Living Stones International School: Practice Teacher: Date: School Assignment: Resource Teacher

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Practice Teacher: Date:

School Assignment: Living Stones International School Resource


WORKSHEET #12: Reflection Journal

Formative assessment is tasting the soup while cooking. Reflect on this and write your reflections.

1. Should you record results of formative assessment? Why or why not?

2. Were you given opportunities for self-assessment? If yes, what was its impact on your learning?

3. What are the forms of formative assessments that you have observed in the class? How did the
teacher delivered this assessment tasks?

1 EPISODE 12: Formative Assessments

Bilbao, P., Borabo, M., Corpus, B., & Lucas, M. R. (2020). Field Study 1 Observations of Teaching-
Learning in Actual School Environment (1st ed., Vol. 1). Lorimar Publishing Inc.

2 EPISODE 12: Formative Assessments

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