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Benigno “Ninoy” S.

Aquino High School

S.Y. 2021-2022


Task 1: Look for a meme that best describes your personality then copy paste it here. Don’t forget the
URL. No need to explain why you chose that particular meme. As they say, a picture tells a thousand



Task 2: Post your latest profile picture in Facebook. (It should be your picture)


Task 3: Tell me something about yourself.

Hi! My name is _________________________.I want you to call me ___________________. I was born

on __________________ in _____________________. I currently live in _____________________. My
parents are ________________________________. My siblings are ________________________. My
favorite color is ___________. My favorite book or movie is ___________________________. My
favorite singer/band is ______________________. My favorite comfort food is _______________. My
favorite subject is _____________. I have allergy on _______________. I am proud of my skill/talent on
_______________________________. I dream to become _______________. My dream place is
_________________. I used to be _______________(indicate the position or club). I got an average of
_________ in English in the previous school year.

Task 4: Set your expectations.

I expect that in the New Normal, I will _____________________________________________________.

I expect that our subject in English will
_____________________________________________________. I expect that my classmates in English
will __________________________________________________. I want my English teacher to

Prepared by: Dr. Alexandrea A. Cabaltica

Master Teacher I - English

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