Let's Analyze Activity 2. The Transformation To The Perspective and Beliefs of The Society Brought

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Let’s analyze

Activity 2. The transformation to the perspective and beliefs of the society brought
pieces of evidence of sciences and technology's link to humanity. These lead to more
scientific research and experiments to deepen the understanding of what surrounds us
in different aspects.

At this juncture, you will be required to EXPLAIN your answers about the following

1. Why do you think were most intellectual ideas controversial?

They were considered controversial or they think that they are controversial
because it opposes to what the people believe in already and on also on how
these ideas were too unbelievable, with that in mind, these ideas were rejected
and these ideas were also despised because it opposes on what the society
believes, for examples is Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution, this theory
believes that we came from other species and we evolve and develop in order to
adapt in certain changes, so with that in mind, it violates religious beliefs and also
the establishment clause, hence, it became controversial over the years.

2. Why did people accept these discoveries despite being contradictory to what was
widely accepted at that time?

People accept this discoveries despite of it being controversial or contradictory

because of the fact that they provide a lot of reasoning and evidences that
supports or concludes the statements on their discovery. People accepted these
discoveries because they were bring to the point that they were convinced
because of what they have to say and what they provide to support their claims,
so with that on mind, they accept it despite being controversial and side with it
and eventually they create their stand for it.
3. How do intellectual revolutions transform societies?

Intellectual revolutions transform societies because they provide new discoveries

so with that we gain new understandings and attain further knowledges towards
their discoveries and even also create new theories that can support it or create
your own basis of it depending on what information that you have gain or what
you understand about it, so with those in mind, it gives the society further great
development in regards to knowledge and information.

4. What do you think are the positive and negative results brought about innovations
and technological advances in the information age? Reflect on your answers and come
up which do you think the possible rules and guidelines in using the different media

The positive effects about it is that it introduces us to online chatting and voice
conferences and provides a low-cost outlet, with that in mind, one can see one's loved
ones online, and all of this is happening at the same time, and this includes electronic
mail and online chatting, so with that in mind, the internet has opened up new
opportunities for government, business, and education.
On the other side, the negative consequences of social media and mobile devices
include the possibility of psychological and physical disorders such as eyestrain and
difficulty focusing on vital tasks, as well as the possibility of contributing to more serious
health issues such as depression, hence, The overuse of technology may have a more
significant impact on developing children and teenagers

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