Delineation Report 1

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Delineation of Wetland Soils in Atlantic County

Erin Coyle and Amanda Michleski

Stockton University

Wetland Soils ENVL 3428

April 30th 2021

Delineation of Wetland Soil in Atlantic County 2

The purpose of this report is to properly identify characteristics and features of a wetland,
and accurately delineate the area in question as a wetland. Our site is located on Stockton
University, south-east of the main campus location, near Lake Pam. Six auger borings were
completed south of Lake Pam and used in our wetland analysis. Due to the location being close
to the lake, we inferred the area would show hydric soil indicators and be home to obligate
hydrophytic vegetation. In this report we identify the soil indicators for hydric soils and note
down hydrophytic vegetation and wetland hydrology indicators discovered in the field from the
site’s auger borings. Through auguring, we were able to see the soil profile as a whole, and
identify various hydric soil features within it. This report goes into each auger boring that was
completed and the characteristics of each soil profile collected and examined through various
field methods. Hydrophytic vegetation is then identified and discussed, as hydrophytes can
indicate various soil characteristics and where a site is located, such as in an upland or a lowland.
A GIS map is then featured in this report, detailing the location of our delineation, including the
various soil types. The soils, which were able to be identified as hydric, help us check off hydric
soils on the list of requirements for a wetland delineation. Policy recommendation regarding this
wetland and its continued protection in the Pinelands is provided.


Delineations are necessary due the need of precise reporting of where a wetland is located
for project planning. Projects must be approved by the Army COE and other local agencies due
to possible environmental impacts. Permits are obtained when a planned project could interfere
with wetland ecology and cause it to be negatively impacted (USACE, 1987) .The purpose of
this delineation on Stockton University’s campus in Atlantic County is to gain practice and
knowledge identifying hydric soil characteristics, hydrophytic vegetation and locate wetlands on
Stockton University’s campus. This research we report could prove to be useful in coming years
if construction of any kind is planned for this area of Stockton University. This report could
potentially ensure endangered species survival.

Project background:

This wetland delineation takes place in the Pine Barrens in Atlantic County, New Jersey.
The Pine Barrens has many different characteristics specific to its ecosystem that overall impacts
the soil. The journal article “Wetlands of the New Jersey Pine Barrens: The Role of Species
Composition in Community Function” describes how different plant species impact wetland
hydrology and account for large differences in net production and nitrogen cycling. The
information from the reference describes the many different plant species found within our
wetland delineation such as small shrubs and the dominant trees that impact hydroperiods in the
Pinelands. The hydrology of a wetland can also impact biomass and net production of the
wetland (Ehrenfeld, 1986).
Delineation of Wetland Soil in Atlantic County 3

Delineation is the process in identifying the presence of a wetland and marking its upper
landward boundary. The necessity for land delineations became apparent during the 1960s and
1970s when state and federal governments began to regulate certain uses of wetlands on private
property. Procedures for delineations were developed as our knowledge expanded over the years.
Wetland identification, delineation and the concept of hydrophytic vegetation were refined and
used for delineation.(Tiner, 2000)

The process of a delineation begins with using topographic maps to identify the most
saturated areas in a given location. At the sample locations where the boring holes will be made,
leaves and other litter will be removed from the top of the site. After, an auger will be used to dig
a hole of about 150 cm deep. As the hole is being dug, the horizons will be laid out on the
ground, on a tarp or in a pvc tube in order corresponding with the soil profile.

As the samples are placed on the ground, color and texture will be analyzed. Redox
features and color changes will be noted on the COE wetland description form. Using the
Munsell Soil Color Book, soils are colored accordingly. The hue, value and chroma are recorded
in the description sheet. It is noted to color as quickly as possible to avoid any color changes due
to oxidation.

Aforementioned description sheet includes fields to record all important information to

identify soils (e.g. elevation, parent material, hydrology). The soils are then described by using
the USDA-NRCS standards book. At each sampling delineation point, a GPS point is recorded.
Vegetation and hydrologic evidence is noted at the sample site. Some concerns to be aware of
when delineating wetland soils are those of problem soils, flooding or ponding, low lying
landforms with gradual change in elevation at the margins, altered vegetation, non-native
vegetation, and unusually disturbed topography.

