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(The content of this outline is subject to change according to Lecturers’ requirements)

Hanoi FALL 2021

Subject Details
Subject name Principles of Marketing
Units of credit 03
Study length 13 weeks
Prerequisite/ Co-requisite None
Suggested study commitment Approximately 10 hours per week
Year Fall 2021
Subject lecturer and tutor teachers: Ms. Le Minh Hang
Ms. Phan Kim Ngân
Mr. Nguyễn Minh Dương
Ms. Xuân Thị Thu Trang

Subject Rationale
Modern marketing philosophy and practices have evolved significantly over the past few decades.
Marketing is the coordinated and integrated efforts of an organization to satisfy relevant customer
needs and, at the same time, achieve appropriate organizational goals. Marketing is a
management process designed to create value for consumers so that long-term relationships can
be built. Increasingly, marketing is asked to perform its function in a socially responsible and
ethical way.

Marketing influences many aspects of people’s daily lives. We are all consumers, dealing with
marketing on a daily basis for the rest of our lives so it is not only interesting but very important
to study and understand how marketing affects us. The course is therefore designed to help
students have a clear and thorough understanding about marketing including its roles, key
concepts and marketing management process and its applications in the real life context in

More importantly, this very first subject “Principles of Marketing” is the theory foundation for
students in Marketing major. By understanding and memorizing all the basic marketing
knowledge hereby, they can easily approach and deeply study the next and many marketing
subjects to come. Without the first brick, there might not be any castle to be built.

Subject Objectives
Upon completion of the subject you will be able to:
 Understand the concept and role of marketing in developing and maintaining business
 Can determine the relationship of marketing with other business areas such as personnel,
operations, customer relations, finance, and accounting.
 Understand the concept of marketing environment and its components.
 Ability to apply models from theory and synthesize information from real sources to create
marketing market analysis reports.
 Understand the concept of marketing strategy according to customer needs, the relationship
between strategy and marketing, customers, and long-term profitability of businesses.
 Ability to identify, analyse and develop marketing strategies according to customer needs.
 Ensure the strategy is closely linked to the current objectives and activities of the business.
 Understand the concept of marketing mix (4Ps) including products, pricing, distribution and
communication in promoting products.
 Ability to apply models and tools to build or analyse integrated marketing plans of
businesses, thereby finding solutions for business development.
 Understand the marketing planning steps and methods to evaluate the effectiveness of
marketing plans for businesses.
 Demonstrate capability in written and oral communication and analytical skills in a
marketing context.

Proposed Study Plan

Week Topics Reading

1 Introduction to Marketing Creating customer value and Kotler, P. and Armstrong –

engagement edition 17 - Chapter 1
2 Strategic Planning and the Marketing Environment Kotler, P. and Armstrong –
Analyzing edition 17 - Chapter 2, 3
3 Managing MIS to gain customer insights Kotler, P. and Armstrong –
edition 17 - Chapter 4
4 Consumer Markets and Consumer Behaviors Kotler, P. and Armstrong –
edition 17 - Chapter 5
5 Customer-Driven Marketing Strategy: STP Creating Kotler, P. and Armstrong –
Value for Target Customers edition 17 - Chapter 7
6 Internal Assessment / Midterm Project Guide Chapter 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 & 7
7 Products, Services, and Brands: Building Customer Kotler, P. and Armstrong –
Value edition 17 - Chapter 8,9
New Product Development and Product Life Cycle
8 Pricing: Understanding and Capturing Customer Value Kotler, P. and Armstrong –
& Pricing Strategies edition 17 - Chapter 10, 11
9 Marketing Channels: Delivering Customer Value Kotler, P. and Armstrong –
Communicating Customer Value: IMC Strategy edition 17 - Chapter 12, 13, 14
10 IMC Program Kotler, P. and Armstrong –
edition 17 - Chapter 15, 16, 17
11 Theory Application on Project 1 Chapter 8 – 11
12 Theory Application on Project 2 Chapter 11 - 17
13 Industrial Engagement TBA
Subject structure
The structure of this subject for on-campus students comprises:
One 2.5 periods lecture per week
One 2.5 periods tutorial per week

Prescribed textbook
Kotler, P. and Armstrong, G. Principles of Marketing,17th ed., Prentice Hall Int. Inc., 2018
Substitute textbook: Philip Kotler, Gary Armstrong, Swee Hoon Ang, Chin Tiong Tan, and Oliver
Hon-Ming Yau, Pearson Education Limited, 2017

