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Prodi Teknik Informatika - Fakultas Teknik - Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya

Course : Pengembangan Sistem Cerdas

Lecturer : Puteri Noraisya Primandari, S.ST., M.IM
Class : Bilingual
Duration : 90 minutes
Time : 08.00 - 09.30

1. Mid Evaluation Test questions is carried out at SIAKAD according to the time and hours specified
2. Screenshot the answer and output program into Ms. Word and send by using format: NBI_Name_ETS

Do the following questions and start with the easiest task. Plagiarized answers will be grounded to 0 score.

Course Material : Decision Tree
Do the following decision tree questions correctly!

Age Income Assistant Credit_Rating Buys_Computer

<=30 High No Enough No
<=30 High No Good No
31 to 40 High No Enough Yes
>40 Middle No Enough Yes
>40 Low Yes Enough Yes
>40 Low Yes Good No
31 to 40 Low Yes Good Yes
<=30 Middle No Enough No
<=30 Low Yes Enough Yes
>40 Middle Yes Enough Yes
<=30 Middle Yes Good Yes
31 to 40 Middle No Good Yes
31 to 40 High Yes Enough Yes
>40 Middle No Good No

Working steps for getting max score point (50) without programming:
1. Find Entropy by using google sheets as follows:
2. Screenshot every process and give description
3. Draw the decision tree of the task
Course Material : K-Means Clustering
Do the following clustering using the K-Means method correctly!

Point x y

A 2 10

B 2 5

C 8 4

D 5 8

E 7 5

F 6 4

G 1 2

H 4 9

Working steps for getting max score point (50) by using Programming Code
1. Determine the number of clusters you want to form
2. Generate initial k centroids (cluster center points) randomly
3. Calculate each data distance to each centroid
4. Each data selects the nearest centroid
5. Determine the position of the new centroids by calculating the average value (means) of the selected
data on the same centroid.
6. Go back to step 3 if the position of the new centroid with the old centroid is not the same


Head of Study Program Responsible course Lecturer

Aidil Primasetya Armin, S.ST, M.T Puteri Noraisya P., S.ST., M.IM

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