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Further Practice 3

Extract taken from the London Evening Standard: Monday 11 July 2016

5 clever tips for working less than 40 hours a week

The five-day week is over — from the overseas COO to the midweek hiatus, Londoners are making
clever calculations about clocking in. Rosamund Urwin on the new work/life blending hack.

"Time isn’t just money anymore,” says Karen Mattison, founder of Timewise. “It can be even more
important than that.” Mattison is explaining why Londoners are increasingly requesting flexible
working, and why the best employers are trying to adapt to their needs.

1. Comment on the form of underlined verbs and why they are being used.

2. Comment on the features of connected speech in the following extract from the text

It can be even more important than that.

When you have finished, scroll down for the Answers on the next page.
Question 1
1. working
Form: base form + suffix -ing
Used because: gerund after preposition ‘for’

2. making
Form: base form of ‘make’ + suffix -ing
Final ‘e’ omitted
Used because: present participle after auxiliary verb ‘ to be’ to form present progressive/continuous
tense ‘are making’

3. clocking
Form: base form of verb ‘clock’ plus suffix –ing
Used because: gerund after preposition ‘about’

4. blending
Form: base form of verb ‘blend’ plus suffix –ing
Used because: part of compound adjective ‘life-blending’ - present participle ‘blending’ functions
adjectivally/as adjective to modify noun ‘hacks’

5. explaining
Form: base form of verb ‘explain’ plus suffix ‘ing
Used because: present participle after auxiliary verb ‘to be’ to form present progressive/continuous
tense ‘is explaining’

6. requesting
Form: base form of verb ‘request’ + suffix ing
Used because: present participle after auxiliary verb ‘to be’ to form present progressive/continuous
tense ‘are requesting’

7. working
Form: base form of verb ‘work’ + suffix ing
Use: gerund - acts as a noun, here the object of verb ‘are requesting’

8. trying
Form: base form of verb ‘try’ + suffix ing
Used because: present participle after auxiliary verb ‘to be’ to form present progressive/continuous
tense ‘are trying’.

Question 2
● Weak forms: schwa in ‘can’ - /kən/ and in ‘than’ - /ðən/·
● Intrusive /j/ between ‘be’ and ‘even’ - /biːjiːvən/·
● Possible elision or glottalisation of final /t/ of ‘it’ - /ɪkən/ or /i?kən/ and in ‘important’ -
/ɪmpɔːtənðən/ or /ɪmpɔːtən?ðən/
● Assimilation of final /n/ in ‘can’ to /m/ because of following bilabial plosive /b/ - /kəmbiː/·
● Possible elision of final /n/ of ‘even’ or assimilation to /m/ - /iːvəmɔː/·
● Linking/intrusive /r/ in ‘more important’ - /mɔːrɪmpɔːtən/·
● Possible stresses on ‘even’/’more’/ ‘important’/’that’

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