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100% Job Guarantee Program
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DataIsGood's Data Science Accelerator Course is an attempt to
Support the Dream Career in the field of Data Science by Preparing
the Students to get Guaranteed Jobs in the Top Industries.

This 12 Months Professional Training Course Led by Industry

Experts is designed to get you Hired and Features Skilled
Development, Career Coaching, Building an amazing Network of
Professionals to get Guaranteed Results.

Throughout this Course, You will be doing:

Learn Python Programming Language, Excel and SQL Fundamentals to
build a Strong Foundation.

Collect, Extract, Scrap, Process, Clean, Analyze, and Visualize the Data
to Extract Valuable Insights.

Learn Basic Foundations of Machine Learning Predictive Modelling using

Linear and Logistic Regression.

Learn Unsupervised Machine Learning Techniques such as Clustering

Data Science Accelerator:

Analysis and Dimensionality Reduction.

Learn Advanced ML Techniques to Build Recommender Systems,

Forecasting Systems, Fraud Detectors, Segmentation Systems and
Much More.

Make Interactive and Customized Dashboards, and Storyboards using


Learn to perform Calculations using Tableau for Data Cleaning, Data

Manipulation, and Feature Engineering.

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This is an Intermediate Level Course with some Prerequisites.

We generally recommend the students Joining this Course to
arrive with a Mathematical Foundation, and Programming

Students from Background Other than Computer Science

Must engage with our Self Learning Module to build a Strong
Foundation before joining this Course.

Apart from that, Some Other Prerequisites Include:

Must Have at least 60% in the 10th Boards.

Must Have at least 55% in the 12th Boards.


Must be a Graduate or in the Final year of Graduation.

Sound Knowledge of English Language.

Data Science Accelerator:

In case of any other Queries Our Admissions Team can

discuss your Professional Background, Interests, and Future
Goals to Recommend if this Data Science Accelerator Course
is the Best Option for you.

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Career Support
Get Ready with Domain Experts:
Learn from top Data Science Experts from the Country
through a Live Online classroom. 24X7 Support from Teaching
Assistants for Help in Assignments, Discussions, and Doubts

Industry Leaders for Professional Grooming:

Know what’s Happening inside the industry, and What’s really
required to make it through by engaging with Data Scientists,
Data Analysts, Data Engineers and accompany them with
sessions on Hiring, Day-to-Day Life of a Data Scientist etc.

Benefit of Networking with Professionals:

Grow and Develop your Career with the Help of similarly
motivated and Highly energetic Peers. Get to know How our
Alumni Started their Career in the Emerging Field of Data

100 % Job Guarantee or Money Back:

Get Guaranteed Job Opportunities from Our Partners from
Top MNCs and Startups such as American Express, Tokopedia,
Infosys, TCS, PayTm, etc with an amazing Annual Package upto
16 Lakhs Per Annum.

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Learning Modules
Module 1: Introductory Content
Week 1,2:

Learn Fundamental Concepts of Excel to solve Daily Problems

and Use Advanced Excel Techniques to Perform Data Analysis
and Reporting by Creating Charts and Dashboards.

Excel for Data Analysis.

Dashboarding and Storytelling
What if Analysis and Optimization.
Statistical Modelling,

Week 3, 4:
Learning Modules

Learn SQL for Querying Databases using Advanced SQL

Statements and Clauses, and Python to Create Robust Solutions
for Solving Complex Real World Problems.

SQL Fundamentals
Data Science Accelerator:

Advanced Querying Techniques

Basics of Python Programming
Functional and OOPs Programming

Project - Excel Dashboard

Build a Dashboard to track the Sales for an Ecommerce Store.
Help the Sales Manager to understand the Effectiveness of
Product Sales in different Regions and Derive some Unseen Trends
and Patterns that could help him to Maximize the Productivity.

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Module 2: Exploratory Data Analysis

Week 4, 5:

Learn to Scrape and Extract Data from Various Sources and Use
Regular Expressions, Numpy, Pandas for Solving Data Science
Related Problems.

Regular Expressions.
Introduction to Numpy.
Introduction to Pandas.
Introduction to Web Scraping.

Week 6, 7, 8:
Learning Modules

Perform Advanced Query Analysis using Pivot Tables, Cross

Tabulations etc. and Create Advanced Interactive and Animated
Data Visualizations using Python.

Basics of Data Analysis.

Data Science Accelerator:

Query Analysis using Python.

Introduction to Advanced Data Visualizations.
Animated and Interactive Visualizations.

