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Bacterial contaminants and their effects on alcohol production 317

Chapter 21

Bacterial contaminants and their effects on alcohol


C. Connolly
Alltech Inc., Nicholasville, KY, USA

Introduction to remain in tanks, pipelines and heat exchangers.

Clean-in-place (CIP) systems using hot caustic
Bacterial contamination of alcohol production detergents followed by treatment of vessels and
systems usually brings about formation of pipelines with sanitizing agents are popular and
compounds such as organic acids that inhibit widely used means of maintaining a clean and
yeast function and/or metabolites that impart efficient plant. Such programs remove bacterial
undesirable properties to the finished product. breeding grounds and reduce or eliminate the
The “prevention is better than cure” approach is existing population of contaminants. Methods
critical; and emphasis must be placed on that measure the effectiveness of cleaning
maintaining conditions that minimize procedures have been described (Hammond,
contamination. For this to be effective, it is 1996). Pitching yeast, especially wet or caked
necessary to recognize potential sources of yeast stored for extended periods or at
contamination, know the most commonly temperatures above refrigeration, can act as a
encountered contaminants and understand the source of contamination. The addition of
types of problems that result. Armed with this recycled thin stillage (backset), a common
information, suitable measures may be put in practice in fuel alcohol plant fermentations, can
place to minimize the likelihood of serious re-introduce viable bacteria. If the backset is
losses. returned prior to the jet cooker, contamination
is less likely. The high temperatures employed
during the cooking stage essentially sterilize the
Sources of contamination mash; but care must be taken to ensure that
contamination is not re-introduced.
Bacterial contamination can arise from various Saccharification tanks and continuous yeast
points in an alcohol production process. Raw propagation systems can act as reservoirs for
materials can act as a constant supply of bacteria because the conditions are very well
contamination without regular and effective suited for microbial growth. If bacteria find their
methods of control. Inefficient cleaning way into these systems and are not quickly
procedures allow residues that harbor bacteria eliminated, a constant inoculum of actively
318 C. Connolly

growing bacteria will be added to the fermenter and after exposure to a red counter stain appear
along with the yeast, causing damaging effects pink when viewed under a microscope.
during fermentation. Checks should be made at The Gram-positive lactic acid bacteria (LAB),
critical points to identify potential problems in because of their rapid growth rate and tolerance
the early stages and allow steps to prevent major to high temperatures and low pH conditions, are
losses. This is a particularly important concern the most troublesome group of bacterial
in continuous fermentation systems where the contaminants found in breweries, distilleries and
fermenters are linked in series. One fuel alcohol plants (Chin and Ingledew, 1994).
contaminated fermenter early in the process has This group of bacteria, particularly species of the
the potential to contaminate all the others. genera Lactobacillus and Pediococcus (mostly
in brewing), are present in virtually every alcohol
plant and can cause a variety of problems.
Commonly encountered bacterial Members of the genus Leuconostoc are
contaminants commonly found in rum production processes
(Murtagh, 1995) where molasses is used as the
Bacterial contaminants of alcohol production feedstock. In the manufacture of beverage
systems include both Gram-positive and Gram- alcohol, lactic acid bacteria can cause spoilage
negative species. This classification system is by producing off-flavors in the finished product.
based on response to a staining procedure Examples are acetoin and diacetyl (undesirable
developed by a Danish bacteriologist in 1884. above 0.15 ppm, Hough et al., 1982), which will
Cells that possess a thick layer of a net-like be discussed in more detail. The problems
structure called peptidoglycan on the exterior associated with bacterial contamination of fuel
retain a purple dye and are termed Gram-positive alcohol production processes are generally
(Figure 1). Bacteria with a thin layer of concerned with losses in ethanol yield.
peptidoglycan between the outer membrane and Narendranath et al. (1997) showed that the
the cell wall (gram-negative) are unable to retain presence of lactobacilli at levels of 106 CFU/ml
the dye during washing with ethanol/acetone, resulted in an approximate 2% reduction in
ethanol yield from normal gravity wheat mashes.

Figure 1. A schematic diagram of the outer structure of a bacterial cell.

