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Almonte, Phery Ann B.

Cataquis, Tricia Mae P.
Diacajo, Jacob P.
Rioveros, Marie Bea Louise P.

Executive Summary
The BB Secret Company is all about offering a product that has sustainable
aspects that will surely benefit both parties which is the society and the environment. BB
Secret came up with an idea of offering Bamboo Organic Reusable Cotton Pads in the
market since Bamboo Fabrics has a lot of benefits which can help to achieve a healthy
and glowing skin without a chemical ingredient involve. The company’s strategic
marketing plan involves mainly the information of primary and secondary target market
where majority of the customers are female having the age range of 25 to 41 above and
having a consistent monthly allowance. It involves the positioning of the propose product
where it is organic, washable and budget-friendly. It also discusses about the company
being established as an E-commerce. In terms of pricing strategy, the company indicated
the costing where it shows how the company came up with the prices and its pricing
objectives. It is also indicated in pricing strategy the value creation of the product. When
it comes to sales management plan, it shows the sales personnel of the company together
with the definition of their functions where it has four members which are the Sales
Manager, Financial Manager, Logistics and Distribution Manager, and the Promotion
Manager. The sales structure illustrated the figure of the company where it is called as
the “Line Organization Structure”. Sales training is included in the sales management plan
since the members of the company will undergo on training sessions where they will hire
a leadership development program facilitator and lastly, sales compensation is also
included since it tackles about the income of each members and what incentives they will


The BB Secret Company is known for patronizing the essence of bamboo

materials where the company is looking to create a sustainable product that will mainly
help to save the environment. Since bamboo is a wonder plant, BB Secret Company
came up with putting cotton pads that are made out of Bamboo through the market that
can be in line with today’s evolving consumer preferences and market trends. The BB
Secret Company used quantitative research to cover a large number of target markets. It
also helped to test the reaction of the target market in the new product which namely
“Bamboo Organic Reusable Cotton Pads”. Purposive Sampling is the method being
utilized in the sampling method since the respondent’s knowledge about the new product
will be the base on them to answer the survey questionnaires that will represent the
objectives of the study. The BB Secret Company created the product/service plan which
indicates the product description of Bamboo Organic Reusable Cotton Pads where it is
good for the skin, hypoallergenic, and reusable. It also indicates the packaging, the
strategies, the manufacturing/process flow, and the stage of Bamboo Organic Reusable
Cotton Pads in the product life cycle. The established distribution of the product will be
the direct channel of distribution since the BB Secret Company aimed for the B2C
(Business to Consumer) Method where customers can purchase the product directly for
their consumption. In terms of the Retail Plan, the company came up with its pricing
strategy, promotional advertisements, and details of being an E-retailing Company since
the Bamboo Organic Reusable Cotton Pads would be available through online store
platforms where it is the preferred choice of the customers to purchase the product.


Target Market

Primary target market

According to the results and findings from the marketing research, most of the
respondents are female. The research shows that the segment of customers is employed,
married, and self-employed. According to the age that was surveyed by the researchers,
it states that 26 respondents are above ages 25 and 40 with a monthly allowance of
₱4,000 and above.

Customer profile

Figure 1. Customer profile 1

The figure above it shows customer profile 1, The first female target market named
“Dea,” is a 28 years old employee with ₱4,000 and above the monthly allowance.
According to the study entitled “A Study on the Awareness of Product Ingredients among
Women Skincare Users in State of Madhya Pradesh,” Today's market and retailer shelves
are filled with a variety of products and brands, providing customers with a vast selection.
People have become more aware and conscious of hygiene, beauty, and environment as
literacy levels have increased and the number of millennials women entering the
workforce has increased. This paper focuses on the factors that affect consumer buying
behavior through a natural process, price, simplicity, and the awareness of the product
ingredients that improve skin health for the long term. Female millennials spend money
on skincare making sure their skin is healthy, glowy, and natural. They seek different
products that can improve their skin and the environment. They use social media
platforms to watch beauty recommendations and purchase products that have an
affordable price.

Figure 2. Customer profile 2

The figure above it shows customer profile 2, The second female target market
named “Shei,” is a 28 years old employee with ₱4,000 and above the monthly allowance.
According to Zanni et al., (2017), Sustainable development is becoming a crucial topic for
millennial consumers. Also, organic products like bamboo cotton pads have been carried
out to decrease the environmental effects. This study aims to study the role of skincare
companies that do not use toxic chemicals that can be harmful to the skin and the
environment. Also, companies that are transparent with the ingredients and formulas of
a certain product. The role of social media in purchasing behavior of millennials has
gained increased attention for their environmental concerns and supporting sustainable
companies. The results show the power of social media to increase sustainability
awareness and influence the consumer’s buying behavior for bamboo cotton pads.
Figure 3. Customer profile 3

The figure above shows customer profile 3, The third female target market named
“Shei,” is a 28 years old employee with ₱4,000 and above the monthly allowance.
According to Fogarassy et al., (2019), Millennial consumers and producers are using
natural cosmetics more. It is supported by the trend of environmental and health
awareness. High-quality products, natural ingredients, organic features, and sustainable
products are the variables suggesting the consumer shift to natural cosmetics. Consumer
behavior in light of bio-products, new natural cosmetics brands, and preferences for
health and environmental awareness. The results show that millennial consumers prefer
to buy natural cosmetics that are associated with social media and marketing campaigns
that have a purpose. The findings imply that health and environmental consciousness will
continue to be a prominent trend in both manufacturer and customer behavior in the
cosmetics industry in the future. The development of green cosmetics components and
ecologically friendly production processes like bamboo organic reusable cotton pads.
Customers will also have the option of selecting the bundles that best fit their needs.
Figure 4. Customer profile 4

