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Engineering Geology 124 (2012) 90–97

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A comparative study of suction stress between sand and silt under

unsaturated conditions
Young-Suk Song a, Woong-Ki Hwang b,⁎, Soo-Jung Jung c, Tae-Hyung Kim d
Geologic Environment Division, Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources, Republic of Korea
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Korea Maritime University, Republic of Korea
Geotechnical Disaster Research Team, National Institute for Disaster Prevention, Republic of Korea
Department of Civil Engineering, Korea Maritime University, Republic of Korea

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The purpose of this study is to estimate and compare suction stress between sand and silt sampled from the
Received 20 July 2011 coast of Korea. The water content and matric suction of sand (Joomunjin) and silt (Saemangeum) were first
Received in revised form 10 October 2011 examined using an automated soil–water characteristic curve (SWCC) apparatus based on the axis transla-
Accepted 11 October 2011
tion technique. SWCCs were then estimated from the test results using the van Genuchten (1980) model.
Available online 20 October 2011
At equal matric suction, the corresponding water content of silt was higher than that of sand. Moreover,
the saturated water content and air-entry value (AEV) of silt were larger than those of sand. Using the fitting
Unsaturated soils SWCC parameters, suction stress characteristic curves (SSCCs) were estimated according to the method pro-
Sand posed by Lu and Likos (2006). The SSCC behavior for sand and silt was different and significantly depended
Silt on the material properties, particularly pore size and pore size distribution. For sand, the suction stress exhib-
Soil–water characteristics curve (SWCC) ited rapid variation with changes in matric suction, but for silt, the suction stress approached a constant value
Suction stress characteristics curve (SSCC) as the matric suction increased. In addition, when the matric suction was smaller than the AEV of soil, the
suction stress was equal to the magnitude of the matric suction. In contrast, when the matric suction
exceeded the AEV of soil, suction stress had a nonlinear shape with respect to the matric suction.
© 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction relationship between soil suction and the effective stress or shear
strength of unsaturated soil have been performed since Bishop's pioneer-
Unsaturated soil, which is conceptualized as partially saturated ing work in the 1950s (Bishop, 1959; Coleman, 1962; Bishop and Blight,
soil as opposed to fully dry or fully saturated soil, has a variety of dif- 1963; Fredlund et al., 1978; Vanapalli et al., 1996; Khalili and Khabbaz,
ferent behavioral characteristics as compared with saturated soil. 1998). There are two main approaches: the effective stress approach
Consequently, there are many geotechnical issues related to the diffi- proposed by Bishop (1959) and the two independent stress state
culty of analyzing and predicting the behavior of unsaturated soil variables approach proposed by Fredlund et al. (1978). However, these
with the classic theory of saturated soil (Fredlund and Rahardjo, approaches have limited applicability to a wide variety of matric
1993; Lu and Likos, 2004). Recently, increased attention has been de- suction and unsaturated soil parameters, including effective stress
voted to unsaturated soils, and research on the estimation of strength parameter χ or angle of shearing resistance with respect to matric
parameters and the development of analysis techniques for unsatu- suction ϕb (Gan et al., 1988; Escario et al., 1989; Vanapalli et al., 1996).
rated soil has rapidly progressed. Additionally, the study of unsaturat- The suction stress concept was recently proposed to more effectively
ed soils has been expanded to various geotechnical factors, such as express and evaluate the influence of matric suction on the effective
slope stability and seepage (Jennings and Burland, 1962; Fredlund stress and shear strength of unsaturated soil (Lu and Likos, 2006). This
and Morgenstern, 1977; Fredlund et al., 1978; Lu and Likos, 2006; concept is advantageous because it can represent the state of stress
Lu et al., 2007, 2009; Chae et al., 2010). for unsaturated soil using a single stress variable by expanding both
Many experimental and theoretical investigations have been Terzaghi's (1943) and Bishop's effective stress principles (1959) and be-
conducted to estimate the properties of unsaturated soil and explain its cause it can be expressed with the soil–water characteristic curve
behavior. In particular, a variety of studies aiming to elucidate the (SWCC). The applicability and validity of suction stress have been inves-
tigated by several studies (Lu et al., 2009; Kim et al., 2010).
Suction stress refers to the net interparticle force generated within a
⁎ Corresponding author. matrix of unsaturated soil particles due to the combined effects of
E-mail address: (W.-K. Hwang). negative pore water pressure and surface tension. The macroscopic

