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Prof. B V S Viswanadham, Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Bombay

Module 4:
Lecture 2 on Stress-strain relationship
and Shear strength of soils

Prof. B V S Viswanadham, Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Bombay

 Stress state, Mohr’s circle analysis and Pole, Principal
stress space, Stress paths in p-q space;
 Mohr-coulomb failure criteria and its limitations,
correlation with p-q space;
 Stress-strain behavior; Isotropic compression and
pressure dependency, confined compression, large stress
compression, Definition of failure, Interlocking concept
and its interpretations, Drainage conditions;
 Triaxial behaviour, stress state and analysis of UC, UU, CU,
CD, and other special tests, Stress paths in triaxial and
octahedral plane; Elastic modulus from triaxial tests.

Prof. B V S Viswanadham, Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Bombay

Mohr’s stress circle
 Mohr's circle is a geometric representation of the two-
dimensional stress state and is very useful to perform
quick and efficient estimations.
 It is also popularly used in geotechnical fields such as
soil strength, stress path, earth pressure and bearing
capacity. It is often used to interpret the test data, to
analyze complex geotechnical problems, and to
predict soil behaviours.
 The pole point on Mohr's circle is a point so special
that it can help to readily find stresses on any
specified plane by using diagram instead of
complicated computation.

Prof. B V S Viswanadham, Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Bombay

Mohr’s stress circle: Pole points

 A Pole is a unique point located on the circumference of Mohr’s

 The point of intersection of Mohr’s stress circle and line drawn
through the pole parallel to a given plane, gives the stresses on
that plane.
 Two pole points can be established,
a) Relating to the direction of action of stresses, and
b) Relating to the direction of planes on which stresses are
 Usually the pole point relating to the direction of the planes are
in use.

Prof. B V S Viswanadham, Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Bombay

Mohr’s stress circle: Pole points for stresses- Procedure
Step : Project the line from the point (σz, τzx) in the line of action of σz (Vertical)
Project the line from the point (σx, τxz) in the line of action of σx
(Horizontal) till it intersects the circumference of the circle.
The intersection point gives the POLE point Ps for stresses.
τ σx τ
(σz, τzx)
(σz, τzx)
σ σ

(σx, τxz) Ps Pole points (σx, τxz) Ps

for stresses
Prof. B V S Viswanadham, Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Bombay
Mohr’s stress circle: Pole points for planes- Procedure
Step : Project the line from the point (σz, τzx) OR (σx, τxz) in the direction of plane on
which these stresses are acting till it intersect circumference of the circle.
The intersection point gives the POLE point Pp for planes.

Pole point for planes

τ (σz, τzx) τxz τ

Pp σx Pp (σz, τzx)

σ σ

(σx, τxz) Ps (σx, τxz) Ps

Pole point
for stresses
Prof. B V S Viswanadham, Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Bombay
Mohr’s stress circle: Pole points for planes
The pole of a Mohr’s circle is defined thus:
If a line is drawn from the pole to a point on the circle
where the stresses are τi, σi then, in the (x, z) plane the
line is parallel to the plane on which τI and σi act.

Prof. B V S Viswanadham, Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Bombay

Mohr’s stress circle: Use of pole point
σc Objective: To find out stresses σc, σa, τac, and τca on the
σx τca plane which is inclined at θ to the plane on
which σz acts.
τ τzx
σz Step 1: Locate the pole point for planes
extending point E horizontally. i.e. in
Pp E (σz, τzx) the direction of plane on which σz acts.

σ τac τac
(σx, τxz)
Prof. B V S Viswanadham, Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Bombay
Mohr’s stress circle: Use of pole point
σc Step 2: Draw a line parallel to the plane on
τ σx τca which σc acts.
Step 3: Extend a line from point D through
τzx centre of the circle till it intersects the
Stresses on σa plane
Parallel planes
Pp E (σz, τzx)
D(σc, τca)
σ τac τac
(σa, τac)
(σx, τxz) Stresses on σc plane
Prof. B V S Viswanadham, Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Bombay
Use of pole point P to locate stresses (σ , τ ) at angle θ to the
c ca

reference stress direction

 The stress point on the

Mohr circle is found by
simply projecting a line
from Pp parallel to the
plane on which (σc, τca)
acts until it intersects
the circle at point D.

Prof. B V S Viswanadham, Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Bombay

Fundamental relationships by Mohr’s stress circle
The maximum shearing stress, often called the principal
shearing stress, has a magnitude of (σ1-σ3)/2, which
equals the radius of the Mohr circle.

The principal shearing

stress occurs on
planes inclined at 45°.

Principal shearing stresses

Prof. B V S Viswanadham, Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Bombay
Fundamental relationships by Mohr’s stress circle
Shearing stress on planes at right angles to each other
are numerically equal but are of opposite sign. These
stresses are called conjugate shearing stresses.

Conjugate shearing stresses

Prof. B V S Viswanadham, Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Bombay
Fundamental relationships by Mohr’s stress circle

The resultant stress on any plane has a magnitude

expressed by and has an obliquity which is
equal to

Obliquity and resultant stress

Prof. B V S Viswanadham, Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Bombay
Fundamental relationships by Mohr’s stress circle
The maximum of all the possible obliquity angles on the various
planes is called the maximum angle of obliquity αm.
The coordinates of the
point of tangency are the
stresses on the plane of
maximum obliquity and
is less than the plane of
principal shear (i.e.
maximum shear stress).

