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This book will give you the chance to practise your vocabulary in a fan way. Facabitlary in Practice 1 has: + 30 units of short, enjoyable exercises ~ each unit practises groups of words which belong together + 3 Tests — one after every 10 units, helping you to remember the words from those units + an Answer Key + a Word List — this is a list of all the words in each unit with information about how the words are used. You can use the book in two ways: 1 Start at the beginning of the book. Do units 1-30 and then do the Tests. 2 Look at the Contents. Do the units you think are important first. When you have finished the book, do the Tests. You can do each unit in ewo ways: 1 Do the unit and check your answers in the Answer Key, Study the Word List and learn the words you got wrong, Then do the exercise again. 2 Study the Word List for the unit. Then do the unit and check your answers. Note Do the exercises in this book in pencil. Then you can do the exercises again after a week or a month. Repeating the exercises will help you to remember the Here are some ideas to help you to learn vocabula + Learn groups of words which belong together fe.g. skire, coat, trousers, etc.]. * Learn a word and also its opposite [e-g. beautifal/ugly, hot/cold]. + Draw pictures: some words are easier to remember if you draw a picture and write the word under it, e.g. Y \ ew spoon fs * Write new words in a notebook: write the meaning in English or in your own Janguage, then write a sentence using the word. T hope you find this book useful and that ic makes learning English words fun. 2 eye / neck 3 head / mouth 4 leg / toe 5 face / finger Gear /hand 7 arm / nose B Label the pictures with the other words from A. 1 2 3 4 5. 6. 7. fog EX Complete the words. 1 Mike's at work. He’s wearing traw-cers,as___t,aj_-__tand s 2 Judith isn’t at work today. She’s wearing js and a T-s___t. 3 Elena’ in the office. She's wearing a s___t and a j_.-_r. 4 Ita very cold day. Eric’s wearing a s___fa h_t,g_—___s and ac__e. 5 Julia's at a party. She’s wearing ad___s. EH Complete the crossword. u something you wear on your legs that are usually blue something you wear on your feet something you wear on top of your other clothes when you go out something you wear on your hands when it’s cold something you wear round your neck when it’s cold something you wear on your legs something you wear on your head when ir’ cold Naueuene 1 Alsana’s a... clever... person, 2 Rachard’s a oon Person. B TRS aon cccnene person. 4 Jan’sa person. 1 like relaxing all day ~ 5 Ben'$ aM oo csennnns POTSON. and watching TV. — 6 NeII'S a cece PESO, 3 - 7 Bettys a... person. 8 Mikes a .. person. _ 9 Gemma’ a person, I’m not 5 helping her! I'm not very good at talking to new people. Tlaugh a lot when I'm with you, Jan, People say T’m not very interesting. Hi, my name? Betty. What's your name? E] Join the words with opposite meanings. 1 clever, good 2 fey td 3 naughty stupid . 4 unkind unfriendly ~ EQ Join the words with opposite meanings. 1 beautiful tall 2 fat thin 3 handsome ugly 4 old ugly 5 short young Complete the sentences with words from A. 1 He's an io. Olde aman, He 92. 2 He eats too much. That's why hes o-oo 3 She’ only ten years old. She's 100 us to buy cigarettes. 4 She's Very coscssoonnnn . She's 1m 84. 5 She's very .. All the men love her. 6 She wants to be a model, but at Lim 50 she’s (00 oo. 7 All my friends have his picture on their walls - they think he's so 8 I don't understand why they like him — [think he’s 00. cseoenenmnnees « Complete the words. ~——t hair, 3 David’s got c___y hair. 4 Sarah's got s— EX The underlined words are in the wrong sentences. Write nes the correct word for each sentence. _ 4 I don’t sleep much at night, so I'm really cold. tired... 