0013-7952/$ – see front matter © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Y.-S. Song et al. / Engineering Geology 124 (2012) 90–97 91

consequence of suction stress is a force that tends to pull the soil grains stress, pore water pressure, and pore air pressure are related to a sin-
toward one another. Similarly to the SWCC, suction stress is significant- gle stress variable (Bishop, 1959; Khalili and Khabbaz, 1998). Experi-
ly dependent of the soil type. mental studies have also suggested the non-uniqueness of χ = f(S).
In this study, soil–water characteristic tests for sand (Jumunjin) and Similar experimental and conceptual difficulties associated with de-
silt (Saemangeum) were first conducted using the axis translation tech- termining necessary material variables, such as the nonlinear term
nique (Hilf, 1956). Pairs of sand and silt samples were evaluated for ϕ b, over a wide saturation range have limited the practical applicabil-
matric suction and volumetric water content using an automated ity of the independent stress variable approach (Gan et al., 1988;
SWCC apparatus. SWCCs were then estimated from the test results Escario et al., 1989; Vanapalli et al., 1996; Lu and Likos, 2006). Recent-
using the van Genuchten (1980) model. Suction stress characteristic ly, Lu et al. (2010) conceptualized a closed-form equation to repre-
curves (SSCCs) were also estimated using the SWCC parameters accord- sent the state of effective stress in unsaturated soil by introducing
ing to the method proposed by Lu and Likos (2006). From these results, the concept of the SSCC, as explained below.
SWCCs and SSCCs for sand and silt were analyzed and compared.
3. Characteristic curves of unsaturated soils
2. Effective stress and failure criteria of unsaturated soil
3.1. The SWCC
Currently, there are two widely recognized macroscale approaches for
describing the state of stress in unsaturated soil: (1) the modified effec- The SWCC is one of the most important factors for understanding the
tive stress approach, which is generally attributed to the work of Bishop behavior of unsaturated soil. It is commonly defined as a constitutive re-
(1959), and (2) the independent stress state variable approach, which lationship of soil between soil suction and water content (Fredlund and
is generally attributed to the work of Fredlund and Morgenstern (1977). Rahardjo, 1993). The water content is defined as the amount of water
To express the effect of soil suction on the effective stress of unsat- present in a pore space between or among soil particles. Generally, the
urated porous media, Bishop (1959) proposed the effective stress ap- SWCC represents the ability of soil to retain water at a certain level of ap-
proach by introducing the effective stress parameter χ into Terzaghi's plied suction.
classic effective stress equation as follows: Fig. 1 shows the typical SWCC (Lu and Likos, 2004). Water content
can be expressed in terms of gravimetric water content (w), volumetric
σ ′ ¼ σ −ua þ χ ðua −uw Þ ð1Þ water content (θ), or degree of saturation (S). Soil suction can be
expressed in terms of matric suction or total suction. Matric suction is
where the effective stress parameter χ is considered to vary between regarded as the total suction on the supposition that matric suction is
zero and unity as a function of the degree of pore water saturation. predominant at a low suction level in the geotechnical engineering
σ − ua is the net normal stress, and ua − uw is the matric suction. field. The air-entry value (AEV) is defined as the matric suction at
When χ equals zero (corresponding to perfectly dry conditions) or which air first begins to enter the largest soil pores. The residual water
unity (corresponding to fully saturated conditions), Eq. (1) reduces content (θr) is defined as the minimum volumetric water content. Pore
to Terzaghi's effective stress principle for air- or water-saturated water resides primarily as an isolated formation that cannot be removed
soil, respectively. For all other values of χ, χ(ua − uw), which is the even by the application of extremely high pressure. The saturated water
second term in Eq. (1), describes the contribution of matric suction content (θs) is defined as the maximum volumetric water content (i.e., all
to effective stress. Following Bishop's approach, the macroscopic en- of the available pore space in soil is filled with water). As shown in Fig. 1,
gineering behavior of unsaturated soil can be described using the ef- the SWCC can generally be divided into three zones according to the
fective stress defined by Eq. (1) within the established framework of state of water retention, namely, the capillary fringe (or simply capillary)
saturated soil mechanics. Shear strength, for example, may be de- zone, the continuous capillary (funicular) zone and the residual (pendu-
scribed by incorporating the modified effective stress expression lar) zone (Schubert, 1975). The soil in the capillary fringe zone remains
into the classical Mohr–Coulomb failure criterion as follows: saturated under negative pore water pressure. The soil in the continuous
capillary zone is characterized by a continuous water phase. The soil in
τf ¼ c′ þ ½ðσ −ua Þ þ χ ðua −uw Þ tanϕ′ ð2Þ the residual zone is characterized by an isolated, discontinuous water
phase. The point Ψb, which is located between the capillary fringe zone
where c is the effective cohesion intercept, and ϕ′ is the effective and the continuous capillary zone, is referred to as the AEV.
angle of internal friction. Fig. 2 shows the typical behaviors of SWCCs for different types of
Following Fredlund and Morgenstern's (1977) independent stress soils such as sand, silt and clay. As shown in the figure, sand has a
state variable approach, the net normal stress (σ − ua) and matric
suction (ua − uw) are treated independently with respect to their
roles in the mechanical behavior of unsaturated soil. Macroscopic be-
havior is described in terms of the independent stress state variables
and conjugate material properties. Shear strength, for example, may Residual
be described as:

