Comapre and Contrast Essay

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Juanita Gómez

Compare and contrast essay



Perfect and imperfect, the two opposites of how humans observe each thing that surrounds
them and of which they are part of, like life, the world itself, and society. Until 1516 where
a new way of comparing and describing things was born, the Utopia and Dystopia, these
two concepts were elaborated by Sir Thomas More when he was creating the way of how a
perfect world and society will look like, Utopia was defined as an imagined community or
society that possesses highly desirable or nearly perfect qualities for its citizens.
Meanwhile, a Dystopia was defined as a community or society that is undesirable or
frightening. Then, with the pass of time, these two opposites were used to compare every
single aspect of a human being, religion, social life, and human behavior. Where heaven
was the utopian dream hell was the dystopian vision of religion; bringing the comparison to
a more well-known territory, if the ideal in a teenage life would be to have friends and
serenity, then the dystopic vision would be to be alone and be controlled by anxiety; the
same with politics, where totalitarianism is the dystopian world, democracy and justice is
the utopian dream. As the comparisons became close and not so far from our world, the
utopian and dystopian began to be seen as a way of knowing if our reality was like that,
perfect or imperfect, losing that fine line between imagination and reality, that led to the
questioning of our reality as a society. This questioning can be also found and exemplified
in books, movies, and even plastic arts, where exemplification and comparison are the clues
to know what does the dystopic and utopic represent in our reality.

The Earth it`s an aspect where both opposites utopic and dystopic are constantly compared,
a book where more than one comparisons of what dose utopic and dystopic represent is
"The Final Six" by Alexandra Monir. The science fiction novel tells the story of how six
teenagers are the only hope to keep the human race alive after earth it's not an option
anymore, but saving the world will not be his only concern, throughout the development of
the story new friendships will emerge and some dirty secrets will come to light. From this
point of view, a utopic world will be the one in which the human race has the opportunity
of a new start, to do things right, and where everything it´s environmentally perfect. On the
other hand, we will have our dystopic world, which will be about to destroy and reach his
end, dragging everyone with him, besides being the supposed cause of people's pain. In the
environment of "The Final Six" Earth's planet will represent the dystopian vision,
meanwhile, Europa planet will be the utopia. At the moment of comparing Earth will be the
past and Europa the future; Earth the cause and Europa the effect. Although they are
opposites they have one similarity, both are human homes. Besides the last examples, it is
possible to analyze utopic and dystopic as a consequence of each other, as if both were
reality but in different times. Along with this, the fact that Europe is considered a perfect
planet is simply because the truth of the planet is well hidden, consequently explaining that
if something becomes utopian it is because we do not know the truth at all and that keeps us
at a certain point. save you, while the harsh truth is considered dystopian, like the Earth in
the novel.

Along with the concept of Earth and true, human behavior can also be compared by utopic
and dystopia, as well as being related to "The Final Six". At the beginning of the science
fiction novel, it is possible to identify that the protagonist Naomi has a moral dilemma, in
which family and love will be faced with duty and morality. The desire of not being alone
and to be able to be accompanied will represent the happy ever after, utopian ending. While
on the other hand, the duty to save the world and fall, or that everyone expects, is the
dystopian end. Now, if Naomi would have left the program, she would have the guarantee
of being able to spend the last moments and dedicate herself to her relationship with Leo
and get to know him more. Whereas if she decided to continue with the Europa mission,
she will be remembered as one of the final six who saved human destiny and prevent others
from the existence of life on the planet, despite the ISTC organization. Inline matter, the
different traits of each of the characters allow us to establish the same comparison of ideal
and non-ideal, just as Beckett and Leo. A utopic human behavior is represented in a person
who puts others first, believes in a greater cause, does not seek to end the peace, is willing
to help and improve whenever he can. While, dystopic human behavior was ruled by traits
like selfishness, dishonesty, egomaniac, someone who doesn't think about the common
good and wants total control of situations, despite it´s not the right thing. Therefore, Leo
will represent the ideal behavior, meanwhile, Beckett the non-ideal, because in the book the
two characters are constantly compared since they have the same purpose.

Hence, it is possible to establish a more correlated comparison to the topics addressed in the
Final Six than those that were said before. The concept of society within the book is the
perfect example, it is found that the utopian society is represented by the group of the final
six, while the dystopian is related by those of the ISTC or when Beckett tried to sabotage
Leo. Although the novel is a good example, sometimes to get to understand it will improve
a ration such as Utopian V. S. Dystopic it is better to analyze it in known territories, like
teenage minds. The utopic dream would be mental stability, therefore dystopic would be
anxiety and all of those obsessive thoughts, by this situation is possible to see that both
opposites are part of our reality just that each one represents a different part of a human
being and that utopic and dystopic are versions of our actual lives, one improved while the
other shows the worst version of the human race.

After observing different perspectives of a Utopic V.S Dystopic, like society, world, and
human behavior, it was possible to understand that a utopic world isn't perfect, it just that
the truth it's well hidden; that sometimes our perspective of utopic isn't for everybody ells,
such as Naomi; and that utopic and dystopic are the extremes of our current community, an
aspect that finally leads us to answer what represents the perfect and the imperfect in
society, by interpreting utopic as what a community should be and dystopic as the extreme
of what we should never be. But even more important, it also shows us that there is a fine
line between the utopian and dystopian world, in which it is easy to get lost between two
extremes, making us wonder in the end if we are not perfect and imperfect, what are we?

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