Project - Players Performance Analysis

Analyze Performance metrics of players based on their skills,
nationality, clubs, age etc. to understand factors driving the
performance of these players by using Pandas, Matplotlib, and Other
Python Libraries learnt in this Module.

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Module 3: Data Wrangling

Week 9, 10:

Perform Exploratory Data Analysis, by using Advanced Profiling

Tools, and Accordingly Process and Prepare the Data by using
Advanced Data Cleaning and Feature Engineering Techniques.

Introduction to Data Profiling.

Introduction to Data Cleaning.
Introduction to Data Manipulation.
Introduction to Feature Engineering.

Week 11, 12:

Learning Modules

Learn Advanced Data Transformation, Data Processing and Data

Mining Techniques to Handle Specific Cases of Structured and
Unstructured Data Frame using Python Programming Language.

Introduction to Data Transformations.

Data Science Accelerator:

Introduction to Data Processing.

Introduction to Data Mining.
Introduction to Data Preparation.

Project - Global Cost of Living Analysis:

Answer the most common questions regarding living standards in
different countries and understand the reasons behind them by
Cleaning the Data Properly and Extensive Feature Engineering as the
Data is in a Raw and Unconsumable Format.

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Module 3: Sta s cs and Hypothesis Tes ng

Week 13:

Learn Descriptive and Inferential Statistics to Gain an In Depth

Understanding about the Data by using Advanced Statistical and
Probabilistic Methods.

Introduction to Descriptive Statistics.

Introduction to Inferential Statistics.
Introduction to Probability Theory.
Introduction to Normal Distribution.

Week 14, 15:

Learning Modules

Perform Confirmatory Analysis or Hypothesis Testing to Confirm

your Hypothesis by using Advanced Statistical Tests and
Hypothesis Testing Tools.

Introduction Hypothesis Testing.

Data Science Accelerator:

Introduction to T-tests, Z-tests, F-tests.

Introduction to Chi-squared Tests.
Comparison of Statistical Tests.

Project - Startups Growth Analysis:

Analyze the Indian Startups and Understand the Expanding Startups
Ecosystem in India to answer some of the most Insightful and
Interesting Questions by applying Different Types of Statistical
Concepts learnt in this Module.

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Module 5: Advanced Machine Learning

Week 16 to 23 :

Apply and Implement Dozens of Advanced Statistical, Probabilistic,

Deterministic, and Decision Based Machine Learning Models
to Perform Predictive Analytics.

Introduction to Statistical Modelling.

Introduction to Tree Based Models.
Introduction to Boosting Models and Ensembles.
Handling Imbalanced Datasets.

Week 24 to 28:
Learning Modules

Learn Clustering Analysis, Dimensionality Reduction Methods,

Recommendation Engines, and Time series Forecasting Techniques
to solve Interesting Problems.

Introduction to Clustering Analysis.

Data Science Accelerator:

Introduction to Dimensionality Reduction.

Introduction to Recommendation Engines.
Introduction to Time Series Forecasting.

Project - Employee Promo on Predic on:

Predict whether the employee deserves Promotion based on different
attributes like Age, Training Score, Region, Department, Awards, KPIs,
etc. by using the Advanced Predictive Modelling Techniques learnt in
this Module.

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Module 6: Natural Language Processing

Week 29 to 30 :

Learn Advanced Natural Language Processing for Processing the

Text Data and Gain Insights from it, which can be used for Predictive
analytics and Much More.

Introduction to Statistical Modelling.

Introduction to Text Cleaning Methods.
Introduction to Feature Engineering.
Introduction to Text Extraction Techniques.

Week 31 to 32:
Learning Modules

Solve Amazing and Interesting Use Cases and Problems using the
Concepts from NLP such as Text Classification, Text Summarization,
Topic Modelling etc.

Introduction to N Grams Analysis.

Data Science Accelerator:

Introduction to Text Classification.

Introduction to Text Summarization.
Introduction to Topic Modelling

Project - Drugs Prescrip on using Consumer Reviews:

Prescribe Drugs for Each of the Medical Conditions by using the
Reviews given by the Patients who consumed the Drug and Find out
Important Insights within the data using the Advanced NLP Techniques
learnt in this Module.

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Module 7: Introduc on to Deep Learning

Week 33 to 36 :

Use Advanced Deep Learning Models to Solve Highly Computational

and Complex Problems Including Data in Image, Video, Audio or any
other Formats.

Introduction to Artificial Neural Networks.

Tips and Tricks to Build Robust Neural Networks.
Introduction to Convolutional Neural Networks.
Introduction to CNN Architectures.

Week 36 to 40:
Learning Modules

Solve Advanced Problems using the Advanced Concepts using

Supervised and Unsupervised Deep Learning Predictive Models and
Computer Vision Technology.

