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_& 5 : tah tae a, - & sar ot “poe ae ede "68 Eomomict G Faave. (88) uae s at hat is Jolisaton ? Hy ts ae with ° _ eee Lono! raat oe | Apataligation — a eRe apa — fetal ation means te Speed | gy “movemerda— wage. Leg gods "and "sevtces | coprlel, of atlitial praclices, He LE, Gf Le gjfeces af ide Cand Soe oe Al (eek pepaations YH aby = balan in te oT = —Accatding to fe _(ommiltee fe, Pipe 70m an. eoononrue. rt View Ae can be defined. * ihe iat g _otudg spine Gon a : Xo cCononmts a il Gj th jrowin ; — jee Sf, cos. bordel " tade bw mod His, seices @ Alow W ational —copital and te wide add raffid ie ed A Gf techaata iA - $f re elect Lhe cortinuin a son ‘and mutual erlejration. ~¥. o~ As ‘ ae Town 2G | -mratkel Arontias ond * he axa fee of “wafitemaion’ wotitall” ype tive abate ard madtel jo Le the two mat eG 1S, lef eaonoméc get ‘oot fas The_ Gao i z gbobul bloc composed by he aa Toh hark govein ots Tor 14 countrial ts bre _ European Union [e)- stablished in 1999 the tyalo 5 tte most impoctonl industrial ed! an evElopinG economies to dims, tntlorgbonol —cconnic Van” Ainonciol sinbilitiy Thgether the “nations 07 Tithe Go octal! fl 60h Lf Lobal economil a i Neds h Of all Gib Trade and__“ahbo f tuo! third Gf! the- eee Popultlion.. Hi —Examplet of Yplobaligation. ee a eee Fecause of trade devdopments and financial exchanges Yue often tink of _ global zalion economic “and /inancial "bhenoatenan - Alonethelet , iE indus a mich wid field. fron just Allowing of goods relives ov rie “tpten tefaled us the gbobaling i m 4Zom glotudi Sabion ae : cee f- Jupiter ih Ww CO 2 1S — ~ per ae + —+| Festal gl oe he vise! tal a C fingodi oe Se Sel datemationel oes dt chchanges¢ abel 2 Be: Lex makel. Yeh tnaharce__ Cane ,_ ane — BRIE a cam “example Gf] Jindacially —connecLeck abbal wold" since? when oe T slock _maykel_| Wha, a decline TE affect oe _mautels | ne! negatively os wal? af the economy a _| a_whole. I eal aa oda, lls aga amie -7ation ofc Q_ansequenctt : meas ‘nation adspt plinciples be Land cabtumes of ‘ethel_-naliona (asin om oe unique cultuces "Ip a untae gil alized ee culluxe- abn - te “isting nd grow ig : fatengtional 6 tong Ee | >) UN 2a ytlo means obveithenti action teks place ak an iffemationnl Teel. Thue are che fodiex opuating a gibbal Lepl Suh wf NGOs like Oxhim- _2— Iechnolor ogiaal alpball’ ation - _pheromeran Bi | ate mate &, beople we lepenee | Hats fo Le _pb Lo the digital wed Efe ya fiaifeas Suh Gf Faccook Youtube de a fe ep 2. ene: AO ee os Grows ae ue Croi— border trade ay conmsai eg “oof Seca, flew G_| tatenationak Capt wie andl ipd?* prad of Lehncleg rae on sejleds IPE i _eontinuts pansion ord mutual fahegralion — Gf; fe #4: ome ted is an foe He LYE ie economic _develemert in fhe ue ie Sniltin 7: Signy) cane, Gi] trfoimation o — ig “badge adiloy a G YY _diing uy gotces. __ oho bala i jn che ‘ucts, the A sicglton © a: wgld’s eceoromieg ea iw 7, babe fate. on he dept Y and PH 5 A ae ly Fae DE equiroomend.