2 I'm hungry. I need a drink, He has a very high temperature. [ think he’s tired. 3 4 I'm really ill in the evening because I don’t eat much coe cd at work. wn If you feel chirsty, why don’t you put a jumper on? He’s hot again and is coming home from hospital soon. — _ Take your coat off. You must be really well in here. a Complete the sentences with the words in the box. a <= Great! A Fa aaa”) Fa aaa”) invitation! phe enn sete tn # 7 T can't ee of Q. ee to do. wearing my new Tshirt, SHE'S oven esesnnsinnsnannmnnn ~ Complete the sentences with the words from B. 1 Take a book with you so you don't get .... bored...... while you're waiting, 2 She's. msneebecause her best friend can’t come to her party. ~ 3 Little children are sometimes of the dark. _ 4 Pm ou because I don't have to go to work today. . 5 You can see he’s .... . He's very red in the face. _ women: daughter... severe . men: brother. spn E} Look at the family tree and complete the sentences with the words from A. Alice is Bill’ fe Kelly is Alice and Bill's 2.0 e re 3. Robert is Elena's . 4 Elena is Nick’... 5 Bill is Nick and Elena's 6 Liam is Kelly’ .. 7 8 9 Alice is Kelly and Liam’s ..... Liam is Alice and Bill's... Liam is Elena and Robert’ .......... 10 Elena is Kelly and Liam’s . 11 Bill is Kelly and Liam’s ........ 12 Kelly is Elena and Robert's Complete what the people are saying with the words from A. Liam: ‘My (1) ...faéher..’s name is Robert and my (2) 5 name is Elena. I've got on (3) sensu «Her name is Kelly, My mother’s got one (4) .e.cco0cso0n+ His name is Nick. My (5) is called Alice and and my (6) ....... . is called Bill’ BILL: ‘My (7). ’s name is Alice, We have a (8) ... called Blena and a (9) wa. ... called Nick, Elena is married — her (10) Js name is Robert. We have a (L1) cium €alled Kelly and 212) omnes €alled Liam! EX Find the names of 20 countries in the grid. Then write the words in the correct group. _ pP}loj[r{rjulelalsefoierfe fy fal ~ a|lG [o tilyfaleteiitcfa|x]|] — yiifaftealeleln{rfii[nialelter aAtnit |[k{cle{[rimlal|[niylals a ujolrjetcele;«i/e}ojrfalnio] — sti fely{[a}z{te}lu{i{[niaje{er] — tilats|epfali|[n][o]jy |e }e}lraiu rj[vjclefr{[rijainwic}eljy jels ~ AlTu[n]i |[r}e}lo{s|{rialrlels — ci[reji|[rfjafecfyfetxiulelelr _ t{v{cla[nilalvolafolelujela aits|wilrefrin{[c}]p{rialzfi le ~ u|n]iirl|rfe;o}iKit|n|{ofojo|lm] ~— Africa Sawtl Aft iene _ Asia _ Australasia Europe ~ North America South America Ie is not possible to lis all the countries of the world here. If your country is not in this list, please check its English name with your teacher or in a dictionary. EX Complete each word in the nationalities column with one of the endings in the box. Then complete the official languages column. enrmd awe ew ne 10 11 12 13 14 5 16 7 18 19 20 countries Argentina Australia Brazil Canada China France Germany Greece India Treland Italy Japan Poland Portugal Russia South Africa Spain Turkey United Kingdom United States nationalities Argentinéas Austral Brazil Canad. Chin Fr. Germ Gree Ind... Ir Ital Japan..... Pol Portugu Russ. South Afric Span Turk... Brit enn Americ. official languages Spanish. Ic is not possible to list all the countries of che world here. If your country is not in this list, please check its English name with your teacher or in a dictionary. Nove also that in most countries there are other languages apart fiom the official ones. TA How many birds are in each nest? Write the numbers and the words. _ b Cheah dL. a8 three. F En b. . © ayy Lee ‘ ‘S an don. ws i a + eee ag sv Ee Os k =m mo en EJ Join the numbers and words. Then write them in order from smallest to biggest. a 13 eighteen 11. LUM. b 20 eleven © 17 fifteen d 12 fourteen e fl nineteen £ 16 seventeen g 19 sixteen sons - his thirteen i 18 twelve ji ewenty @ Answer the questions. 