The figure above shows customer profile 4, The third female target market named
“Isza,” is 38 years old and self-employed with ₱4,000 and above the monthly allowance.
According to a study entitled “Skin deep: An Exploratory Case Study of the Attitude
Behavioral Gap Phenomenon amongst Female Millennials in the context of the Skincare
Industry,” the conventional skincare industry has negative impacts on human health,
environment, and animals. The findings of the study revealed that the main factor
contributing to the ABGP is that female millennial are driven by self-interest. They like
natural cosmetics with organic ingredients, products that can cleanse the skin, affordable
products that are delicate to the skin. They are more likely to influence their household in
purchasing products, giving recommendations to their friends and families, and before
purchasing a product they make sure to look out for the brand’s mission, quality, and
service. Lastly, they like watching social media advertisements and marketing campaigns
that are sustainable, environmentalism, and that has a social impact before buying
products through social media platforms, It affects the consumer behavior of the female
millennials. Using bamboo pads improves skin health and the environment.
Figure 5. Customer profile 5

The figure above shows customer profile 5, The fifth female target market named
“Faye,” is 28 years old employee with ₱4,000 and above the monthly allowance. As global
connectivity grows, generational transitions may become more significant than
socioeconomic differences in determining behavior. Young people have a powerful
impact on individuals of all ages and financial levels, as well as how they consume and
interact with brands. According to Massory (2019), The cosmetics and personal care
sector has been completely transformed by millennials. They expect products that can
cleanse and purify the skin, products with natural ingredients, natural skincare
alternatives, light textures, and a form of self-expression in their search for the ideal,
Instagram-worthy glow, and because they relied on social media, they have largely
established labels in favor of independent firms, supporting their rapid growth. Bamboo
organic reusable cotton pads are perfect for millennials because of their authentic
ingredients that can help to exfoliate skin and remove dirt. It is also hypoallergenic, anti-
bacterial, and anti-microbial.

Secondary target market

According to the results and findings from the marketing research, most of the
respondents are female. The research shows that the segment of customers is married
with at least one child living at home. According to the age that was surveyed by the
researchers, it states that 26 respondents are above ages 41 and above with a monthly
allowance of ₱4,000 and above.
Customer profile

Figure 6. Customer profile 6

The figure above shows customer profile 6, The first female target market named
“Clarissa,” is a 48 years old housewife with ₱4,000 and above the monthly allowance.
According to Lister (2021), Generation X is busy with their career and family. They are
more likely to be the decision-makers of the family, they conduct online research to
compare different brands and prices. The customers are attracted to discounts and
bundle pricing. Natural, cleanser, simple, and ethically clean manufactured products are
in high demand, which has boosted the popularity of do-good businesses. It is the same
with marketing to Generation X. This generation is engaged in social media platforms to
follow trends, purchase a product, and watch product recommendations. Also, consumers
are more likely to purchase a service or product that benefits society or the environment
in some way. Bamboo organic reusable cotton pads are fitted to the target market, it is a
sustainable alternative to ordinary cotton. It reduces the usage of plastic, has a renewable
material, durable, environmentally, friendly, washable, and reusable.
Figure 7. Customer profile 7

The figure above shows customer profile 7, The second female target market
named “Michelle,” is 41 years old housewife with ₱4,000 and above the monthly
allowance. According to Berthiaume (2020), Generation X prefers to buy skincare
products with natural materials that make their skin glow in companies that help to save
the environment. This generation expects brands to become more environmentally
friendly and to be reusable. This generation relies on digital options to facilitates shopping
approaches, uses extensive research, and purchases on social media platforms. Bamboo
organic reusable cotton pads are fit to this target market, it is a sustainable alternative
from ordinary cotton. It reduces the usage of plastic, has a renewable material, durable,
environmentally friendly, washable, and reusable.
Figure 8. Customer profile 8

The figure above shows customer profile 8, The third female target market named
“Lelet,” She is 51 years old housewife with ₱4,000 and above the monthly allowance.
According to a study entitled “Generational marketing: how to target Gen Z, millennials,
GEN X, and baby boomers,” Gen X wants products that have optimum benefits,
marketing communications with a clear route to buy, practical product that has a proof of
performance, and honest explanations of the product usage. This generation is internet
adopters, active on social media platforms, uses social media platforms to purchase a
product that can help them to saves money more. Bamboo organic reusable cotton pads
are fit to this target market, at a low cost it, is washable, reusable, and reduces the usage
of plastic.
Figure 9. Customer profile 9

The figure above shows customer profile 9, The fourth female target market named
“Mai,” She is 47 years old housewife with ₱4,000 and above the monthly allowance.
According to Hayes (2019), this generation is smart shoppers. This consumer-like
products for aging skin, authentic, safe, multi-tasking products, and business with
sustainable products. They are likely to be the one who uses discounts, coupons, and
sales because they have an allowance for the whole family to budget. They like comparing
businesses, goods, and pricing on the internet to obtain the best value and purchase
possible. The ordinary Gen Xer is about to encounter significant life changes, and these
changes always come at a cost. Whether it's a personal investment, groceries, retirement
planning, or sending children to college, money is always on Gen Xers' minds. Bamboo
organic reusable cotton pads are fit to this target market, it has a low cost, washable,
reusable, and has a lot of skin benefits.
Figure 10. Customer profile 10

The figure above shows customer profile 10, The fifth female target market named
“Mai,” is 47 years old housewife with ₱4,000 and above the monthly allowance. According
to Bautista (2019), Gen Xers are often described as independent, employed, self-
employed, and housewives with intellectuals with high occupational status. The results
suggest that authentic brand image, honest products for hygiene, reasonable price, and
anti-aging skincare products are the variety of factors that influence green purchase
behavior. Consumers rely on reviews, sales, discounts, and indulged in some “retail
therapy” online. They enjoy both traditional and modern advertisements and marketing
Customer Relationship Management

Diagram 1. Distribution channels

The diagram above shows that the BB Secret firm is a retailer that focuses on a
B2C (Business to Consumer) technique in which the firm transacts with consumers who
buy the product for personal consumption. The partnered channels that will be used to
market the Bamboo Organic Reusable Cotton Pads are Lazada, Shopee, Facebook
page, and Instagram page, where it is indicated in the research results with those
customers have varied preferences where to buy the goods online.