Site Background Information

Site background information details the soil type at the site, which tells the characteristics
of the soils in the area. Drainage classes indicate the level of water that is retained by the soil
over a given period of time. Hydrology groups indicate the amount of runoff potential the site
has. Depth to water table is determined by digging a hole into the ground, and measuring with
tape where the water begins to seep into the pit that has been dug. The depth to water table can
change seasonally. The water table is highest in the early spring (USGS, 2021). Vegetation can
also reveal soil type and various characteristics about the area. If one compares the type of
vegetation in one half of the area to the next, the vegetation may change halfway, due to the way
hydrology moves across the area if one area is upland or lowland. The soils described in Table 1
detail the soils that were identified during delineation.
Delineation of Wetland Soil in Atlantic County 4

Table 1: Summary of soil types found in wetland delineation.

Soil Type Drainage Hydrology Depth (inch) Vegetation


AtsAO (Atsion) Poorly Drained A/D 80 in (12 to Wooded area is mostly

water table) pitch pine mixed with black
gum and red maple.
Undergrowth consists of
highbush blueberries, and

DocBO Well Drained A More than 80 Native vegetation includes

(Downer loamy sand) in white oak, red oak, scarlet
oak, black oak,, pitch pine,
dogwood, greenbriar,low
bush blueberry and
mountain laurel.

HbmB Moderately B More than 80 Native vegetation is a

(Hammonton loamy sand) well drained in (About 18 to mixed hardwood forest
42 in) containing scattered pitch
pine, shortleaf pine,
loblolly pine and Virginia

MbtB (Matawan sandy Moderately C More than 80 Mixed hardwoods

loam) well drained inches including oak, gum and
beech and cut over areas
are loblolly pine and
Virginia pine. The
understory is huckleberry,
and holly.

MumA (Mullica sandy Very poorly A/D More than 80 Native vegetation is pin
loam) drained inches oak, white oak, willow oak,
red maple, bay magnolia,
sweet gum, black gum, and
black birch. When drained,
these soils are used for
various crops.
Delineation of Wetland Soil in Atlantic County 5

Regulatory Water Protection Information

The Federal Clean Water Act passed 1972 addresses the discharge of dredge or fill
material into Waters of the United States (Section 404 of the Clean Water Act) and the EPA gave
the State of New Jersey approval to operate the State Freshwater Wetlands Protection Act
program in place of the Federal 404 program. Applicants who obtain a wetlands permit from the
State of New Jersey that satisfies the federal wetland permit requirements in most cases (NJDEP,

The Freshwater Protection Act states that “freshwater wetlands protect and preserve
drinking water supplies by serving to purify surface water and groundwater resources; that
freshwater wetlands provide a natural means of flood and storm damage protection, and thereby
prevent the loss of life and property through the absorption and storage of water during high
runoff periods and the reduction of flood crests” Freshwater wetlands serve as transition zones
between dry land and water courses and helps with soil erosion. Freshwater wetlands are
necessary for breeding, spawning, nesting and habitats for a major portion of New Jersey’s fish
and wildlife. Lastly freshwater wetlands maintain a crucial base flow to surface waters through
gradually releasing stored flood waters and ground water through drought periods. (Freshwater
Wetlands Protection Act, 2016)

The journal “Wetlands protection in the New Jersey Pinelands'' examines the
Comprehensive Management Plan that was put in place to protect the Pinelands’ wetlands and its
ecosystems. It observes how the plan was put into action, how effective it is against wetland
drainage and development, and how it could be applied to a larger scale to protect other wetland
regions. This journal describes background information on our delineation site, management plan
and regulatory information regarding hydrology. It also refers to many Pineland specific wetland
species and the hydrophytic vegetation in the area (Zampella, 1983).
Delineation of Wetland Soil in Atlantic County 6

Site Preliminary Evaluation:

Figure 1. Web Soil Survey Map of Wetland Delineation Area

Figure 2. Topographic Map of Wetland Delineation Area

Delineation of Wetland Soil in Atlantic County 7

Figure 3 & 4 show the soil names and percentages found within the delineated area. Data gathered from
Web Soil Survey.