1 How many legs has a dog got? Tr’s got four. 2 How many days are there ina week? There are... 3 How many toes have you got? ['ve got ... 4 How many months are there in a year? There are LEX What colour are the things in the pictures? Complete the crossword, a ~ 2 Qe ¥ SSaif, TV noemnspelboter, 2 3 4 Answer these questions. 1 What colour are your eyes? They are... 2 What colour is your favourite T-shirt? 1t'§ occu 3) What colour is your coat? TES csi 4 What colour is your favourite jumper? It’s EX What do you wear and where do you wear it? Complete the words. 1 You wear ah__ on your h___ 2 You wear a s____ around your n___. 3 You wear g_____ on your ho___ _ 4 You wear t_____ on your |___ . _ 5 You wear s____ on your f___ . aes - Who are the people in Fred's family, what do they look like and what are they wearing? Complete the sentences. 1 Joanna is Fred’s ...... mother... . She's... beautiful. : She’ wearing a long dress... faa — 2. Sylvia is Fred’s She's. She's wearing a coves and a 3 Ben is Fred’. Hes Very seoncinneamannnne He's wearing glia He ~ ss ANE secsetninnnannins | - 4 Millie is Fred... She's... .. She's wearing .... ~ anda Lo * an What are these people like? Complete the sentences, 1 He never does any work. He's very .. cw — 2 People Jaugh a lot when they're with her. She's very 3. He always helps people, He's Very wescoonnsennmnnns 4 He never helps people. He’s very 5 She passes all her exams at school. She's very 6 He always talks about the same thing. He’s very ..... BP] How do you feel? Complete the sentences. itm hat. 21m. 30m 40m 5 I'm 6 Why are you running away? Complete the lists. countries nationalities 1 Argentina Be vesennnemnnn French 3 Spain A rosenunes Japanese 5 Germany 6 fname American 7 Portugal 8. Chinese Take your coat off, then. Go to see the doctor, then. Go to bed, then. Try to think of something to do, then. Have a drink, then. Because I'm Write the answers as words. agt+4= ____ seven, bo+s8= c6+12= d8+1= e7-7= £13 (J True or false? If the sentence is faise, write the correct colour. 1 Elephants are pink. 2 Bananas are red. 3. Grass is orange. 4 The sky is blue. 5 The sea is red. 6 Chocolate is brown. false. EQ Find the names of the 12 months of the year in the grid. Then complete the words in the list below. IIAINIUTATRIY ef ful ele VJ AMMAL Yoon K}P/O;E]U;wix]}olc]j}al]t DF vvncsummunnnnnnianinnie FIR{T]D]G|vyJelcly]ulLiy 3M sone Ufif}n{o}ujris|t|e[Nicis ee DIL FLO} S| TPRPO] VY] BEN] Mf 5 Mincmmunnnuennn E/s{el]e|tlelM|Bfef;riol]s 6 Jocecnnnen R{t]Bim[s}sfolele}zis[wl 7 Mja{R[clHlF/G{R] K/eE|G]/H BAL A/x|u Njo|v[el/m]BleyR 95S... ee BINA PET PUNT) 99 occcccsnmnmsannmnnn i[H/Riplelclel[m[Byelets| ayn mialvyinicis iim] s[Riel yp E) When were these people born? Complete the sentences with the months. 1 Annabel: 19.11.1989 Annabel was born in November. 2 Liam: 17.10.1978 Liam was born in nme + 3 Zoe: 22.41.1992 Zoe was born in a 4 Ben: 21.12.1964 Ben was born in 5 Sasha: 19. 1982 Sasha was born in 6 Henry: 30.9.1995 Henry was born in __. 