The Bamboo Organic Reusable Cotton Pads provide a sumptuously soft and silky
sensation against the skin. Offers high-quality cotton rounds, making them incredibly
retentive to deeply cleanse your pores and effectively remove cosmetics, sunscreen,
synthetics, and beauty care products from your face especially on those consumers who
are skin-conscious. However, the primary and secondary target market of BB Secrets
Company are millennials and Gen Xers. The researchers analyze its results and mostly
with an age of 25 above are the most interested and have knowledge about Bamboo
Organic Reusable Cotton Pads. As a large group of consumers, millennials have become
one of the most closely followed and discussed groups in the marketing world, because
this generation had access to the Internet for the majority, if not all, mostly they are well-
informed and technologically competent. While Gen Xers understand the concept of the
value and want to know what the sellers or the company can do for them. They have the
money, but they won't spend it unless they know it's a worthy investment. BB Secret
Company makes sure that they will exceed your expectations by giving their customers
fast transactions of their orders and giving them freebies. It is also to create a bond and
incline the two parties' relationship and trust.

By managing and establishing a business on the internet, the BB Secret company

employs an effective marketing plan that raises product awareness, as it is reusable, eco-
friendly cosmetic pads that can be an excellent alternative to cotton balls and also, an
easy way to help the environment. It will increase product consumption, which will boost
market penetration. That is why BB Secret Company will continue to create and publish
advertisements and sales promotions freely through online store platforms where
customers can directly view, inquire, and eventually purchase the product as the preferred
marketing materials of the customers for bamboo organic reusable cotton pads since the
vast majority are found in internet advertisements. BB Secret would also handle and
respond to consumer complaints and feedbacks through chat messages via online retail
platforms and find the solution if there is a problem happen. The BB Secret company will
be primarily in charge of managing these online platforms and each online can be
allocated one of the four owners.

Positioning Statement

One competitor that BB Secret Company has is the bamboo charcoal cotton pads
of Etude House. This one competitor showcases their product as being organic since the
materials used for the cotton pads are mainly charcoal and bamboo fabric as well and it
can be bought through physical stores of Etude House in malls which is also their main
advantage. On the other hand, BB Secret company’s main features, attributes, and
benefits in bamboo organic reusable cotton pads is that aside from it is purely organic
which is made out of bamboo fabric that serves as its main feature, it offers a product that
has sustainable aspects where it is being environmentally friendly and budget-friendly at
the same time since it is washable and it can help to lessen the harm towards the
environment that serves as its added attributes and benefits. Since BB Secret company
has a competitor, the company is already in the growth stage in the product life cycle
where the company is looking for its best advantage where they can stand out through
their competitors. BB Secret company’s target market would be the customers who are
conscious not only towards their skin but also in their budget and the environment as well.
BB Secrets company has a symbolic and functional position in the market. Symbolic
where it is purely organic since BB Secret company has a main concern to the
environment and health of the customers. At the same time, it is functional because it can
help to clean the face in a natural way to achieve clean and fresh skin since the cotton
pads have no harmful ingredients that can affect the skin of the customers. It is also
functional in a way that it is a washable cotton pad that can be used multiple times where
it can also help the customers in their budget. BB Secret company believes that offering
a product that is purely organic, environmentally friendly, and budget-friendly can help the
company to state its main standpoint in the business.
Strategic Partnerships

Figure 11. Strategic Partnership

The BB Secret Company intends to partner with the Human Nature brand which is
genuinely natural and risk-free goods for health and well-being. Gandang Kalikasan, Inc.
is the company behind the Human Nature brand, which is presently the number one brand
in the country for good natural cosmetics and personal/home care goods. They are a
social enterprise inspired by the fundamental advocacies of Pro-Philippines, Pro-Poor,
and Pro-Environment, with the goal of inspiring other enterprises to better serve society.
Their goods reflect the quality and inventiveness of 100% Philippine-made items, and
their firm works to improve the quality of life for the underprivileged, beginning with their
employees and the farming communities with which they collaborate. Human Nature
obtained many raw materials at rural low-income communities, including coconut oil, and
lemongrass and supplied them with livelihood training, farming, and processing
equipment. Simultaneously, the firm quickly extended its offering of effective, safe, and
ecologically friendly goods made from locally farmed components.

BB Secret Company wants to collaborate with this brand since the Bamboo
Organic Reusable Cotton Pads are environmentally friendly, natural, organic, and
reusable. Bamboo cotton is made to be washed and reused that can be a partner with
human nature’s product like a facial wash, toner, oil, etc. Bamboo Pads is cost-effective
and environmentally beneficial that can be alternative to normal cotton since it uses less
water, minimizes soil erosion by 26%, decreases carbon dioxide emissions by 46%, and
requires less energy. Bamboo cotton offers a long-term option for eliminating waste.
These factors are expected to boost the development and rise of worldwide demand for
bamboo cotton over the next several years. The growing tendency of customers to utilize
eco-friendly products is predicted to increase the expansion of bamboo cotton. Therefore,
the market is growing as a result of changing customers’ preferences, market trends, and
the expansion of the fashion, cosmetics, and cotton industries.

In terms of contract and arrangement, BB Secrets Company would like to work

together with Human Nature because they aim to establish globally certified organic
products in the countryside that can provide good raw materials for their goods, that could
be a fantastic way for customers to get the product directly, likewise on Bamboo Organic
Reusable Cotton Pads. In Addition, BB Secret Company wants to have a yearly contract
with them to get the opportunity to assess if the company is a suitable fit for their career
goals. Of course, for both parties, the situation is a little risky, as either can decide to quit
the relationship at any time. They can also make it simpler to address any disagreements
that may occur. If the contractual company has a substantial influence throughout the
contract's duration, they will be in a strong salary-negotiating position when it comes the
time to renew the contract. This will boost the company's gross profit and broaden the
market scope of BB Secret Company.

Branding and Brand Management

Figure 12. Company Logo

Figure above explains that it is important in brands like BB Secrets because it helps
the company to stand out from its competitors. The BB Secret Company is recognized for
supporting the essence of Bamboo materials in order to develop sustainable products
that will primarily aid in environmental preservation. It brings the company’s competitive
positioning to life, and works to position as a certain “something” in the minds of the
consumers. Before BB Secrets begin with the brand strategy they identified their
competitive positioning strategy that will bring their products to life. The company make
sure that it is effective as possible, Also, they develop their brand around emotional
benefits of the society and the consumers. They list the features and benefits of the
Bamboo Organic Reusable Cotton Pads. In making the product they patronize the
essence of bamboo materials, since bamboo is an environmental wonder-plant. The
colors that the BB Secrets used in making the product are all the shades of green. As we
all know that green represents nature and environment. According to a study entitled “The
Role of Color in Environmental Messages and Claims: Green can be both Beneficial and
Misleading,” that environmental products are more fluently processed when it is
associated with green colors because it matches the meaning of the target information.
The consumers are responding to environmental products, messages, advertisements,
and claims positively when it is presented with green colors.