Bacterial contaminants and their effects on alcohol production 319

Heavier inocula (10 9 CFU/ml) had a more Lactic acid bacteria

pronounced effect, with reductions of 3.8–7.6%
depending on the strain. Such reductions in This review will focus on the three genera most
ethanol yield and consequent revenue loss important in brewing and distilling, Lactobacillus,
cannot be tolerated on an industrial scale. The Leuconostoc and Pediococcus. Other contam-
negative effects were attributed to the diversion inants include species of Lactococcus, whose
of carbohydrates for bacterial growth, importance lies within the confines of dairy
competition with yeast for growth factors in the processes; and bifidobacteria, which along with
medium and the production of lactic acid. It was streptococci represent part of the normal
shown for the first time in this study that a direct microflora in the digestive tracts of humans and
relationship exists between the observed animals.
decrease in ethanol yield and the initial numbers Lactic acid bacteria are Gram-positive,
of viable bacteria in the mash. In an earlier anaerobic, microaerophilic or aerotolerant,
experiment, Makanjuola et al. (1992) reported a catalase negative rod or coccus-shaped cells that
17% loss in alcohol yield when lactic acid bacteria produce lactic acid as a major end product of
were present at 4.5 x 108 CFU/ml. They showed carbohydrate metabolism. They are acid tolerant
that acetic acid (a product of heterolactic organisms and have complex nutritional
fermentation) and lactic acid, when present at requirements (Kandler and Weiss, 1986). Simple
0.5-9.0 g/L and 10-40 g/L, respectively, inhibited tests exist to differentiate the genera. For
growth of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. It should example, lactobacilli are rod-shaped cells while
be mentioned that ethanol is not the sole pediococci and Leuconostoc are round. Micro-
product of the alcohol fermentation process; but scopic examination and study of fermentation
its yield and quality are usually most affected by profiles provide further differentiation. Complete
the presence of contaminants. Co-products (e.g., identification of individual contaminants can
distillers dried grains and carbon dioxide) are prove difficult since there are many similarities
discussed elsewhere. among the species of each genus, especially in
Bacterial cells are typically 10-20 times smaller the case of Lactobacillus.
than yeast cells and are easily distinguished
microscopically. Another important difference
between bacteria and yeast is the amount of time Metabolic pathways
needed for cellular reproduction. Brewing and
distilling yeast (S. cerevisiae) reproduce by The pathways for carbohydrate metabolism in
forming a bud on the surface of the cell that lactic acid bacteria are strictly fermentative and
eventually detaches, yielding a mother and a the group can be roughly divided into three
daughter cell. In contrast, bacteria reproduce classes: obligately homofermentative,
by binary fission, a process whereby the cell facultatively heterofermentative and obligately
extends longitudinally and a wall forms in the heterofermentative (Table 1).
middle before the two daughter cells separate. In obligately homofermentative species lactic
Under optimal conditions, some bacteria acid is the major end product of hexose (6-carbon
reproduce in as little as 12-30 minutes. Even sugar, e.g., glucose) metabolism, with two
when conditions during fermentation are molecules formed from each molecule of sugar
favorable, the same process can take up to 4 hrs consumed. The glycolytic (Embden-Meyerhof-
for yeast. For this reason it is very important to Parnas) pathway is used almost exclusively.
prevent bacterial contaminants from entering the Species of this class possess the enzyme aldolase
process, especially early in fermentation when but lack phosphoketolase, resulting in inability
yeast do not yet predominate and bacteria can to ferment pentoses (5-carbon sugars) and
proliferate without competition. gluconate.
320 C. Connolly