Site Hydrology:

The delineation site is in close proximity to Lake Pam which could explain the wetness
experienced during our delineation. The water table for our delineation was at about 12 inches
from the surface. There is no flooding evidence in any of the soils found within our delineation.

The peer-reviewed article “Rapid assessment of urban wetlands: Do hydrogeomorphic

classification and reference criteria work?” discusses the Hydrogeomorphic (HGM)
classification system for hydric soils in New Jersey wetlands at depth. This source helps better
classify NJ wetlands soils, and to gauge how HGM classification helps us in delineating them
(Stander and Ehrenfeld, 2009).

The journal article “The Effects of Changes in Soil Moisture on Nitrogen Cycling in Acid
Wetland Types of the New Jersey Pinelands (USA)” describes how different levels of soil
Delineation of Wetland Soil in Atlantic County 8

moisture can impact the nitrogen cycling in wetlands in New Jersey. The information shows how
different levels of water content in soils can impact the wetland gradient and nitrification rates.
Management of water sources in wetlands will also be used to identify soil moisture in wetlands
(Yu and Ehrenfeld, 2009).

Figure 5. Watershed Area of Delineation

Figure 6. Watershed characteristics and Site Hydrology. Data and map gathered from USGS Stream Stats.
Delineation of Wetland Soil in Atlantic County 9

Soil Field Descriptions:

The Field Indicators of Hydric Soils in the United States help us identify and delineate
soils we come across in the field as hydric, with indicators pertaining to the amount of organic
matter present. Hydric soil indicators are also formed from the movement or accumulation of
minerals within the profile such as iron, manganese or sulfur in saturated and anaerobic soil
conditions. Texture of the soil observed is stated in identifying hydric soils in the field. The Field
Indicator guide gives specific information on procedures of delineating and identifying hydric
soils, and will be very useful in our project (Vasilas, 2016 ).

Boring 1:
GPS coordinates: 39.48866,-74.52100
This boring location (Table 2) is near Lake Pam with poor drainage in the upland
landform position. Fluviomarine was the parent material, the water table was perched at 30 cm,
and the texture by feel method was a soil observation method. The soil profile was 115+ cm
down. The soil profile had a lot of mucky material in the upper surface horizons and had a
shallow depth to the water table.The upper horizons were darker and lower in chroma. The
proposed hydric soil indicator includes S5 and A1. An S5 indicator states that the soil has a
matrix chroma of 2 or less and redox concentrations starting below a depth of 10cm. The A1
indicator is also given due to it classifying as a histosol, due to that over 40 cm of the upper 80
cm comprises of organic material (USDA, 2018) Hydrologic indicators also include a high water
table, saturation, as well as the presence of reduced iron in the last B horizon, noted with the S5
indicator. Based on these hydrologic indicators, as well as the hydric soil indicators present, I do
believe this site is a wetland.

Table 2: Boring 1 Hydric Soil Profile Description

Delineation of Wetland Soil in Atlantic County 10

Figure 7 & 8: Pictures of Boring 1 Soil Profile

Boring 2:
GPS Coordinates: 39.48850, -74.52092
This boring location (Table 3) is mapped as an Atsion and appears to be much lighter in
color compared to the first boring. This boring point was also near Lake Pam but a bit further
away from the hydrology. Redox features are present throughout the soil along with a perched
water table and hydric indicators of vegetation.

Table 3: Boring 2 Hydric Soil Profile Description

Delineation of Wetland Soil in Atlantic County 11

Figure 9. Picture of Boring 2 Soil Profile

Boring 3:
GPS Coordinates: 39.48905 , -74.52119
This boring (Table 4) is very dark in color, wet and mucky compared to the other two
borings in this area. This boring was in closer proximity to the wetland and Lake Pam.

