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Market Research

Members: Mark Roldan, Jenny Sanchez, Ena Jane Sequillo, Julia Nicole Tomenio

1. Create a table of regular burgers, cheese burgers and chicken burgers sales per hour.


7AM - - - -

8AM 2 3 2 7

9AM - 7 2 9

10AM - - - -

11AM - - - -

12NN 4 - 4 8

1PM 2 5 6 13

2PM - 7 - 7

3PM 2 4 9 15

4PM 11 12 23

5PM - - - -
Market Research

2. Create a table showing the number of regular burgers, cheeseburger and chicken burgers
sales according to age and gender per hour. (Age bracket 12 below, 13-19 and 20 above).

Regular Burger
Time Age (12 and below) Age (13-19) Age (20 and above)
8:00-8:59 am 1 1
9:00-9:59 am
10:00-10:59 am
11:00-11:59 am
12:00-12:59 pm 4
1:00-1:59 pm 2
2:00-2:59 pm
3:00-3:59 pm 2
4:00-4:59 pm

Cheese Burger
Time Age (12 and below) Age (13-19) Age (20 and above)
8:00-8:59 am 3
9:00-9:59 am 3 4
10:00-10:59 am
11:00-11:59 am
12:00-12:59 pm
1:00-1:59 pm 3 2
2:00-2:59 pm 7
3:00-3:59 pm 1 3
4:00-4:59 pm 6 5

Chicken Burger
Time Age (12 and below) Age (13-19) Age (20 and above)
8:00-8:59 am 1 1
9:00-9:59 am 2
10:00-10:59 am
11:00-11:59 am
12:00-12:59 pm 4
1:00-1:59 pm 6
2:00-2:59 pm
3:00-3:59 pm 3 6
4:00-4:59 pm 7 5
Market Research

3. Make a Histogram showing the frequency of sales on regular burger, cheeseburger and
chicken burger according to the following time bracket ( 7am-10:30am, 11am-1:30pm
and 2pm-5pm).


No. of Sales

Regular Burger
10 Cheese Burger
Chicken Burger

7:00AM-10:30AM 11:00AM-1:30PM 2:00PM-5:00PM

Total Sales: 82 Burgers

Market Research

4. Make a Pie graph on the frequency of sales on regular burgers, cheese burgers and
chicken burgers according to gender and age.

Regular Burgers (Female)

1 pc

2 pcs

Age 17 Age 25

Regular Burgers (Male)

1 pc
2 pcs

4 pcs

Age 11 Age 26 Age 28

Market Research

Cheese Burgers (Female)

3 pcs 3 pcs

4 pcs
7 pcs

5 pcs

Age 7 Age 8 Age 17 Age 18 Age 24 Age 25

Cheese Burgers (Male)

3 pcs

6 pcs
3 pcs

1 pc

Age 9 Age 11 Age 17 Age 18-19

Market Research

Chicken Burgers (Female)

2 pcs

6 pcs

Age 7 Age 25

Chicken Burgers (Male)

pc 3 pcs
4 pcs

7 pcs
6 pcs

6 pcs

Age 11 Age 15-16 Age 17 Age 18-19 Age 26 Age 28

Market Research

5. Based on the observation conducted, what are your findings or conclusions regarding the
product sales of McJolly Burgers?
- There are less customers during morning compare to the afternoon. The total of
afternoon sales (12nn-5pm) is 66 burgers while the total morning sales (7am-11am) is
16 burgers.
Based on the table, the greatest number of sales among the three burgers in a day is
cheese burger with 37 sales regardless of gender and age. Male teenagers preferred
chicken burger than the regular burger, they usually buy after lunch at 1:00 P.M. to
4:00 P.M. According to the data, there are no costumers during 10-10:59 A.M.
Regular burger had the least number of sales with have only 2 pieces purchased in the
morning. The top sales was achieved during between after lunch until 4 P.M. Cheese
burger as the top seller and followed the chicken burger. Therefore, buyers preferred
to buy cheese and chicken burger and seldom buy regular burger.
Based on the pie chart, more men buy regular burgers than women, total of 7 pcs and
women only 3 pcs. In female, age 17 bought 2 pcs of regular burgers, while in men,
age 26 bought 4 pcs of regular burgers. In cheese burgers, more women buy this
burger with a total of 24 pcs, while in men, only 13 pcs. In female, age 8 bought 7 pcs
of cheese burger, while in men, age 9 bought 6 pcs. In chicken burgers, more men
buy this burger with a total of 27 pcs, while in women, only 8 pcs. In female, age 25
bought 6 pcs, while in men, age 15-16 bought 7 pcs of burger. Therefore, buyers
preferred cheese burger with a total of 37 pcs, both male and female, that regular and
chicken burgers.

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