The tagline of BB Secrets Company is “Nature reveals the true beauty within.” The
tagline is made to emphasize and highlight the brand’s mission and purpose in the
environment which is the businesses are looking forward to sustainable alternatives that
reduce the usage of plastic. BB secrets company aim to provide low cost cotton
alternative using organic reusable bamboo pads while helping the earth since bamboo is
an environmental wonder-plant, to make a difference and a sustainable product that aims
to reduce excessive waste, to emphasize the benefits of using organic reusable bamboo
pads on reducing waste that the target market is creating, to highlight the benefits of using
organic reusable bamboo pads and how overwhelming trying an eco-friendly choice, and
to explore the sourcing, processing, and marketing of organic reusable bamboo pads.
The consumers will remember the tagline itself because while using the organic products
like Bamboo Organic Reusable Cotton Pads can enhance their beauty inside and outside.

In making the logo of the BB Secrets Company, the logo itself reveals the Bamboo
materials that are used. It is bamboo leaves and stem that are shaped like a circle that
symbolizes the unity of the company and the consumers to protect the environment
without any usage of plastic. The company used cursive as a font style that come across
as friendly and approachable owners. Lastly, it uses green shades that represents the
beauty of nature and the environment.
Retail Communication


Figure 13. Posters

Online Store Platforms

Figure 14. Online store platforms


Figure 15. Storyboard

Figures above show that the 3 forms of communication of BB Secrets Company.
According to the research findings, buyers preferred online store platforms to acquire the
bamboo organic reusable cotton pads. According to a study entitled “Evaluating the
Customer Preferences of Online Shopping: Demographic Factors and Online Shop
Application Issue,” consumers that are “green shopper” is more popular to use shopping
online because it is more convenient, more efficient, and allow them to shop 24 hours a
day. The company's supplier and manufacturer are both in China, and the stocks will be
delivered by overseas courier through the storeroom in Calamba, Laguna. The product
will then be repackaged and prepared in the same location and sent to various local
couriers based on the online store platform where it was ordered, which includes Shopee,
Lazada, Facebook page, and Instagram which will then be handled and delivered by the
courier of chosen online store platforms, and finally can deliver to the customers. The BB
Secret firm will primarily be in charge of the online shop platforms. Each online shop
platform can be assigned to one of the four owners.

Bb secrets company use posters as a form of communicating to its consumers.

According to Wroblewski (2018), posters are one of the most cost effective forms of
advertising in the market, it is highly visible, and versatile. Consumers are more likely to
trust online posters because of its accessibility and it is a powerful medium. Lastly, Bb
secrets use vlog advertisement that includes product unboxing, benefits of the product,
and usage of the product. According to the marketing research of the bamboo organic
reusable cotton pads, consumers are in favor of vlog advertisement. Vloggers, or those
who create video blogs, are becoming powerful individuals who may influence
consumers' purchasing decisions. The main findings indicate that vloggers perceived
enjoyment and consumers’ attitude are directly influence consumers online buying


Innovation Strategy

Figure 16. Products

BB Secrets company aims to build a strategic product planning for company’s
future growth. The idea is to have a framework in place that links long-term strategies to
day-to-day product concept management. The company's overall strategic direction must
be reflected in the product portfolio. A strategic product planning process connects the
company's vision, which often spans three to five years, with the strategic actions
necessary to relaunch the product, which typically span one to two years. The BB Secrets
company is planning to innovate and expand the product portfolio. Every year the
company will launch a proposal products in the market like bamboo toothbrush, bamboo
make-up brushes, bamboo comb, and bamboo soap that is partner with bamboo pads. It
connects with the mission and vision of the company that is to offer a product that has
sustainable aspects that will benefit the consumers and the environment. These products
have a lot of benefits that can help to achieve a healthy glowing skin without any plastic
and chemical ingredients involved. In a business, innovation is critical because it gives
businesses an advantage in accessing markets faster and providing a stronger link to
growing markets, which may lead to more prospects. Original thoughts may be developed
with the aid of innovation, which gives BB Secrets to be a proactive, confident mindset to
take chances and get things done.

Expansion strategy

BB Secrets company aims to grow considerably by broadening the scope of the

business operation nationwide. The bamboo organic reusable cotton pads will become
exclusive channel of distribution, since the BB Secret company would aim to go wider in
the future. The goal of BB Secret company is to penetrate the well-known exclusive store
for health and beauty products such as the Watsons stores here in the Philippines. BB
Secret company would aim to transition from only being a retailer to become a wholesaler
where Watsons stores would buy bulk of bamboo organic reusable cotton pads as their
stocks to sell. The goal of BB Secret company of putting the product through Watsons
stores in the future would be a great way for the customers to avail the product directly.
After conquering the local market, The Company aims to enter the global market and
reach a certain market margin that will be known as one of the organic product providers
internationally. This will be add to the increase in the gross profit of the company and
widen the market scope of BB Secret Company.