Table 4. Boring 3 Hydric Soil Profile Description

Delineation of Wetland Soil in Atlantic County 12

Figure 10. Picture of Boring 3 Soil Profile

Boring 4:
GPS Coordinates: 39.48894, -74.52155
This boring’s (Table 5) location was south of Lake Pam in a depressional position. The
drainage was poor and elevation was about 53 ft. This soil was mapped as Manahawkin Muck
with fluviomarine parent material. Some hydrophytic vegetation found was Pitch Pine, Eastern
Teaberry, American Holly, Greenbrier, Highbush Blueberry. The depth to groundwater was 20
cm, with a perched water table, flooding evidence, saturation and a high water table.

Table 5. Boring 4 Hydric Soil Profile Description

Delineation of Wetland Soil in Atlantic County 13

Figure 11 & 12. Pictures of Boring 4 Soil Profile

Boring 5:
GPS Coordinates: 39.48879, -74.52174
Boring 5 (Table 6) is lighter in color compared to boring 4 due to it being mapped as an
Atsion. The depth of the horizon is 165 cm and the depth of the water table was 55 cm. There
was some standing water on the surface, described as a flat landform and made of fluviomarine
parent material.

Table. 6 Boring 5 Hydric Soil Profile Description

Delineation of Wetland Soil in Atlantic County 14

Figure 13: Picture of Boring 5 Soil Profile

Boring 6:
GPS Coordinates: 39.48823 , -74.52181
Boring 6 (Table 7) has a much lighter matrix compared to boring 4 but is similar in
texture and muckyness. Some surrounding hydric vegetation observed include teaberries,
American Holly and Pitch Pines

Table 7.: Boring 6 Hydric Soil Profile Description

Delineation of Wetland Soil in Atlantic County 15

Figure 14. Picture of Boring 6 Soil Profile

Hydrophytic Vegetation:

Hydrophytic vegetation are plants that grow and thrive in soils that have low amounts of
oxygen due to being continually saturated. Wetland vegetation can make dependable wetland
indicators. Hydrophytic vegetation includes various trees, shrubs, grasses, and small plants.
These anaerobic tolerant plants can indicate different characteristics within the soil they are
growing in. Table 8 documents the types of vegetation in and around the delineation site.

Table 8: Vegetation identified at the delineation site.

Common Name Scientific Name Plant Description

Pitch Pine Pinus rigida Pitch Pine is a coniferous, woody, perennial,

evergreen tree with a single trunk, usually
growing 20’ or more. Bark is reddish to
greyish brown in thick irregular shaped
plates. The needles grow in bundles of
three, and are stiff, coarse and olive green in
color. (Boyd, 1991). Pitch pine are very
abundant in poor, sandy soils. The species
also occupies sandy and gravelly soils of
alluvial and marine deposit origin. Pitch
pine grows on Spodosols, Alfisols, Entisols,
and Utisols. This species grows within a pH
Delineation of Wetland Soil in Atlantic County 16

range of 3.5 to 5.1. Pitch pines grow in soils

that range to excessively drained,
moderately drained, and poorly drained
sands and gravels, as well as on muck soils
(Gucker, 2007)

Eastern Teaberry Gaultheria procumbens Teaberry are small, woody waxy leaved
evergreen sub-shrubs in the Heath family.
They flower in late spring to summer, and
produce shiny red edible berries (Boyd,
1991). Soil types for this plant to grow
include sandy, loamy and organic soils.
Teaberry will grow in well drained to poorly
drained soil moisture classes, as long as the
soil pH is acidic. This plant also has a high
drought tolerance, but it is most commonly
found in continually wet areas (Coladonato,

American Holly Ilex opaca American Holly has dark green, broad
leathery leaves with spines on the edges.
Female holly trees produce bright red
berries (Boyd, 1991). This species is usually
coastal but is found frequently in wet
woodlands with poorly drained soil, along
stream banks. Holly can survive on a wide
variety of soils from Inceptisols of to
Ultisols. Growth is best on moist, slightly
acidic, well-drained soils (Coladonato,
Delineation of Wetland Soil in Atlantic County 17

Greenbrier Smilax rotundifolia Greenbrier is a type of vine that grows

along the forest floor, and climbs other
vegetation or structures using tendrils.
Greenbrier vines are in the Lily Family.
This species is an evergreen, tough woody
vine with sharp thorns protruding (Boyd,
1991). Greenbrier prefers soils that are
moist and retain water. Acidic soils with a
pH between 5.0 and 6.0 is optimal for
growth (Carey, 1994).