7 James: 25.5.1970 James was born in 8 Harry: 296.1945 9 Harry was born in 9 Holly: 13.8.1998 Holly was born in 10 Ruby: 144.1957 Ruby was born in 11 Ella: £7.3.2000 Billa was born in 12 Joe: 27.7.1997 Joe was born in EX Complete the crossword with the words for the seven days of the week. ae 1 Complete the sentences with the days of the week. 4 "1 18 25 T 5 12 19 26 Ww 6 13 20 27 JUNE T ? 14 21 28 F 1 8 15 22 29 s 2 9 16 23 30 Ss 3 10 17 24 Nau Rw De I'm going to Karen's party on ..... I'm going to the dentist’: on I’m going to the cinema on I'm going to Mum and Dad’s on i'm going shopping with Polly on I'm going to Adam and Linda’s wedding on I'm going to the hairdresser’s on ... Thursday... 7 June. .. 22 June. 11 June, 27 June. 10 June. 19 June. . 2 June. EEE: E] Complete the sentences with the words from A. 1k foqgy = 2 It’s 3 It’s [3 Look at the picture and complete the paragraph with the words in the box. This large house has two lovely (1 1) bedronws and a (2) with a bath and shower. Downstairs there is a very comfortable a 1 (A) cocnsemmnnnsone 9A TATE (5) creer anda _. with a door going out into a beautiful (7) a Label the picture with the words in the box. wall) window!) EQ Look at items 1-6 in the Picture and circle the correct word in each pair. , _ { Il ight 7 video PY curtains / cushions Hl fd CD player / TV shel / table armchair / sofa Aueonn B Label items 7-12 in the picture with the other words from A. 7... cushious. 10 ssn - 8 rocsmn VD ene ~ 9 sooo AD Complete the paragraph with words from A and B. _ The living room is a small room with an (a) ... araechaér... anda _ (b) to sit on. There’s a pretty (c) ssnsenincinen OTL _ the floor and a (A) cece to put books on. There’s a (€) seoowsnmscoan--n 0M the wall and some (f) soon tO ~ make the sofa more comfortable. am - [i Complete the crossword. oe > e wo Re wu au something you drink orange juice out of something you drink coffee out of something you cook food in something flat you put your food on something you eat soup from something you cut food with something you eat soup with something you eat peas and carrots with FE] Complete the words in the shopping list. Then join the words with the pictures. tool lt ple ---l taothhewsh t [4 Complete the paragraph with words from A. Sam usually goes upstairs to his bedroom at abont ten o'clock. He puts on the small (a) lame: opens the (b) ... next to his bed. He takes his trousers off, door and puts them in. He puts his pyjamas on. He gets into (c) -pulls the (d) over himself, puts his head of the (@) secnnnewommen and goes to sleep. In the morning the (f) dosiunmnnnnnnWakes him up at seven o'clock, T go to work by T go to work by I go to school by 1. cinema /Qil 2 bank / post oihce 3 hospital / railway station 4 police station / tourist information office 5 restaurant / shop 6 garage / supermarket 1 Complete the answers to the questions with the other words from A. 1 Where can I get something to eat? Ata restaurant 2 Where can I buy a train ticket? A oer + 3 Where can | buy stamps? At the 4 Where can J see a film? At the .... 5 Where can | do my shopping? Ata 6 Where can I get information about the town? At the —..--_ - TTS PA AY ooo 12 November... 1s a 2 ItsM covnie 25 Fou FTES ecrnnsnsnin 6 BLS Worcencennnmmnnenun 7D. senna ¢ LES eens 4 It’s Tu... Lh ee ( se 5 [t's San 13 O. ATES enn 6 LS Thonn BD AD. occu one + Ts 1 Follow the lines. Then complete the sentences about where the people are going and how they are travelling. 1 She's going to the post. office... She's going by bus. 2 He's going to the ...... . He's going by ......... 