Recruitment strategy

As a business, there may come a time when the only to grow a business is to build
a team. The BB Secrets company will still maintain the established online selling platforms
such as Facebook, Instagram, Shopee, and Lazada. The BB Secret company will plan to
hire employees that should be tied to the overall company objectives. The candidate must
be willing to continuously update and check online advertisements, sales promos and
feedback and will manage the established online retail store by doing the transactions of
the customers and checking the inventory as well. By this strategy, the advantages of
hiring an employee will increase profitability and performance, improve productivity, they
can also bring new ideas, perspectives to the table, and help the business to remain

BB Secret Company implement strategies by doing innovation strategy, expansion

strategy, and recruitment strategy. For the innovation as mentioned that every year, the
BB Secret Company will introduce new products to the market such as bamboo
toothbrushes, bamboo make-up brushes, bamboo combs, and bamboo soap that is
compatible with bamboo pads. It is based with the company's goal and vision, it allows
the company to remain relevant in a competitive market, it also plays an essential role in
economic growth which is to provide a product with long-term benefits for both customers
and the environment. The BB Secret company's one of their objective is putting the
product through Watsons stores in the future would be a fantastic way for people to get
the product directly. Finally, having a strong team makes people feel more involved,
informed, and capable of working hard to achieve the company's goals. It also improves
product sales, which equates to outstanding customer service providers. There’s this
saying that “happy customers, are loyal customers” means that trust element has been
established, allowing them to know exactly what they need to do. Fear of the unknown is
a key reason why individuals will not try a new brand or service if they are dissatisfied
with their current one which is the bamboo organic reusable cotton pads.


Based on the data that the researchers have gathered it typically shows that most
of their respondents were female and showing interest on the product of the company
itself. Furthermore, BB Secret Company incorporates a more sustainable and ecologically
and chemical free products for a long term benefit and consumption of the consumers of
the company which serves as an alternative products to cotton pads. Bamboo organic
reusable cotton pads is much better than the ordinary cotton pads since it can gives
improvement and benefits to makes skin healthier. In addition with that bamboo organic
reusable cotton pads helps consumers to reduce waste since it is reusable and it is not
just helps to save time and money to the consumers as well as it helps in saving the

Moving forward as the advancement of technology arises the entity will used this
tool to raised awareness in regards with their product. Since people nowadays is more
dependent in the e-commerce businesses these days due to the reason that it is more
convenient to them and much easier for them to have their transaction done. It is also
much easier for the BB Secret Company to promote their products in the distribution
channels that the company will going to use since people these days do appreciate
everything online especially the source of their entertainment and as well as it is included
in their daily lives to visit online and check what they can buy. Also, by working hand in
hand with different brand such as Human Nature and Gandang Kalikasan inc. company
could produce effective efficient safe chemical free products that are locally made for the
greater extent of the consumers consumption.

BB Secret Company chose to collaborate to these companies since these

companies already have a strong brand image as well as a lot of the consumers already
know these companies that these companies is producing a product that is good quality
and beneficial to consumers. Collaborating with these companies helps the BB Secrets
Company to build a strong brand image as well as to be known and at the same time to
gain a lot of customers that will result to generate a big profit to the company.

The long-term strategies that the BB Secrets company will use to sustain the
business are innovation strategy, recruitment strategy, and expansion strategy. The BB
Secrets company is planning to innovate and expand the product portfolio. Every year the
company will launch a proposal products in the market like bamboo toothbrush, bamboo
make-up brushes, bamboo comb, and bamboo soap that is partner with bamboo pads.
BB Secrets company aims to grow considerably by broadening the scope of the business
operation nationwide. Lastly, the business will need to build a new team.



Costing, mark-up, and value

Table 1. Product cost per unit

Product cost per unit
Items Price per unit
Cotton pad ₱ 5.00
Boxes ₱ 5.00
Scrunchie ₱ 10.00
Headband ₱ 15.00
Laundry bag ₱ 7.00

The table above shows the product cost per unit, The company’s supplier and
manufacturer named “greatbuy666,” is located in China that will deliver the stocks
overseas courier to the Philippines, Calamba, Laguna. The Bb secrets company consider
factors in selecting a supplier for the business: supplier’s goal is aligned with the Bb
Secrets’ values, the supplier is experienced and an expert to this business, the quality
that the supplier provides, supplier brings value to the business, and the supplier’s cost
is fair.

Table 2. Product costing

Product costing
Items Price
189 pieces of cotton pads ₱ 945.00
10 pieces of boxes ₱50.00
10 pieces of Scrunchies ₱ 100.00
10 pieces of headbands ₱ 150.00
25 pieces of laundry bags ₱175.00
Shipping fee ₱100.00
Total ₱ 1,520.00

The table above shows the product costing for bamboo organic reusable cotton
pads. The BB secrets ordered 189 pieces of cotton pads for the first opening of the
business that costs ₱ 945.00, 10 pieces of boxes for the packaging that costs ₱50.00, 10
pieces of scrunchies made from bamboo cotton that costs ₱ 100.00, 10 pieces of
headbands made from bamboo cotton that costs ₱ 150.00, 25 pieces of laundry bags for
packaging that costs ₱175.00, and the shipping fee costs ₱100.00, with the total of ₱
1,520.00. The four business owners decided to contribute ₱500 each to pay for the
starting costs of the business.

Table 3. Retail price and initial markup formula.

Retail Price [Cost of Item ÷ (100 - Markup Percentage)] x 100
Initial Markup 𝑆𝑒𝑙𝑙𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑃𝑟𝑖𝑐𝑒 − 𝑃𝑟𝑜𝑑𝑢𝑐𝑡 𝐶𝑜𝑠𝑡𝑠
𝐼𝑀𝑈 = 𝑥 100
𝑆𝑒𝑙𝑙𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑃𝑟𝑖𝑐𝑒

The table above shows the retail price and initial markup formula, as a starting
business, BB Secrets company considers 5 factors in pricing bamboo organic reusable
cotton pads: costs, customers, positioning, and competitors. First and foremost as a
business owner, financially informed is effective to manage resources efficiently.
Consider out all the costs of running the business before determining the right pricing.
These include the fixed costs and direct expenditures. Second, know what the target
market wants from the bamboo organic reusable cotton pads. After figuring out the target
market, BB secrets consider the positioning, competitor’s pricing, and how much profit
they want and need. On the other hand, the importance of initial markup is very important
for a business like BB secrets. One of the most critical tools a profitable business may
have is a good pricing strategy. The markup on a product or service must be sufficient to
cover all operating costs and make a profit.

Table 4. Bundle 1 retail pricing strategy.

Bundle 1
Retail Pricing [₱ 26.00 ÷ ( 100-46.94) ] x 100
= ₱49.00
Initial Markup ₱49.00 − ₱ 26.00
= 𝑥 100
₱ 49.00
Table 5. Bundle 2 retail pricing strategy.