τf ¼ c′ þ ðσ −ua Þ tanϕ′ þ ðua −uw Þ tanϕ ð3Þ
where the first two terms comprise the classical Mohr–Coulomb cri- Zone

terion, and the third term includes ϕ b as an additional friction angle

to capture the contribution of matric suction to shear strength.
The effectiveness, validity, and practicality of these two different Fringe
approaches for describing the state of stress and the corresponding
behavior of unsaturated soil remain largely uncertain. Difficulties as-
sociated with experimentally or theoretically determining the effec-
tive stress parameter χ have limited the general applicability of
Bishop's approach in research and practice, although it has the advan-
tage in that changes in shear strength as well as changes in total Fig. 1. A typical SWCC (modified from Lu and Likos, 2004).
92 Y.-S. Song et al. / Engineering Geology 124 (2012) 90–97

Fig. 2. Representative SWCCs for sand, silt, and clay (Lu and Likos, 2004). Fig. 3. Relationship between the SSCC and the SWCC (Lu et al., 2010).

relatively low AEV and low θs because of the relatively large pore suction stress and matric suction (or the effective degree of satura-
throats formed among the sand particles. Silt may adsorb a great tion) is defined as the SSCC, which can estimate and predict the
amount of water because its specific surface area is larger than that strength of unsaturated soil according to water content (Lu and
of sand. The AEV of silt is also larger than that of sand. Clay has the Likos, 2006; Lu et al., 2010).
highest adsorption capacity of water because its specific surface and
surface charge properties are relatively larger than those of sand 4. Test method and materials
and silt. Meanwhile, the overall slope and shape of the capillary
zone are controlled primarily by the pore size distribution. Soils 4.1. Test method
with a relatively narrow pore size distribution are marked by relative-
ly flat characteristic curves in the capillary zone because a large por- In this study, the SWCCs of sand and silt were estimated using an au-
tion of pore water is drained over a relatively narrow range of suction. tomated SWCC apparatus. Note that the volumetric water content and
matric suction of soils can be continuously measured under unsaturated
3.2. The SSCC conditions. The measurement principle of the automated SWCC appara-
tus is also simple. The automated SWCC apparatus can minimize some of
Lu and Likos (2006) introduced the concept of suction stress to the errors that are induced by the presence of an experimenter because
represent the state of stress for unsaturated soil. Suction stress σ s is the measured data can be automatically recorded by the measurement
phenomenologically conceptualized, as presented in Eq. (4): system (Wayllace and Lu, in press).
Fig. 4 shows the automated SWCC apparatus at the Korea Institute
s F pc F cap of Geoscience and Mineral Resources. As shown in Fig. 4, the auto-
σ ¼ þ þ χ ðua −uw Þ ¼ σ pc þ σ cap þ χ ðua −uw Þ ð4Þ
A A mated SWCC apparatus is composed of a pressure panel, flow cell,
water reservoir, air bubble trap, sample preparation accessories, and
F pc ¼ F ce þ F vdw þ F edl ð5Þ measurement system. Fig. 5 shows the overall diagram of the auto-
mated SWCC apparatus. First, controlled air pressure is applied to sat-