Highbush Blueberry Vaccinium corymbosum Highbush blueberries are shrubs with three
to five stems growing from one central,
small trunk. These shrubs form a small
white flower that result in edible blue-black
berries that are sweet and largely cultivated
in the Northeast United States (Boyd, 1991)
Highbush blueberries prefer saturated,
acidic soils in open swamps and bogs.
These bushes are often found growing on
margins of sandy soil marshes, swamps,
bogs, and stream banks. Optimal growing
conditions for highbush berry are on
hummocks (raised bogs) which have
saturated, well-aerated soils rich in organic
matter. This species grows in soils with pH
values between 2.7 and 6.6 (Uchytil, 1993).

White Oak Quercus alba White oak is a tall tree with grey-ish silvery
bark with a wide spreading crown. When
this tree has mature leaves, the undersides
are slightly white-ish. The leaves have 4-10
lobes. (Boyd, 1991) White oak grows in
uplands, wet lowlands, along streams, on
Hummocks, and sandy areas (Tirmenstein,
Delineation of Wetland Soil in Atlantic County 18

Black Gum Nyssa sylvatica Black Gum is a medium sized tree with
grey bark that is deeply vertically ridged.
Common in moist woods, lowlands and
swamps. (Boyd, 1991). Blackgum had
adapted to both lowlands and uplands. This
tree species grows in and along banks of
swamps, ponds, estuaries of the Coastal
Plain, and low lands which are saturated all
year. Although black gum can grow in drier
uplands, growth has been observed to be
slowed in dry areas. (Coladonato, 1992).

Sassafras Sassafras albidum Sassafras is a small tree that often grows in

small groups with reddish-brown bark.
Their leaves are smooth and green and the
amount of lobes from 2 to 0 vary on the
same tree. (Boyd, 1991) Sassafras can grow
in nearly all soil types. However, this
species grows best in moist, well-drained
sandy loams. Sassafras prefers acidic soil
with ideal pH ranges from 6.0 to 7.0
(Sullivan, 1993)
Delineation of Wetland Soil in Atlantic County 19

Wetland dependent species and effects on resource management:

Northern Long-eared Bat: (Myotis septentrionalis)

DESCRIPTION:The northern long-eared bat is a medium-sized bat about 3 to 3.7 inches in

length but with a wingspan of 9 to 10 inches. As its name suggests, this bat is distinguished by its
long ears, particularly as compared to other bats in its genus, Myotis, which are actually bats
noted for their small ears (Myotis means mouse-eared). Threatened; A species likely to become
endangered within the foreseeable future throughout all or a significant portion of its range
(IPAC, 2021).

CRITICAL HABITAT: No critical habitat has been designated for this species.

Effect on Resources and Wetland: The northern long eared bat impacted the wetland by eating
the plants and fruits grown in the wetland, using it for habitat and defecating into the wetland.
This adds organic material to the wetland and provides organic matter to the soil. This can help
improve oxygen and spread plant/fruit growth.

Swamp Pink: (Helonias bullata)

DESCRIPTION:Swamp pink has smooth, oblong, dark green leaves that form an evergreen
rosette. In spring, some rosettes produce a flowering stalk that can grow over 3 feet tall. The
stalk is topped by a 1 to 3-inch-long cluster of 30 to 50 small, fragrant, pink flowers dotted with
pale blue anthers. The evergreen leaves of swamp pink can be seen year round, and flowering
occurs between March and May. Threatened; A species likely to become endangered within the
foreseeable future throughout all or a significant portion of its range (IPAC, 2021).
Delineation of Wetland Soil in Atlantic County 20

CRITICAL HABITAT: No critical habitat has been designated for this species.

