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Project on objectivity of competency mapping

Competency is include the collection of success factors necessary for
achieving important result in a specific job in an orgnisation

“competency mapping is the process an individual uses to identify and describe competencies
that are the most critical to success in a work situation or work role”

Competencies are knowledge ,skill, attitude and behaviour of an individual human being.

Problem identification
Today organisation recognize that they carryout their through people and they
are truly their most valuable resources . Over the last 10 year or so , HR professionals have
generated a lot of interest in notion of competencies as a key element and measure of human
performance. Competencies are skills and abilities of an individual that result in better

performance in the given area .

Scope of study
Entry level

• Good interpersonal skills

• Accept change willingly

• Ability to thing innovatively

Junior management

• Excellent problem solving skills

• Assumes ownership and responsibility

Middle management

• Shows genuine concern and respect and sensitive to employees needs

• Has excellent influencing and persuasive skills

Top management

• Completely oriented towards work process

• Highly people development oriented

Objective of the study

• It provide structured and documented procedures which aid in recruitment of
competent personnel with desired skills sets, attributes and training thereby
reducing the cost and time of subsequent performance failures

• It reduce the cost of performance development programmes as the organization

has a ready inventory of requisite skills sets

• It help in benchmarking higher level of performance

• It help in creating individual learning plan

• It provide management input for gep analysis for improving performance of the
employee in the requisite business areas

The method of study is secondary data based .the all project is based upon secondary data .the
information will be collect from newspaper ,internet. Books, journals and HR review .

Review of literature
1.Competency characteristics
Motive ,traits,self concept,knowledge and skills

(HR Reserch methods- Depak kumar Bhattacharyya)

2.Methos of competency mapping

• Past performance based approach

• Job focused method

• Value based method

(Performance management-A.S.KOHALI)

1.Mapping the competency

(DHAR,R<2006> HRD newsletter vol 22 no.7 Hyderabad)

2.Competency profiling and mapping for organization development

(Nedunchezhian , V.R and S.PRABHAKAR 2007)

3.Setting up a competency based performance management system


-paper.pdf accessed on 12/06/2007)


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