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Fastest Fixed Internet Award

Chile Q1-Q2 2020 CHILE’S

Movistar is Chile’s Speedtest Awards™ Winner for fixed
network speed. To win this award, Movistar achieved a Speed
Score™ of 73.37 with top speeds of 324.27 Mbps for download NETWORK
and 257.98 Mbps for upload.

Speed Score Chile’s Tests by City

Ookla® compared user-initiated tests that are taken on various Speedtest
applications connected to a fixed network, including tests taken on mobile

73.37 phones over a Wi-Fi connection. All major provider results from the award
period in Chile are represented in the map.

Carrier Test

Movistar 1,517,302 73.37

VTR 3,120,891 71.90

GTD Internet 509,069 67.56

MundoPacifico 861,312 65.94

Telefonica del Sur 337,687 47.46

Speed Score incorporates a

measure of each provider’s
download and upload speed to
rank network speed performance.
See next page for more detail.

Market Statistics

Test Count Top Download Speed: Top Upload Speed: Average Latency:

8,326,354 233.13 Mbps 104.66 Mbps 25 ms

Unique Devices Mbps Mbps ms

Movistar 357,962 Movistar 324.27 Movistar 257.98 Movistar 24

VTR 638,857 VTR 242.81 VTR 11.60 VTR 23

GTD Internet 89,396 GTD Internet 206.98 GTD Internet 106.14 GTD Internet 11

MundoPacifico 153,260 MundoPacifico 239.23 MundoPacifico 222.20 MundoPacifico 18

Telefonica del Sur 87,870 Telefonica del Sur 159.79 Telefonica del Sur 87.58 Telefonica del Sur 30
Fastest Fixed Internet Award Chile Q1-Q2 2020

How Speed Score Works

When analyzing fastest operators, Ookla solely considers top carriers (all carriers with 3% or more of total
test samples in the market for the period). We then determine the fastest carrier using Speed Score which
incorporates a measure of each provider’s download and upload speed to rank network speed performance
(90% of the final Speed Score is attributed to download speed and the remaining 10% to upload speed). The
Speed Score uses a modified trimean to demonstrate the download and upload speeds that are available
across a provider’s network. We take speeds from the 10th percentile, 50th percentile (also known as the
median), and 90th percentile, and combine them in a weighted average using a 1:8:1 ratio, respectively. We
place the most emphasis on the download speeds and median speeds as those represent what most network
providers’ customers will experience on a day-to-day basis.

Download 90th 50th 10th Upload 90th 50th 10th

Carrier Name Trimean Percentile Percentile Percentile Trimean Percentile Percentile Percentile

Movistar 74.65 324.27 52.21 4.54 61.86 257.98 45.01 0.47

VTR 78.96 242.81 66.72 12.96 8.35 11.60 8.63 2.91

GTD Internet 70.10 206.98 60.56 9.51 44.72 106.14 41.77 6.90

MundoPacifico 65.97 239.23 51.22 10.70 65.63 222.20 53.80 3.66

Telefonica del Sur 48.77 159.79 40.23 6.02 35.72 87.58 33.29 3.30

City Network Speeds

City Carrier Mbps Mbps

Santiago Movistar 138.49 106.67

VTR 120.31 8.78

MundoPacifico 120.83 115.46

GTD Internet 76.82 54.60

Concepción Movistar 125.87 103.71

VTR 76.07 7.92

MundoPacifico 93.96 87.02

Telefonica del Sur 75.00 51.53

0 30 60 90 120 150

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