Since a limiting obliquity

is the criterion of slip and
where as on the plane of
principal shear failure is
liable to happen. Maximum Obliquity
Prof. B V S Viswanadham, Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Bombay
Mohr’s stress circle: Pole point- example

Draw the Mohr stress circle at failure on a cylindrical specimen of

stiff clay with a shear strength of 100 kPa, if the radial stress is
maintained constant at 80 kPa. By using pole point method find the
inclination θ to the radial direction of the planes on which the shear
stress is one-half the maximum shear stress, and determine the
normal stresses acting on these planes.

Prof. B V S Viswanadham, Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Bombay

Mohr’s stress circle: Pole point- Solution
τmax = radius of circle
(All units are in kPa) σ1 = σ3+2τmax = 280

τmax =100

σ3 σ1
=80 =280

Step 1: Plot Mohr’s circle based on above information, i.e. radius and two points on
Prof. B V S Viswanadham, Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Bombay
Mohr’s stress circle: Pole point- Solution

(All units are in kPa)


50 τmax =100

80 280


Step 2: Draw a line at τ = 50 kPa which is half to τmax

Prof. B V S Viswanadham, Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Bombay

Mohr’s stress circle: Pole point- Solution

(All units are in kPa)


50 τmax =100

80 280


Step 3: As the principal stresses are acting on edges the σ3 point will act as a pole.

Prof. B V S Viswanadham, Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Bombay

Mohr’s stress circle: Pole point- Solution
Inclination of the plane on which τ =
(All units are in kPa) τmax/2 is, θ = 15° or 75°

50 τmax =100
Pp 15°
80 280
σn15° = 267 kPa,
σn75° = 93 kPa


Step 3: Draw line from pole to the intersection of 50 kPa line and Mohr’s circle.

Prof. B V S Viswanadham, Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Bombay

Example problem: Mohr’s circle of total stress
In the figure below, the normal loads applied to the faces of a
soil cube are F1 = 0.45 kN and F2 = 0.30 kN and the shear
loads are F3 = F4 = 0.1 kN. The sides of the soil cube are each
40 mm. Construct the Mohr’s circle of total stress and find the
magnitudes of the principal total stresses and the direction of
the principal planes in the soil .
F3 F4
F2 z F2

Prof. B V S Viswanadham, Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Bombay

Solution: Mohr’s circle of total stress
σz = 0.45/(40x40x10-6) = 281.25 kN/m2
σx = 0.30/(40x40x10-6) = 187.5 kN/m2
τxz = τzx = 0.10/(40x40x10-6) = 62.5 kN/m2

(Minor difference
in magnitudes
can be ignored)

Prof. B V S Viswanadham, Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Bombay

Example problem

Pole P

Prof. B V S Viswanadham, Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Bombay


2) Establish pole point P or origin of planes. A line through

the pole inclined at an angle α = 35° from the horizontal
plane would be parallel to the plane on the element.
3) The intersection is at point C and we find that
σα = 39 kPa and τα = 18.6 kPa.

Prof. B V S Viswanadham, Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Bombay

Example problem
Note: Resulting
σα = 39 kPa and
τα = 18.6 kPa
are same
nothing has
orientation in
space of the

Prof. B V S Viswanadham, Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Bombay

Example problem
The stress shown on the element in the figure below:

a) Evaluate σα , τα
when α = 30°
b) Evaluate σ1 and σ3
when α = 30°

Prof. B V S Viswanadham, Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Bombay

1) Plot the state of stress on the horizontal plane (6, 2) at
point a. Note that the shear stress makes a clockwise
moment about a and therefore is positive.
2) Plot point B (-4,-2). The shear stress on the vertical plane is
negative since it makes a counterclockwise moment.
3) Points A and B are two points on a circle; Construct the
Mohr Circle with center at (1,0).
4) Find the pole, by drawing horizontal line through A or
vertical line through B.
5) Find the state of stress on the plane inclined at angle α =
30°, draw the line PC.  C (1.8, 5.3 ) MPa.
6) Lines drawn from P to σ1 and σ3 establish the orientation of
major and minor principal planes.

Prof. B V S Viswanadham, Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Bombay


Prof. B V S Viswanadham, Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Bombay

Mohr circles of total and effective stresses
τ Effective stress circle Total stress circle
σ′θ , τ′θ σθ , τθ

θ θ σ
σ′3 σ′1 σ3 σ1

σ′1 = σ1 - u u
σ′3 = σ3 - u
Prof. B V S Viswanadham, Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Bombay
Mohr circles of total and effective stresses
 The effective stress circle has the same diameter as
the total stress circle and is separated from it by the
pore water pressure.

 The stresses τ′θ and σ′θ are the effective stresses

acting on plane inclined at an angle θ

 By examining the circles we note that τ′θ = τθ

σ′θ = σθ - u

 Thus, for a given state of total stress, changes in pore

pressure have no effect on the effective shear stresses,
they alter only the effective normal stresses.
Prof. B V S Viswanadham, Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Bombay
Mohr circles of total and effective stresses
 Use the pole construction on the effective stress
Mohr’s circle to calculate the effective stresses on
any plane is exactly same way as we used the pole
construction to calculate total stresses.

 The position of the pole in the Mohr’s circle of

effective stress is the same as in the Mohr’s circle of
total stress and the locations of the principal planes
of total and effective stresses in the soil are

Prof. B V S Viswanadham, Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Bombay

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