where Fpc is the interparticle physicochemical force, and Fcap is the urated soil by the pressure panel. When the air pressure exceeds the
capillary force arising from surface tension. As shown in Eq. (5), Fpc AEV of soil, pore water is expelled and transferred to the balance
is the sum of the interparticle physicochemical force attributable to through the high air-entry (HAE) disk and air bubble trap. The air
cementation force Fce, van der Waals attraction force Fvdw, and pressure serves as the matric suction of unsaturated soil, and the
double-layer repulsion force Fedl. HAE disk is operated to restrict the transfer of pore air and soil parti-
Effective stress is estimated by introducing suction stress and con- cles. The balance is linked to a computer. Thus, the applied air pres-
sidering a variety of states arising in unsaturated soil. Consequently, sure and the mass of the drained pore water can be verified and
suction stress can be used as an index that assesses the state of stress stored by the measurement system in real time. Therefore, the exper-
for unsaturated soil because of the close relationship between matric imenter can accurately know when to apply the next round of air
suction and the degree of saturation. The effective stress of unsaturat- pressure to the soil. In this manner, the SWCC for the drying process
ed soil can be expressed as shown in Eq. (6) (Lu and Likos, 2006): can be obtained by increasing the air pressure, and the SWCC for
the wetting process can be obtained by decreasing the air pressure.
σ ′ ¼ ðσ −ua Þ−σ ¼ ðσ −ua Þ þ ðua −uw ÞSe ð6Þ
4.2. Test materials
where Se is the effective degree of saturation. As shown in Eq. (6),
suction stress can be treated as the effective stress when no external In this study, sand and silt were used as soil samples. The maxi-
stress is present. Therefore, it is important to consider such stresses mum and minimum dry densities of sand and silt were obtained
when determining the strength of unsaturated soil. In addition, note from ASTM D 4253-83 and ASTM D 4254-83, respectively. The soil
that the graphic representation of suction stress is the shaded area samples were generated under equal relative density conditions
under the normalized SWCC shown in Fig. 3. Thus, suction stress (Dr = 75%), and then both matric suction and volumetric water
has a close relationship with the SWCC. This relationship between content were measured using the automated SWCC apparatus after
Y.-S. Song et al. / Engineering Geology 124 (2012) 90–97 93

Fig. 4. Automated SWCC apparatus.

Pressure Dryingprocess
Drying process
panel Wetting process
Wetting process
Air pressure

Flow cell


Pore water

HAE disk Water
Air bubble outflow
trap Water
O-ring inflow
Spacer tube

Water inflow

Fig. 5. Schematic diagram of the automated SWCC apparatus.

saturating the soil samples. Fig. 6 shows the grain size distribution silt. Therefore, for sand, the variation in volumetric water content is
curves of sand and silt. Table 1 shows the properties of sand and expected to be greater than that of silt with the same variation in
silt. The grain size of sand was larger and more uniform than that of matric suction. Meanwhile, the AEV of sand is expected to be
smaller than that of silt because sand has a larger pore size and a
more uniform grain size distribution than silt.

Table 1
Physical soil properties of sand and silt.

