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How can you differentiate competitive advertising and comparative

advertising? Explain and support your answer with related literatures.

Comparative Advertising refers to the direct comparison of your product to

a competitor’s product where your main intention is to expose how much better
your product is compared to their products. Even though companies are permitted
to use this kind of advertising, there are also some limits as to what extent can you
go in comparing your products to others. In one of my researches, I came to know
that the Federal Trade Commission allows for this kind of advertising since it
encourages healthy competition in the marketplace, comparisons help customers
make more informed buying choices, and criticism drives brands to innovate and
level up their products which is beneficial for the consumers. In one of Neil Patel’s
blogs, he stated where it is best to use comparative advertising, and some of these
are when you want to show the enhanced features your product has compared to
other products, to illustrate price differences between goods, and to show what
other differences your products have in comparison to other products which
consumer can’t quite tell.

Going to Competitive Advertising, I have learned that it is more broad or

general as in contrast to comparative advertising. It is a method in advertising
wherein you try to influence consumers to choose your whole brand than your
product’s competitors. According to Neil Patel, it actually leaves a different
impression than the other type of advertising. For example, if Rebisco Cracker
biscuits advertised their product as better compared to Skyflakes since it is bigger
and have more crackers in a pack, they’re persuading people towards their brand.
So that’s the difference between the two types of advertising mentioned.

2. How can organization use public relations tools? Cite some organizations that
have used these.
Public relations tools, according to Ian Linton in the blog for small business,
is a strategic communication process that builds mutually beneficial relationships
between organizations and their public. Actually, small business can practice public
relations tools and techniques to communicate effectively with the audiences in the
market, the sources of their raw materials or products, the members of their
company, their investors, and as well as the other stakeholders of the company. One
of the most popular tool in public relations is the use of social networking sites, and
a lot of organizations actually use this technique since it is cheaper than all the other
types of public relations tools. Organizations like that of Bantay Bata 163 uses social
networking sites to spread different fundraising activities for their recipients which
are all children that are not yet capable to live on their own.
3. How can you define personal selling? Explain and support your answer with
related literature.
Personal selling is the act of directly and personally selling your product in a
face-to-face manner. An example of this is when a salesman or a saleslady persuades
a customer in buying their product assigned to them. According to economic Times,
it is a promotional method by which a salesperson uses his or her interpersonal
skills to persuade a customer in buying a particular product. This is where a
salesperson must effectively communicate with a customer. Actually, some intention
behind the practice of this method is not always to convince customer to buy your
products, sometimes it is to orient these customers about your product so that they
will be aware that such products exists.

4. How can an organization use sales promotion? Cite some examples.

Sales promotion are strategies where companies attempt to create a greater
interest from their target customers in a market through different sales promotion
activities like contests, giving of coupons and freebies, selling out premiums,
awarding of prizes, distributing product samples, and giving their customer rebates
upon their purchase of a product. The role of social networking sites is really
appreciated in this aspect since it a platform where companies can easily reach out
to their customers. It does take a lot of effort to do these kind of strategies but it is
also guaranteed to bring positive results to your product and company.

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