Introduction to Recurrent Neural Networks.

Data Science Accelerator:

Introduction to LSTMs.
Introduction to Unsupervised Deep Learning.
Introduction to Computer Vision.

Project - Fruits Iden fica on System:

Build and Train an Image Classifier which can Identify more than 50
different types of Fruits when shown in Real-time by using the Concept
of Advanced Deep Learning Predictive Models especially the CNN

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Module 8: Model Deployment

Week 43:

Learn the Basics of Model Deployment and Deploy your AI Applica-

tions by using Flask as a Backend Tool and Heroku as a Server.

Basics of Frontend.
Building APIs using Flask.
Backend Development using Flask.

Week 44:
Learning Modules

Build amazing Interactive and Useful Artificial Intelligence Based

Applications by Deploying the ML and DL Models using Flask and

Building Web Interfaces for Machine Learning Models.

Introduction to Model Deployment.
Data Science Accelerator:

Deployment Flask Apps using Heroku.

Project - Precision Farming Web App:

Build an App which can Achieve Precision Farming by suggesting Best
Crops according to Climatic Factors to Optimize Agricultural
Production by using Flask as Backend and then Deploy this Predictive
Model on Heroku Server.

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Module 9: Tableau for Story Telling

Week 45:

Learn Storytelling with Tableau to Create Highly Complex and

Advanced Reports and Visualizations by adding Filters, Animations,
Interactivity and Much More.

Introduction to Basic Charts and Visualizations.

Introduction to Mapping and Geospatial Visualization.
Introduction to Filters, LOD Expressions, and Table
Calculations etc.

Week 46:
Learning Modules

Learn to Perform Regression, Clustering and Forecasting using

Advanced Scientific Functions, Also Create Dashboards and Story-
boards using Tableau.

Feature Engineering using Tableau.

Regression, Clustering, and Forecasting using Tableau.
Data Science Accelerator:

Dashboarding and Story Boarding in Tableau.

Project - US Consumer Complaints Analysis:

Build an Interactive Dashboard which can give a complete 360 degree
Summary of the Dataset so that the Insights and Patterns can be
utilized by the Team to Improve their Overall Consumer Experience
and Satisfaction.

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Module 10: Big Data and Spark

Week 47:

Learn the Basic Concepts and Fundamentals of Big Data and Big Data
Tools which can help you to Manage Big Data such as PySpark and
Apache Spark.

Introduction to Big Data.

Introduction to PySpark.
Introduction to Spark Basics.

Week 48:
Learning Modules

Know How to Handle Big Datasets by using PySpark and Apache

Spark,Also Learn to Implement Machine Learning Models using
Spark ML.

Introduction to Spark SQL, and Data Frames.

Data Science Accelerator:

Solving Complex ML Problems using Spark.

Machine Learning with Spark ML.

Project - Chicago Crime Analysis:

The Chicago Crime Dataset is Vast and Huge, Hence Analyzing the
Data and Deriving the Insights become Impossible. Hence, Analyze
this Data by using the Concept of Big Data and the Most Amazing Tool
Spark which you have learnt in this Module.

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Capstone Project
Capstone Project on your Choice of Domain:
Build an amazing and Powerful Capstone Project in the Domain
which suits you the Most, Learn Advanced Techniques and Tools
used for Building Real World Engineering Solutions with a Team
of Highly Motivated Students.

Work and Consult With Domain Experts:

You will get to Consult with Domain Experts to understand the
Usage of ML Models in Real World. Brainstorm amazing Ideas for
Building and Designing your Project. Get Reviews and Feedbacks
from Experts.

Team of TAs for Support and Guidance:

Get a Team of Teaching Assistants from the Data is Good Team
who will always be Ready for supporting, Guiding, and Helping
you out for Implementing your Ideas from Scratch. Get Persona-
lized Mentors for any type of Guidance.

Demonstra on with Industry Leaders:

Get a Golden Opportunity to Present your Ideas in the form of a
Project in front of Industry Leaders. Get the Video Recording for
your Demo Presentation and Show it off in your Professional

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Frequently Asked Ques ons

What is the Dura on of this Course?
The Duration of this Professional Data Science Certification
Program is 12 Months. Every Week there will be an Online
Classes of 90 Minutes each where you can Interact with Industry
Leaders and Domain Experts.

Apart from this, You can become a part of our Organization for
Lifetime, You can reach out to us for any type of Queries, Issues,
Doubts, Job Assistance, Career Guidance etc. for Lifetime
Frequently Asked Questions

What Projects will I get to Work on during this Course?