Effect on Resources and Wetland: The swamp pink is a food source for many animals in the
wetland and once it dies provides organic matter for the soil. This adds oxygen and microbial
organisms to the area.

American Oystercatcher (Haematopus palliatus)

DESCRIPTION: Length: 16 inches Large shorebird Bright orange, long, thick bill Head and
breast black Dark gray back and wings White belly Large white patch on inner wing White upper
tail coverts and dark tail Pink legs Adult: Yellow eye Orange orbital ring Juvenile: Eye dark and
orbital ring not conspicuous Dark end of bill Upperparts faintly fringed with buff Similar
species: The striking black and white plumage, large size, and bright orange bill make this bird
quite unlike any other (IPAC, 2021).

Effect on Resources and Wetland: The American Oystercatcher affects the wetland by dropping
and moving around different types of plant or fruit seeds in the wetland. By defecating and
moving different types of organisms that they eat across the wetland allows for plants to grow
and organic matter to be dropped as they move from place to place. The wetland is also a
breeding and nesting ground this bird uses for habitat. After this bird dies its body also adds soil
organic matter into the wetland.
Delineation of Wetland Soil in Atlantic County 21

Bald Eagle: (Haliaeetus leucocephalus)

DESCRIPTION:A large raptor, the bald eagle has a wingspread of about 7 feet. Adults have a
dark brown body and wings, white head and tail, and a yellow beak. Juveniles are mostly brown
with white mottling on the body, tail, and undersides of wings. Adult plumage usually is obtained
by the 6th year. In flight, the Bald Eagle often soars or glides with the wings held at a right angle
to the body. As in most other raptors, females are larger than males; sexes otherwise similar in
appearance(IPAC, 2021).

Effect on Resources and Wetland: The Bald Eagle affects the wetland by being a top predator in
the area. Bald Eagles keep the ecosystem in balance by eating smaller organisms which can them
be turned into SOM by defecation or left over food. They can also drop organisms or accidently
carry different seeds from plants to spread different plants throughout the wetland. The wetland
is also a breeding and nesting ground this bird uses for habitat. After this bird dies its body also
adds organic matter to the wetland soils, along with oxygen when microbial activity occurs in the
Delineation of Wetland Soil in Atlantic County 22

Figure 15.Wetlands in the National Wetlands Inventory

Figure 15 shows classification of the wetlands within our delineation. The two types of
wetlands found are PFO4D and PEM1D. PFO4D is a freshwater forested/shrub wetland with a
palustrine system including nontidal wetlands dominated by trees and shrubs. The class is
forested and characterized by woody vegetation that is 6m tall or taller. The subclass is
needle-leaved evergreen that are young and stunted trees like black spruce or pond pine. The
class is continuously saturated where the substrate is saturated at or near the surface throughout
the year and water may be present in shallow depressions that intersect the groundwater table.
PEM1D is a freshwater emergent wetland that is a palustrine system that includes all nontidal
wetlands dominated by trees and shrubs. The class is emergent which is characterized by erect,
rooted, herbaceous, hydrophytes excluding mosses and lichens. This vegetation is present for
most growing seasons in most years. It is dominated by perennial plants. The subclass is
Delineation of Wetland Soil in Atlantic County 23

persistent and is dominated by species that remain standing at least until the beginning of the
next growing season. The class continuously saturated is the substrate is saturated at or near the
surface throughout the year (IPAC, 2021)

Delineation Site Map:

The following map (Figure 16) titled “Wetland Delineation in Stockton University” was
made using ArcMap and ArcGIS. The yellow polygon represents our delineation site, and the
green points refer to each auger boring we completed. As shown in the legend, various soil types
have been mapped out in the area and are seen in the map.Also added is a 150 foot wetland
buffer, shown as a red circle. A wetland buffer ensures protection to wetlands and their waters.
Delineation of Wetland Soil in Atlantic County 24

Figure 16: Map of all six boring sites and the delineation area.
Delineation of Wetland Soil in Atlantic County 25


