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Quarter 1 – Module 3
ICT in the Context of Global Communication

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Prepared by: ROZZ O. PENASO


SHS Teacher III

Department of Education • Republic of the Philippines

Empowerment Technology for Senior High School
Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 1 – Module 1: ICT in the Context of Global Communication
First Edition, 2019

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Published by the Department of Education – Region X – Northern Mindanao

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Writers: Sixie Rozz O. Penaso

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Quarter 1 – Module 3
ICT in the Context of Global Communication

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Department of Education • Republic of the Philippines


Lesson 3: Effective Internet Research

The Internet has made our lives easier especially in terms of doing research.
By browsing the internet, we can access limitless topics. Web-based catalogs are
available in many libraries to assist researchers in locating printed books, journals,
government documents and other materials. The biggest obstacle facing all
researchers on the internet is how to effectively and efficiently access the vast amount
of information available (The Internet: Research Tools, 2013).

What are my goals?

By the end of this lesson, you are expected to:

1. Facilitate the practice in judging the credibility, value, and usefulness of
researched materials.
2. Use the Internet as a tool for credible research and information gathering to
best achieve specific objectives.

Before we take on another journey towards exploring the great capacity of the
internet into research, kindly take time to answer the following questions for your pre-
Direction: Read each item carefully and choose the letter of the correct answer. Write
your answers on a separate sheet of paper.

1. What is the Boolean logic technique used for?

A. Narrowing, broadening or eliminating a search term.
B. Using a robot to do instant research.
C. Searching several search engines at the same time.
D. Searching the infinite information from the internet.

2. is an example of?

A. Access code B. Directory C. Server D. URL

3. Which of the following is a search engine?

A. Netscape C. Elsevier
B. Yahoo D. Macromedia Flash

4. Which of the following is NOT an example of a domain?

A. .gov B. .com C. .npr D. .edu
5. What are the three Boolean logic search operators?

Activity 3.1: What’s In My Name?
Direction: Write all your answers in your activity notebook.
1. Using the Internet, try to search for your complete name.
2. Write down how many sites have featured your personal name and what is
written about you.
3. Answer the following:

What other information are written about you?

Are the search results coming from reliable sources? Why?
Should these bits of information need to be posted or shown in public?

LLesson 3.1: Searching the Web

There are billions of information on the web and it is a challenge for us to truly find
which information is reliable and relevant. Here are some tips you may use to be able
to look for relevant and reliable sources:
Search Engines are websites used for retrieval of data, files, or documents
from data bases. Some search engines we use today are:

Anatomy of a URL
A URL is one type of Uniform Resource Identifier (URI). It is a generic term
for all types of names and addresses that refer to objects on the world wide
web. Knowing the URL endings will give you clues to who is sponsoring the
website and help evaluate the sources.

4 5
1 2 3 6 7

1. Protocol 4. Top-level Domain 7. Named anchor

2. Subdomain 5. Folders/ Paths
3. Domain 6. Page

Popular Domains
Top- level Domains Country code top level domains

.edu – educational institution .ph – Philippines
.org – non-profit organization .eu – European Union
.gov – government site .uk – United Kingdom
.com – commercial site .au - Australia
.net - network

Search Skills and Tools

1. Boolean Logic – narrows, broadens, or eliminates search term.
a. Boolean “or” – this operator will find
pages that include either of the search
Ex. A or B

b. Boolean “and” – this operator will

retrieve only pages containing both
Ex. A and B


c. Boolean “not” – this operator will find

pages that do not include search term
immediately following it.
Ex. A not B


2. Phase Searching – is used to search for famous quotes, proper names,

recommendations, etc. It encloses the phrase in quotation marks.
Ex. “Jane Doe” “To be or not to be”

3. Plus (+) – indicates that the word after the sign is a required word must be
found in search. Example: +fire

4. Minus (–) sign – indicates to exclude a word from your search that is not
required on the result. Example: Jaguar speed –car

5. Ampersand (@) is used to find social tags. Example: @SteveJobs

6. Hashtag (#) is used to find popular hashtags. Example: #LawOfClassroom

7. Finding Documents – using the filetype refines the search for documents
on the web.
o filetype:pdf
o filetype:doc
o filetype:xls
Ex. ICT in the Philippines pdf
8. Searching Site – the sites find webpage from a website.
Ex.: National Geographic information in Australia
Search: Australia site:


Activity 3.2: Can You Find Me?

Directions: Use the Internet to research on a news article on Information

Technology in the Philippines. This information must come from a government site
in PDF or Word document. Print the article and paste your work on a separate sheet
of paper. Do not forget to include the URL of the article you have taken the information.

URL: _______________________________________________________
Title of Article: _______________________________________________

Paste printed article here.

