A Study On The Use of Rice Bran Oil and Vegetable Oils As Renewable Sources of Energy and Alternative Fuel For Lighting Purposes.

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Md ManrunurRashid
( JamunaFertilizerCo. Ltd., Tarakandi,Jamalpur-2055.)
Md HumayunKabir
(Dept of Mech. Engg.BlT, Rajshahi-6204.)
Md NurulIslam
(Dept of Mech Engg BIT, Rajshahi-6204..)


Bangladeshproducesa huge amount of rice every year. From this, a significant amount of wastes are
generated.Rice bran is one of them. On the other hand oil seeds such as coconut, soyabean,pulm and
mustardare availablein our country. The propertiesof rice bran oil and vegetableoils i.e., mustard oil.
soyabeanoil, coconutoil and pulm oil are found out experimentallyand the result obtainedare discussed.
The feasibility of rice bran oil and vegetableoils as renewablesourcesof energy and alternativefuel for
lighting purposesis discussedand are also comparedwith traditionalfuels.


In Bangladeshfuel is neededin plenty to sustainour industrial growth, agriculturalproductibn and for

domesticpurposes.Existing sourcesof fuel such as coal, oil and water may not be sufficient to meet the
increasingenergydemands.This requirementthat engineershouldunder take researchwork, which would
help in explainingthe possibilitiesof energyfrom severalrenewablesourceof energy. Natural gas may be
the main sourceof energy for different purposessuch as cooking, lighting and power generationetc for
next 40-50 years. So, Bangladeshdependon the crude mineral oils of Middle East countries.But these
liquid fuels are non-renewablesourcesof energy.Crude oil is costly, as a result the country have to face a
big amountof import bill for crude oil. On the other side, a major portion of rice crop is rejectedas wast€
product. These wastes are one of world's largest sourcesof energy. Vegetableoils are extracted from
various seedsof energy.

Table l:The estimationof rice is basedon the followi wastesco-efficient

6% oftotal rice b

In this case,rice bran oil and vegetableoils provide a new dimensionin the alternativefuel technologyas
renewablesourcesof energy. Using of rice bran oil and vegetableoils as fuel, lighting and cooking
purposesmay be given a greaterattention.

a b l e2 : l 0 v e a r . s ot.rrce.rrcehuskand r ;e bran in Ba
Year Ricein 000' tons Ricehuskin 000'tons Ricebranin 000' tons
981 3.622 2732 820
982 3.415 2683 805
983 3.916 2783 835
984 4.276 2856 857
985 4 391 2878 863
986 4.802 2960 888
987 4.966 2993 896
988 5.06r 3012 906
989 5.298 3060 918
990 17.857 3571 1.072


Ricebranis primarilyusedasfodderanddomesticfuel for cookingandparboilingpaddy It is considered

asa very tastyandnutritiousfoodfor cattle,fishesandpoultry.

Table3: Useof Ricebranr

Containing Rice bran For cattle Usedas Used Would be Oil can be Moisture
capacityof produced feed solidfuel produce usedto produce assolid
rice bran rice bran produce from rice fuel
oil oil bran
10 Yoto 25 lakh 7 lakh ton 13lakh 5 lakh ton l3 lakh 1 lakh25 52%
t5% ton ton ton thousand

It is also used for the production of rice bran oil. This rice bran oil is used for soap manufacturingin
Bangladesh.For this reason, we visited the Lever Brothers Bangladesh(LTD), Chittagong and the
following dataare collectedin September1993.
a) Demandof rice bran oiVyear ------ about 700 to 800 tons.
b) Maximum demandof rice bran oil/year-------- I 000 tons.
c) Priceiton ------------Tk.28,0004(Factorygate).
d) It is usedfor only laundry soap
e) For manufacturinglaundry soap,rice bran oil is used insteadofcostly coconut oil and saving a lot of
money i.e. productioncost becomeslow.

