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Nowadays, our lives are practically 76. What does the passage mainly deal with?

dependent on the Information Communications (A) the access to ICT for Indonesian
Technology (ICT) . Data from the students (hny prg 2 & 3)
Communications and Information Ministry (B) the positive impact of ICT on modern
shows that Internet users in Indonesia life
increased from 74 million people in 2013 to (C) the use of ICT in education
111 million in 2014. In Indonesia, Internet (D) the benefits of ICT for life
burst has been mainly used for accessing social (E) ICT and modern life
media. Indonesia ranked third among countries
with the highest number of Facebook users, 77. Based on the passage, the word burst in
below the U.S and India. first paragraph means ....
The popularity of the Internet and social
media unfortunately has not extended to the (A) penetration
education sector. ICT has not become a (B) connection
backbone of improving the country’s (C) presence
competitiveness through education. The (D) benefit
Ministry of Education and Culture recorded (E) device
that only about 50 percent of the 234,919
primary and secondary schools in Indonesia 78. What word in the passage gives the idea
had access to the Internet in mid 2014. that technology provides students with
Advancement of ICT should ideally be freedom to use varied learning resources?
able to revolutionize education. Technology (A) democratization
brings new sources of learning beyond (B) competitiveness
teachers. Moreover, the divide between (C) revolution
students and subjects is further narrowed by (D) advancement
the availability of educational content through (E) importance
ICT. A revolution in education is also possible
through ICT as students can learn at the
appropriate speed according to their capacity.
Interactive digital content allows students to
pick particular topics that they want to explore
more. In a nutshell, there is a democratization
of the learning process.
Unfortunately, it is still a long road to
revolutionize education in Indonesia through
ICT. In addition to building technology
infrastructure across the country’s island, ICT
literacy for teachers, parents and students is
also of importance. Without it, we are
constrained from reaping the full benefits of
ICT in education.
(Adapted from:
news/2015/08/03/new-old-trend-education . html)
The integration of technology and media 79. How does the first sentence relate to the
can enhance early childhood practice. other sentences in paragraph 1?
Successful integration of technology, and (A) the other sentences in paragraph 1
media into early childhood programs involves explain further the kinds of integration
the use of resources such as computers and the of technology and media that can be of
Internet in benefits to young learners
daily classroom practices. True integration (B) the other sentences in paragraph 1
occurs when the use of technology and media explain the impact of the integration of
becomes routine and transparent—when the technology and media in early
focus of a child or educator is on the activity or education explained in the first
exploration itself and not on the technology or sentence
media being used. Technology integration has (C) the other sentences in paragraph 1 are
been successful when the use of technology examples of the use of technology in
and media supports the goals of educators and education
programs for children provides children with (D) the first sentence contains information
digital tools for learning and communicating that is contrary to the information in the
and helps improve child outcomes. other sentences
As the life of children, parents, families, (E) the other sentences vaguely support
and educators are infused with technology and part of the statement in the first
media, early childhood classrooms can benefit sentence
from the possibilities of extending children’s
learning through judicious use of these tools.
As part of the overall classroom plan, 80. The author would apparently agree that ....
technology and interactive media should be (A) successful integration of technology
used in ways that support existing classroom and media is determined by the quality
developmental and educational goals rather of the computers and the connection of
than in ways that distort or replace them. For the Internet
example, drawing on a touch screen can add to (B) the integration of technology and media
children’s graphic representational occurs when the teacher focuses only
experiences; manipulating colorful acetate on the technology itself
shapes on a light table allows children to (C) the successful integration of technology
explore color and shape. and media in early childhood education
By focusing on technology and interactive really depends on good educators
media as tools—not as ends in and of (D) educators should be selective in
themselves—teachers can avoid the passive choosing educational goals to be
and potentially harmful use of non-interactive, integrated with the use of technology
linear screen media that is inappropriate in and media
early childhood settings. Intentionality is a key (E) both passive and interactive uses of
to developmentally appropriate use. technology and media are needed as a
Exciting new resources in today’s key to successful learning in early
technology-rich world represent the next childhood settings
frontier in digital learning for our youngest
citizens, leaving it to talented educators and
caring adults to determine how best to leverage
each new technology as an opportunity for
children’s learning in ways that are
developmentally appropriate.
(Adapted from:
81. The author holds an assumption that .... paints and wood, are natural and non -toxic.
(A) the interactive media as a learning tool Eco-conscious builders use bamboo wherever
should be used to replace the existing possible because it is durable and does not
classroom practice require pesticides to grow.
(B) the successful integration of new Energy efficiency is one of the top priorities
technology in education requires in eco-communities, such as Dockside Green.
helpful and good teacher Not only do energy-efficient appliances and light
(C) the benefits of technology and media in fixtures reduce the environmental impact of
childhood classrooms can be achieved heating and hot water, they also save residents
by decreasing the use of those tools in and business owners money. Dockside Green
teaching and learning claims that home owners will use 55% less
(D) manipulating the colorful shapes to energy than average residents in Canada. Though
explore color and shapes using they are sharing space by investing in condo-
technology is the best way to develop style living, residents will have individual utility
interactive learning (only an example) meters. Studies show that people use
(E) the use of paints, markers, crayons and approximately 20% less energy when they are
other graphic art materials should be billed for exactly what they use. In addition,
replaced by the integration of water is treated at Dockside Green and reused on
technology and media site for flushing toilets.
