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Chapter 5 Exercise

1. Number the events of the following networks in proper sequence.

3. Construct a Network Diagram from the following information:

Activity Precedes Estimated Time

a b 15
b c, d 13
c e 8
d end 5
e end 3


Activity Precedes
Estimated Time
f g, h 10
g i, j 10
h j 8
i end 6
j k 12
k end 7

5. From the following information, draw the CPM network and number the events in their proper

A, B and C are starting activities and may begin at the same time.
D and E follows A and cannot start until A is completed.
G follows and depends on C.
F is dependent on the completion of B and D.
G and F must be done before H can start.
J also depends on G and F and it is an ending activity.
I is also an ending activity but cannot start until E and H are completed.

6. Draw the network diagram of the following information.

A – is the first job of the project

O and N are the two final jobs for project completion
K – precedes O
N – follows L and M
J – restricts the start of K and M
C and B depends on the completion of A
D follows B and may go on in parallel with C and E
E follows C
I – restricts the start of J and L
H and G also restrict K and M
F must precede G and may go in parallel with H
E and D restrict H and I
C – must precede F.

7. Draw the Network Diagram of the following information:

a) At the start of the project, each of 3 separate activities A, B and C may or may not begin
and progress concurrently.
b) D may begin until A is completed.
c) E may also begin only after completion of A.
d) F follows activity of B.
e) G cannot be started until both E and F are completed.
f) Completion on both G and H allow J to start.
g) The start of J is further restrained by a notice of completion of D.
h) K follows D and culminates in the same (completion) as event J.

8. Draw the following network:

a) G follows F but precede H

b) G follows D but precede J
c) M follows H but precede L
d) K follows A but precede L
e) F follows A
f) A and D start at the same time
g) J and L terminate at the same time
9. From the following data, construct a network diagram.

Activity Precedes
a c
b d, e
c f
d g
e g
f end
g end

10. Using the following information, perform the following:

a. Network Diagram
b. Determine which activities are on the critical path
c. Compute the length of the critical path

Activity Estimated time (days)

1-2 5
2-3 6
2-4 4
3-6 10
6-7 3
4-5 5
4-7 16
5-7 10

b. Path of Activities
Path: 1-2, 2-3, 3-6, 6-7 = 24 days
Path: 1-2, 2-4, 4-5, 5-7 = 24 days
Path: 1-2, 2-4, 4-7 = 25 days (Critical Path)

c. Critical Path: 1-2, 2-4, 4-7

Length of Critical Path: 5 days + 4 days + 16 days = 25 days

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