Table 1. The three classes of lactic acid bacteria. entative pathway is also found in some lactobacilli
and in species of the genus Leuconostoc. The
Type Examples main difference between the homofermentative
and heterofermentative pathways is the presence
Obligately L. delbrueckii,
of a phosphoketolase enzyme in the latter, which
homofermentative L. acidophilus,
P. damnosus
is capable of converting xylulose-5-phosphate
into glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate and the 2-
Facultatively L. plantarum, L. casei, carbon acetyl phosphate. As in homolactic
heterofermentative L. pentosus, L. sake fermentation, the triose phosphate moiety yields
Obligately L. brevis, L. buchneri, lactate via the formation of pyruvate. Depending
heterofermentative L. fermentum on the oxidizing potential of the environment,
the acetyl phosphate is converted into either
ethanol or acetic acid. Ethanol is only formed in
Facultatively heterofermentative species use the absence of a suitable hydrogen acceptor;
glycolysis almost exclusively to produce lactic and so the commonly observed end products
acid when hexoses are plentiful. These organisms formed by the heterolactic fermentation of
possess both aldolase and an inducible glucose under anaerobic conditions are
phosphoketolase, allowing fermentation of equimolar amounts of lactic acid, acetic acid and
pentoses and gluconate under certain conditions. carbon dioxide.
The phosphoketolase pathway is repressed in the Lactic acid bacteria possessing a functional
presence of glucose. phosphoketolase pathway are capable of
Obligately heterofermentative lactic acid fermenting pentose sugars and some of their
bacteria produce a mixture of end products alcohols. Figure 3 illustrates how these sugars
under normal conditions by using the are incorporated into the pathway by conversion
phosphogluconate or phosphoketolase pathway to xylulose-5-phosphate, which undergoes further
to ferment all sugars. The end products include breakdown (as outlined earlier). Obligately
lactic acid, acetic acid, ethanol and carbon homofermentative lactic acid bacteria are unable
dioxide along with smaller amounts of formic and to ferment such substrates due to the lack of a
succinic acids. These organisms, except for a phosphoketolase enzyme, and hence are unable
few strains (Kandler, 1983), can ferment pentoses to form intermediates for further metabolism.
and gluconate. Although employed to a lesser extent, some lactic
Most lactic acid bacteria, like yeast, are unable acid bacteria use pathways for the conversion of
to ferment polysaccharides. An exception is L. pyruvate into other products. An example is
amylophilus, which can degrade starch. Most diacetyl, which due to its characteristic butter-
are only able to metabolize smaller sugars such scotch flavor is a highly undesirable compound
as glucose, fructose, maltose and sucrose. Figure in finished products destined for human
2 outlines the main pathways through which consumption.
hexose sugars are catabolized and the various
end products generated. In homofermentative
species, the aldolase enzyme catalyzes Effects of lactic acid bacteria on yeast
breakdown of fructose 1,6-bisphosphate into two fermentations
molecules of a 3-carbon compound (glycer-
aldehyde) that is further degraded to produce Lactic acid bacteria affect fermentation mostly
pyruvic acid and eventually lactic acid. The yield through production and excretion of compounds
of lactic acid is stoichiometrically related (2:1) to inhibitory to yeast. Scavenging of essential
the amount of hexose consumed. This pathway nutrients is also a problem; but the accumulation
is common in Pediococcus, Streptococcus and of organic acids over time presents a more
some Lactobacillus species. The heteroferm- serious threat. Lactic and acetic acids are toxic
Bacterial contaminants and their effects on alcohol production 321

Figure 2. The main pathways of hexose fermentation in lactic acid bacteria (modified from Kandler, 1983).

Figure 3. Pentose and pentitol fermentation in lactic acid bacteria (modified from Kandler et al., 1983).
322 C. Connolly

to yeast at 1-4% (w/v) and 0.05-0.9% (w/v), be directly incorporated into proteins or
respectively (Makanjoula et al., 1992). Since it is catabolized for energy. In mashes where
the undissociated form of an organic acid that is available nitrogen is deficient, there can be strong
antimicrobial (Baird-Parker, 1980) and the pKa competition between bacteria and yeast since
of acetic acid is higher than that of lactic acid, both have absolute requirements for this essential
acetic acid is dissociated to a lesser extent in the nutrient. In many cases it is necessary to
fermentation mash and hence exhibits greater supplement the fermentation mash with
toxic effects. Acetic acid formed during assimilable nitrogen. The importance of nitrogen
heterolactic fermentation is not the sole cause in relieving stuck fermentations has been
of yeast inhibition (Huang et al., 1996); but extensively studied (Ingledew et al., 1986;
acetic acid and lactic acid act synergistically to Thomas and Ingledew, 1990; O’Connor-Cox et
inhibit yeast growth (Moon, 1983). Chin and al., 1991; O’Connor-Cox and Ingledew, 1991;
Ingledew (1994) showed that lactic acid Jones and Ingledew, 1994).
accumulation over five successive fermentations,
each prepared with 50% laboratory backset, did Oxygen
not affect the yeast’s ability to ferment sugars
even when the concentration of lactic acid Lactic acid bacteria are generally described as
reached 14 g/L. It did, however, cause up to a aerotolerant anaerobes. This means that they
60% loss in yeast viability; and it was noted that prefer oxygen-deficient environments
this would present serious problems in (microaerophilic). They can also survive and grow
continuous fermentation systems or if yeast were where oxygen is completely absent, although
to be harvested for re-use. S. cerevisiae (the yeast usually at a slower rate than under aerobic
normally used in alcohol production) also conditions. The enzymes catalase and
produces organic acids during the course of superoxide dismutase are usually absent. These
fermentation but in much smaller amounts and are used by aerobic bacteria to dispose of toxic
at sub-inhibitory concentrations. hydrogen peroxide and superoxide, respectively,
both of which form during respiratory processes.
However, L. plantarum and some species of
Nutritional requirements of lactic acid Pediococcus can synthesize a catalase enzyme
bacteria under certain conditions (Johnston and
Delwiche, 1965) to degrade hydrogen peroxide.
The nutritional needs of lactic acid bacteria are Iron and manganese ions are important for
very similar to those of yeast, making them good catalase activity and to neutralize the superoxide
competitors for essential nutrients and growth radical (O-). Condon (1987) showed that some
factors that may be present in limited quantities species contain NADH oxidases that are induced
in fermentation mashes. by the presence of oxygen. They convey
aerotolerance to the organism by replenishing
Nitrogen the supply of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide
(NAD) so that metabolic processes can continue.
Various amino acids and vitamins are necessary S. cerevisiae produces catalase and grows well
for growth of most lactic acid bacteria (Kandler under aerobic conditions, with oxygen being an
and Weiss, 1986). Some homofermentative and absolute requirement for yeast growth in the
heterofermentative species have protease early stages of fermentation. Oxygen is also
enzymes that degrade proteins into useable needed for the synthesis of membrane sterols
forms of nitrogen; however most lactic acid and unsaturated fatty acids (Ingledew, 1995).
bacteria are only weakly proteolytic (Priest, 1996) This represents another competitive advantage
and rely on readily useable amino acids that can for lactic acid bacteria under the anaerobic
conditions of yeast fermentation. It is important
Bacterial contaminants and their effects on alcohol production 323