3 She’s going to rommmamanmennnnnnnn ¢ SCS ou 4 She's going to the somunnennnnann « SHES 5 He's going to the . He's . Complete the sentences with words for rooms. I sleep in the moe I have a shower in the I eat in the I watch TV in the ae I cook in the ...... LI Complete the crossword with the words for nine things from a house. 1 things you put on a window to keep the light out 2 something you use to dry yourself 3 something you stand under to wash your body 4 something you put your head on when you go to sleep 5 something that wakes you up in the morning 6 something you look into to see yourself 7 something you lie on when you go to sleep 8 something you use to make food hot very quickly 9 something that keeps food cold FA Find the words for twelve jobs in the grid. Then complete the words in the list below. ~ fliltlelflilelhlele|z[hpo] 1 feetae = a i{@[folc[tlofpnfelalr r/x/limlalna]p]w|d]alnlili ~ mlwlalp|s{elilalalilnl|r|i - elv/wlo{k[rjo]ilalulilalw S rlulyly]ge]s[r}et}ifelsfrje] 6lLo clwle|v}flelolelylelele|c¢] 7m - q}e}r{r}z}e}bfr{h}r}r]s}v 8 nw _ pi sfele]r}fe|tla}rfy}ilsjb 9 po plo{tfileclelolelflilele]s | to s._______ - mpele}h}afnfi;c/h}aji}erlmf att _ ofkfelrly{tlelalelhlelrlp] 2 wi, : E1_ Complete the sentences with the words from A. ~ L work in a hospital. [look after people who are ill. Tin a. MMUS rose I give lessons in a school. 'ma...... I design roads, bridges, machines, etc. I’m an. I serve people in a restaurant. I'm a I work in an office, typing letters, etc. I'm a I keep animals and grow food in the countryside, ’'m a... 1 2 3 4 5 Ladvise people about the law. T'm a . _ 6 7 8 I cut people's hair. I'ma senna 9 [treat people who are ill. I'm a. : _ 10 I fix cars. Pm a san 11 1 ery to stop people doing bad things. I'm a 12 | put out fires. 'm a . _ 1 Julia likes 2 She likes .. 3 She likes A She YIROS oe ceoeon neni 5 She likes .. 6 She likes 7 She Likes B She LkeS cones 9 She likes 10 She likes cinema. ow Walks. music. the piano, . out. .. a run. aerobics. 4 If you want to make sandwiches, remember to buy 2 Tet takes about 20 minutes to COOK ccceemeninnnnn ~ 3 If you want to make spaghetti bolognese, remember to buy EY Find the words for 10 types of food in the grid. Then complete the words in the list below. “. [G@tafnfetetrfeletolalile — fsfajifrjlelwlh}] et] s}bfcle — [sf tfelifelz[alelalefela alelz/elelrfylilalileclo ™ [nfb}elalk}e}l]wlsfalrfe — |dfilnfdfalals|q]a]/mlelo wlplblils{cfulife]sfala i} s|plalw]v[c]z]1][h}mfa — fel t}sfufdfele}c|m|j] fle h}r}e}et}s|n}elrja} ki fje ki n[flefalc]rfils|p[s]j — [ml z[hfo d/ofelb|p] x] Thawkurger Sear anaeun rm Ej Complete the menu with words from A. Use some words the newspaper. She's tennis. 0 glass of milk. He's woomamnne Dis hands, She’s a letter. e's on eemnenenee AN ICE Cream, od ah kone = & She oo sssosmnnann Dig hat. [i Complete the sentences with the verbs in the box. Gpeak study lk Sore listen sleep. 1 in an office. 2D WANE 10 ocnnmnnnnm Medicine at university, 3) How many languages cam YOU «cn ? 4 Would you like to to some music? 5 They're making too much noise. I can’t 6 T don’t Want £0 ocr AOU it, EX Put the letters in order. 1 Kaw 2 nur < - 7 misw 8 virde 3 pmuyj yw 9 dire ge 4 cande zi 10 ckki 5 lal 11 tis 6 blime 12. danst El The underlined words are in the wrong sentences. Write the correct word for each sentence. 1 He’ climbing a car. driving... 2 He's driving a ball. sens He's falling on a chair, He's sitting down the stairs. He's kicking a bike. 3 4 5 6 He’ riding a mountain. 