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Grade 5 - Arts

(Date Covered: October 25; November 3 and 5, 2021)

By the end of this lesson, the students should be able to:
 Distinguish straight and curved lines
 Identify straights and curved lines in drawing natural and architectural wonders in the
 Apply straight and curved lines in sketching a landscape

Topics: Lesson 5: Using Lines for Landscape Sketching
Reference: Living with Music, Arts, Physical Education, and Health 5
Materials: Desktop, Webcam, Headphones, Slide Presentation, Pencil and Paper

Please indicate if Motivation or Checking of prior Understanding or Review (visual spatial, verbal
 The teacher will present a pictures of a beautiful landscape and ask the students about
their opinions and ideas on the picture
 Some students might provide a historical background about the picture
 The teacher will relate and introduce the lesson on landscape sketching
Day 1
Discussion: (visual spatial, verbal linguistic)
 Emphasize the role of line in sketching
o Line is an extension or a prolongation of a point.
 Identify and practice the different kinds of straight lines, lines that are not bent
o Vertical lines
o Horizontal lines
o Diagonal lines
 Identify and practice the different kinds of straight lines, lines that are not bent
o Concave lines
o Convex lines
o Wavy lines
o Curly lines
 Define what is sketching
o Sketching is freehand or informal drawing
o It is usually a way of translating what you see into a drawing.
Day 2 Engage/Explore:
 Review the previous discussion yesterday on lines & sketching

Discussion: (visual spatial, verbal linguistic)
 Describe what is landscape sketching
o This is often done on a sheet of rectangular paper or canvas with the long sides
of the rectangle positioned horizontally
 Remember some tips before begging to sketch:
o Look at the main objects you need to portray in your drawing
o Decide what lines you will be using in order to create the form.
o Apart from pencil, you may use other media to sketch, it can be a ballpoint,
marker, charcoal or paint.
 Sketching is a way to record an idea one visualizes with the intention of developing this
later. There are moments when artists or other observers such as scientists suddenly come
up with a great idea. To remember them, they draw their observations.
 Art-appreciation, Expression of oneself
 What landscape view can one sketch?

 Line is an extension or prolongation of a point
 Sketching is freehand or informal drawing
 Sketching can be a finished work or a guide in preparation for another kind of artwork
What is the importance of this lesson?
Is there a value that can be integrated ?

Day 2 (visual spatial, verbal linguistic)
 Draw your viewpoint using only lines, both straight and curved lines
 Do this on a bond paper
 You may add color and designs to your drawing
 Submit on Google Classroom – Nov. 3
Day 3 (visual spatial, verbal linguistic)
 Draw a landscape sketching from your selected picture gathered online
 Make sure to apply your knowledge of lines and the concept of space (foreground,
middle ground, and background)
 Submit on Google Classroom – Nov. 5

 No Assigment

Prepared by:

Mr. Peter John D. Lockwood


Always include Application of your lesson and Values that can be integrated from your lesson under Extend &

Checked By:
Dina M. Tuquero – Oct. 24, 2021

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