For your capstone project, you’ll tackle a real-world data problem
from end to end. Develop a pitch and problem statement, source
and collect relevant data, conduct an exploratory data analysis,
and build a predictive model.

You’ll document and share your findings through a presentation,

technical report, and non-technical summary. Throughout this
Data Science Accelerator:

Accelerator Course you’ll also compile a portfolio of projects

designed to reinforce what you’ve learned in each unit. Gain
hands-on experience with statistical and machine learning
models, Python programming tools, recommender systems,
neural networks, and more.

Not only that, You will get to Work on Projects from Topics such as
Data Analytics, Data Visualization, Machine Learning, Time-series
Forecasting, Deep Learning, Recommendation Engines, NLP,
Chatbots, Web Scraping, Computer Vision, etc.

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What is the difference between the Self Paced and

the Instructor-Led Courses?
It’s up to you!
Our Remote courses offer a learning experience that allows you
to learn from the comfort of home. If you have a busy travel
schedule, or just want to save yourself the commute, a Remote
course could be a good option for you.

Instructor Courses are Better when you want to learn everything

in a Specified Manner, but if you think you are smart enough and
can learn all the concepts on your own, You can opt for the self-
Frequently Asked Questions

paced Program.

Will I get Assistance in Hackathons and Capstone

Yes, Of Course,
You will get Assistance from our Teaching Assistants any time you
Data Science Accelerator:

The Teaching Assistants will help you to complete the Capstone

Project if you face any difficulties. Apart from that our Mentors
and Instructors will also help you to Come up with New and
amazing ideas for the Capstone Project.

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What If I fail to complete this Course in 12 Months,

Can I join Other Batches in Future?
Yes, Definitely you can join our Batch in future if you are not able
to complete your course in 12 Months. You can join any Other
Batch from Starting and avail the Services all Over again.

Not only that, You can Request a Personal Teaching Assistant, who
would constantly help you evolve in your career, and also help you
to complete your assignments and projects.
Frequently Asked Questions

Can I request for Refund a er the 12 Months

Professional Data Science Course, If I do not get any
good Job Opportuni es?
Yes, you can take your Money Back, If you do not get a Job within
180 Days or 6 Months after the Completion of this Professional
Data Science Course.
Data Science Accelerator:

Why Should I Choose Data is Good?

As an Edtech Company, Data is Good focuses on developing Overall
Personality of an Individual. We not only focus on Technical Skills
but also focus on Imparting Creativity, Passion, Communication
Skills, Presentation Skills, Leadership Qualities etc.

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Tui on Fee and Financing

The admission fee for this Advanced Data Science certification
program with 100% Job Guarantee is 1,50,000 (Including GST).
This fee covers all the applicable program charges including the
Mentorship Calls with Industry Experts.

This is a 100% Job Guarantee Program, Which means that If

you don’t get a Job within 6 Months of Course Completion, You
will Receive a full Refund.

We Provide Flexible Payment Options with Loan. We Partnered with

LiquiLoansand Shopse to Provide easy Financing Options. You
can Start this Course with EMIs Starting with as Low as ₹ 6500
per Month.
Tuition Fees

Our Finance Team will help you Know More about our Tuition Fees
and Financing Options available for this Course.
Data Science Accelerator:

is good

Legal Agreement

The DataIsGood Guarantee - Data Science Career Track

l e
Welcome to Dataisgood’s Data Science Career Track (the “Career Track”). We are
committed to your success, and will support you fully in the transition into a Data
Science career. We back our commitment with the Dataisgood Data Science Career

Track Guarantee (the “Dataisgood Guarantee”): subject to the Terms below, we will
refund 100% of your paid tuition if you are not off ered a Qualifying Position (as defined
in the Terms) within the Guarantee Period of receiving a Career Track certificate of


A career transition involves focused, consistent effort. We put in this effort to help you

make that transition, and ask for an equal commitment from you. Specifically, you shall
satisfy the requirements below in order to be eligible for the Dataisgood Guarantee. If

these requirements are not satisfied, you may still participate in the program and receive
all of the advantages of career support, but you will not be eligible for the tuition refund.

The following terms and conditions (the “Terms”) apply to the Dataisgood Guarantee:

1. Definitions

a. “Company” means Citizen Media Private Limited, company registered under the provision of
Companies Act, 2013 bearing corporate identification number U22229DL2006PTC152675.
b. “Student” means a person enrolled in the curiculam named as “Data Science Career Track”
offered by the Company during the period from the 1st Day of March 2021 till such time as the
Company continues to offer the said course who satisfy the below eligibility criteria:

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Course Cer ficate


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