7 He's dancing in the sea. 8 He's swimming to the music. EX Write sentences with the phrases in the box. Remember to use the correct verb ending. LO rnin DD cco cossnonnninnnnn DD vrcssmeninnninesen >> EY Match the words in the box with the pictures. EA What do the people do and what do they like doing in their free time? Complete the sentences. Uma hairdresser In my fee PM 8 vesonnennnene «Ln my fee time like... playing... football. time T like 4 Ima . Pm acc In my free time THRE wsaessneonannn TV. time THRE wo souensons for walks with my dog, LE Follow the lines. Then complete the sentences about what the people are having to eat and drink. A James is having oa BCE ene tind an AAsCbUIgeL... 2. Narinder is having .e.oeocn and 3 Henry is having and 4 Sophie is having ccc ANG yennninnnenncenene m Complete the crossword with seven verbs, iz 1 you do this in a car 2 you do this on a bike or a horse 3 you do this at a party or a disco 4 you do this up a mountain 5 6 7 you do this in the water you do this with your feet you do this to a ball -— [) Put the four actions in each list in order. Which do you do be first (1)? Which do you do last (4)? Fget dressed. 3] [Thave lunch. (| [Iget undressed. LJ T get up. 2} |1go home. O] |tgotobed -- | Ehave a shower.) | |[Igoto work, [1] [I gotosleep, — | I wake up. (| |Imake dinner. 1 Ihave a shower. [1 EG Join the pairs of sentences. im Hi, Robert. _ 1 (I'm going to bed now. _ 2.(How do you do? 2 <3 Glow are you? Fine, chank you, ‘ 4 (Thank you for the present. &. § (Hello, Karen. How do you do? I 6 (You're sitting on my h: at Your body’ me OBL finger: Irelani Tey Poland; Portugal, Russia, Spain, Turkey, United Kingdo 3 (frightened 4 happy. °: 5 North America’ iiited States South-America fest 4 units 4 1 hat; head: scarf, neck. “Aq bedrooms 2, bathroom, 3. living room: dining room 2 1 ciirtains * towel. 21 Jobs 5 A 1 doctor : Dries time: Al ieading 252 cooking | 24 Animals LAD chicken) 26 Food and menu: i A Lchamburger’ 2 : “4 He gets dress has breaktist ~-5- Goodbye. 16 Yes, please “playing. teacher,» reading ‘farmer, » watching: “orange juice + chips, tea 4 wine, pizza The words in this list are British English. Sometimes we give you an important American English word which means the same. 1 Your body arm /asm/ ear /rad eye /ai/ face /feis/ finger /fingat foot /fut/ (plural = feet) hair /hea/ (Use with a singular verb, e.g. Her hair is very long.) hand /heend/ head /hed/ leg fleg/ mouth /mau®/ neck /nek/ nose /nauz! toe /tau/ 2 Clothes coat /kaut/ dress /dres/ gloves /glavz/ (two gloves = a pair of gloves) hat /haet/ jacket Mdgekit/ Jeans /dgisnz/ (Use with a plural verb, e.g. His jeans are too short.) jumper /'dgampa¥/ (US = sweater) scarf /ska:f/ (plural = scarves) shirt /fart/ shoes /fu:z/ (two shoes = a pair of shoes) skirt /ska:t/ trousers /'trauzaz/ (US usually = pants) (Use with a plural verb, e.g. Her trousers are red.) Teshirt /'tis[ait/ Word List 3 Describing character boring /ba:rig/ clever /'klevart friendly /frendli/ fanny /'fani/ good /gud/ Kind /katnd/ lazy /levzi/ naughty /noxti/ shy /fan/ stupid /'stjurpid/ unfriendly /an'frendli/ unkind /an'kamnd/ 4 Describing appearance beautiful bjurtifol/ curly /kstli/ fat /fet/ handsome /hendsom/ long Apg/ old /auld/ short /fort/ straight /streit/ tall Atorl/ thin /Oinf ugly aglif young /jay/ Word List 5 How you feel angry /engri/ bored /bard/ cold /kauld/ frightened /fraitand/ happy /'heepi/ hot /hot/ hungry hangri/ il Av sad /sied/ thirsty /Oa:sti/ tired /'tarad/ well /wel/ 6 The family brother /‘braday daughter /dartov father /fa:da/(informal = dad) granddaughter /'grend,da:ta/ grandfather /‘greend,fa:da/ (informal = grandad) grandmother /'grend,made’ (informal = grandma) grandson /'grendsan/ husband /‘hazband/ mother /'mada!