Assessments Weight Deadline Note
1 Class Attendance 10% All Semester In tutorials
Minus 1% per one absence
Over 03 absences: Not eligible
for the final examination.
2 Group Presentation 10% Week 2 – 11 One group per week
Presentation time: Maximum 20
minute (excluding discussion)
3 Group assignment 20% 5pm, Friday Written report
Marketing Plan of the last Submission: A hardcopy to FMT
tutorial week office assignment box AND a
softcopy to the emails of your
both lecturer and tutorial
4 Midterm Test 10% Week 6 Offline Test: MCQs + Case
Study in 90 minutes
OR Online Test: Case Study
(Pick randomly from previous
presented case with a new set of
questions in 60 minutes.)
Chapter 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 & 7
5 Final examination 50% Offline Exam: MCQs + Short
Answers + Case Study in 120
OR Online Exam: Case Study -
Fill in a Marketing Plan in 90
Chapter 8 to chapter 17

TEAM Microsoft Class Code:

Group Presentation
Your group will consist of NO MORE than 4 students. The group will take turn randomly to solve the
case study at the end of each chapter in textbook. You are free to choose the case in both textbooks to
be posted by your teachers. You need to post the slides on the ONLINE class at least 12 hours before
the presentation session.

Table of Content
- The Case Study in Textbook:
• Introduce in details the company and the situation of the case
• Answer the questions in textbook
• State how the case relates to the theories of the week and the lessons learnt in the case.

- The Similar Case in Vietnam:

• Introduce in details the Vietnamese company and their situation
• Why was this company’s case similar?
• How did this company solve the problem?
• Your recommendations.

Oral Presentation Marking Scheme:

- Introduction: Is the topic clearly introduced?
- Presentation of background information: Is it made clear why the topic is interesting? Are key
terms clearly explained?
- Presentation of main arguments: Are main arguments clearly presented? Are relevant
evidence & theories described & used to back up arguments?
- Discussion and evaluation: Is presented research critically evaluated? Are appropriate
conclusions drawn?
- Awareness of relevant research: Evidence of reading around subject area?
- Use of materials & visual aids: Clarity and appeal of slides & handouts?
- Presentation skills: Clear vocal projection, eye contact, did not read continuously from notes?
- Group preparation: Did presentation demonstrate sound group preparation? Did presenters
discuss key points in an integrated & coherent way?
- Response to questions: How well did group respond to questions?
Group Report
Your team will consist of NO MORE than 4 students. There is no tolerance for any academic
misconduct (plagiarism) or “free-rider”: Mark Zero will be given if you violate this rule. On week 3,
the team must decide on one real company doing business in Vietnamese market on first come first
serve basis. Registration will be available in tutorial. Make sure that you consult with your instructor
for a suitable choice.

THE TASK: A proper Marketing plan for a real company for a specific period of time.

1. Summary Executive Brief summary of your report with main points – half a paper.
Imagine that the CEO will get the whole idea just by reading this
2. Company Introduction Brief information to introduce the company – half a paper.
3. Current Marketing Situation
3.1 Internal Environment Current business performance and the existing 4Ps review
3.2 Micro Environment Considering all elements that have influences DIRECTLY on the
- Customer Analysis business performance in the planning period of time.
(Segmenting, Targeting,
- Positioning)
- Suppliers
- Competitors
- Etc.
3.3 Macro Environment Considering all elements that have influences on NOT ONLY the
- Technological company’s business performance in the planning period of time,
- Force BUT ALSO other companies’ in the industry and on larger scales.
- Cultural Force
- Etc.
4. SWOT Analysis Sorting all of the above information into SWOT matrix, then
analyze based on the importance levels of key factors on each area
(Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) to find the
main issues of the company at the current moment which MUST to
be solved.
5. Main Issues Stating the most important issues based on the above SWOT
analysis. Which P or Ps these issues belong to?
6. Marketing Objectives To overcome the above main issues:
- What should be achieved?
- How much/many needs to be achieved?
- When you want to achieve?
Considering the objectives that related to the Ps these issues
belong to. Objectives should be “SMART” – Specific, Measurable,
Actionable, Realistic and Time matter.
7. Marketing Strategies What you will do strategically to solve the above issues and
- Product achieve the above objectives in terms of 4Ps – especially the P(s)
- Price your issues belong to – put those Ps upward so show your priority!
- Place State the newly planned 4Ps!
- Promotion
8. Action Program The above MKT strategies must be turned into a detailed action
program presented in an Excel file with tasks and timeline. (When
and How long to do What tasks?) Imagine that based on this
action program, all staffs can follow and run the whole plan.
9. Illustrations for your proposed Demo product, posters, TVC, social network posts, pricing list,
action program store layout design, store decoration, brand identity, ect.
BONUS - Action Program using Microsoft Project Management.
- Budgeting (How much you will spend for each tasks and in total).
- Monitoring and Controlling (Propose a measurement metric to
make sure the plan will be on the right track). Writing the report
creatively to gain BONUS!


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