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Central tendency exercises:

1. Suppose that, the nearby Wendy’s Restaurant sold medium, large and Biggie-sized soft drinks
for $0.90, $1.25 and $1.50 respectively of the last 10 drinks sold, 3 were medium, 4 were large
and 3 were Biggie-sized.
Find the weighted mean price of the last 10 drinks sold.

2. The following table gives the daily income of 12 families in a village.

H.No Monthly H.No Monthly
income(TK) income(TK)
1 587 7 805
2 693 8 907
3 595 9 763
4 780 10 865
5 840 11 768
6 760 12 894

Calculate arithmetic mean income of 12 families.

3. Find out the arithmetic mean and median.

Intervals Frequency(f) Mid-point(x) fx Cumulative
0-10 4 5 20 4
10-20 4 15 60 8
20-30 7 25 175 15
30-40 10 35 350 25
40-50 12 45 540 37
50-60 8 55 440 45
60-70 5 65 325 50

4. There are 35 exits on I-75 through the state of Kentucky.

11 4 10 4 9 3 8 14 3 5
2 2 5 6 1 2 2 3 7 8
10 14 7 5 2 2 5 1 1 3
3 1 1 2 1
Calculate mean.
5. In January group travelled to school is recorded in distance (KM)
Class 0-.5 .5-1 1-1.5 1.5-2
Frequenc 30 22 19 8

Calculate mean.

1. The distances that students in a year group travelled to school is recorded. Distance (km)

class 0-.5 0.5-1 1-1.5 1.5-2

Frequency 30 22 19 8

Does the modal class contain the median? (b) Estimate the median and the mean. (c) Which
is the larger, the median or the mean?
2. A sample of 25 undergraduates reported the following dollar amounts of entertainment
expenses last year:
684 710 688 711 722 698 723 743 738 722 696 721 685 763 681 731 736 771
693 701 737 717 752 710 697
a. Find the mean, median, and mode of this information. b. What are the range and
standard deviation? c. Use the Empirical Rule to establish an interval which includes
about 95 percent of the observations.
3. The American Diabetes Association recommends a blood glucose reading of less than 130 for
those with Type 2 diabetes. Blood glucose measures the amount of sugar in the blood. Below are
the readings for February for a person recently diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes.
112 122 116 103 112 96 115 98 106 111 106 124 116 127 116 108 112 112 121 115 124 116 107
118 123 109 109 106.

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