Table 4:From the chemicalanalvsisof rice bran it is observedthat branconsistsof the constituentsas

Constituents Ranee7o
Moisture 8to12
oil 8 to l8
Ash 14to 24
Crude oil 1 4t o 2 8
Protein t2 to l 6
Sand/Silica 0 . 5t o 6

For the study, some locally availablerice bran oil and vegetableoils are being used speciallyfor lighting
purpose, The following oils are being speciallyfor lighting purposeare taken in to considerationrice bran

oil, coconut oil, mustard oil, pulm oil and soyabeanoil The researchwork consistsof the following
aspects.a) Technological aspect; b) Economic aspect. At the very beginning of the study, some
experimentsmay be carriedout using vegetableoils and rice bran oil for lighting in a lanternindividually.
From this experimentalresults attempt may be taken to find out the reasonsof experimentalfindings,
especiallythe fuel propertiesof the oils may be analyzedsuchas smokepoint, pour point, cloud point, flash
point and fire point etc. Attemptsmay be taken to mix the oils those don't give light satisfactorily In the
economicside,attemptsmay be taken to use vegetableoils and rice bran oil, as alternativesof keroseneoil
are they economical? If they are not, attemptsmay be also taken to find out the reasons.The costsof the
oils may be comparedwith the keroseneoil or traditionalfuels.
fuce bran is generallycollectedfrom automaticrice mills and generalhusking mills. The quantity of bran
collectedfrom the automaticrice mills is betterand free from rice husk. Thereare three classesof rice bran
5 Threeclassesof the Rice Bran
Class A Bran Collectedfrom the automaticrice mills.
ClassC Bran Collectedfromtheseneralhuskinericemillscontaininsricehuskwith bran
Class B Bran Collectedfrom the class C bran wherethe rice husk is removedfrom the bran

At Pulhat,Dinajpur,Rupon oil and FeedsLinrited is producingrice bran oil The following flow chart of
Rice bran oil (manufacturing)is collectedby personalcommunication.

Flow chart l:Rice bran oil extractionf'low chart






The fbllowing experimentalanalysishave beenperformedto determinefuel properties:

Cloud and Pour point determination: The cloud point of an oil temperatureat which a hage or cloud
first appearsin the oil when it is cooled.The temperaturebelow at whic,han oil will not flow or solidified
or ceasesto flow in pour point. It indicatesthe temperaturebelow which the oil lossesits fluidity and will
out flow or circulatein a fuel system. The temperature,expressedas a multiple of 2T ( l'C), at which a
cloud or hageor wax crystal appearsat the bottom of the test jar when the oil is cooled under prescribed
conditions When such inspectionis hold, in the first cereal,a distinct cloudinessor hage in the oil at the
bottom of the testjar is observed.At that time the recordof the readingof the test thermometeras the cloud
point. The lowest temperature,expressedas a multiple of 5'F (3'C), at which the oil is observedto flow

when cooled and examinedunder prescribedconditionsfor pour point. The cloud point and pour point of
Rice bran oil and Vegetable oils, as obtained from the experiment are presentedand compared with
traditionalfuel in table 8.
Flash and Fire Point determination: The temperatureto which an oil must be heated,in order to give of
sufficient vaporsto form combustiblemixture with air is termedthe flash point The fire point is defined as
the minimum temperatureat which an oil to continueburn after inflammable vapors with air mixture is
ignited. This method of test covers the determinationof the flash point of all mobile liquids flashing
below175'F(79'C), exceptproductsclassifiedas gradeNo.4 or heavierfuel oil. The sampleis placedin the
cup of the tag closedtester and, with the lid closed,be heatedat a slow constantrate. A small flame of
specifiedsize is directedinto the cup at regularintervals.The flash point is taken as the lowest temperature
at which applicationof the test flame came the vapor abovethe sampleto ignite. The next stageof flash
point is fire point. The flash and fire point of vegetableoils and Rice bran oil as obtained from the
experiment are presentedand comparedwith traditional fuel in table 8.
Smoke point Determination: Smoke point is the maximum flame height that can be achievedwithout
smoking The sampleof Vegetableoils & fuce bran oil is burned in an enclosedsmoke lamp with scale.
The maximum flame heightthat can achievedwithout smoking is estimated.The Smokepoint of vegetable
oils and Rice bran oil as obtainedfrom the experimentare presentedand comparedwith traditional fuel in