that every effort be made to make the conditions process through the acid-catalyzed dehydration
as suitable as possible for yeast, while at the same of ß-hydroxypropionaldehyde, an intermediate
time removing competition in the form of of glycerol metabolism (Figure 4). The tendency
bacterial contaminants for nutrients and other of acrolein to react with other congeners present
factors. in spirits to form stable complexes raises
questions as to whether this compound itself is
responsible for the negative effects on product
Metabolic by-products that affect flavor and flavor (Morrison, 1995).
product quality Diacetyl, a ketone that smells like
butterscotch, can develop during fermentation
The production of some compounds by when pyruvate formed by glycolysis is converted
contaminating bacteria can contribute to off- into products other than the predominant lactic
flavors in the final product; an effect referred to acid (Figure 5). It is closely related to 2,3-
as sarcina (the old generic name assigned to all pentanedione, another important contributor to
Gram-positive brewery contaminants). Knowing the flavor profile of the product. These
how off-flavors are formed and how to limit their compounds make up what is commonly referred
production results in improved product quality. to as the vicinal diketone content of beer. The
A wide variety of substances can impart flavor threshold of 2,3-pentanedione is 1 ppm
negative effects on flavor and taste profiles of (Fix, 1993) while that of diacetyl is about 10 times
beverage spirits. Acrolein (responsible for lower. Species of pediococci and some lactobacilli
‘pepper gas’), commonly found in distilled are the main lactic acid bacteria contaminants
alcohol products, is a water soluble, volatile liquid responsible for diacetyl production. Yeast
with a disagreeable odor. In an interesting study produce diacetyl during the early stages of
by Sobolov and Smiley (1959) it was concluded fermentation but it is removed by the action of
that acrolein is not formed directly from glycerol various enzymes (Figure 6). It is for this reason
metabolism by contaminating bacteria. Instead, that a ‘resting period’ is allowed at the end of
it may be formed chemically in the distillation beer fermentations.

Figure 4. A possible reaction mechanism for the production of acrolein from glycerol
(based on Sobolov and Smiley, 1959).
324 C. Connolly

It is interesting to note the relationship Acetic acid bacteria

between amino acids in the fermentation mash
and the production of diacetyl and related The low threshold of yeast for acetic acid means
compounds. Valine normally reacts with that the lowest possible concentrations (<0.05%
acetolactate to form various products thus w/v) must be maintained in propagators and
removing some of the precursor for diacetyl fermenters. The genera Acetobacter and
production. Hence if valine is deficient in the Gluconobacter (previously Acetomonas) make
mash, elevated levels of diacetyl are observed up this group of ‘vinegar bacteria’ that produce
due to the availability of acetolactate (Fix, 1989). acetic acid as the dominant end product of
A similar correlation is found between final levels metabolism (Figure 7). Like lactobacilli, they are
of 2,3-pentanedione where the precursor in this rod-shaped cells and are tolerant of acidic cond-
case is acetohydroxybutyrate and the essential itions. A very important difference, however, is
amino acid is leucine. the absolute requirement of acetic acid bacteria
for oxygen. Members of the group are obligate
aerobes, which means they are unable to survive
Gram-negative bacterial contaminants and grow unless oxygen is present. This
eliminates the potential to contaminate anaerobic
While Gram-positive lactic acid bacteria comprise fermentations. Their role as spoilage organisms
the most important single group of bacterial is limited to aerobic processes in the plant
contaminants, certain Gram-negative bacteria are although the possibility exists for development
also important in the context of brewing and of at least some tolerance to carbon dioxide
distilling. The more commonly encountered of (Harper, 1980).
these are acetic acid bacteria, Zymomonas
mobilis, and Enterobacteriaceae.