Bundle 2
Retail Pricing [₱ 41.00 ÷ ( 100-58.58) ] x 100
= ₱99.00
Initial Markup ₱99.00 − ₱ 41.00
𝑥 100
₱ 99.00

Table 6. Bundle 3 retail pricing strategy.

Bundle 3
Retail Pricing [₱ 101.00 ÷ ( 100-43.58) ] x 100
= ₱179.00
Initial Markup ₱179. .00 − ₱ 101. .00
= 𝑥 100
₱ 179. .00

The table above shows that bamboo organic reusable cotton pads have a variety
of pieces which contain three pieces for only ₱49.00, six pieces for ₱99.00, and twelve
pieces for ₱179.00, depending on what the consumers buy according to their needs and
budgets. As a small and new business, people may be enticed to buy without thinking if
the price is as low as " ₱99.00." Customers also perceive odd pricing as a discount, they
tend to pay more attention to the first digit on a price tag, so when they see the odd
numbers, it can create an illusion of great customer value. Since customers feel they are
getting a discounted price, they are more likely to buy more and that is a good strategy
for pricing. However, BB secrets company also does bundle pricing because it can
increase the value perception in the eyes of the potential customers since they are
expecting something for free. It is a great way for both consumers and retailers to save
money on goods. It allows consumers to save time when shopping and retailers to make
more money. Pricing should be aligned with the product branding that is why it is
affordable because of the inexpensive cost given by the supplier. Offering low-cost
products is a way to showcase what the brand has to offer also, a great way to tempt
more people to browse in the shop. Thus, having bundle pricing can make the customers’
lives easier, it can save their time and also their budget. Bundle pricing, when done right,
it generates more revenue and benefit for businesses, which is why it is one of the most

Pricing objectives

• Reduce costs of the company to improve profitability.

• Increase market means increasing effort that put into sales.
• Increase sales volume in quantity to expand the market and improve customer
• Profit maximization that determines price and output level that will result largest
• Targeting market share: it is taken to enable BB Secrets company to achieve
targeted market share.

Pricing Strategy

According to the results of the marketing research, respondents are willing to pay
₱ 101-150 and ₱ 151 and above. Consumers tend to try environmentally friendly products
such as bamboo organic reusable cotton pads since of the trends and their cost-
effectiveness. Also, there are a lot of uses of bamboo cotton, it can also be used for
medical purposes and a make-up remover. Bb secrets company considers the business’
mission statement and plans for the future. Market penetration strategy is the objective
that Bb secrets company is aiming for. The BB Secret Company used the market
penetration strategy, considering the strategy is more fit and suitable to the Bamboo
Organic Reusable Cotton Pads. Since the BB Secret company will enter the new market,
it is essential to use the market penetration strategy because to successfully utilize the
product in entering a market the approach must be as quick as could be expected and
hold onto a huge piece of the pie. It has an incredible potential to develop benefit and
income. Likewise, if a marketable strategy is to build market entrance, it's essential to
execute certain strategies and methodologies that will expand the deals and lessen the

Market penetration strategy also gives good tactics to BB Secret Company’s

pricing strategy wherein the use of the pricing adjustment firm intends to build deals and
bringing down costs is a viable strategy to pull in expected clients. It also increases the
market penetration with the use of the tactics of increasing promotions through investing
that will have a good impact on the proposed product. In market penetration, it also
engages the consumer wherein it lets them know that the product change to its best, in
here it helps a lot in improving products. Furthermore, through product consumption
market penetration can be increased. For instance, if BB Secret Company uses an
effective marketing strategy that will increase product awareness in certain areas it will
result in higher product consumption that will also increase market penetration. Lastly,
the most valuable segment of the market penetration strategy is distribution channels.
This way BB Secret Company can expand item deals, distribution channels, acquire
additional room available and productivity.

Value Creation

To encourage ethical consumerism, BB Secret Company creates Bamboo Organic

Reusable Cotton Pads to have the environmental impact possible. This often necessitates
a delicate balancing act between various materials and sources. The reusable pads are
constructed of 70% Bamboo and 30% Cotton to promote reusability and washability. It
comes in a cardboard packing package that is 100% recyclable. You'll never run out of
cotton rounds again since you can just rewash the reusable ones whenever you need
them. Additionally, unlike conventional cotton rounds, the fibers will not readily scatter or
fall apart, which is a typical complaint among skincare fans when the cotton rounds or
pads become soaked with skincare products. One of these washable cotton pads can last
for using it to three to five years and can replace up to 3600 makeup wipes. In one fell
sweep, you can help the environment and save your money in the long run because it is
affordable. Cotton and bamboo are natural fibers that are 100% biodegradable. This
implies that when it is placed in a composting bin, it will naturally decompose without
damaging the environment. Paper is used to making the packaging, and it is a valuable
recyclable resource. To help lessen your environmental effect one step at a time, choose
reusable over disposable and quality over quantity.

It's an opportunity for Filipinos to be truly proud of selling our products that are
benefiting the Philippines’ brand image and demonstrating to the rest of the world that
Filipinos are not a third-world people but a naturally gifted, courageous, and lovable
people. It is more than simply a company, it is a picture of a lovely and rich nation.

Pricing Structure

₱ 49 ₱ 99 ₱ 179
• 3 PCS • 6 PCS • 12 PCS
• with laundry • with laundry • with laundry
bag. bag. bag, scrunchie,
and a

Diagram 2. Pricing Structure

BB Secret Company will focus on the pricing structure which is more suitable to
the offering of the company. As a retailer, the BB Secret Company will use the pricing
structure which will help the company to grow and to be more profitable and that is the
bundle pricing. Since price bundling is a strategy used by retailers to sell multiple products
at a lower price than the total cost to consumers. One of the most important advantages
of bundling is that it allows companies to offer their lesser-known products alongside the
popular ones. This will help attract different types of buyers. Another advantage of
bundling is that it allows you to reach out to a wider variety of consumers. Furthermore,
a product bundle is very popular among customers. They save time and effort by shopping
for each product.
The BB Secret Company took advantage of the bundle pricing by setting their
prices in a bund. Wherein ₱49 for the reusable cotton pads with 3 pieces in a bundle, for
₱99 a set of 6 pieces in a bundle, and lastly for ₱179 for the set of 12 pieces reusable
cotton pads with add on of scrunchies and headband that will help the consumer in doing
their skincare routine easily. Additionally, BB Secret Company will use the charm pricing
also known as psychological pricing since the pricing that the BB Secret Company set is
well accurate to charm pricing. Psychological pricing is a theory that states that a price
will have a psychological impact on a customer. Also, psychological pricing is a strategy
that helps consumers feel valued and incentivized to buy. It helps businesses create more
value for their consumers. One method of psychological pricing increases the price of an
item that is sold. This happens when the product is initially launched. By charging a higher
price when demand levels are also high, then it becomes possible to generate a higher
return on the initial investments made to bring the item to the market. At the same time,
your early adopters become testers that can help you to refine the product. Psychological
pricing is also called penetration pricing wherein it is an option that can help minimize
cost control pressures by targeting consumers who are sensitive to price within a specific
market segment.


