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Student: _______________________

What is your TRUE COLOR?

• Read each box of words ACROSS the row. Think about how the boxes relate to you.
• Score each box in the row based on the scale below. Write the score under the dotted line.
Each row will have one box scored “1”, one box scored “2”, etc.


words is… like you like you like you like you
Score 4 3 2 1

Score each box A. Excitement B. Dependable C. Harmony D. Knowledge
1, 2, 3 or 4 Skilled Honest Feelings Questions
Use each Variety Money Saver Friendship Calm
1 number
only once!

Score each box E. Thinker F. Warm G. Stable H. Humor

1, 2, 3 or 4 Books Understanding On Time Sports
Use each Facts Romantic Correct Not patient
2 number
only once!

Score each box I. Follow Rules J. Wisdom K. Thrills L. Sensitive

1, 2, 3 or 4 Prepared Curious Winning Sharing
Use each Duty Quiet Hands-on Love
3 number
only once!

Score each box M. Organized N. Recreation O. Caring P. Smart

1, 2, 3 or 4 Respectful Risk-taker Affection Inventor
Use each Secure Fun Spiritual Logic
4 number
only once!

Score each box Q. Science R. Helping S. Energetic T. Orderly

1, 2, 3 or 4 Independent Sympathy Freedom Tradition
Use each Problem-Solver Hugs Tools Neat
5 number
only once!

Find out your TRUE COLOR

by completing the scoring chart on the next page!
TRUE COLOR Scoring Chart

Enter your score for each box.

Add the values across to get the total for each color. Total

Orange A H K N S =

Gold B G I M T =

Blue C F L O R =

Green D E J P Q =

List the colors in score order (highest  lowest)

_____________ _____________ _____________ _____________

Most like you A lot like you Somewhat like you Least like you

What have you learned?

TRUE COLORS is a fun way to learn more about yourself. Each color
describes similar personality traits and behaviors. We are all a blend of all
colors, but we each have a preference toward one.

Remember, there are no good or bad colors. Knowing our own personality
traits and behavior tendencies helps to improve communication and
understanding in both personal and professional relationships.

Knowing your True Color can also help you determine potential career
paths that fit well with how you operate. In general, people with certain
personality traits work well in specific settings.

Accredited by The Middle States Commission on Higher Education

Union County College does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, sex or disability.

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