To determine whether our delineation site, located on Stockton University’s campus,

south-east near Lake Pam in a previously mapped Atsion soil area was in fact a wetland, lab
groups worked to identify indicators of hydrophytic vegetation and hydric soils amongst clear
indicators of wetland hydrology surrounding the lake. Indicators from the Corps of Engineers
Wetlands Delineation Manual and The Field Indicators of Hydric Soils in the United States
would help in these identifications. The soil profiles collected were thought to be hydric because
of their proximity to Lake Pam. The six auger borings were analyzed, and it was concluded that a
wetland could be delineated within our wetland buffer that is highlighted in the Delineation Site

Boring 1, close to Lake Pam and with a perched water table could be accurately identified
as a hydric soil due to some key indicators such as the S5 indicator-- because the soil matrix
displayed chromas of 2 or less, and redox concentrations starting anywhere below a depth of
10cm. Dark surfaces are strong indicators of hydric soils, as are redox concentrations, and
reduced iron in the lower B horizon and displaying of ten percent depletions within the matrix
concludes these assumptions. The A1 indicator was also given because it was determined that
this profile was a histosol. Histosols are always hydric, aside from Folists, and can be identified
often by their muckyness, and how highly composed of organic material they are. The profile
from Boring 1 was composed mostly of organic materials in the upper horizons, and then darker
chromas and muck throughout the lower horizons. Details of this boring displayed in Table 2.

Boring 2, near Lake Pam but farther from the wetland hydrology, could also be accurately
identified as a hydric soil by the observation of indicators present. Although the soil profile here
was much lighter in color than that of Boring 1, Boring 2 displayed similar muckyness but in the
upper horizons, and loamy sands in the lower. The lower horizons also display redoximorphic
features in the form of iron depletions in the upper B horizon. Aside from redox features and the
high water table at this site, hydrophytic vegetation indicators also allowed us to determine this
soil hydric. Evidence of hydrophytic vegetation in this area was strong and included a
pine-dominant wooded area with black gum and red maple trees as well as an understory
consisting of obligate and facultative wetland vegetation, some of which is identified as highbush
blueberries, sweet pepperbush, sheep laurel, teaberries, and greenbriar. Details of this boring
displayed in Table 3.

Boring 3, also nearest to Lake Pam similar to Boring 1, and within the mapped Atsion
soil area, has a texture class consistent with loamy sands throughout and dark coloring of layers
and a saturated structureless and very mucky texture. This delineation area was able to be
successfully identified as a hydric soil based on indicators present. A Bh horizon, as seen at this
auger point, identifies this horizon as being rich with soil organic matter with color values and
chromas of ≤ 3 when moist. This soil is continuously moist and saturated in this proximity to
Lake Pam, and redox depletions are evident throughout all horizons of this augering. Mucky
mineral indicators allowed us to identify this soil as hydric. Abundance of obligate and
Delineation of Wetland Soil in Atlantic County 26

facultative hydrophytic vegetation similar to that at Boring 6 confirm hydrophytes and saturated
conditions and redox features confirm hydrology for a wetland at this location.

Boring 4, in a depressional position just south of Lake Pam, and mapped as an Atsion soil
although more likely a Manahawkin Muck, could accurately be identified as a hydric soil in the
field. A perched water table and depth to groundwater at 20cm for this site gave us some of the
hydrologic indicators that we needed. Additionally, prolonged saturation, and low chromas and
dark surfaces were some indicators that quickly caught the eye. An S7 indicator for dark surfaces
is very common for a mucky fluviomarine hydric soil with poor drainage and a high water table
as seen at the site for Boring 4. Some of the hydrophytic vegetation noted includes pitch pines,
american holly, and highbush blueberry. The presence of all of our indicators allowed us to
identify this soil as hydric. Details of this boring displayed in Table 5.