/ (informal = mum; US informal = mom) sister /'ststa/ son /san/ wife /warf! Word List 7 Countries Argentina /,ardgan'ti:na/ Australia /os'tretlia/ Brazil /bra‘ztl/ Canada /‘kenada/ China /'tfame/ France /fraznts/ Germany /‘dga:mani/ Greece /griss/ India /'mdia/ Ireland /‘araland/ Italy /itali/ Japan /dso'pen/ Poland /pauland/ Portugal /'portfagal/ Rassia Prafal South Affica /,sav6 'wfrika/ Spain /spein/ Turkey tarki/ United Kingdom /ju:'nattid 'kindem/ (also UK = England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland) United States /ju:'naitid 'sterts/ (also USA) 8 Nationalities and languages American /a'mertkan/ Argentinian /,ardsan'tinian/ Australian /os'treilian/ Brazilian /bra'zilian/ British /brity{/ Canadian /ko'neidion/ Chinese /tfar'nisz/ French /frent{/ German /'d33:manf Greek /gritk/ Indian /‘indian/ Trish [airs Italian /i'teelian/ Japanese /dgwpo'ni:z/ Polish /‘pauli{/ Portuguese /,poitfa'girz/ Russian /rafon! South African /,sau8 'wefrikan/ Spanish /'spaent{/ Turkish /'tarkif/ 9 Numbers 0 zero /*z1arau/ 1 one /wanl 2 two /tun/ 3 three /Ori:/ 4 four /fox/ 5 five /farv/ 6 six /stks/ 7 seven /'sevan/ 8 eight /eit/ 9 nine /nain/ 10 ten /ten/ 11 eleven A'levan/ 12 twelve /twelv/ 13 thirteen /,O3:'titn/ 14 fourteen /,fo:! 15 fifteen /,f1f'tizn/ in/ nf 16 sixteen /,sik: 17 seventeen /,sevan'ti:n/ 18 eighteen /er'ti:n/ 19 nineteen /nain'tisn/ 20 twenty /'twenti/ Word List Word List 10 Colours black /bleck/ blue /biu:/ brown /braun/ green /gritn! grey /gre/ orange /'nrind3/ pink /pik/ red /red/ yellow /‘jelau/ white /wart/ 11 Months of the year January /*d3aenjuori/ February /februari/ March /ma:t{/ April /eipral/ May /mei/ June /dgurn/ July /dgo'la/ August /'o:gast/ September /sep'temba/ October /nk'taubay November /nau'vembay December /dt'semba/ 12 Days of the week Monday /‘mandei/ Tuesday /'tjurzdei/ Wednesday /wenzdew/ Thursday /Os:zder/ Friday /"Fraidei/ Saturday /‘swetader/ Sunday /'sander/ Word List 13 The weather cloudy /'klaudi/ cold ‘kauld/ foggy /'fogi/ hot /hot? vain /rein/ snow /snau/ sunny /'sani/ windy /windi/ 14 A house bathroom /'ba:6ru:m/ bedroom /'bedru:m/ dining room /'dainin ,rurm/ door /dor'/ floor /Floz/ garden /'ga:dan/ (US = yard) hall /ha:l/ kitchen /kitfin/ letterbox /letaboks/ living room /*hvig ruzm/ roof /rurff stairs /stearz/ wall /wo:l/ window /‘windau/ Word List 15 Living room armchair /‘a:m,tfea/ CD player /,sitdi 'plera/ curtains /'ks:tonz/ cushions /'kufanz/ light Natt? picture /prktfoy rug /rag/ shelf /felt/ (plural = shelves) sofa /'saufal table /'terbl/ TV /,tis'vit/ (also television) video /'vidiau/ 16 Kitchen bowl /baul/ cooker /'kuka‘/ (US = stove) cup /kap/ cupboard /"kabad/ fork /fork/ fridge /frids/ glass /gla:s/ knife /narf/ (plural = knives} microwave /'markrauwetv/ pan /pan/ plate /plert/ sink /smk/ spoon /spuzn/ washing machine *wofiy ma, fizn/ 17 Bathroom basin /“beisan/ (US = sink) bath /ba:6/ (US = bathtub) mirror /‘mira/ Word List shampoo /Joem'pur! shower /'faua'l soap /saup/ toilet Mtoulit/ toilet paper /'torlit ,peipo? toothbrush /tu:Obra/ toothpaste /'tu:Operst/ towel /taual/ 18 Bedroom alarm clock /a'laim kiok/ bed fbed/ chest of drawers /,tfest av 'dra:z/ (US = bureau) duvet /'duzver/ (US = comforter) lamp /emp/ pillow /*pilau/ sheet /fizt/ wardrobe /'waidraub/ (US = closet) 19 Travel bike /bark/ (also bicycle) boat /baut/ bus /bas/ car /kax/ helicopter /helikopta? motorbike /‘mavtabatk/ plane /plein/ (also aeroplane; US = airplane) taxi /teecksi/ uain /trem/ tram /trem/ underground /andagraund/ (US = subway) Word List 20 In the town bank /beenk/ cinema /'sinamo/ (US = movie