Cartas y Temas

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Karen Yulisa Raymundo Illú

6to Secretariado Bilingüe

Domingo Matutino

Much of the work in any kind of job is about the same, day in and day out. This
is as true in the clouds where you test a new model of a plane, or in a lab where
you work with a new drug, or in a shop where you design new ways to fix up
broken jugs as it is at an office desk. The wey to keep from being bored is to
seize every chance to beat the record, to try the unique, and to find better ways
to do all the things you have to do somehow.
The Only sure way to get ahead in most kinds of work is to again a reputation
for doing good or better work. If you are only person who does a certain job, no
one knows whether you deserve a prize or not. Only in the routine tasks that
you do in common with other people can what you do be compared. Only in
these things can others recognize that your work excels. If you want success,
your quest should be for skill in doing the dull.
But there is one hazard about which most new workers have to be cautioned,
and that is the old danger that the new worker does not know what has already
been tried and rejected by the older members of the firm. A quota of natural
mistakes in judgment is permitted to any newcomer; but trying to tell more
experienced workers what they should be doing is not included in the
newcomers quota. One has to reach par before he dare coach others.
May 3, 2021

Mr. John Reed Carr

Director of training
Parke and Wells. Inc.
1209 Washington Avenue
St. Louis Missouri 63158

Dear Mr. Carr

This two page, letter illustrates the guidelines for letter that’s take more than
one page:

1. The line length and top margin are the same as for a long letter. The
typist uses a 6-inch line of writing; types the date on line 15 or lines
below the letterhead whichever is lower; and drops 5 lines to begin the
inside address.
2. The bottom margin of page 1should be 7 or 8 lines deep, so that it will be
slightly broader than either side margin but it can be as many as 10 lines
deep or as a few as 5.
3. At least two lines of a paragraph should by typed at the foot of page I and
at the top of page 2. If a paragraph has three lines, they should all
appear no one or the other page.
4. Page I is typed on a letterhead; page 2is typed on plain paper pf the
same quality as that used for the letterhead.
5. Page 2 and each additional page should have a heading so complete
that it would identify the page if it were detached from the rest of the
letter. The heading should include the name of the addressee, the page
number, and the date.
6. The usual arrangement of the pages 2 heading is to arrange the name,
page number, and date in the three lines blocked at the left margin. The
items may, however, by displayed in one lines across the page, with the
name at the left, the date at the right, and the page number, and the
date. At the right, and the page number centered between them.
7. The page 2 heading is begun on line 7, leaving 6 lines in the top margin,
Two blank lines are left between the heading and the material that
follows it.
8. The second page of and interoffice memo addressed to two or two
persons is given a heading like that of a letter; but if there are more
addresses, give the subject of the message instead of listing all the

I hope that this information resolves your problem, Mr. Carr. Is there any other
help I can offer.

Your very sincerely.

William R. Rice
Training consultant.

1. Age: 22 I was born March, 3, 2021

2. Height: 5 feet 10 inches. Weight: 160 pounds
3. Military status: Served 3 years in the Navy.
4. Marital status: Single, bur engaged
5. Residence: Live with parents


during l‡ years of Navy duty.

2.Mas cashier at Carson's (Chicago) on Saturdays and
some evenings during last year of high school
3.Ras bookkeeper for a Junior Achievement Group during
my first year at Central City College.
1.Graduated from Oak Park High School, May 29, 19,
after completing a college-preparatory course
.2.Will graduate from Central College on June 3, after
completing the two-year accounting program
3.Academic and skill achievement-
a. Accounting: 15 semester hours, honor grades
b. Business machines:Can use all caloulatorg
c. Typewriting: 60 words a minute (10-minute test)
d. Filing and Systems: Completed50-hour courge.
4. Have ranked on Dean's list throughout college program
5. Extracurricular activities
a. Served as business manager for college newspaper
b. Treasurer of my church' s Youth Group,
1 Dr. John K. Younger, Dean of Men, Central Collage,North Michigan
Boulevard, Chicago, Illinois 60607.
2. Mr. Riohard Forbes, Manager, Men's Suit Department, Carson's, 1
South State Street, Chicago, Ill. 60607
3. Mr. Adam Gerhold, Director, Oak Park Youth Guild DeCouk Court,
Oak Park, Illino1s 60301.

Much of the work in any kind of job is aboutthe same, day in and day out. This
is as true in the clouds where you test a new model of a plane, or in lab where
you work with a new drug, or in a shop where you design new ways to fix up
broken jugs as it is at an office desk. The way to keep from being bored is to
seize every chance to beat the record, to try the unique, and to find better ways
to. do all the things you have to do somehow.

The only sure way to get ahead in most kinds of work is to gain a reputatio for
doing good or better work. If you are the only person who does certain job, no
one knows whether you deserve a prize or not. Only in the routine tasks that
you do in common with other people can what you do be compared. Only in
these things can others recog- nize that your work excels. If you want success
your quest should be for skill in doing the dull.

But there is one hazard about which most new workers have to be cautioned,
and that is the old danger that the new worker does not know what has already
been tried and rejected by the older mem-bers of the firm. A quota of natural
mistakes in judgment is permitted to an newcomer; but trying to tell more
experienced workers what they should
be doing is not included in the newcomer's quota.One has to reach par before
he dare coach others.
One of the best tricks of the typing trade, a trick to be recommended for
all who frequently hare to type some odd kind of typing task, is the use of
visual guide This is Just a sheet of paper on which you draw heavy lines
to mark off the margin zones, center point, and any other factor in the
arrangement of that odd task Then. pach time you must do that task, you
simply place the guide under the paper on which you will type; the linos
show through to guide you an you set the margins, and no oa, for doing
that apeoial job

For example, suppose that the man for whom you work the author of a
column in a journal or a magazino the manuscripts you type for hin
should be set up alike, always with the same margins, game display of
headings, same position for page numbers, and so on. Rather than try to
momorize the settings, design a visual guide that shows all the details;
then you can be ready to type a new installment in one quick minute or
less sure that the form i consistent.
If you made a fine new product that you wished to sellto the public at large, one
of your first steps would be to find what kind of package for your product would
appeal the most to your customers. If you learned that you could sell it best in a
green cake box with a prize thrown in for good measure, you would use a green
cake box with a prize, would you not? Your sound judgment would require that
you do so.
That theme is quite important to the typist. When you type a manuscript that you
hope to have published, the work you turn out is the product; and the person
who receives it and reads it and passes judgment on it is, let us hope, the
If you really do wish to sell your product, then you must find out in what kind of
package he is most likely to buy your product. An editor of a magazine, for
example, is more likely to buy your article or one you type for you employer if it
is typed with wide margins; so of course you use a short line. You know green
cake box, with a prize.

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