Boring 5, located within a flat geomorphic position outside Lake Pam could accurately be
identified as a hydric soil in the field. This boring displayed a high water table at 55cm and
ponding water at the surface, for hydric indicators. This soil profile was lighter in color than
Boring 4, displaying low chromas in the upper horizons, and higher chromas in the lower, similar
to Boring 2 but with higher values overall. The abundance of soil organic matter in the upper,
and redox features and concentrations after the eluviation zone help us identify this hydric soil.
This soil is identified with the S7 indicator for dark surfaces and S11 for high chroma sandy
soils. This soil is made of fluviomarine deposits as a parent material. Hydrophytic vegetation
noted at this site includes blackjack oak, pitch pines, american holly, wintergreen and teaberries,
black gum, and lowbush blueberry. Details of this boring displayed in Table 6.

Boring 6 was a much less clayey, organic matter rich soil than that of Boring 5 and has a
much lighter matrix compared to Boring 4, but is similar to that profile in texture and muckyness
and could also be considered a hydric soil after field testing. This soil is identified with an S7
indicator for dark surfaces. Hydrophytic vegetation consisting of scarlet oak, white oak, black
gum, pitch pine, sassafras, american holly, highbush blueberry, mountain laurel, and teaberries
also surround this delineation point. This soil profile was more of a gravelly, sandy loam soil and
highly depleted in the lower two horizons, and shows signs of wetland hydrology in that the soil
was completely saturated and almost lacking complete structure, and texture by feel methods can
help determine muckiness.

Because it was possible for each auger boring location within the wetland delineation
buffer to be accurately identified as hydric based on indicators in the field, there is a good case to
put together in delineating our specific region of campus as a wetland. There are no problem
soils in this area and hydrology and hydrophytic vegetation, as well as now confirmed hydric
soils, meet all criteria put forth by the COE to be considered a wetland. To relate these results
back to our original intentions and hypotheses, regarding whether our soils would in fact be
hydric, maybe due to their proximity to Lake Pam, it was confirmed that these soils were
definitely within the buffer zone where perched water tables, prolonged saturation, anaerobic soil
conditions and hydrophytic vegetation would be dominating.
Delineation of Wetland Soil in Atlantic County 27


When planning to create new architecture or infrastructure, or to clear cut or build on

untouched lands, it is important for the EPA and the Corps to identify and delineate areas for
protection. This is possible with the use of the 1987 Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation
Manual and Regional Supplements to define wetlands for the Clean Water Act Section 404
permit program.

Wetlands can be home to a bounty of ecologically important hydrophytic vegetation as

well as keystone bird, amphibian, and fish species, among many others that live within these
areas. Wetland delineations make it possible to continue protecting threatened and endangered
wetland species such as the helonias bullata, a rare, flowering perennial herb native to the
eastern United States, and currently the only known species in the genus Helonias.

Wetland habitats in the New Jersey Pine Barrens share a variety of obligate hydrophytic
vegetation that lay among pine and hardwood-dominant communities. Variation in wetland plant
community populations have been frequently explained to depend greatly on soil quality and
wetland hydrology in areas such as the Pine Barrens, as many rare and endangered or threatened
species are very vulnerable to drastically changed conditions of hydrology or in the soil’s pH,
and therefore must be protected (Ehrenfeld, 1986). Additionally, different levels of soil moisture
can impact the wetland gradient and nitrification rates. Management of water sources in wetlands
is important because it also impacts the health of the soil, particularly pH values and the overall
nitrification rates of a wetland area. Nitrogen cycling is important to a wetland ecosystem
because it affects the redox potential of the soil (Shen & Ehrenfeld, 2009).

The policy recommendation for this delineation site is to confirm a wetland be delineated,
and requires a water management plan to be in place, especially considering the known
hydrologic values and functions of a wetland, such as flood and stormwater control. Present
development activities in the Pinelands include filling and dredging, draining, water level control
structures, vegetation removal, impervious surfaces, water pollution inputs, and groundwater
withdrawal. The Comprehensive Management Plan was put in place to protect the Pinelands’
wetlands and its ecosystems, from the negative inputs and outputs caused by human activity and
development in the Pinelands (Zampella & Roman, 1983). Proper management will keep these
wetlands healthy for generations to come.
Delineation of Wetland Soil in Atlantic County 28


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