A sales team is the department in charge of achieving an organization's sales

objectives. The sales team that the BB secrets company proposed are the sales manager,
Financial manager, Logistics and Distribution manager, and Promotion manager. Their
primary responsibilities are: (1) setting goals for a sales force; (2) budgeting, planning,
and organizing to achieve goals of the company; (3) implementation; and (4) controlling
and evaluating the results.

Sales Personnel

As a starting and small business BB secrets company proposed to have a small

sales team management. The four owners decided to have a sales team in the BB Secrets
company team includes the following: Sales manager, Financial manager, Logistics and
Distribution manager, and Promotion Manager. The sales manager will be Mr. Jacob
Diacajo, its role is to be in charge of overseeing and guiding the sales team, including
recruiting and preparing new team members, promoting sales, handling the budget,
setting sales targets, assessing their team's success, and dealing with performance-
related problems. The financial manager will be Ms. Marie Bea Louise Rioveros, who
plays an important function in a company’s financial management and support. The tasks
are undertaken by Ms. Rioveros the heart of major business decisions, It can make a real
difference to business’s success. Bb secrets company is a small business, financial
manager roles include reporting, analyzing targets, and budgetary planning. It involves
research on the company’s financial situation in short and long-term goals. The
distribution and logistics manager is Ms. Tricia Mae Cataquis, its role is to organize the
storage and distribution of bamboo organic reusable cotton pads. To ensure that the right
products are delivered to the right place on time and at good quality and cost. It also
involves transportation, stock control, and monitoring the flow of bamboo cotton pads.
Lastly, the promotion manager will be Ms. Phery Ann Almonte, its role is to work in
marketing to create promotions and marketing campaigns. The product development
team incorporates promotions after bamboo organic reusable cotton pads are complete.
Ms. Almonte is the one who posts promotions and marketing campaigns through the
social media platforms which are on the Facebook page, Instagram page, Lazada, and
Shopee. It also includes the promotion schedules, planning of the direct advertising, and
report the sales result to the senior executives.

Sales Structure/Organization

Sales Manager
(Jacob Diacajo)

Logistics and Financial

Distribution Manager Promotion
Manger Manager
(Tricia Cataquis) Rioveros) (Phery Almonte)

Diagram 3. Sales Structure

The sales structure that the BB Secret used is the line organization structure. The
simplest and oldest type of organizing is the line structure. A supervisor has direct
supervision over a subordinate in these organizations. In addition, authority is transferred
from the top of the organization to the lowest rung. This form of organization is also
referred to as a military or scalar-type organization. What good about using the line
organization structure in a business firm is that, it is much simpler to work, as well as cost-
effective and efficient. It also enables rapid decision-making and effective coordination.
Additionally, the scalar principle of organization is followed. It also encourages command
cohesion. In a line organization, responsibility for job completion is delegated to specific
personnel. As a result, delegated responsibilities are held accountable. Due to unified
control and undivided allegiance, a line organization has good discipline, and to the non-
involvement of staff workers, the overall cost of running the organization is cheap. It is a
dependable organizational structure.

The good thing about having a sales structure in a startup business is that sales
processes are well-documented and precisely organized in high-performing sales
companies. A well-documented sales structure streamlines the chain of command,
resulting in more efficient decision-making. Furthermore, having a salesforce structure
has a lot of benefits to the organization it includes clarity of responsibilities across roles,
in this sales representative, are aware of their obligations for various product lines and
marketplaces. Also, having stronger coordination and communication, with this more time
for actual selling and more mobility for sales staff and, a more knowledgeable salesforce
will motivate salespeople to share their knowledge. Moreover, having a sales structure
can reduce channel conflict and increased engagement, and it is an important reason that
it will bring fewer disagreements about new opportunities, and increased commitment to
meeting sales targets.

BB Secret Company created a strong sales structure. The people behind this
organization are well distributed and have designated roles and a department to organize
and work. Jacob Diacajo is the sales manager, Marie Bea Louise Rioveros the financial
manager, Phery Ann Almonte the promotion manager, and Tricia Mae Cataquis the
Logistics and Distribution manager. In the future plans when the organization will continue
to grow and have it success BB Secret Company will be hiring people that will be
distributed in the different department to make the business expand as well as to produce
more products and generate more profit.

Since BB Secret is a start-up business, the BB Secret Company has its four
members in which they have specific role in the business. The organization is composing
of Sales Manager, Financial Manager, Logistics and Distribution Manager, and Promotion
Manager where these roles are sufficient enough to operate the business. Each member
will play a huge role in the flow of the business. As being a start-up business, these four
major roles that are given to each member are also enough to not hire other employees
since each designated position are assigned in planning, budgeting, distribution, and
sales where it answers the basic positions that are needed in one business. Profit sharing
will be the flow of each member’s income since the organization won’t hire other

Sales Training

The Bamboo Organic Reusable Cotton Pads would be available through online
store platforms such as Lazada, Shopee, Facebook, and Instagram. Since BB Secret
Company would utilize an E-retailing channel, the company will undergo 5 days training
sessions before they proceed to the actual selling of the product and the manager will
hire a leadership and sales development program that will facilitate the training sessions.