| i thes ce D which 5 met economlc sy skem. PW “Goat th gh sul? Dh id oot hE ‘he ited a % ey G Ewell vy ThE LW G NuUeasing Labour hat Pas heen Level fietuctic on CIOs boi division __peneti tabiag. down fh the. aint ‘Bia entespities o Dy jbeat Cunlre The advancement fain acd Lechretegier Ao great ly oe a ta La 00d "orm aicntion ee = jodion petite Y ation clongmic" gbobati- a teaalical Aechmea and IT developrent wee assumed G3 Te te a te 1 Fotce_ fat eoononic_ obeba- musket _- otcenges Gt [Ge Lies Le 7 he ida Le ingles tndiilntongl oi : ditrg © fotce ee debe. fpemewo. Ae i a Colrtnied _ Drove Gradua. down Heid aff. and _nn- Ea “A back __ mote _and__ mete!" countties ben ee ee accounts and Gpllal 0 nls - ee ave_gvealy stimuleted the dudlop Cie go and Lrade_! investment - Moteover ae Ltn _=bon of] the faire centralized — cee a forgo DD. ef — cenlialiged ee F Te would’s ron hay _ possible ee De to! ialege i "a whole 1 The ae a Es Spat Lobalig ati the _ process of global ze uct ood. readjustment “ AUG the - development c fod. oA oagny ad peed |G ‘7 SEE, ie ) io _W al B ae >, (cEnenk With the _deiopnenl of_sclince wil techadogy ard _inqeast ineme Level industnl structed of ll the _countrids Prove ben uso undlgoing readjustment and upgrading - In reco yedt , develeptd counties! in he wok ae gradually inteung fe ea cf knowled be caolfom and! hwe red Vp DULY to deveopir wunliits mony laboul—ialedsive rdug Leg weak interabonal — aompeblivinea - Developed countries have been Lg a dominoal jole__ in _the__pocesd. 7 elbonomit globaizzation - By Intanational ae and Apandol «gontrations ase unde he _walyot. Li US onl” Whatein — wourtyieg — They, have Heen wing {hese advantages fo plore ond domihale fhe develdpment 07 Gg-bhal- -7otion- At the same time theg! He the Augent bone pictanles 6p Caonomlc gen con - ation. at venphg along Ey Geonom 4 Bal olin oe Gf] developing courti@ iA | i globalization Upsoceid “cah pelabe erable | en" fo Bele utilize hell compaatve Adyartag to trbodule advanced Lecintly ez —fcteigo and management Be [avon le fol elintnahl a —— —= monopolut tic hehoviors and slren yD GA. askel ~ competition- Nevelthel 4g_, ule _piotiding more. development obbyttunt ties _ ot Lev hipo count ve We. qbbditzalion powss 4 WUD pasiog. enotmeud AUSKS- == Bolly etoronl 9 bali ale Fas ta pe an AWA x Lega ween He Neth anc South - Bucepe fot oho and. bilokel /jrondial cid." malt developing coun ie could net altracl any capital- g Gondly.economit. globalization fot also Fevepiny countries, Yasts¥ of being concwssect “hy anfavotable extemal forcbf — LWider_ oper pbonamic._ conclitiowS Ue! arf lis hetue? the realization of exlemak” eqnomic equilli- Chun bo Bat! of intenal economie equiliblum if a qredt anstiaint on Ht wlaagecoio mie Ge Ss deep re Oulves,. __ wweakeung ely Capac Iacwwe@norrl Od equation" eee dn cldek to __fosevent and disbolie. he ik prought along’ by economit _gbebolk zation - to "developing _callatries De! Flowing measues should Le faker ~- © 7 1. Intetniationaleanomic _egantzaldions should df a bigge sole in” the pices ¢] economt | g alia ation } whol jk in stating errr | Secondly; git 9 developing counlhes should — fe gebldabeed weir | sol, enlaiged in Le biccbsh ie pee g_ 4 CE _ratemationol ue mic Yoder he eee G. way obali- gral came into hela ea rol —eonpelifin. in te : : oly

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