Illumination of light intensityDetermination: Illumination of light intensity of lantern,which is used in

different compositionof rice bran oil and vegetableoils by determinationof Luxmeter. The Luxmeter is a
portable electronic photometer for the measurementof a wide range of illumination levels, which is
presentedand compared various types of renewable oils with the mixture of keroseneand different
proportionof thoseoils in table 9.

Threediflerent size lanternsare usedfor experimentto determinethe illumination of light intensityi.e. of

different fuel capacity,lengthand sectionany enclosureas usuallyusedin the rural areasof Bangladesh.
The fuel capacity,lengthand sectionarea( cross-sectional)presentedin table 6.

able6. Thefue and sectronarea( cross-sectronal)

ot' drllerent lanter
Typeof Sizeof lantern Fuel capacityin ml Tank Crosssection
lantern(Dependon length(height)in (2IIR) in
heieht) cm cm
Large Top to Bottom JJI 6 38
leneth31 cm
Medium Top to Bottom 450 8 39
lensth 29 cm
Small Top to Bottom 325 35
lensth26 cm


All propertiesof the rice bran and vegetableoils have been found out in this study.Higher calorific value,
density,specificgravity and viscosity have been found out in the laboratoryof MechanicalEngineering
Department, BIT, Rajshahi'.

Table 7.Fuelpropertiesare obtainedfrom experimentand comparisonswith traditionalfuels are given
below in table'
.Fuel Higher calorific Density Specificgravity KinematicsViscosity Tempin 'C
Value CaVem) sn/cm3 mm'/sce
Rice bran oil 8929.3 0.924 0.953 40.88
Mustardoil 9 4 1 91 1 0.905 0.9095 55
Coconutoil 9307.45 0.909 0 . 9r 3 6 32
Soyabeanoil 9092.32 0.926 0.930 45 20
Fulm oil 9038.00 0 9051 0.9097 43 20
Kerosene 10804.75 0 755 o 728 2.55 20
Petrol 9683.44 0.664 0.684 0.6 20
Diesel 10318.00 0 803 0.828 4.30 20

The other propertiessuchas pour point, cloud point, flash point, fire point, smokepoint and burning rate of
rice bran oil and vegetableoils have been determinedthe laboratoryof ChemicalEngineeringDepartment
of BUET, Dhaka. Apart from viscosity all other properties have been found to be within the comparable
rangewith those of the traditionalfuels. Afterwardsthe oil is tried for lighting purposesto seeif it can be
usedas fuel for thesepurposesas an alternativeoption?

Table 8: The Flashpoint, Fire point, Cloud point, Pour point and Smokepoint of Rice bran oil and
Veeetableorlsas obtarnedliom ex ment and ison with traditionalfuels.
Name of the Room Smokepoint in mm Flash Firepointin Cloud point Pour point in
fuel t e m pi n ' C ( Max-. flame pointl n 'c in'C
height ) .C
Rice bran oil 2 7 14.4 52.5 I10.5 0
Mastaredoil 2 7 19.5 785 165.5 0 1