Qualifications of being Sales Representative:

• Experience in online selling
• Ability to work simultaneously
• Ability to communicate effectively through customers

The program of Sales training:

• 1st day – Orientation about the objectives of the sales training.
• 2nd day – Orientation about aligning its purpose, goals, and objectives to the
company’s mission and vision.
• 3rd day – Sales activities, games, and training that includes the use of application
systems and Microsoft Excel.
• 4th day – Seminar about effective communication in the workplace such as
elements, effects, process, types, barriers, principles, and advantages. It sharpens
the employees communication skills that increase productivity.
• 5th day – Evaluation, assessment, and awarding ceremony of the best members
of the organization that participated in the training sessions.

The overview of the sales training would help the BB Secret Company sales
manager, financial manager, distribution and logistics manager, and promotion manager
to enhance their leadership skills. As being mentioned above, It is the ability to work
simultaneously since their job is not only to accept and prepare orders but also to
communicate and promote the product constantly to the consumers. This training
program will also sharpen their experience in selling the product and creating a long-term
relationship with the consumers aside from only gaining sales. Agile leaders that can
expertly lead through change, drive performance, develop a people-first culture of
engagement, and to be a responsible employees. Training the managers will increase
productivity, employee engagement, and improves the managerial skills that are needed
for the future.

Sales Compensation Plan/Scheme

Since BB Secret Company is a small business company and only consists of four
members, the target of the company is to gain a huge amount of profit. The company has
its ₱10,000 worth of capital and that capital will serve as the base or quota for the
company to surpass so that it can gain extra profit. If the company surpasses its own
capital, the company would use the extra profit for the expenses of the company such as
the allowance of each member and extra funds for some events like celebration of day
before Christmas or Birthdays and a simple celebration of success if the company
surpasses its quota. The extra profit can be added also to miscellaneous expenses like
printing machines. By adding this kind of compensation which is a very simple financial
incentive, it will motivate each member to exert more effort so that the company would
grow and foster into a bigger family.

Since BB Secret Company is only about to start, another compensation that the
company would give is the non-financial incentives. Flexible working hours will be given
to each member so that they can easily balance their personal schedules and have the
allowance to do their own projects at work. Extra leave would also be given especially on
their birthdays and holidays like Christmas break, New Year, and Holy Week. One on one
meeting is included since it is important to have constant communication with one another
so that it can help to develop growth and improvement. Another non-monetary reward
would be given is the reward of more responsibilities especially for those members who
are willing and itching to have a more workload so that they can use it as their learning
experience. Since the marketing materials that will be utilizes in promoting the Bamboo
Organic Reusable Cotton Pads are on social media such as Facebook and Instagram,
recognizing each members in social media is a great way to boost their confidence since
it can be seen in public where customers can see that all members in the company are
working in their maximum efforts. Posting recognition of the members like “Employee of
the Month” will also benefit the business since it is a good marketing strategy because
customers will have the perception of aside from offering a good and sustainable product,
they also do offer an excellent service to reach out and satisfy their customers since the
company is working harmoniously.

Sales Performance Appraisal

Table 7. Sales performance appraisal form

Rating Comments
5 4 3 2 1
1. Quality of work
2. Productivity
3. Knowledge of job
4. Adaptability and initiative
5. Dependability
6. Initiative
7. Innovation/Creativity
8. Planning/Organization
9. Leadership
10. Customer Service
Legend: 5-consistently exceed expectations; 4 exceed expectations; 3- meet
expectations; 2- below expectations; 1- consistently below expectations.

The sales performance of BB Secret Company will have a rating form of 10

performance factors. The rating key scale is 1 to 5 which means 1 is the lowest and 5 is
the highest wherein the performance of the employee consistently exceeds expectations.
In the first factor, which is the quality of work, this will be a basis on how accurate, neat
and complete the person’s work will be. This will include the person’s educational
attainment if the degree will meet the standard of qualifications. In productivity it will be
rated by how the employee produces an acceptable amount of work, it will consider how
a person effectively uses available working time as well as how this person accomplishes
goals and completes tasks on the right schedule. In the knowledge of job, the individual
will be rate by how the person know the job and utilizes knowledge that gained in the
specialized trainings, education and experience that will produce a better and safe
outcome and if ever that there will be a change in the action plan the person will going to
produce a better procedures and method. The adaptability and initiative will be rated by
how the person adapts changes and takes better action as well as can contribute
development to the action plan and can give suggestions that can add up to seeking a
better tasks fulfillment. Dependability of the person will be rated on how reliable they are
performing on the assigned task and how well they are carrying out performance and the
willingness to take responsibility on the tasks that they are assigned to and being
accountable about.
Initiative, when employees show things without being told and act instead of
reacting. Innovation or creativity increases chances to discover new opportunities for the
company. Planning or organization, helps to critically asses the goal to see if realistic and
facilitates decision making if the company can achieve the goal. Leadership, it is an
important skill to bring out the best abilities of the team. Lastly, providing good customer
service generate more marketing and sales opportunities. Meeting consumers’
satisfaction is paramount to keep the business growing. The ratings for the individual are
required to explain by giving comments why this person was given a rating of this on
every performance factor. A sales evaluation helps the company to determine which
salespeople perform well and which don't. With that information, they can reward their
sales team members according to their performance. Through the evaluation,
salespeople may learn of the company’s expectations and set their goals accordingly.

Sales Customer Relationship Management

Figure 17. BB secrets application dashboard

Figure above illustrates the application that the BB Secret Company will use to
connect to the customer and this will be the tool to build a good relationship with the
customers. Here in BB Secrets Company's employees will do outbound calls using the
information that the customer gave to the company to do sales and to close deals. The
customer relationship management purpose is to track and handle client's information on
a regular basis. It also allows the company to communicate with their entire team from
any device. As well as, Customer emails are intelligently captured. And it allows the
company to focus on leads by simplifying repetitive activities. It also provides insights and
recommendations. Lastly as the BB Secret company grows, it expands and customizes.
The relevance of the CRM to the BB Secret Company is that, CRM enables the company
to eliminate clumsy processes and manual labor, allowing the company to focus on their
business. As well as companies generate more leads, close more deals, retain more
customers, and expand their business. Additionally, all the customer information stored
in one location and the conversation will always be personal and relevant up to date.

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