Figure 5. Pathway of diacetyl production from pyruvic acid.

Figure 6. Removal of diacetyl by enzymatic reduction pathways in yeast.

Bacterial contaminants and their effects on alcohol production 325

The two most likely places to find acetic acid Metabolism of acetic acid bacteria
bacteria are the yeast propagation tank and the
beer well. In the propagator, high agitation and Acetic acid bacteria use respiratory processes
aeration promote yeast growth. This also creates for the production of energy and can directly
conditions ideal for the propagation of acetic acid oxidize sugars and alcohols for this purpose. This
bacteria; and in continuous propagation systems can cause problems in the beer well where large
the problem may escalate over time. The amounts of alcohol are held for some time. If
medium in the propagation tank is not truly sufficient air (oxygen) is present in the beer and
aerobic, especially when fermentation mash is headspace, these bacteria, especially
used, because of its high dissolved solids and Acetobacter, will grow quite happily and convert
low dissolved oxygen content. However, acetic ethanol into acetic acid and other products.
acid bacteria can grow in the headspace where While the negative effects of the acid on yeast
agitation splashes contents around the tank are less important at this stage unless the yeast is
thereby creating a suitable growth environment. to be recycled, there can still be substantial losses
In addition, ethanol produced by yeast under in alcohol yield.
anaerobic conditions is an excellent substrate for Gluconobacter species prefer sugary environ-
these bacteria (particularly Acetobacter). Once ments such as those found in propagation tanks
the inoculum is pumped to the fermenter and where there can be an abundant supply of
an anaerobic system is established, acetic acid glucose. With ethanol also present at this stage,
bacteria will usually die; but sufficient acetic acid both types of bacteria can cause serious losses
to slow or inhibit yeast function may already be in ethanol yield.
present. These bacteria are easier to control in Acetobacter and Gluconobacter species are
batch propagation systems where the tank is very similar morphologically with nearly identical
emptied, cleaned and sanitized between runs. cell shape, Gram stain reaction and motility
The addition of a microbiologically clean yeast characteristics. For this reason it is necessary to
inoculum to the propagator is also important; differentiate them using biochemical methods
and routine checks should be performed to (Table 2). An important difference between
ensure that bacterial numbers are below Acetobacter and Gluconobacter species is the
specified levels.

Figure 7. A diagnostic scheme for identification of Gram-negative bacterial contaminants

(modified from Van Vuuren, 1996).
326 C. Connolly

ability of the former to oxidize acetate 1986). Carbon source preferences in decreasing
completely to form carbon dioxide and water. order are mannitol, sorbitol, glycerol, fructose
This characteristic is often used to differentiate and glucose. The gluconate formed from glucose
the two genera. Kulka et al. (1949) suggested is not further metabolized, therefore acetic acid
that the ability of Acetobacter species to form (formed from the HMP) is the main end product.
giant colonies on wort agar could also be used
as a means of differentiation. Nitrogen requirements

Table 2. Some similarities and differences between Acetobacter species are able to process simple
genera of acetic acid bacteria. nutrients to form all of the nitrogenous
compounds needed for growth (De Ley et al.,
Acetobacter Gluconobacter 1986). For example, glutamate is formed from
"-ketoglutarate (an intermediate in the TCA
Gram-negative rod Gram-negative rod
shaped cells shaped cells
cycle) and ammonia. An enzyme-catalyzed
transamination of glutamic acid with oxaloacetate
Carbohydrate metab- Carbohydrate metab- yields aspartate, which in turn can be converted
olism yields primarly olism yields primarly into alanine by ß-decarboxylation (Hough et al.,
acetic acid acetic acid
1982). Since Gluconobacter species do not use
Peritrichous flagella if Polar flagella if motile the TCA cycle, they require a more complex
motile range of nutrients for growth including the amino
Prefer alcohol Prefer sugar substrates acids themselves or the oxo acids (carbon
substrates skeleton) from which they can be synthesized
(Figure 8). In both cases, single amino acids
Oxidize acetate to Do not oxidize acetate
CO2 and H2O
cannot be used as sole sources of nitrogen and
carbon (De Ley et al., 1986) and there are no
HMP and TCA HMP functional essential amino acids required by these bacteria.
Simple growth Complex growth
requirements requirements Zymomonas mobilis