Description Symbol Sand Silt

Specific gravity Gs 2.621 2.685

Max. void ratio emax 0.919 1.452
Min. void ratio emin 0.625 0.692
Void ratio at Dr= 75% e75% 0.699 0.882
Max. dry density γmax ðcmÞ 1.613 1.587
Min. dry density γmin 1.366 1.095
Effective particle size D10 (mm) 0.421 0.017
Particle size of D30 D30 0.512 0.048
Particle size of D60 D60 0.631 0.102
Uniformity coefficient Cu 1.499 6.022
Coefficient of curvature Cc 0.987 1.340
Fig. 6. Grain size distribution curves of sand and silt.
94 Y.-S. Song et al. / Engineering Geology 124 (2012) 90–97

5. Test results and analysis water content decreased. Comparing the characteristics of sand and
silt, the matric suction for silt was higher than that of sand at an
5.1. Test results equal volumetric water content. Additionally, θs and the AEV of silt
were higher than those of sand.
The values of matric suction and water mass for sand and silt were
recorded by the automated SWCC apparatus. Fig. 7 shows the amount 5.2. Estimation of SWCC
of water expelled from sand and silt as a function of time. As shown in
the figure, after confirming that the mass of water outflow remained Regarding SWCC estimation, numerous models have been pro-
unchanged at certain levels of matric suction, the next level of matric posed for fitting analytical functions using experimental results
suction was applied. For silt, the initial variation in the mass of water (Brooks and Corey, 1964; van Genuchten, 1980; Fredlund and Xing,
out was lower than that of sand, and the test time for silt was relative- 1994). Among the many models, the van Genuchten (1980) model
ly longer than that for sand. was used in this study because it is the most frequently and represen-
Fig. 8 shows the relationship between matric suction and volu- tatively used model for estimating the SWCC. As shown in Eq. (7), van
metric water content. As the matric suction increased, volumetric Genuchten (1980) proposed an equation based on the original equa-
tions of Mualem (1976). This equation has produced good results for
a variety of soils.
(a) Sand θ−θr

Se ¼ ¼ : ð7Þ
θs −θr 1 þ ½α ðua −uw Þ n

In Eq. (7), α is the parameter related to the AEV, n is the parameter

related to the slope of SWCC, and mis the parameter related to the re-
sidual water content.
m ¼ 1− exp −0:8Sp 0bSp ≤1 ð8aÞ

0:5755 0:1 0:025  

m ¼ 1− þ 2 þ 3
Sp > 1 ð8bÞ
Sp Sp Sp

n ¼ 1=ð1−mÞ ð8cÞ
(b) Silt
1  m1 1−m
α¼ 2 −1 : ð8dÞ

Because α, n and m are curve-fitting parameters, the intermediate

point P between θs and θr must be estimated to obtain these parameters.
(ua − uw)p is the matric suction corresponding to P, and Sp is the slope of
the SWCC at point P (van Genuchten, 1980). Thus, the curve-fitting pa-
rameters α, n and m can be obtained by substituting (ua − uw)p and Sp
into Eq. (8). Table 2 shows the results for the fitting parameters
obtained using least squares regression analysis. The values corre-
sponded with the typical range of fitting parameters for sand and silt.
Fig. 9 shows the SWCCs estimated according to the van Genuchten
model. The SWCCs revealed nonlinear relationships between matric
Fig. 7. Mass of water outflow for various matric suction states. suction and volumetric water content (Kim et al., 1996). For sand, the
AEV, θs and θr were 2.10 kPa, 0.413, and 0.028, respectively. Conversely,
for silt, the AEV, θsand θr were 8.15 kPa, 0.469, and 0.044, respectively.
As such, the AEV of silt is approximately 4-fold larger than that of sand.
Fig. 10 compares the SWCCs for sand and silt. Silt had greater sat-
urated volumetric water content, greater volumetric water content,
and a higher effective degree of saturation at an equal matric suction.

5.3. Estimation of the SSCC

The van Genuchten parameters for the SWCC can be used to

determine the SSCC according to the effective degree of saturation
from Eq. (9) and the matric suction from Eq. (10). A closed-form

Table 2
The values of the fitting parameters.