Planners of eco-communities such as
82. Which paragraph(s) explain(s) the Dockside Green must take the future into
importance of using technology and media account. Dockside Green will reuse 90% of its
wisely so that it can support existing construction waste. They also plan to continue
classroom practice? using local suppliers for all of their transport
and maintenance needs. This is a great way to
(A) 1 reduce emissions. Dockside residents will be
(B) 2 and 3 encouraged to make use of a mini transit
(C) 2 and 4 system and buy into the community’s car share
(D) 3 and 4 program. Finally, plans are in the works for a
(E) 4 high-tech heating system that will use
renewable biomass instead of fossil fuels.
The green movement is catching on in (Adapted from:
many pockets of the world. This is especially
true in the construction industry. Today’s buzz
words, which include global warming and zero 83. By saying ‘Today’s buzz words, which
emission, are causing everyday people to look include global warming and zero/emissions,
for ways to reduce their carbon footprint. are causing everyday people to look for ways
Purchasing environmentally-friendly property to reduce their carbon footprint.’ in
is a good investment for those who are paragraph
concerned about their own health and the well- 1, the author implies that ....
being of the earth. Based on this trend, entire (A) environmental issues have made people
districts, known as eco-communities, are being more cautious of their actions
designed with green initiatives in mind. (B) global warming and zero emissions
Dockside Green in Victoria, British Columbia, become everyone’s concern
Canada is one of these communities. Its goal is (C) people have to take care of their
to become the world’s first zero-emissions greenhouses carefully
neighborhood. (D) eco-friendly environmental programs
Builders of Dockside Green have the should be strongly enforced
environment in mind with every choice they (E) all people around the world are aware
make. They ensure proper ventilation, and of global warming
guarantee residents 100% fresh indoor air.
Interior and exterior building materials, such as
84. Which of the following best restates the Most people would agree with the
sentence ‘The green movement is catching definition of good health as being a state where
on in many pockets of the world.’ in you are free from sickness. Despite this, there
paragraph 1? are many different opinions about how a
(A) many people consider it crucial to have person can actually have good health. People
eco-friendly environments used to only think of their health when they
(B) people who are aware of environmental were sick. But these days more and more
issues love safe and healthy people are taking measures to make sure that
surroundings they do not get sick in the first place. In this
(C) house designers should consider the article I will describe a few of the most
importance of green materials common things that you can do to stay healthy.
(D) everyone should understand the effect One of the best things you can do for your
of global warming and zero emissions body is exercise. But how much is enough?
well Not everyone agrees on exactly how much
(E) environmentalists are concerned with people should exercise each day. Some people
the green environment think that doing simple things like cleaning the
house are helpful. Other people do heavy
exercise everyday such as running or
85. The false idea that the author may hold swimming. One thing experts do agree on is
about Dockside Green is that .... that any kind of exercise is good for you.
(A) it provides all eco-friendly properties Along with exercise, having a healthy diet
(B) it is a good asset to buy a property in it can help promote good health. Foods like
(C) it encourages all houses to utilize vegetables and fruits should be eaten several
efficient energy times each day. It is also important to eat foods
(D) it reduces global warming and high in fiber such as beans, grains, fruit and
emissions vegetables. Fiber helps your body to digest the
(E) it is where more natural livings can food you eat. It also helps your body in other
exist ways such as decreasing the chance of getting
some cancers, heart disease and diabetes.
Avoiding foods with a lot of sugar, salt and fat
86. The author organizes the ideas in the
is a good idea.
passage by ....
In today’s modem world, we all have
(A) describing a new housing trend and some level of stress in our lives. Different
providing a detailed example things cause stress for different people. Money
(B) discussing an environmental issue and problems, work and relationships with other
providing way to solve the issue people can all cause stress. Instead of trying to
(C) identifying a community problem and remove stress, people need to be aware of what
discussing possible solution to the causes them and find ways to reduce the
problem impact that stress has on their lives.
(D) explaining an environmentally friendly There are several ways to fight against
initiative and discussing the impacts of stress in your life. Exercise and sports are a
the initiative great way to reduce stress. Other activities like
(E) establishing a new community Tai Chi, yoga or taking a walk also help reduce
initiative that is eco-friendly and stress. Changing the way you think can also
explaining the ideas behind the reduce stress. Try living for now, and do not
initiative worry about the future.
(Adapted from: http:/
87. The author’s attitude regarding good health 90. It can be hypothesized from the passage
in the passage is .... that ....
(A) pessimistic (A) the more we eat, the little risk we will
(B) assertive (tegas) = critism suffer from sickness
(C) objective (inform) (B) the younger we are, the more likely we
(D) responsive will get stress
(E) reactive (C) the more varied the exercise we do, the
healthier we will be
(D) the less physical exercise we do, the
88. What topic does the paragraph following
more likely we will get sick
the passage most likely discuss?
(E) the more problems we face, the farther
(A) how to educate people about stress we are from being healthy
(B) kinds of sports to reduce stress
(C) eating healthy foods to avoid stress
(D) how peaceful mind helps relieve stress
(E) different types and levels of stress

89. What is the best summary of the passage?

(A) Doing physical exercises and
maintaining healthy diet can effectively
lead to a better life. Avoiding too much
stress in life is another important
measure to take.
(B) Eating good food makes us healthier
and more balanced. With lots of fibers
in food, we can easily fight cancer-
including agents.
(C) Critical thinking makes us stressed and
uncontrolled. This will eventually
erode our well-being and in the long
run posing us to serious illness.
(D) To stay healthy, one should spend a lot
of money on good food and going to
the fitness center for well-controlled
sports. This is also a way to reduce
(E) The way we think about life, food,
sports and relationships determine the
level of stress we have. We have to
control our mind to stay healthy.

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