This contaminant is commonly found where

Carbohydrate metabolism molasses is used as a feedstock such as in rum
production. It is facultatively anaerobic,
Species of Acetobacter metabolize glucose in fermenting sugars to produce ethanol and carbon
various ways. The hexose monophosphate dioxide (Figure 9). Some additional end products,
pathway (HMP) and tricarboxylic acid cycle including lactate and acetate, are also formed.
(TCA) predominate (King et al., 1956), and lead Z. mobilis spoils beer mainly through the
to acetic acid as the main end product. Favorite production of off-flavors like hydrogen sulfide,
sources of energy include ethanol, glycerol and acetaldehyde and dimethyl sulfide (DMS). DMS
lactate; and growth factor requirements depend actually imparts a pleasant character to beer
on the carbon sources available (Rao and Stokes, when present at low levels (30 ppm), but gives
1953). The HMP and the Entner-Duodoroff an undesirable blackcurrant flavor above a
pathway are used by Gluconobacter, but there threshold concentration of 80 ppm (Bamforth,
is no functional TCA cycle due to the absence 1997). Some strains of Z. mobilis are tolerant to
of essential enzymes such as isocitrate levels of ethanol in the range of 10-13% by
dehydrogenase. Glycolysis is very weak if present volume (Swings and De Ley, 1977) and their
at all due to the lack of phosphofructokinase, an potential for use in industrial alcohol production
essential enzyme in the pathway (De Ley et al., has been the subject of many investigations
Bacterial contaminants and their effects on alcohol production 327

Figure 8. Examples of amino acid and oxo acid structure.

Figure 9. The Entner-Duodoroff pathway in Zymomonas (modified from Hough et al., 1982).

(Amin and Allah, 1992; Gold et al., 1992; Yanase some having the potential to cause problems in
et al., 1995; Abate et al., 1996; Gold, 1996). alcohol production processes. Enterobacteriaceae
are facultative anaerobes that produce a variety
of end products from glucose through the use
Enterobacteriaceae of different pathways, hence their association
with the term ‘mixed acid bacteria’ (Ingledew,
This group consists of many different genera of 1995; Figure 10). Lactic, acetic and succinic acids
bacteria (e.g., Enterobacter, Citrobacter, are commonly formed along with acetoin, 2,3-
Klebsiella, and Obesumbacterium), with only butanediol and ethanol. The relative amounts
328 C. Connolly

formed depend on the strain and the growth should be consulted for a greater understanding
conditions (Van Vuuren, 1996; Hough et al., of the principles and reasons underlying the use
1982). They tend to be inhibited by low pH of different media. Reuter (1985) and Holzapfel
values and, with the exception of O. proteus, (1992) discuss the use of culture media for the
ethanol levels above 2% v/v (Hough et al., 1982). isolation of lactic acid bacteria. An in-depth
Beer spoilage is mainly through production of review by Smith et al. (1987) explains why some
off-flavors. media are considered better than others in
brewing situations and provides recommen-
dations together with formulations in most cases.
Isolation and identification of A wide variety of culture media is available
bacterial contaminants and most of these are successful when used for
their intended application (Table 3). Most media
Methods used for isolating bacterial used for the isolation of the same kinds of
contaminants involve inoculation on some kind contaminants are variations of similar formulations;
of medium that will allow cells to grow and and so the long list of potentially useful media
produce visible colonies. These media contain can be shortened considerably. A major problem
sources of nutrients, energy and minerals with isolating contaminants in this way is the need
essential for the growth of the various for the organism to grow outside its normal
microorganisms. Ingredients are usually added habitat before its presence can be detected. It is
to inhibit other organisms that may be present very difficult to create the necessary conditions
or to promote the growth of potential isolates. in the laboratory that will allow for growth of all
For example, wort, beer and tomato juice tend contaminants. There is no single medium suitable
to encourage the growth of lactobacilli during for enumeration of the total flora of fermenting
initial isolation; and cycloheximide (actidione) is mash, beer or brewing ingredients (Smith et al.,
added to inhibit yeast growth during bacterial 1987). Therefore different media are often used
analysis of fermentation samples. There are many when testing a single sample in order to increase
publications dealing with this area and these the chances of recovery.