Soil type α n m

Sand 0.393 8.553 0.883

Silt 0.052 2.003 0.501
Fig. 8. Relationship between matric suction and volumetric water content.
Y.-S. Song et al. / Engineering Geology 124 (2012) 90–97 95

(a) Sand (a) Relationship between matric suction

and volumetric water content

(b) Silt
(b) Relationship between matric suction and
effective degree of saturation

Fig. 9. SWCCs according to the van Genuchten model.

expression for suction stress for the full range of saturation can be Fig. 10. Comparison of the SWCCs for sand and silt.
derived by substituting Eq. (7) into Eq. (6).

s Se  1−n
σ ¼− Se −1 ð0≤Se ≤1Þ ð9Þ

σ ¼ −ðua −uw Þðua −uw Þ≤0 ð10aÞ

s ðua −uw Þ
σ ¼− ðua −uw Þ > 0: ð10bÞ
ð1 þ ½α ðua −uw Þn Þðn−1Þ=n

Fig. 11 shows the SSCCs for sand and silt in terms of matric suc-
tion. As shown in the figure, the suction stresses for sand and silt
exhibited different behaviors with variations in matric suction. For
sand, the magnitude of suction stress exhibited an up-and-down
characteristic over a relatively small range of matric suction. Thus,
for matric suction values of 0 and 6.3 kPa, suction stress also has a
value of 0 kPa. In addition, suction stress reaches a maximum value
of − 1.8 kPa at the matric suction of 2.0 kPa. Hereafter, this maximum
is considered to be absolute magnitude, although the suction stress
takes a negative value. This maximum suction stress behavior has Fig. 11. SSCCs for sand and silt with respect to matric suction.
been described previously for sand-sized granular media (Kim,
2001). A practical illustration of this mechanical behavior is the con- Fig. 12 shows the SSCCs for sand and silt in terms of the effective
struction of sandcastles. If the sand is too dry or too wet, it cannot degree of saturation. For sand, although the suction stress increased
be used to build a structurally sound sandcastle. For silt, as matric as the effective degree of saturation increased from a fully dry condi-
suction increased, suction stress increased gradually and then tion to an almost saturated condition, it rapidly approached zero near
approached a constant value. The value of maximum suction stress saturation. Conversely, for silt, the maximum value of suction stress
was approximately 19.1 kPa. exists in the residual zone, and then the suction stress decreased
96 Y.-S. Song et al. / Engineering Geology 124 (2012) 90–97

of soil. Therefore, the effective stress of unsaturated soil has a non-

linear relationship with respect to soil water content and soil suction.

5.4. Relationship between the SWCC and the SSCC

Fig. 14 shows the relationship between the SWCCs and the SSCCs
for sand and silt. As the effective degree of saturation decreased
from 1 to 0, matric suction ranged from 0 to approximately 6 kPa
for sand and from 0 to approximately 2000 kPa for silt. Meanwhile,
suction stress ranged from 0 to approximately 2 kPa for sand and
from 0 to approximately 19.1 kPa for silt. Both SWCCs and SSCCs
exhibited nonlinear relationships with soil water content and/or soil
suction, depending on the soil type.

6. Conclusions

Fig. 12. SSCCs for sand and silt with respect to the effective degree of saturation.
In this study, soil–water characteristic tests for sand and silt were
performed using the axis translation technique to estimate SWCCs.
gradually as the effective degree of saturation increased and rapidly Matric suction and volumetric water content were measured for
approached zero near saturation. sand and silt using an automated SWCC apparatus. From the test re-
Fig. 13 presents the relationship between SSCCs and matric suc- sults, van Genuchten's SWCC fitting parameters were estimated. The
tion. If the matric suction is lower than the AEV of soil, suction stress values for the fitting parameters (i.e., α, n and m) were 0.393, 8.553,
exhibits a linear relationship with matric suction, and its magnitude is and 0.883 for sand and 0.052, 2.003, and 0.501 for silt, respectively.
equal to the magnitude of matric suction, that is, σ s = − (ua − uw). These parameters were also used to estimate SSCCs.
Once the matric suction exceeds the soil's AEV, suction stress exhibits
a nonlinear relationship with matric suction, depending on the type (a) Sand
(a) Sand

(b) Silt
(b) Silt

Fig. 13. Comparison between the SSCCs and suction stress. Fig. 14. Comparison between the SWCCs and the SSCCs for sand and silt.
Y.-S. Song et al. / Engineering Geology 124 (2012) 90–97 97

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