theater) garage /'gerar3/ hospital /hospitel/ library /labrarif police station /pa'lis ,sterfan/ post office /paust ,pfis/ railway station /retlwer ,stetfan/ restaurant /‘restaront/ shop /fop/ supermarket /su:pamazkit/ tourist information office /*tuarist infa'merfan ,pfts/ 21 Jobs doctor /'dokta/ engineer /end3r'nioY farmer /fa:may/ firefighter /‘farafattaY (also fireman) hairdresser /‘heo,dresay/ lawyer loro mechanic /mi'kemk/ nurse /na:s/ police officer /pa'lizs ,pftsa? (also policeman/policewoman) secretary /'sekrat,ri/ teacher /tistfay waiter /‘weitad (female waiter = waitress) 22 Free time doing aerobics /,durn ea'raubiks/ cooking /'kokip/ eating ont /,i:tin ‘aut/ going for a run /,gauin far a ‘ran/ going for walks /,gauiy fa 'wo:ks/ [ee Word List going to the cinema /,gavin ta da 'sinamo/ (US = going to the movies) liscening to music /,lisoniy ta 'mjurztk/ playing the piano /,pleny da pi'aenav/ reading /rizdip/ watching TV /,wot 1g ti:!vir/ 23 Sports American football /o,merikan ‘fatbo:l/ (US = football) baseball /‘bersba:l/ basketball /ba:skttbo:l/ cycling /'sarklin/ football /'futba:l/ (US = soccer) golf /golf/ rugby /raghi/ skiing /'skiug/ swimming /'swimin/ table tennis /'terbl ,tenis/ tennis /'tents/ volleyball /'vpliba:l/ 24 Animals bird /ba:d/ cat /keat! chicken /'tfikin/ cow /kau/ dog /dog/ duck /dak/ fish /fif/ (plural = fish) horse /hois/ mouse /maus/ (plural = mice) pig /pig rabbit /‘reebrt/ sheep /Ji:p/ (plural = sheep) Word List 25 Food and drink beer /bia/ bread /bred/ coffee /'kofi/ fish /fi? fruit ffrust/ meat /mizt/ milk /milk/ orange juice /orinds ,dsuis/ pasta /'paesta/ rice /rats/ tea /tis/ vegetables /'vedstablz/ water /'worta/ wine /wain/ 26 Food and menus biscuits /biskits/ (US = cookies) cake /kerk/ chips /tftps/ (US = French fries) chocolate /'tfokalat/ crisps /krisps/ (US = chips) hamburger /‘hem,baigo/ hot dog /‘hyt ,dog/ ice cream /,ais 'krizm/ pizza 'pi:tsa/ sandwich /'senwid3/ 27 Everyday verbs drink /drigk/ (past tense drank; past participle drunk) eat /ixt/ (past terse ate; past participle eaten) listen /san/ play /plei/ read /rizd/ (past reuse & past participle read) sleep /slizp/ (past tense & past participle slept) speak /spitk/ (past tense spoke; past participle spoken) study /'stadi/ talk /tork/ wash /wof! watch /wot/ wear /wea (past feuse wore; past participle worn) work /wark/ write /rait/ (past terse wrote; past participle written) 28 Verbs of movement climb /klaim/ dance /da:nts/ drive /drarv/ (past tense drove; past participle driven) fall /fail/ (past tense fell; past participle fallen) jump /d3amp/ Kick /ktk/ ride /raid/ (past tense rode; past participle ridden) run /ran/ (past tense ran; past participle run) sit /sit/ (past tense & past participle sat) stand /steend/ (past tense & past participle stood) swim /swim/(past terse swam; past participle swum) walk /work/ Word List Word List 29 Daily routine get dressed /,get ‘drest/ get undressed /,get an'drest/ get up /,get ‘ap/ go home /,gav ‘haum/ go to bed /,gau ta 'bed/ go to sleep /,gau ta 'slizp/ go to work /,gau ta 'wark/ have a shower /,haev a 'fauat have breakfast /heev 'brekfast/ have lunch /,hav '‘lant{/ make dinner /,metk ‘dina wake up werk ‘api 30 Hello, Goodbye, etc. Excuse me / sk jus mis! Fine, thank you. /'famn ,Qzegk jus! Goodbye /gud'bat/ Good morning /gud 'mainin/ Good night /gud ‘nart/ Hello /hel'au/ Hi /hai/ (informal) How are you? /,ha ! How do you do? /,hau dja ‘du:/ (formal) ‘Yes, please /"jes ,plizz/ Sorry /'sori/ Thank you /'Oenk ju! You're welcome /jar 'welkam/

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