Pulm oil 27 l 3 .s ll0 140 2 -10

Sovabeanoil 27 21.5 225 239.5 6 -l I
Coconutoil 27 18.5 120 140 9 t1

Petrol z7 21.5 5 l5 a

Kerosene 27 205 l0 20 -25 It

Diesel 27 50 l 60.I t 13

Bangladeshgeneratesabout 25 million tons of rice bran every year of which 5,00,000tons can be usedto
produce 50,000tons rice bran oil. On the other hand vegetableoil seedssuch as coconut, soyabean,pulm
and mustardare availablein our country. If we are able to collect the rice bran completely,we shall be
benefited,We have seenthat the rice bran oil and vegetableoils have closed calorific value in compared
with traditionalfuel. We see that, densityand specificgravity of rice bran oil and vegetableoils are found
to be slightly greaterthan thosepetrol, dieseland kerosene.The viscosityofrice bran oil and vegetableoils
are found to be very much higher than that of the conventional fuel, rendering more resistanceto fuel flow.
This may some sort of problem when used in lantern and again an attempt may be taken to decreasethis
viscosityby blendingconventionalfuel keroseneand sametime decreasethe density.When we blend 80%
kerosenewith rice bran and vegetableoils to get satisfactoryillumination time, burning rate continuous.So
we can save2QYokeroseneof rural lighting purpose.The cost ratio of rice bran oil and vegetableoils with
traditionalfuel is 1.7 to 6 as in local market of Rajshahiin 1993; it is costly becauseof its higher selling
price. The sellingprice hasto be reducedto someextent.

Table 9:Experimentaldataof illumination of light intensityof lantern,which is usedin different
lIl nce bran oll ancl ableorls bv cletermlnatlon ot Luxmeter
Name of the oil Temp.in'C ntensrty Factor Intensity
n Lux in
lm/m2) Lumen/ft2
Rice bran oil l00olo Room temD 80 0 0s1 674
55'Cto 40'C 90 0.093 t.oI
Sovabeanoil 100% Room temp IJ 0.093 627
Pulm oil 100% Room temD 75 0.093 6.27
Coconutoil 100% Room temo 80 0.093 6.27
Mustard oil 100% Room temD 50 0 093 395
Kerosene: Rice branoil ( 1:l Room temp 200 0.093 8.6
Kerosene: Mustardoil ( 9:l Room temp 205 0 093 9.06
Kerosene. Rice bran oil ( 9:1 Room temo L tv 0.093 9.53
: Pulmoil { 9.1
Kerosene Room temD 205 0.093 9.06
Kerosene: Soyabeanoil ( 9.1 Room temo 200 0.093 8.6
Soyabean oil : Rice branoil ( l:l) Room temp 170 0.093 5.81
95 to 40 175 0.093 6.27
Kerosene: Rice branoil ( l:5.67) Room temp 2t2 0 093 9 . 7|
Kerosene:Mustardoil ( 1:5.67) Room temp 2M 0.093 9 .1 5
Kerosene:Coconut oil ( l:5.67) Room temp 2tl 0.093 9.62
Kerosene: Sovabean oil ( l:5.67) Room temo )o) 0.093 8.78
: Pulm oil ( l:5.67)
Kerosene Room temo 206 0.093 9.l5
Rice bran oil : Soyabeanoil Room temp t70 0.093 5.81
( l:5.67)
100to 40 175 0 093 t6.27
Rice bran : Coconut oil Room temp 168 0.093 15.62
( 1: )
82to 40 t70 0.093 15.81
Kerosene:Coconutoil ( 9:l Room temp 210 0.093 r9.53

This cost reductionof rice bran oil and vegetableoils can be accomplishedby reducing or withdrawing
governmentaltaxes. And the governmentshould motivate the use of those oils as locally available new
renewablesourcesas energy. At the sametime more automatic rice mills should be setup in the country and
more vegetableoil seedsare cultivatedand producedby our farmersto introduceincentiveplan. It is very
much important to consider the aspect of social acceptanceof rice bran oil and vegetableoils as an
alternativefuel for lighting purpose;necessarymotivation strategieshave to be taken. The kinematics
viscosity of rice bran oil, mustard oil, soyabeanoil. coconut oil and pulm oil are found to be 40.88
mm'/sec, 55 mm2lsec,45 mm2/sec,32 mm2/secand 43 mm'/sec at20'C which is 16 to 68 times greater
than petrol, diesel and kerosenerespectively.Rice bran oil, Soyabeanoil, Pulm oil, Coconut oil and
Mustard oil are found intensity of light 180 lux, 175 lux, 175 lux. 180 lux and 150 lux, respectivelyfor
1007oof aboveoil comparisonwith keroseneoil 100% i.e 170 lux. But 100% Rice bran oil and Vegetable
oils are found illumination time is very short. When we are blendedkerosenewith Rice bran or vegetable
oils as a l:5 Proportion,then we get satisfactoryresult. So we can say20%okerosenecan be savedeasily.
Thus rice bran oil and vegetableoils are consideredas an effective alternative fuel for lighting purposes.

