charisma (Persuasion) checks against sentient
avian humanoids. In addition, if you have a bird or
avian animal companion, its hit point maximum is
5 times your class level (instead of 4 times).
You can use a bonus action to utter a command
word that sprouts 2-inch long razor-sharp talons
from the end of the gloves fingers. While these
talons are active, you gain a +1 magical bonus to
attack rolls using your unarmed strike, and your
unarmed strikes deal an additional 1d4 magical
slashing damage. However, you have disadvantage
on any actions that require fine manipulation such as
Dexterity (Sleight of Hand or thieves’ tools) checks,
eating, writing, or even relieving yourself. After-
ward removing the gloves tears them, destroying
their magic and causing them to fall apart.
Headband of Owl Feathers
Wondrous item, uncommon (cost 150 gp;
Hawk’s Eye requires attunement)
Wondrous item, uncommon (cost 150 gp; This rather plain leather headband is covered
requires attunement) in small brown and gray feathers with black tips,
This heavily engraved brass-rimmed monocle yet despite its apparent simplicity it contains the
has a relatively small lense in the middle, both mythological knowledge of an owl. Once per day,
decorated to look like the eye of a hawk and the you can use an action to gain a +2 bonus on the next
surrounding feathers. While wearing and attuned Intelligence (Arcana, History, Nature or Religion)
to this monocle you gain a clarity of vision normally check you make.
available only to a raptor, doubling the normal In addition, you can use an action to break the
range of weapons you wield. cord that binds the headband closed, causing the
You can use an action to snap the chain on the feathers to meld into your skull. When you do so,
monocle to bond it entirely to your eye. For the next you gain a +2 bonus on all Intelligence (Arcana,
24 hours you do not have disadvantage for ranged History, Nature, and Religion) checks you make in
attacks made at long range. In addition, you gain a the next 24 hours, but take a –2 penalty on Charisma
+2 bonus on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely (Deception and Performance) checks due to your
on sight. At the end of the duration, the lense and unusual physical appearance. At the end of the
feathers surrounding it fall away, transforming your duration, the feathers fall away and the headband
eye back to normal and destroying the magic item. is destroyed.

Enchanted Trinkets: Plumed Panoply  |  EN World EN5ider

Hummingbird Ring Kestrel Cloak
Wondrous item, uncommon (cost 150 gp; Wondrous item, uncommon (cost 150 gp;
requires attunement) requires attunement)
This turquoise ring features a large, ornate This small cloak is made of simple gray linen
carving of a hummingbird with outstretched covered in predominantly brown feathers with a
wings. Once per day, you can speak a command few black and white patches scattered throughout.
word and point your finger at a single creature you While wearing and attuned to this cloak, you gain
can see within 60 feet. The hummingbird buzzes a +2 bonus on Dexterity (Acrobatics) checks.
to life, growing to the size of an actual humming- As a reaction when you are falling, you can pluck
bird and flying at the target, leaving behind only a a handful of feathers out of the cloak. For 1 minute
simple turquoise ring on your finger. For the next your rate of descent slows to 60 feet per round. If
1d4+1 rounds you have advantage on attack rolls the creature lands before then, you take no falling
made against the target. At the end of the duration, damage and can land on your feet. Pulling the
the bird returns to roost on the ring and becomes feathers free from the kestrel cloak removes all magic
inanimate again. from the garment and causes it to disintegrate
You can use an action to speak a different within a day.
command word and point your finger at a creature
you can see within 30 feet. When you do so, the
hummingbird becomes a single dart of energy that Lucky Crow’s Foot
strikes the target unerringly and deals 3d6 force Wondrous item, uncommon (cost 150 gp;
damage. The hummingbird does not reform and requires attunement)
the ring slowly breaks down over the next week This rather macabre ornament is nothing more
before entirely crumbling away. than a gnarled, clenched crow’s foot hanging from
a simple leather thong–it is however undeniably
lucky. Once per day before making an ability check,
you can tap into this luck to gain advantage.
The lucky crow’s foot is even more powerful when
the odds are particularly stacked against you.
When you are making an ability check, attack roll,
or saving throw with disadvantage, you can use
your reaction to snap its bones and gain advan-
tage instead. Afterward the bird’s foot transforms
into the untreated appendage of an avian corpse,
rotting into nothing after a day.

Ostrich Plume
Wondrous item, uncommon (cost 150 gp;
requires attunement)
This large, stylish, fluffy, black and white feather
can be tucked into a headband or hat. While attuned
to and wearing this feather, you ignore the effects
of difficult terrain on sand, high grass, or soft dirt.

Enchanted Trinkets: Plumed Panoply  |  EN World EN5ider

You can use an action to snap off the jewelry’s
beak, gaining the effects of a comprehend languages
spell for the next hour. This damage ruins the
broach’s magic and changes the gold to pyrite,
making it both mundane and worthless.

Peacock Quill
Wondrous item, uncommon (cost 150 gp)
This quill is made from a small but extremely
vibrant peacock feather. Every color of the rainbow
can be seen in its iridescent hues as it is turned in
the light. A peacock quill has 7 different command
words, each corresponding to a different color of
the rainbow (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo
and violet.) When a command word is spoken, the
quill generates an unlimited supply of ink in the
corresponding color.
Because even a scholar can find themselves in
a desperate situation, the peacock quill also has a
powerful defensive feature. You can use a bonus
action to snap it in two, unleashing an enormous
gush of multicolored ink that duplicates the effects
You can use an action to hold the feather over of a color spray spell (save DC 13).
your eyes and gain the blinded condition. For up to
1 minute while holding the plume over your eyes in
this way, you turn invisible. As soon as the feather Penguin Boots
is moved from your eyes, it fades into ash and Wondrous item, uncommon (cost 150 gp;
blows away. Any effect, feature, spell, or trait that requires attunement)
would allow you to see through the plume causes These knee length boots have an unmistakable
the feather to immediately disintegrate. appearance, covered in matte black tiny feathers
with pure white tongues and laces. While wearing
and attuned to these boots, you ignore the effects of
Parrot Broach snowy or icy difficult terrain.
Wondrous item, uncommon (cost 150 gp; requires You can use an action to snap the laces on the
attunement) boots, making them tighten around your legs. For
This decorative, 2-inch tall pin is brightly and the next hour, you gain the following benefits: a
heavily lacquered with a rainbow of colors, though swimming speed equal to your walking speed,
predominantly red and blue. Only the beak and you can hold your breath for twice as long as
feet are left bare to display the gold it is composed normal, and whenever you take cold damage you
of, as well as a small but bright blue gem that makes ignore the first 3 points of cold damage. At the
up the eye. This ostentatious piece of jewelry gives end of the duration, all of the magic within the
you a +2 bonus on Charisma (Performance and boots is expended and they become mundane
Persuasion) checks. albeit fashionable footwear. e

Enchanted Trinkets: Plumed Panoply  |  EN World EN5ider

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