Figure 10. An outline of glucose metabolism by mixed acid bacteria (modified from Van Vuuren, 1996).
Bacterial contaminants and their effects on alcohol production 329

Incubation conditions can also play an isolation. This can have the added effect of
important part in detecting contaminants. Lactic preventing growth of obligate aerobes, thus
acid bacteria prefer anaerobic or at least CO2 increasing selectivity. Conversely, media used
enriched atmospheres for growth during initial for isolating contaminants of aerobic processes

Table 3. Some of the microbiological media used to isolate and enumerate bacterial contaminants found in
alcohol production processes.

Medium Comments

Raka Ray No. 3 agar For isolation of lactic acid bacteria. Contains glucose, mannose and
fructose for optimum recovery. Can be made selective by the addition
of cycloheximide and 2-phenylethanol to inhibit yeast and Gram-
negative bacteria, respectively.
Universal beer medium Contains beer, tomato juice and peptonized milk to encourage growth
of lactic acid bacteria.
Modified MRS agar MRS with added maltose to encourage growth of lactic acid bacteria
unable to ferment glucose.
VLB-S7 agar (Versuchs-und Contains wort and maltose. Good for the selective isolation of lactic
Lehranstalt für Brauerei) acid bacteria but needs extra incubation time because of slower
growth rates.
Sucrose agar General purpose medium that can be made selective for lactic acid
bacteria by adding actidione, polymixin and 2-phenylethanol.
Carr’s medium Contains bromocresol green for the selective isolation of acetic acid
bacteria. Distinguishes between Acetobacter and Gluconobacter
species by ability to oxidize acetate.
Dextrose sorbitol mannitol agar Contains cycloheximide to inhibit yeast and sodium desoxycholate to
inhibit Gram-positive bacteria. For the selective isolation of acetic acid
Acetic acid differential medium Suppresses most brewery organisms except acetic acid producers.
Contains ethanol, cycloheximide, and an indicator dye.
MYGP (malt extract, yeast extract, General purpose medium useful for the cultivation of many brewery
glucose and peptone) microorganisms (especially yeasts).
WLN (Wallerstein Laboratory General non-selective medium containing bromocresol green indicator,
Nutrient) agar which allows for differentiation based on colony appearance.
Lee’s multidifferential medium (LMD) General non-selective medium. Organisms that produce acid are
detected by a color change of the indicator. May be made selective by
addition of inhibitory agents.
MacConkey agar Contains bile salts and neutral red indicator. Selective for
Violet red bile For selective isolation of enteric bacteria. Similar to MacConkey agar.
Sulfite agar Contains sodium sulfite and lead acetate for the selective isolation of
Zymomonas species.
330 C. Connolly

are incubated under aerobic conditions. In most development in the area of bacterial isolation
cases, the incubation temperature is 27-30°C, the and identification because it removes the need
optimum temperature required for growth of to culture the organism outside its natural habitat
most contaminants. This temperature is also likely and therefore increases the chances for
to be similar to temperatures in the process itself successfully identifying species that may
(yeast also likes this temperature range); and it is otherwise go unnoticed. This methodology has
important as mentioned earlier to mimic the been applied extensively in the food and
natural conditions as much as possible. beverage industries (Back et al., 1996; Tilsala and
Practically all of the non-sporulating, Gram- Alatossava, 1997; Doyle et al., 1995). In fuel
positive, catalase-negative rod-shaped bacteria alcohol plants, there tends to be a smaller variety
isolated from alcohol production plants belong of bacterial contaminants when compared to
to the genus Lactobacillus (Priest, 1996). There breweries because of the different processing
are a number of methods if further identification conditions and the relatively fewer concerns with
is required. These include serological tests storage of the finished product. Usually,
(Nishikawa et al., 1979) and the use of identification of the genus (e.g. Lactobacillus) is
biochemical tests such the API 50 CHL diagnostic enough to know what type of action should be
kit (bioMerieux). Most of the methods focus on taken.
identification of clinically important species
(Gutteridge and Priest, 1996); but sometimes
these methods or variations of them can be Treatment of bacterial contamination
adapted for use elsewhere. Immunoassay
analysis (Whiting et al., 1992), conductance Despite cleaning and sanitization procedures,
techniques (Kyriakides and Tiiurston, 1989) and bacteria may find their way into a process and
protein fingerprinting (Dowhanick et al., 1990) will need to be removed as quickly as possible.
have all been evaluated and used for In batch fermentation systems, the likelihood of
identification of bacteria in a brewing context. a contamination problem (and difficulty of its
Efforts to develop new methods for fast reliable subsequent removal) is greatly reduced
identification of bacteria are ongoing. compared to continuous processes. Emptying
Early detection requires tests that can quickly and cleaning the fermenter between runs
and accurately identify microorganisms. A removes residual material that could be a source
method using infrared spectroscopy, although of contamination for the fresh sterile mash. A
very quick and easy to perform, was found to be fermenter in a continuous fermentation system
unsuccessful due to lack of reproducibility (Lipkus cannot be emptied, cleaned and sanitized before
et al., 1990). Accuracy cannot be substituted filling without first isolating it from the rest of the
for speed; and one without the other is useless. process. This presents its own set of problems
In complex systems such as fermentation for the plant; but more importantly, the
processes where there are many types of contamination is seldom confined to just one
microorganisms, methods are required that can fermenter and it can take longer to get the whole
differentiate among even closely related species. process back on track. Methods of prevention
Applications of molecular biological techniques are covered elsewhere and the discussion here
such as ribosomal RNA typing have resulted in will be confined to treatments commonly used
more reliable methods than were previously to minimize the effects of contamination. These
available for the identification of all types of invariably involve the use of antimicrobial agents
bacteria. Using these techniques it is possible to that selectively inhibit or kill bacteria while having
accurately detect to the species level very low little or no effect on yeast. For this reason
levels of contaminating bacteria, sometimes as antimicrobials can be added directly to the
small as 1% of the total microbial population fermentation.
(Muyzer et al., 1993). This represents a major
Bacterial contaminants and their effects on alcohol production 331