LesLesson 3.3: Evaluating Sites

The web provides access to some excellent information and can also give access
to those that are irrelevant and outdated. Here is some checklist that you can use to
evaluate your website:
1. Authority. It reveals that the person, institution or agency responsible for a site
has the qualifications and knowledge to do so. Evaluating a web site for
 Authorship: It should be clear who developed the site.
 Contact information should be clearly provided: e-mail address, snail
mail address, phone number, and fax number.
 Credentials: the author should state qualifications, credentials, or
personal background that gives them authority to present information.
 Check to see if the site supported by an organization or a commercial

2. Purpose. The purpose of the information presented in the site should be clear.
Some sites are meant to inform, persuade, state an opinion, entertain, or
parody something or someone. Evaluating a web site for purpose:
 Does the content support the purpose of the site?
 Is the information geared to a specific audience (students, scholars,
general reader)?
 Is the site organized and focused?
 Are the outside links appropriate for the site?
 Does the site evaluate the links?

3. Coverage. This refers to how comprehensive the website is in their discussion

of certain topics. Evaluating a web site for coverage:
 Does the site claim to be selective or comprehensive?
 Are the topics explored in depth?
 Compare the value of the site’s information compared to other similar

 Do the links go to outside sites rather than its own?
 Does the site provide information with no relevant outside links?

4. Currency. It refers to: (1) how current the information presented is, and (2)
how often the site is updated or maintained. It is important to know when a site
was created, when it was last updated, and if all of the links are current.
Evaluating a web site for currency involves finding the date information was:
 first written
 placed on the web
 last revised

5. Objectivity. Objective sites present information with a minimum of bias.

Evaluating a web site for objectivity:
 Is the information presented with a particular bias?
 Does the information try to sway the audience?
 Does site advertising conflict with the content?
 Is the site trying to explain, inform, persuade, or sell something?

6. Accuracy. It refers to the credibility of the website. Evaluating a web site for
 Reliability: Is the author affiliated with a known, respectable institution?
 References: do statistics and other factual information receive proper
references as to their origin?
 Is the information comparable to other sites on the same topic?
 Does the text follow basic rules of grammar, spelling and composition?
 Is a bibliography or reference list included?

Activity 3.3: Evaluating Websites: Checklist
This activity is adapted from the University of Maryland: Evaluating Web Sites: A Checklist

1. Using the Internet, research on topics under CoVid-19 in the Philippines.
2. Read through the checklist and answer each question in your notebook.
3. Attach a printout of the web site you are evaluating and paste in your notebook:

Print out of the website

1. What is the URL or web address of the web site you are evaluating?


2. What is the title of the web site? ____________________________________


Who is the author of the web site?

I couldn’t tell
The author is: _______________________________________

What authorship clues did the URL (web address) provide? Check all that

company (.com) country-specific site (e.g., .uk)

non-profit organization (.org) military site (.mil)

academic institution (.edu) network of computer (.net)

government agency (.gov) other? Please describe:

personal web page (e.g.,


What is the purpose of the web page or site? Check all that apply:

A personal web page

A company or organization web site
A forum for educational/public service information
A forum for scholarly/research information
For entertainment
An advertisement or electronic commerce
A forum for ideas, opinions, or points of view
Other – please explain:
In your own words, briefly describe the purpose of the web site:

What does the web site provide? Check one:

Balanced, objective or factual information

Biased, subjective or opinionated statements
Are the arguments well supported? ____ Yes ____ No
Both objective and subjective information
I couldn’t tell
Other – please explain:

Does the web site provide any contact information or means of

communicating with the author or webmaster? ____ Yes _____ No


When was the web site last revised, modified, or updated?

I couldn’t tell
It was updated on:___________________________________

Is the site well maintained?

I couldn’t tell

File: Evaluating Websites: A Checklist University of Maryland Libraries * T&L * 2/2014


Website evaluation is an important skill that everyone should practice and

master through time. It is always important to learn which information are relevant
and reliable to be able to avoid misinformation and be a victim of fake news.

Direction: Read each item carefully and choose the letter of the correct
answer. Write your answers on a separate sheet of paper or in your notebook.

1. What happens when a phrase or sentence is placed inside quotation marks

when doing research?
A. Will only return items that have both terms.
B. Will search for words that are together and in order
C. Will return items that exclude a term
D. Will return items that have either of the terms

2. What is a URL?
A. A computer software program
B. An acronym for Unlimited Resources for Learning
C. The address of a document or "page" on the World Wide Web
D. A search engine

3. What are the three main search expressions, or operators, recognized by

Boolean logic?
A. and, or, not C. and, or, but
B. from, to, whom D. search, keyword, text

4. How do you evaluate a web page?

A. You confirm that the author or site an authority on the subject.
B. You check to see if the author has been objective.
C. You check to see if the information is current.
D. You do as many of the above as possible.

5. An article that only presents one point of view or omits facts is biased.
A. True B. False

You are finally done with Lesson 3!

1. Dalhousie University. (n.d.) 6 criteria for websites. Retrieved from
r_Websites.pdf. Retrieved on May 24, 2020.

2. Quiambao, Angelito. (2018, Jul. 23). Contextualized Online Search and Research
Skills. Retrieved from
research-107104482. Retrieved on May 24, 2020.

3. University of Maryland. (2020). Evaluating Web Sites: A Checklist. Retrieved

from Retrieved on May 24,

You are finally done with Module 3!

Hop on for more exciting and
challenging activities in Module 4!


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