Table 10: Data on the studyand comparisonamongRice Bran oil, Vegetableoils and Kerosenefor lighting

Name & Qty of oil in Illu Temp. Colour Soot Flame Fuel Bum- Smoke Inten-
ml mina i n ' C sizein Cons ing sity
tion cm umti qual- of
time on in itv light
in ml/
Min min
Rice bran oil 100o/o, -) 95 to 40 Small 2.45X 0.43 Bad Less Good
200 ml vellow 1.5
Rice bran oil 100%, 20 Normal Bright Nil 2 . 5X 05 Fair Small Medi
200 ml vellow 15 um
Kerosene: Rice bran l0s Normal yellow Small 3 X 1 . 5 009 Medi small Impro
( 1 : 1 ) 2 0 0m l 5 um ved
Kerosene180ml + 1755 Normal Bright Small 2Xt5 0 . 1I Good Less Best
Mustardoil20 ml vellow
Kerosene180 ml /)u Normal Bright Nil 25X2 0.26 Excel Less Good
+Ricebranoil20 ml vellow 6 lent
Kerosene180 ml 210 Normal Bright Small 3 X 2 08 Good Less Best
+ P u l mo i l 2 0 m l vellow
Kerosene180 ml + 277 Normal Bright Small 2 . 5X 2 0.18 very Less Fair
Sovabeanoil 20 ml vellow
Kerosene 240 Normal Bright Small 2 X 3 083 Best Less Best
oil 20 ml vellow
Rice bran oil 75 m + 6 95to 45 Small 2 X 081 Poor Less Good
Sovabeanoil 75 m vellow t.2s
Ricebranoil 20 ml + 6 Normal Small 2 . 5 X 0.83 Bad Less Good
Soyabeanoil 100ml vellow 1.25
Rice bran oil 20 ml + tn 100to Small 2 . 7 5X l.) Fair Less Good
t ar
Sovabeanoil 100 ml 40 vellow t -L I

Ricebranoil 25 m + l0 Normal Bright Small 3Xl5 UJ Medi Less Good

Coconutoil 100m yellow um
Rice bran oil 20 m + l5 82to 40 Bright Small 3 . 2 5X 066 Medi Less Good
Coconutoil 100 m vellow l.) um
Kerosene170ml + t260 Room Bright Small 2 . 5X 2 0 .l 3 Excel Less Good
Ricebran30 ml tem. yellow 5 lent
Kerosene170 ml + 725 Room Bright Small 3X2 0.13 Good Less Good
Mustardoil30 ml tem. yellow 8
Kerosene170ml + 915 Normal Bright Small 3x2 028 Excel Less Good
Coconutoil 30 ml vellow I lent
Kerosene170 ml + 1275 Normal Bright Small 25X2 0 . 1 2 Good Less Good
Soyabeanoil 30 ml vellow 2
Kerosene170ml + 975 Normal Bright Small 3X2 0 .l 4 Excel Less Good
Pulmoil30 ml vellow J lent



Rice bran oil and vegetableoils are a renewablesource of energy. So the study of rice bran oil and
vegetableoils may be given higher priority as an alternativefuel for lighting purposes. For this reasonthe
following points shouldbe remarkable.-
i)lmportance should be given in the production cost and its salesprice, so that production cost will be
minimum. For the production of rice bran oil and vegetableoil seeds,governmentincentives shall be
ii) Attention should be given to collect the availability of Vegetableoil seedsin Bangladeshby producing
vegetableoil necessaryfor lighting purpose.
iii) fuce bran oil and vegetableoils shouldbe given importanceto useas an alternativeenginefuel.





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