Antibiotics are compounds naturally prod- in practice higher doses may be required. This
uced by microorganisms for the purpose of may be because penicillin is not very acid stable
inhibiting the growth of other microorganisms. and is at least partially inactivated below pH 5.0
In nature, this gives the producing organism an (Kelsall, 1995) although Ingledew (1998) has
advantage for survival by removing competition reported considerable antibacterial properties at
for limited nutrients. ‘Chemotherapeutic agent’ pH values as low as 4.5.
is the term given to the synthetic analog of an Streptomycin, an aminoglycoside antibiotic
antibiotic (Todar, 1996). Antibiotics have been produced by species of the genus Streptomyces,
used extensively in animal and human medicine is another narrow spectrum antibacterial agent.
for the treatment of bacterial infections (Brown, It works mainly by creating pores in the cell wall
1995). There are many different kinds of of susceptible Gram-negative bacteria (Stratton,
antibiotics; and they can be grouped according 1996). The end result is cellular death in a
to their mechanism of action against bacteria. relatively short period of time. Combinations of
Penicillin was the first antibiotic produced on antibiotics can sometimes exhibit synergistic
an industrial scale, as a result of the efforts of effects, meaning that the mixture is more potent
Howard Florey, Ernst Chain and Norman Heatley than either used separately. Penicillin/
during World War II (Quirke, 1998). A French streptomycin combinations have been shown to
medical student in 1896 had originally reported act synergistically (Stratton, 1996) especially if
a substance produced by mold that could kill the timing of the doses are staged, with the
bacteria. In 1928 Alexander Fleming, the person aminoglycoside added about 2 hrs before the ß-
most commonly associated with the discovery lactam. Streptomycin is most effective against
of penicillin, identified the producing organism aerobic Gram-negative bacteria, but it loses much
as Penicillium notatum. Today, penicillin is of its inhibitory effect at pH values below
produced by a related species, Penicillium chrys- neutrality (Amsterdam, 1996).
ogenum, in a deep bed fermentation process One of the most successful commercially-
(Brown, 1996). Most antibiotics have a narrow available antimicrobials is a wide-spectrum
spectrum of activity, affecting only a specific product. Marketed under the trade name
group of bacteria, usually those found in biological Lactoside, this product contains a number of
systems similar to those of the producing known antimicrobials that have been pH-
organism. Penicillin belongs to the ß-lactam stabilized. While they survive for effectiveness
group of antibiotics and is effective against Gram- during fermentation, they are completely
positive bacteria. It elicits its effects by preventing destroyed in distillation. All antibiotics used in the
bacterial cell wall synthesis; and since the bacteria alcohol production industry are completely
cannot reproduce without being able to produce degraded during the distillation, so no residues
new cells, they die. Because of the mode of remain in the distillers dried grains. This is an
action of penicillin, it has a more pronounced important concern at the present time with the
effect on actively growing popu-lations of imposition of bans on use of many antibiotic
bacteria and small concentrations are usually growth promoters in animal feeds, particularly
sufficient to inhibit growth. Typical dosage rates virginiamycin (Spring, 1999).
are generally unable to reduce the cell numbers
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