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Glorious place, wonderful resort

Mirgorod is one of the oldest settlements of the Left-bank Ukraine. The city was founded originally in the XII - XIII centuries,
as a guard post of the northern outskirts of Kiev Rus'. It was a convenient place for peaceful negotiations between neighboring
peoples and tribes. Hence the ancient name - Mirgorod.

The famous Myrhorodska Kaliuzha, described by Mykola Gogol in his story "How Ivan Ivanovich and Ivan Nikiforovich were
cooked", is a true coloring and a visit to the spa town.
In the summer time is given orderly beach and operates chovanovaya station. Sanatorium "Rayduzhny" has its own exit to the
bank of the river artery of Mirgorod. If you cross the river under the suspension bridge, you can walk through the coniferous-
leaved landscape park "Birch Grove.

On the territory of the resort is the oldest of the preserved architectural buildings of Mirgorod - the Cathedral of the
Assumption, dated 1802.
A lot of famous personalities are connected with Mirgorod. T.G. Shevchenko created one of his most important works here in
1845 - his poem "Velikiy Lokh" and wrote the Myrhorod lands. The Kobzar's monument will be placed on the border of the
streets named after two prophets of Ukrainian literature - Gogol and Shevchenko.

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